Ict Terminology

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Unit 1 - Activity 2: I.C.T. Terminology (dsbn.elearningontario.ca) Technology To Go: The vol!tion o" #obile Comm!nication #obile com$!

ting a device is portable and capable of wireless communication. These wireless transmissions can be through satellite uplink, radio frequency, or even laser, but the most effective and modern method is through a Wireless Fidelity (WiFi network. %i&i allows mobile computing devices to connect through a Wireless !ccess "oint (W!" %A' passes data along to the internet or local network. '(A "#!s are handheld devices originally developed for the managing of phone numbers and appointments, but are gradually becoming a mini version of the notebook computer. %hy are mobile com$!ting devices so $o$!lar) $obile computing devices are so popular because they are very convenient. They are small and lightweight, can send and receive email and documents, and can look up anything from maps and addresses to movie show times on the internet. They connect people to internet and each other. *ending lectronic #ail %hat are some o" the di""erence+advantages+disadvantages bet,een ,eb-based email and an email so"t,are that can be installed on yo!r com$!ter) Web%based email allows you to visit a particular webpage from any location, enter in a login and password, and access your email online. The main advantage of webmail is its convenience. #isadvantages include limited storage, limited speed of use, and the necessity to be online to read mail. -et,or.s /A- ! &ocal !rea 'etwork (&!' is potentially the smallest. &!'s are usually confined to one area. Intranet potentially larger than a &!'. !n intranet is a private, walled%off section of a computer network. %A- Wide !rea 'etworks are the largest type of network. They can have many computers located in different buildings, cities, or even countries. Internet is an enormous network of somewhere between ()* and )** million computers. %%% World Wide Web is the part of the internet that contains viewable content such as webpages. %eb$age a single web document containing te+t, links, pictures, and other multimedia. %ebsite a collection of webpages, usually maintained by the same person or organi,ation. %eb 0ro,ser Web browsers are software applications that transform information from the internet into webpages that you can view on your own computer.

-ere are some items (numbered from the picture above that are common to web browsers.

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/ack Forward

This will take you to the previous page you3ve visited. 5f you3ve gone back to a previous page, i.e., with the /ack button, this will bring you forward again to the page you were using. This will stop any data from downloading from a webpage, i.e., if it is taking too long to load, or if you visited the page by mistake. 5f data on a page is changing over time, hit refresh to load a fresh version of that page. 8eturn to your homepage. This is the default page that your browser shows whenever you load it. This opens up your list of bookmarks. (Website addresses that you3ve saved so that you can visit them later .

0eyboard 1hortcut !&T%left !&T%right 6sc F) or 9T8&%8 9T8&%-ome <aries according to browser




Favourites (;ften called bookmarks


>8& This is the >niform 8esource &ocator (>8& of the webpage that is currently being visited. >8& basically means. web page address. !ny page on the World Wide Web needs a unique >8& so that a browser can find it on the internet. -TT" !lmost all >8&s will start with -TT".??www. -TT" stands for -yperTe+t Transfer "rotocol, which is a set of rules that allows your own computer to ask for webpages from other computers on the internet. WWW, as we3ve already learned, stands for World Wide Web. 5n other words, virtually every time you look at a web page, your browser is using -TT" to view the WWW. The rest of the >8& tells you what specific page you3re looking at.

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The address bar &inks

Type the >8& that you want to visit here, and then press enter. &inks are typically underlined and?or a different colour than regular te+t. 5f you click on a link, your browser will take you to a new webpage indicated by that link.

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