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Model de contract vanzare cumparare in limba engleza 1. General Statement ..........................("SELLER"), located at..................,is engaged in the business of .................................

(" !"ER") is located at....................... !"ER and SELLER have reached this #$REEME%& for the sale of goods. 2. Sale !"ER agrees to purchase...........................(number or 'uantit( and t(pe or other means of determining the 'ualit( of the goods to be purchase) from SELLER pursuant to the terms of this #$REEME%&. 3. Delivery SELLER must deliver the goods described above in Section ) to !"ER at ....................................(specif( place and condition of deliver(, e.g. b( truc*, to.........) on or before................. +SELLER or !"ER, shall pa( the costs of delivering the goods. SELLER ma( deliver the goods to !"ER before.................(deliver( date) onl( if the !"ER agrees to the earlier date. -f the SELLER, due to his fault, dela(s the deliver( of the goods, he .ill pa( a fee of.../ of the value of the goods not delivered per da(, but not more than..../ of the value of the goods. #t the time and place of deliver(, the goods and the ris*s of o.nership pass to the !"ER. 4. Acceptance of Goods !"ER ma( re0ect an( goods upon deliver( that are damaged or defective. !"ER has ) da(s after deliver( to inspect the goods delivered to him to determine .hether the goods are damaged or defective. 1ithin ) da(s after deliver(, !"ER must give .ritten notice to the SELLER of his re0ection of an( goods. !"ER must return an( re0ected goods to the SELLER, and the SELLER must pa( the normal and usual costs associated .ith !"ER2s return of these goods. &he re0ection of some goods does not releive the !"ER of the obligation to pa( for goods that are not re0ected or other obligations under this #$REEME%&. 3nce !"ER has accepted the goods under this Section, he ma( not revo*e this acceptance at some later date. -f the damaged goods represent more than..../ of the .hole consignment, the !"ER is entitled to re0ect the .hole consignment. -f the !"ER returns the damaged goods to the SELLER, the SELLER must pa( for the deliver( e4penses. SELLER must, at his o.n e4pense, either replace an( damaged goods the !"ER has re0ected .ithin....da(s of the date of the !"ER2s re0ection or pa( to the !"ER an( mone( receive for the damaged goods .ithin....da(s of the date of the !"ER2s re0ection. -f the damaged goods represent less than..../ of the consignment, the !"ER .ill accept and pa( for the .hole consignment. 5. Warranties (This section is optional

&he Seller .arrants that the goods sold hereunder are in accordance .ith................ +standard 'ualit( of the same product as provided under Romanian la., or the 'ualit( standards set out in Section ),. &he Seller does not .arrant that the goods are suitable for an( particular purpose .hich falls be(ond the generall( admitted purposes of the respective goods. &he Seller .ill...........+replace5 provide a discount of..../ of the price5 remed( the defect, of an( defective good at his o.n ris* and e4pense, if the defect is not due to the !"ER or the !"ER2s customers, and if the defect is discovered no more than....+da(s, months, from the date of deliver(. !ntil the defective good is.................. +repaired, replaced, discounted,, !"ER .ill separate it from other goods at SELLER2s e4pense. &he !"ER .ill not grant to his customers more .arranties than the SELLER granted to the !"ER. !. "ayment !"ER .ill pa( purchase the goods described above in Section ) on............(date) at..............(location). !"ER .ill pa( SELLER in cash upon SELLER2s deliver( of the goods to the !"ER. SELLER ma( re'uire !"ER to pa( the purchase price in cash before the goods are delivered if in SELLER2 s opinion the !"ER2s financial condition ma*es such a prepa(ment necessar(. -f SELLER decides to re'uire such a prepa(ment, SELLER must notif( !"ER in .riting.....da(s before the prepa(ment must be made. -f the !"ER re0ects the prepament, the SELLER ma( notif( the !"ER that the #$REEME%& is terminated. 1ithin....da(s of an( re0ection of goods under Section 6, SELLER must return the purchase price for those goods to the !"ER. 7or an( dela( in pa(ment under this Section, the !"ER must pa( a penalt( of.... / of the sum o.ed per da( to the SELLER, but not more than..../ of the value o.ed. #. $ncrease in "rice (This section is optional -f the SELLER determines prior to deliver( that SELLER cannot deliver the goods for the price specified in Section 8 due to an increase in the costs of ra. materials, transportation, labor or energ(, SELLER shall have the right to increase the price of the goods in proportion to said increases, upon giving....da(s .ritten notice to the !"ER. !"ER must provide .ritten notice to SELLER stating .hether the increased price is acceptable .ithin....da(s of SELLER2s notification described above. -f !"ER does not respond to SELLER2 s .ritten notice, this failure .ill be construed as an acceptance of the price increase. -f !"ER re0ects the increased price, then this #$REEME%& is terminated, .ithout an( liabilit( incurred to the !"ER or the SELLER. %. A cceptance of Goods 3nce !"ER has accepted and paid for the goods, SELLER has no futher obligation under this #$REEME%& +e4cept as provided in Section 8, if included,. #s evidenced b( the signatures belo., !"ER and SELLER reached this #$REEME%& on.......9 ........ !"ER: (................... (%ame) SELLER: (................... (%ame)

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(position .ith ;ompan()

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