Advanced Computer Graphics

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ABBSOFT COMPUTERS Advanced Computer Graphics

Part A- Q1-Q40- [1 mark each] Part B- Q41-Q60- [2 marks each] Part C- Q6-Q75[4 marks each]

Q: 1-

Computer graphics is a _________ a ! !i"ersi#ie! tech o$og%& a' Simp$e c' Both a a ! ( (' Comp$e) !' *o e o# the a(o"e

Q: +-

E ! pro!uct o# computer graphics is _________& a' Photo c' Mo"ie (' Picture !' *o e o# the a(o"e

Q: ,-

The ____ is the #u !ame ta$ cohesi"e co cept i computer graphics& a' Picture c' Mo"ie (' Photo !' A$$ o# the a(o"e

Q: --

Pictures are represe te! i _________ a' Computer architecture c' Computer graphics (' Computer orga i.atio !' A$$ o# the a(o"e

Q: /-

________ 0ith the picture is accomp$ishe! a' 1teratio c' 1 teractio (' Reactio !' A$$ o# the a(o"e

Q: 2-

Pictures are prepare! #or_______ a' Prese tatio c' Pro"ocatio (' Preparatio !' *o e o# the a(o"e

Q: 3-

The mo!er graphics !isp$a% is _________ i co structio & a' 4i##icu$t c' E)treme$% Simp$e (' Simp$e !' *o e o# the a(o"e

Q: 5-

Mo!er graphics co sists o# ______ compo e ts a' 1 c' , (' + !' -


_______ is a graphica$ compo e t a' 4igita$ memor% c' 4isp$a% co tro$$er (' Te$e"isio mo itor !' A$$ o# the a(o"e

Q: 17-

The image must (e passe! repeate!$% to the mo itor ________ a seco !s& a' ,7 c' 9,7 1 (' 8,7 !' Seco !s&

ABBSOFT COMPUTERS Q: 11um(ers& 1 si!e the #rame (u##er the image is store! as a patter o# ______ !igita$ a' Octa$ c' :e)a!ecima$ Q: 1+;e 0ish to store o $% _____ images a' Co$ore! c' Both a a ! ( Q: 1,(' B$ac< a ! 0hite !' *o e o# the a(o"e (' Bi ar% !' 4ecima$

12=12 arra% o# ($ac< a ! 0hite pi)e$s cou$! (e represe te! (% the (i ar% "a$ues store! i the ______ (%tes& a' 12-5 (it c' ,+-5 (it (' 5-5 (it !' 2--5 (it

Q: 1--

The __ simp$% rea!s each successi"e (%te o# !ata #rom the #rame (u##er& a' 4igita$ co tro$$er c' 4isp$a% co tro$$er (' 4ata co tro$$er !' A$$ o# the a(o"e

Q: 1/-

The !isp$a% co tro$$er co "erts 7>s ? 1>s i to correspo !i g________& a' Au!io Sig a$ c' A a$og sig a$ (' 4igita$ sig a$ !' @i!eo sig a$

Q: 12-

The cha ge the !isp$a%e! pictureA a$$ 0e ee! to !o is mo!i#% the _________ to represe t the e0 patter o# pi)e$s& a' @i!eo Sig a$ c' Au!io sig a$ (' 4igita$ Sig a$ !' 4igita$ sig a$

Q: 13-

CRT sta !s #or a' Catho!e Ra% tu(e c' Co "erte! Ra% Tu(e (' Co$ore! Ra% tu(e !' A$$ o# the a(o"e

Q: 15-

___ are use! i commo te$e"isio sets& a' Ra !om sca CRT (' Raster sca CRT (' RBB-CRT !' *o e o# the a(o"e

Q: 16-

The most commo $% use! ________ !e"ices is the CRT& a' 1 put c' Storage (' Output !' *o e o# the a(o"e

Q: +7-

The maCor Compo e ts o# CRT is a' E$ectro gu + (' Phosphorous coate! scree

ABBSOFT COMPUTERS (' Co tro$ e$ectro!es !' 4e#$ectio %o<e #' A$$ o# the a(o"e Q: +1________ causes e$ectio s to co gregate at the e ! o# e$ectro gum& a' :eater c' Both a a ! ( Q: ++(' Catho!e !' *o e o# the a(o"e

The e$ectro are acce$erate! (% _______ o# a e$ectric #ie$!& a' Associatio c' Argume tatio s (' App$icatio !' *o e o# the a(o"e

Q: +,-

_________ use! to regu$ate the #$o0 o# e$ectio s i CRT& a' E$ectro gu c' Co tro$ e$ectro!e (' Focusi g e$ectro!e !' A$$ o# the a(o"e ecte! to _______& (' Amp$i#ies !' *o e o# the a(o"e

Q: +--

Co tro$ e$ectro!e is co a' Repeater (' Both a a ! (

Q: +/-

A Focusi g e$ectro!e #ocuses the e$ectro s i a arro0 (eam (% e)erti g _____ #orce o the e$ectro s i the e$ectro (eam& a' Mag etic #ie$! c' Mag etic #ie$! (' E$ectrostatic #ie$! !' A$$ o# the a(o"e

Q: +2-

______ is use! to co tro$ the !irectio o# e$ectro (eam i CRT& a' Phosphorous coate! scree c' Co tro$ E$ectro!e (' Focusi g e$ectro!e !' 4e#$ectio %o<e

Q: +3-

There is a ____ coati g o the i si!e #ro t o# e"er% CRT& a' *itroge c' :%!roge (' Phosphorous !' A$$ o# the a(o"e

Q: +5The g$o0 gi"e o## (% theA phosphor !uri g e)posure o# the e$ectro (eam is < o0 as & a' F$uoresce ce c' Persiste ce Q: +6(' Phosphoresce ce !' A$$ o# the a(o"e

The co ti ui g g$o0 gi"e o## a#ter the (eam is remo"e! is < o0 as& a' F$uoresce ce c' Persiste ce (' Phosphoresce ce !' A$$ o# the a(o"e

Q: ,7-

A phosphor 0i$$ o $o ger (e #$uoresce t it is sai! to (e_________ a' Bur e! , (' Burie!

ABBSOFT COMPUTERS c' Bro0 e! Q: ,1Raster is a s% o %m #or the term_______& a' Arra% c' Mo!e$ Q: ,+(' Matri) !' A$$ o# the a(o"e !' A$$ o# the a(o"e

The rate at 0hich the e$ectro (eam seams the sur#ace o# the CRT is o#te !irect$% re$ate! to the #reDue c% o# the _____ @o$tage& a' B$o(a$ $i e c' Eoca$ $i e (' Static $i e !' A$$ o# the a(o"e

Q: ,,-

1 1 !ia ________ c%c$e $i e "o$tage is use!& a' -7 c' ,7 (' /7 !' 57

Q: ,--

Each time the e$ectio (eam goes through a comp$ete c%c$e o# raster or sca $i esA the CRT is sai! to (e& a' Re#reshe! c' Retrie"e! (' F$ic<ere! !' *o e o# the a(o"e

Q: ,/-

The perceptua$ thresho$! is greater tha the #reDue c% o# sta !ar! $i e "o$tage a tech iDue Ca$$e! ___ is o#te use!& a' 1 ter$ea"i g c' 1 ter$aci g (' 1 ter0ea"i g !' A$$ o# the a(o"e

Q: ,2-

Re#resh rate is sig i#ica t$% ___________ the phosphors persiste ce& a' Eo ger c' EDua$ to (' Sma$$er !' E)treme$% simp$e

Q: ,3-

A i ter$aci g is use! to _________ the raster F$i e c%c$e& a' Create c' E)it (' Brea< !' *o e o# the a(o"e

Q: ,5-

O"er sca o the !e#t is ca$$e! top ___ o"er sca a' @ertica$ c' 4iago a$ (' :ori.o ta$ !' *o e o# the a(o"e

Q: ,6-

O"er-sca o the $e#t is ca$$e! $e#t ____ o"er sca a' @ertica$ c' 4iago a$ (' :ori.o ta$ !' *o e o# the a(o"e

Q: -7-

Each time the e$ectio (eam sca s #rom $e#t to right it is a _______ mo!e -

ABBSOFT COMPUTERS a' Rea! (' E)ecute A s0ers: 1' ( 3' c 1,' c 16' ( +/' c ,1' ( ,3' ( (7 ;rite !' Ca ce$

+' ( 2' a 5' c 1+' ( 1-' c 15' c +7' # +-' ( +2' ! ,7' a ,+' c ,2' a ,5' a

,' a 6' ! 1/' ! +1' c +3' ( ,,' ( ,6' (

-' c 17' c 12' ( ++' ( +5' a ,-' a -7' (

/' c 11' c 13' a +,' c +6' ( ,/' c

-1' The Pi)e$ is the sma$$est piece o# the !isp$a% scree 0hich ca (e co tro$$e! (% setti g ___________ a ! _____________ a) Intensity, color (' E)te si"eA high (a !0i!th c' Positio A shape !' *o e o# the a(o"e -+' 1 teracti"e graphics permits ___________A __________ user computer i teractio & a' 1 te sit%A co$or b) Extensive, high bandwidth c' Positio A shape !' *o e o# the a(o"e -,' P:1BS ________________ supports este! hierarchica$ groupi g o# ,4 primiti"es ca$$e! _______________ a) Programmers ierarchical Interaction graphics system, structure! (' Porta($e :ierarchica$ 1 teractio graphics sta !ar!A segme t c' Para$$e$ :ierarchica$ 1 teractio graphics s%stemA structure& !' *o e o# the a(o"e& --' 4@ST __________ !isp$a% co$ors a ! are a"ai$a($e 0ith _________ $e"e$ o# $i e i te sit%& a) "ont, single (' 4oA si g$e c' 4oA !ou($e !' 4o >t !ou($e /

ABBSOFT COMPUTERS -/' The #irst graphics speci#icatio (e o##icia$$% sta !ar!i.e! 0as __________ A 0he this (ecame o##icia$ sta !ar! it 0as ca$$e! __________ a) G#$, P IG$ (' P:1BSA BGS c' 4@STA P:1BS !' BGSA 4@ST -2' _________ gu stores the picture patter ? the _ gu mai tai the picture !isp$a%& a' Primar%A seco !ar% (' F$oo!A (ou !ar% c) Primary, %lood !' *o e o# these -3' 1 CRTA (eam is mo"e! $e#t to right it is _____________- a ! 0he (eam is mo"e! #rom right to $e#tA it is ________________ a) &', &(( (' RasterA Ra !om c' O##A O !' A$$ o# the a(o"e -5' 1 Cartograph%A CB is use! to represe t _________--A 0eather mapsA ______ A co tour mapsA popu$atio !e sit% maps a ! so o & a) Geographic maps, oceanographic charts (' Pie chartsA (ar charts c' :ectographsA !iagram !' A$$ o# the a(o"e -6' ;ith ______ !% amics it is possi($e to cha ge shape ? 0ith ______ !% amicsA user ca mo"e ? tum($e o(Cects a' Motio A up!ate (' 4SPA CRT c) )pdate, motion !' *o e o# the a(o"e /7' 1 raster sca !isp$a%A graphic primiti"es are speci#ie! i term o# their ___________ ? must (e sca co "erte! i to their correspo !i g pi)e$ i the ______________& a) Endpt, %rame bu%%er (' startptA #rame (u##er c' #rame (u##erA e ! pt& !' #rame (u##erA start pt& /1' Braphics 0or<statio is the ________________ term #or a graphica$ !e"ice that ca !isp$a% graphica$ output or accept graphica$ i put or (oth& The graphics 0or<statio is a$0a%s supporte! 0ith _______________ a) G#$, $o%tware (' CRTA @i!eo port c' SP:1B:SA :ar!0are !' P:1B:SA So#t0are /+' 4isp$a% Processor is a$so ca$$e! _______________ or _______________ a) Graphic controller, display co*processor (' Braphic processorA !isp$a% co tro$$er c' Frame :a !$eA CPU mo!u$ar 2

ABBSOFT COMPUTERS !' *o e o# the a(o"e /,' Sca $i es are $a(e$e! #rom _____________A at the top o# the scree to __________(ottom& a) +, , (' HA I c' IAH !' 7A I /-' ;ith reso$utio o# 17+- ) 17+- A a #u$$ co$or J____- (it per pi)e$' RBB s%stem ee!A ______ MB o# storage #or #rame (u##er& a) -., / (' 12A c' +/2A 5 !' A$$ o# the a(o"e //' 1 co$or !isp$a%A ________ (it per pi)e$ are commo $% use! 0here 5 (its represe t __________ $e"e$s #or each co$or& a) -., -01 (' 2-A +/2 c' 12A 1+5 !' +-A 1+5 /2' 1t is ecessar% to rea! +- (its o# each pi)e$ #rom #rame (u##er& To a"oi! this "i!eo co tro$$er uses ______ to store ma % e tries o# pi)e$ "a$ue i __________ #ormat& a) 2)3, 4G5 (' Frame Bu##erA CHM c' CHMA EUT !' EUTA Frame Bu##er /3' To Pro"i!e #$ic<er #ree !isp$a%A the !isp$a% processor has to e)ecute its program ___ to ____ times per seco !& a) /,, 1, (' 27A 67 c' ,7A /7 !' -7A 27 /5' ;ith , (it per pi)e$ 0e ca accommo!ate __________ gra% $e"e$A 0hi$e 5 (it per pi)e$ 0ou$! gi"e us _____ sha!e o# gra%& a) 6, -01 (' +/2A 5 c' +- , !' 12A 17+/6' 1 "isua$i.atio a ! image processi g app$icatio __________ are co "e ie t mea s #or setti g ____________ so that a$$ pi)e$ "a$ues a(o"e or (e$o0 a speci#ie! thresho$!s ca (e set to same co$or& a' Co$or ta($eA co$or thresho$! (' Co$or thresho$!A co$or ta($e c' Co$or $oo<up ta($eA co$or i te sit% !' A$$ o# the a(o"e 27' _______________ Proce!ure speci#ies ho0 image are to (e mo!i#ie! ? co tro$ proce!ure speci#ies 0here the images are to (e ge erate!& 3

a) (' c' !'

ABBSOFT COMPUTERS $4GP 7 copy pixel , canvas SRBP F mo! pi)e$ A EUT SRBP F e!it pi)e$ A #rame (u##er A$$ o# the a(o"e Set + 1& Beographic maps +& @isua$ Co tro$ ,& Mathematica$ Mo!e$ -& Automatic (o!ies

21' Match the #o$$o0i g: Set 1 A& Simu$atio B& Cartograph% C& CA@ 4& User 1 ter#ace A--A B-+A C-1A 4-, A-1A B-+A C-,A 4-A*/, 5*8, C*., "*A-,A B-+A C--A 4-+ 2+' Match the #o$$o0i g: Set 1 A& User 1 ter#ace B& P$otter Braphics C& O##ice Automatio 4& Process Co tro$ A--A B-+A C-1A 4-, A*-, 5*/, C*., "*8 A-,A B-1A C--A 4-+ A-,A B-+A C--A 4-+

Set + 1& Remote co tro$ Room +& Mouse C$ic< ,& :istograms -& 4es<top pu($ishi g

2,' Match the #o$$o0i g: Set 1 A& App$icatio Mo!e$ B& App$icatio Program C& Braphic s%stem 4& Structure A*., 5*/, C*8, "*A-+A B-,A C--A 4-1 A-,A B-1A C--A 4-+ A-,A B-+A C--A 4-+ 2-' Match the #o$$o0i g: Set 1 A& Gi ! o# picture B& Ro$e o# picture C& T%pe o# 1 teractio 4& Pictoria$ Represe tatio A--A B-,A C-1A 4-+ A-+A B-,A C--A 4-1 A*-, 5*8, C*., "*/ A-,A B-+A C--A 4-+

Set + 1& Beometric !escriptio +& P:1BS ,& O(Cect attri(ute -& 4ata(ase

Set + 1& 4ra0i g +& S%m(o$ic ,& Co$or 1mage -& Co tro$$a($e

2/' A Primar% __________pro!uces ____________spee! e$ectro 0hich stri<e o the ___________ to !ra0 picture patter & The < oc<e! out e$ectro s are attracte! to0ar!s the __________& Gun, igh, storage grid, collector 5

ABBSOFT COMPUTERS Storage gri!A #$o0A gu A scree Segme tsA highA structuresA !isp$a% *o e o# the a(o"e 22' 1 the $ast 27>s __________ 0as i tro!uce! as !isp$a% tech o$og% 0hich ga"e a a$ter ati"e metho! o# scree ________& 1t uses __________ 0hich store the picture i #ormatio as a cha ge !istri(utio Cust (ehi ! the __________ coate! scree & "9$3, Image, $torage grid, Phosphor CRTA 1 te sit%A Storage Bu##erA Phosphor CORA RoasterA Storage Memor%A 1 terpo$ *o e o# these 23' ___________ !isp$a% ca pro!uce mathematica$$% smooth $i e o# cur"e! primiti"e o $% (% ________ the 0ith pi)e$ o gri!& 1ts cost is ___________ a ! it !isp$a% areas #i$$e! 0ith so$i! co$ors ? _____________& Ra !omA 1 terpo$ati gA Eo0A Patter 4aster, approximating, low, pattern Re"erseA i "erse$%A highA metho! *o e o# the a(o"e 25' BGS co sist o# CPUA !isp$a% processorA ________A ___________A __________ a ! _________& Memor%A !isp$a% !e"icesA recor!erA p$otter Ko%stic<A Ge%(oar!A $ight pe A sca er 5oth a : b *o e o# these 26' BGS ha"e a pro"isio to i ter#ace _________ ? _________-& The __________ ? _________ are the mai properties o# the graphics 0or<statio & 9ideo camera, 39, Color, si;e @i!eo car!A !e"icesA p$otterA $ight pe Memor% car!A !e"icesA p$otterA $ight pe *o e o# these 37' Match the #o$$o0i g co!es 0ith their correspo !i g co$ors: Set 1 Set + A& 771 1& He$$o0 B& 171 +& Re! C& 117 ,& Mage ta 4& 177 -& B$ue A*., 5*/, C*8, "*A-+A B-,A C--A 4-1 A-+A B-1A C--A 4-, A-,A B-+A C--A 4-+ 31' ;ith 2 (it per pi)e$A _________ (its ca (e use! #or each gu & This a$$o0s _________ !i##ere t i te sit% setti gs #or each o# , co$or gu s A ? tota$ o# _________ co$or "a$ue are a"ai$a($e #or each scree pi)e$& This mea s a!!i g (itLpi)e$ ________ the um(er o# choice o# co$or& -,.,1., increases 5A-A+//A i "erse$% -A+A,+A !ecease -A+A2-A !irect 6

ABBSOFT COMPUTERS 3+' 1 "i!eo mi)i g graphic image is set i to a ________ image ? mi)i g is accomp$ishe! 0ith ______ that treats !esig ate! pi)e$ "a$ue i _________ as #$ag to i !icate that "i!eo sig a$ shou$! (e sho0 i stea! o# sig a$ #rom the #rame (u##erA orma$$% the !esig ate! pi)e$ "a$ue correspo !i g to ________ co$or i# #rame (u##er image& 9ideo, hardware, %rame bu%%er, bac<ground Memor%A So#t0areA !ata (u##erA (ac< co$or @i!eoA et0or<A s%stem (u##erA grou ! *o e o# these 3,' 1 SRBP proce!ure the output pipe$i e the app$icatio program !escri(es the o(Cecti"e i terms o# ________ a ! ______ store! i or !escri(e! #rom app$icatio mo!e$ or __________& 1t pro"i!es___________ to graphic pac<age& Primitive, attributes, data structure, system Attri(uteA e tit%A re$atio A s%stem Re$atio A e tit%A attri(utes !ata *o e o# these 3-' Co si!er the $i e #orm J7A7' to J-A2'& Fi ! out the s$ope ? i (et0ee a$$ the poi ts ? $e gth& m=/>-, l=1, x8,y8=8!1,8!0, x-,y-=8!6,-!0 mM2A $M-L+A )1A%1M+&3A1&6A )+A%+M1&3A+&2 mM,L+A $M3A )1A%1M1&2A1&/A )+A%+M1&6A1&3 mM-A $M2A )1A%1M1&2A1&/A )+A%+M1&5A+&/ 3/' Fi ! out the poi ts (et0ee J7A7' to J-2A-2' ?*,!0, *,!0),?*8!0,*8!0)?*-!0,*-!0), ?*/!0, */!0) J7&/A 7&/'AJ1&/A1&/'J+&/A+&/'A J,&/A ,&/' J--&/A --&/'AJ-/&/A-/&/'J-2&/A-2&/'A J-2&7A -2&7' J-,&-A +&/'AJ-1&/A-+&/'J--&/A-/&/'A J-,&/A -&/'


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