RVS Certificate in Advanced Business Analytics and Data Science Using SAS and R

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Module 1 : Introduction to Analytics Using SAS Topics What is Analytics ?

SAS - Getting Started SAS Data Management - 1 SAS Data Management -2 Basic Summarizing tasks in SAS ODS Graphics in SAS Data sets in SAS Data Visualization 1 Exporting Data Data Visualization 2 Total Time Module 2 : SAS Macros and SQL Topics Basic Queries 1 Basic Queries 2 SQL Joins Subqueries Set Operators Tables and Views Advanced Proc SQL Introduction to Macros and Macro Variables Definitions and Interfaces Macro Programs Total Time Time 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 15 Time 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10

Module 3 : Introduction to R Topics Introduction to R Creating Datasets Basics of Graphing in R Basic Data Management Advanced Data Management More Graphs Total Time Time 1 2 1 2 2 2 10

Module 4 :Basics of Statistics Topics Time

Mean , Median , Mode , Variance , Standard Deviation Skewness, Kurtosis , Normal Distribution Sampling Concepts 1 Sampling Concepts 2 T-tests F-tests Chi-Square Total Time

1 1 1 1 2 2 2 10

Module 5 : Statistics using SAS Topics Descriptive Statistics - Continous and Categorical Variables Bivariate Associations One Sample Tests Two Sample Tests Comparing more than 2 means Correlation and Regression Multiple Regression Categorical Data Logistic Regression Macro Programming 3 Total Time Time 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10

Module 6: Statistics using R Topics Normality and Statistical Modeling ttest, ftest and ANOVA Data Visualization in R Simple Linear Regression Multiple Regression Logistic Regression Factor Analysis ANCOVA, MANOVA and MANCOVA Non Parametric Models Understanding Interactions Total Time Time 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 20

Module 7 : Case Studies using SAS Topics Applied Logisitc Regression 1 Time 2

Applied Logistic Regression 2 Segmentation 1 Segmentation 2 Customer Life Time Value Models 1 Customer Life Time Value Models 2 Decision Trees using SAS Enterprise Miner 1 Decision Trees using SAS Enterprise Miner 2 Clustering using Enterprise Miner 1 Clustering using Enterprise Miner 2 HR Analytics Health Care Analytics Total Time

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 25

Module 8: Case Studies using R Topics Survery Analytics 1 Survey Analytics 2 Text Analytics 1 Text Analytics 2 Customer Life Time Value Models 1 Customer Life Time Value Models 2 Risk Analytics using Excel 1 Risk Analytics using Excel 2 Survival Analysis 1 Survival Analysis 2 Total Time Time 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 20

Detailed Industry Ready Program - Basics to Advanced Analytics - 100 hrs Includes training to three international certifications in SAS - Base, Advanced and Statistical Business Analyst Hands-on Experience in leading analytics softwares - R and SAS A complete hands-on training , with real life examples and case studies Exhaustive world standard training material distributed to all participants Extra problems, quizzes and hands-on for each and every lesson in every single module Expert faculty with industry experience and corporate training experience in SAS and Analytics Guidance to complete a comprehensive project in SAS / R Assured Placement Assistance to all participants Certificate of Merit for all excelling participants Life Long Access to SAS Software on laptop ( min GB Ram , 64 bit PC , 50 GB free space is mandatory ) Opportunity to work on real life projects Course Fees : Rs.47,500

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