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Tarmac still the most popular in the world written by: heminjie4 Tarmac still the most popular

in the world In 1901 Edgar Purnell Hooley patented a type o road sur acing material called Tarmacadam which is popularly !nown as tarmac" Tar and aggregate are mi#ed prior to lying down and the mi#ture is compacted by using a steam roller" This became a popular choice or the road a ter motorcar started using the roads" Tarmac is used to build roads and dri$eways" %lthough now bitmac is used but tarmac remains a popular choice is some part o the world" It is considered as the most popular and cheapest methods o dri$eway sur acing" %lthough tarmac can be laid by hand it is best to use machine" The main issue with tarmac is that is prone to damage and can be easily damaged by water and substances li!e motor oil& diesel uel& !erosene and gasoline" %s it is petroleum based the abo$e substances causes' irre$ersible damage to tarmac dri$es" %s such proper drainage acility is re(uired so that water is not le t on the tarmac or too long thus limiting the damage" )or ma!ing a tarmac dri$es irst the dri$eway has to be e#ca$ated" Then to ill it up stone has to be used" *e#t the tarmac has to be mi#ed with oil and then heated in a drum" It has to be constantly stirred to a$oid it rom stic!ing" +sing a sho$el the tarmac can be spread and then using a roller can be compacted" )inally to ma!e the tarmac e#tra durable Picscoat can be used" I the right amount o Picscoat is used it becomes more durable" ,enerally a - liter unit will co$er an area between 10 and 1m" Then again people can always be hired to do the tas! and a team o around our men would be re(uired or this job" .hen hiring people always be e#tra care ul" There are always shady contractors and i they are hired cost will balloon and the wor! won't be done properly" /o it's $ery important to do e#tensi$e research be ore hiring anyone to do this !ind o wor!" 0etter sa e than sorry" There are lot o di erent tarmac which can be used to create a tarmac dri$es" 1any people uses tarmac to create paths through garden" /pecial care needs to be ta!en when tarmac is used or this purpose" %s not laying the tarmac properly it might crac! and lead to moss growth" This causes the sur ace to become slippery and accidents can occur while wal!ing on the sur ace" In order to remo$e moss rom the tarmac dri$es& at irst the sur aced has to be cleaned by brushing and then treating the sur ace with an anti2moss agent such as 0ati ace" This is especially help ul during winter as the sur ace becomes e#tra slippery during this time" %lso by spraying anti2moss product such as 0atimoss 34 moss growth on the sur ace can be discouraged" %ll in all tarmac which being used rom 1901 and a ter a century o use is still the popular choice or people around the world" I used properly it can be used to build sturdy tarmac dri$es and at a ordable price"

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