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Wilful imaginings

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Merryl Wyn Davies shows how Orientalism feeds both Islamophobia and Muslim fundamentalism. How does a nice, sensible Welsh girl like you end up joining a religion o !ili"an" unda!en"alis"s who suppress wo!en#$ In"er%iewers ha%e endlessly asked !e "his &ues"ion' (he &ues"ion is predica"ed on "he proposi"ion "ha" nice and sensible people do no" beco!e )usli!s, and by i!plica"ion "here ore "ha" no )usli! is ei"her nice or sensible' (he lack o niceness or reason is pro%ed by "he second asser"ion* )usli!s in "o"ali"y, and presu!ably by "heir na"ure, are !ili"an"' )ili"ancy is synony!ous wi"h "he dread word unda!en"alis" "ha" clearly needs no de ini"ion' (he logical conse&uence o !ili"an" unda!en"alis! is "he sel + e%iden" obser%a"ion "ha" all )usli!s suppress wo!en' In "he percep"ion o "he in"er%iewer "hese "er!s belong "oge"her* because Isla! o ers no al"erna"i%e, beco!e a )usli! and "ha" is wha" you ge"' , course, in"er%iewers o "en play de%il$s ad%oca"e asking aggressi%e &ues"ions "o s"i!ula"e robus" rebu""al' In which case, "hey !us" be aware o "he possibili"y o an al"erna"i%e %iew' So why does i" ne%er occur "o "he! "ha" de%ilishly reduc"i%e s"ereo"ypes ac"ually i!pede and o "en preclude sensible discussion o "he al"erna"i%e %iew' -ei"her "he con%en"ional &ues"ions nor "he ro"e answers "hey are designed "o elici" describe or help anyone unders"and who I a!, "he world I inhabi", how I know and unders"and Isla!, and "he condi"ion o being a )usli!' Why has "his &ues"ion, and %aria"ions on i"s "he!es, beco!e "he essen"ial nor!, "he se" e.a!ina"ion "o which a )usli!$s"ence !us" be subjec"ed# (he answer is ,rien"alis!, "he "radi"ion and scholarship by which Wes"ern ci%ili/a"ion por"rays and percei%es Isla! and )usli!s' 0igh" ro! i"s incep"ion, Isla! was percei%ed and represen"ed in Europe in a par"icular way' ,ne can begin wi"h "he pole!ics o 1ohn o 2a!ascus c344 52 and !o%e orward "o "he produc"ion o propaganda and popular li"era"ure produced "o s"i!ula"e, e.plain and jus"i y "he cen"uries long projec" known as "he 6rusades' (he 6rusades were a se!inal projec" or "he repossession o "he Holy 7and by Wes"ern 6hris"endo!' I" re&uired a ra"ionale "o e.plain why "he )usli! rulers and popula"ion o "ha" region were illegi"i!a"e and un i" occupan"s o "he place where 6hris" had walked on Ear"h' (he basic represen"a"ion o )usli!s "ha" e!erged was o !ili"an", barbaric ana"ics, corrup", e e"e sensualis"s, people who li%ed con"rary "o "he na"ural law 8 a concep" de ined by canon laws and philosophy o 6hris"iani"y' E%en when )usli!s were por"rayed in popular !edie%al li"era"ure as e&ui%alen"s o knigh"ly Wes"ern coun"erpar"s, "hey were co!ple"ely ,"her because "hey were beyond "he pale o 6hris"iani"y, addic"ed "o wrong religion which "hey persis"ed in passiona"ely belie%ing' (he ailings o )usli!s s"e!!ed ro! "heir belie s' Wha" !edie%al Europe !ade o Isla! and )usli!s has been described by 9ri"ish his"orian -or!an 2aniels as knowledgeable ignorance$, de ining a "hing as so!e"hing i" could no" possibly be, when "he !eans "o know i" di eren"ly were a%ailable'

(he essen"ial ea"ures o "he !edie%al represen"a"ion o Isla! and )usli!s ound a new lease o li e wi"h "he rise o "he ,""o!an E!pire' 5 "er "he :all o 6ons"an"inople in ;453 "he ,""o!ansbeca!e a new "hrea" on "he borders o Europe, a con"inen" increasingly aware "ha" i" was he!!ed in and cu" o ro! "he riches o "he world by )usli! "erri"ory and power' English philosopher :rancis 9acon described "he ,""o!ans as "he presen" "error o "he world$' Wha" Europe calls "he 5ge o 2isco%ery$, when i" e.plored and began "o es"ablish i"s coloni/ing presence around "he globe, was an e.ercise "o circu!%en" i"s dependence on )usli! lands' I" brough" Europeans in"o closer con"ac" wi"h and e%en"ual con"rol o )usli! lands' )edie%al ideas abou" Isla! and )usli!s go" a new lease o li e during "he colonial period when "hey were used as jus"i ica"ion or ruling and !anaging "he subjec" people' Such European disciplines as an"hropology, poli"ical science and de%elop!en" s"udies, as well as "he s"udy o non+Wes"ern ci%ili/a"ions such as Isla!, India and 6hina, e%ol%ed and de%eloped on "he "ene"s o ,rien"alis!' I" is "he li"erary con%en"ion o !uch o "he ic"ional and "ra%el li"era"ure o Europe' (hus, ,rien"alis! is no" si!ply prejudice, i" is also knowledge' (he real proble! wi"h ,rien"alis! and "he au"hori"y i" gi%es "o Wes"ern e.per"s on Isla! and )usli! a airs is no" "ha" i" is knowledge, bu" "ha" i" is knowledge "ha" does no" apprecia"e i" is wrong' (he au"hori"y o ,rien"alis! is "ha" i" !akes )usli!s inco!prehensible ye" predic"able' 5nd i"s persis"ence in his"ory and !odern "i!es !eans "ha" Isla! and "he Wes" ha%e been engaged in a clash o ci%ili/a"ions since <rophe" )uha!!ad began preaching his )essage' Is "oday$s war on "erroris!$ "he prelude "o a clash o ci%ili/a"ions# (he &ues"ion is in e%ery newspaper and !aga/ine' I" did no" need "he righ"+wing 5!erican poli"ical scien"is" Sa!uel Hun"ingdon "o de%ise "he &ues"ion= "he idea has ne%er ac"ually gone away' (here is a sense in which ,sa!a bin 7aden is u""erly predic"able, since he e!bodies so !any o "he essen"ial de"ails o "he "i!e+honoured i!age o wha" "he Wes" e.pec"s ro! a )usli! iconoclas" in ideas, rhe"oric and ac"ion'

Fear and discomfort

(he au"hori"y o ,rien"alis! as knowledge has i!!ense prac"ical conse&uences' I" s"ruc"ures "he learned books as well as "he popular press, i" inds i"s ou"le"s in plas"erboard !o%ie %illains as well as s"ra"egic poli"ical "hinking' 9u" !os" o all i" inhibi"s, cons"rains and pro%ides an edge o ear and disco! or" in "he rela"ions be"ween ordinary people, "he non+ )usli! and )usli! popula"ions o Wes"ern na"ions' 0acis! and discri!ina"ion in "owns and ci"ies across Europe and -or"h 5!erica" no" only in "he a""i"udes and ac"ions o an obno.ious e."re!e ringe* "hey can be i!plici" in "he co!!onplace a""i"udes and in or!a"ion o well+ !eaning and well+in"en"ioned nice, sensible people' 9u" in recen" years ,rien"alis! has beco!e an e%en grea"er proble!' I" has beco!e "he scapegoa", "he shield and sword o )usli!s "he!sel%es' 5!ong )usli!s "he"ence o ,rien"alis! has beco!e "he jus"i ica"ion or e%ery sense o grie%ance, a source o encourage!en" or nos"algic ro!an"icis! abou" "he per ec"ions o )usli! ci%ili/a"ion in his"ory and hence a recrui"ing agen" or a wide %arie"y o Isla!ic !o%e!en"s' I" has genera"ed a sense o e.clusi%i"y, o being apar" and di eren" wi"hin )usli! co!!uni"ies and socie"ies "ha" has no preceden" ei"her in Isla! as religion or )usli! his"ory' 9ecause ,rien"alis!, or i"s la"es" bu// word Isla!ophobia, has been de!ons"ra"ed "o", "hen, ro! "he )usli! perspec"i%e, by de ini"ion "ha" which is o ended agains" !us" be

de ended' (ha" which is "he subjec" o discri!ina"ion, prejudice, oppression and all !anner o wrongs is "hereby es"ablished as bo"h innocen" and good, no !a""er wha" i"s ac"ual i!per ec"ions in prac"ice' (he !os" sub"le and or )usli!s perilous conse&uence o ,rien"alis! and Isla!ophobic ac"ions is "he silencing o sel +cri"icis! and "he slide in"o de ending "he inde ensible' )usli!s decline "o be openly cri"ical o ellow )usli!s, "heir ideas, ac"i%i"ies and rhe"oric in !i.ed co!pany, les" "his be seen as gi%ing aid and co! or" "o "he e."ensi%e orces o conde!na"ion' 9ro"herhood, ellow eeling, sis"erhood are genuine and au"hen"ic re o Isla!' 9u" Isla! is supre!ely a cri"ical, reasoning and e"hical ra!ework, a sys"e! o %alues applicable irs" and ore!os" "o )usli!s' Isla! canno", or ra"her ough" no" "o be !anipula"ed in"o !y ellow )usli! righ" or wrong$' (he"ence and increasing ocus on ,rien"alis! pro%ide "he per ec" ra"ionale or !odern )usli!s "o beco!e reac"i%e, addic"ed "o a cul"ure o co!plain" and bla!e "ha" ser%es only "o increase "he powerlessness, i!po"ence and rus"ra"ion o being a )usli!' 5r!ed wi"h "he con%ic"ion o being !isunders"ood, )usli!s bli"hely proceed "o !isunders"and "he!sel%es' (he sel +descrip"ion "ha" has beco!e co!!onplace a!ong )usli! groups, organi/a"ions and !o%e!en"s is no" a cri"ical agenda or addressing ac"ual proble!s bu" a projec"ion o per ec"ions "ha" !akes arri%ing a" a con"e!porary in"erpre"a"ion o how "o enac" and li%e by )usli! belie s and ideas al!os" i!possible' So, wha" we ha%e is no" a clash o ci%ili/a"ions bu" !u"ual co!plici"y in proli era"ing !u"ual inco!prehension' ,n bo"h sides, wil ul, de"er!ined, dis"or"ed, i!aginings and knowledgeable ignorance propels, uels and "hen jus"i ies aggression, oppression, dispossession and dehu!ani/a"ion o anyone who is no" us$' (he conse&uences are real, appalling hu!an su ering whe"her in <ales"ine or Israel, 9aghdad or -ew >ork or on "he s"ree"s o 9ri"ain'

Shared cultures
Wi"h "wo co!plici" sys"e!s o sel +jus"i ica"ion and sel + ul illing inco!prehension rein orcing "he di%ide, is "here any way orward# (here is' In "he roo" o an"ipa"hy, where di erence and dis"ance were !anu ac"ured, we can reco%er "he building blocks o a new sense o in"errela"ionship, co!pa"ibili"y and !u"ual enligh"ened in"eres"s' ,rien"alis! !akes )usli! ci%ili/a"ion "he dark al"er ego o European ci%ili/a"ion' )usli! ,cciden"alis! !akes "he Wes" "he dark, despoiling ne!esis o i"s con"e!porary"ence' 9o"h lea%e ou" an essen"ial de"ail' (here would be no Europe as we know i" wi"hou" Isla!, wi"hou" "he cons"an" in"erconnec"ion wi"h )usli! ci%ili/a"ion' 5nd "here is no )usli!"ence "oday or in "he u"ure "ha" can be concei%ed wi"hou" in"erconnec"ion wi"h "he Wes"' We ha%e "o go back "o his"ory and see how !uch Europe gained ro! "he knowledge and ideas in science, "echnology, philosophy, li"era"ure and cul"ure o )usli! ci%ili/a"ion' (here are "housands o words in English 8 such as algebra, /eni"h, alcohol 8 "ha" are rou"e !aps o "he posi"i%e con"ribu"ion )usli!s !ade "o European ways o li e' Indeed, Europe ac&uired

i"s crowning glory, liberal hu!anis!, ro! Isla!' Isla! "augh" Europe "he %ery idea o reason as well as how "o reason' )usli! "hinkers like ibn 0ushd, ibn Sina and al+Hay"ha!, who had "heir na!es 7a"ini/ed, beca!e in"egral par"s o "he rise o knowledge and "echnical progress in European li e' (his con"ribu"ion occurred and was possible because bo"h Isla! and "he Wes" had a co!!on con"e." and legacy ro! "he ?reco+0o!an world and bo"h, as !ono"heis"ic world%iews, had "o re%ise and cri"ically e%alua"e "he ideas o ?reek "hough"' 6hris"iani"y and Isla! share "he co!!on legacy o "he 5braha!ic "radi"ion' (here are %alues, precep"s and ideals, as dis"inc" ro! speci ic doc"rines, "ha" are co!!on "o bo"h or !arkedly si!ilar' (here is a re"elling o his"ory and ideas "o be under"aken' (he Wes" has "he "ask o learning "o "hink di eren"ly abou" where i" ca!e ro!' (he )usli! world !us" re"hink where i" is' I" needs "o learn how i" %alues* i"s !oral and e"hical i!pulses are no" a separa"e order bu" in"egral par" o "he co!!on concerns o con"e!porary hu!an dile!!as' )usli!s wan" sus"ainable i!pro%e!en", hu!an be""er!en", are concerned abou" where science is going, how "o sa%e "he Ear"h, how "o a""ain a jus", e&ui"able and inclusi%e social and poli"ical order' (o "hese co!!on concerns "hey bring a par"icular way o seeing proble!s, and no si!plis"ic de ini"i%e answers' (he "rouble wi"h hope ul al"erna"i%e s"ra"egies is "hey begin wi"h a change o !indse"' (hey can opera"e only i we are prepared "o unlearn, beco!e sel +cri"ical and conscious o "he alse cons"rain"s we ha%e "aken or nor!ali"y and au"hori"a"i%e knowledge, "ha" de or! our po"en"ial, di%er" us ro! "he !os" cons"ruc"i%e use o our insigh" and abili"ies' In shor" we ha%e "o ad!i" "o errors and re!edy wha" we ha%e go" wrong' (o do "ha" we ha%e "o be able "o e.plain oursel%es, !ake our deba"es no" predic"able bu" co!prehensible "o each o"her' Merryl Wyn Davies, wri"er and cul"ural cri"ic, is au"hor o Introducing Anthropology and o"her books'

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