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1029/2011JB009048, 2012

The 7 September 2008 Vulcanian explosion at Stromboli volcano:

Multiparametric characterization of the event
and quantification of the ejecta
Sonia Calvari,1 Ralf Büttner,2 Antonio Cristaldi,1 Pierfrancesco Dellino,3
Flora Giudicepietro,4 Massimo Orazi,4 Rosario Peluso,4 Letizia Spampinato,1
Bernd Zimanowski,2 and Enzo Boschi1
Received 24 November 2011; revised 12 March 2012; accepted 16 March 2012; published 2 May 2012.
[1] On 7 September 2008 a major ash explosion occurred from the SW summit crater of
Stromboli volcano. This explosive event lasted 2 min and consisted of three discrete
eruptive pulses, forming an eruptive ash cloud 500–600 m high and 300 m wide,
rising with speed of 20–27 m s 1. The event was recorded by our camera and
seismic networks, as well as by two electric stations installed at a 500 m mean
distance from the SW crater. The electric signals recorded by the two stations during
this event were 106 times greater than signals recorded during the persistent
Strombolian activity, and the seismic trace had a bigger amplitude and a longer
duration. Camera image analysis allowed us to infer that a partial obstruction took
place at the SW crater three days before the explosive event, suggesting that a
constriction within the upper conduit could have likely led to magma overpressure.
Data analysis, combined with previous experimental investigations, revealed that the
higher energy output of the ash explosion, when compared to the persistent
Strombolian activity, resulted in a greater magma fragmentation and erupted mass.
Integration of the different parameters allowed us to classify the event as a Vulcanian
type, and electric signal analysis enabled retrieval of the total volume of erupted ash
and of the amounts of the juvenile, phreatomagmatic, and lithic components.
Citation: Calvari, S., R. Büttner, A. Cristaldi, P. Dellino, F. Giudicepietro, M. Orazi, R. Peluso, L. Spampinato, B. Zimanowski,
and E. Boschi (2012), The 7 September 2008 Vulcanian explosion at Stromboli volcano: Multiparametric characterization of the
event and quantification of the ejecta, J. Geophys. Res., 117, B05201, doi:10.1029/2011JB009048.

1. Introduction steady state supply from the source region during the last
two millennia [Rosi et al., 2000], combined with paucity of
[2] Stromboli is an island less than 4 km wide and 924 m
local tectonic earthquakes [Falsaperla and Spampinato,
high characterized by persistent, mild explosive activity
1999]. Only the number and size of vents and their temper-
from the summit craters, which are located at 750 m ele-
ature have varied with time, and this is apparently due to
vation within a depression 300 m long, 50 m wide, 50 to
changing magma level within the conduit [Calvari et al.,
100 m deep, and elongated toward NE-SW. The position of
2005a, 2005b; Burton et al., 2008]. Following Patrick
the summit craters has been remarkably constant over the
[2007] and Patrick et al. [2007], persistent explosions at
years [Washington, 1917], resulting probably from the Stromboli can generally be classified into two groups: the
normal Strombolian activity (or Type 1), and ash-rich
1 explosions (Type 2). The former are dominated by rhythmic
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, sezione di Catania
“Osservatorio Etneo” (INGV-OE), Catania, Italy. gas bubble bursts and in-flight ductile magma fragmentation
Physikalisch-Vulkanologisches Labor, Universitaet Wuerzburg, [Walker and Croasdale, 1971; Wright et al., 2007] that emit
Wuerzburg, Germany.
coarse ballistic particles, whereas the latter generate optically
CIRISIVU, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e Geoambientali, thick, ash-rich plumes with (Type 2a) or without (Type 2b)
Università di Bari, Bari, Italy.
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, sezione di Napoli
ballistic particles that can display plume rise rates covering
“Osservatorio Vesuviano” (INGV-OV), Napoli, Italy. both gas thrust (>15 m s 1) and buoyant (<15 m s 1) regimes
[Patrick, 2007].
Corresponding Author: S. Calvari, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e
Vulcanologia, sezione di Catania, Piazza Roma 2, I-95125 Catania, Italy.
[3] At a mean rate of twice per year until 2002, more
( powerful “major” explosions occur [Bertagnini et al., 1999;
Corsaro et al., 2005; Andronico et al., 2008; Landi et al.,
Copyright 2012 by the American Geophysical Union. 2008; Andronico and Pistolesi, 2010], with ejection of

B05201 1 of 17

Figure 1. (a) Location of the Aeolian Volcanic Arc (AVA) and Stromboli in Southern Italy. (b) Island of
Stromboli with the Sciara del Fuoco (SdF) depression and the position of the seismic stations (blue dots).
The area enlarged in Figure 1c is also located. (c) The NE-SW summit crater depression, with the location
of the SPI (Stromboli Infrared thermal camera at Il Pizzo) and SQV (Stromboli Visible camera at 400 m
elevation) cameras. (d) The position of the active vents within the crater terrace as could be seen from the
SPI camera located at Il Pizzo, where S area, C area and N area represent the SW, Central and NE craters,
as of August 2008. Figures 1a–1c are courtesy of M. Neri [modified after Neri and Lanzafame, 2009].

lithic and juvenile material well outside the crater terrace the gas-rich, low-porphyritic (LP) magma during paroxysms,
[Calvari and Pompilio, 2001]. Much more powerful explo- rising fast from 6–10 km depth. This is erupted commonly
sions, named “paroxysms,” occurred several times during during paroxysms, whereas only gas-poor, high-porphyritic
the last century [Rittmann, 1931; Barberi et al., 1993], and (HP) magma, residing in the upper part of the conduit, is
recently in 2003 and 2007 [Calvari et al., 2006; D’Auria normally erupted during major explosions [Métrich et al.,
et al., 2006; Rosi et al., 2006; Harris et al., 2008; 2005, 2010; Calvari et al., 2011]. Major explosions and
Calvari et al., 2010, 2011], often causing severe damage paroxysms also differ by the size of the eruptive column,
to the settled area. Compared to the general extent of which reaches a few hundred meters during major explo-
explosive events in volcanology, the scale of major explo- sions, and a few kilometers during paroxysms [e.g., Calvari
sions and paroxysms at Stromboli is quite small, and even in et al., 2006; Andronico et al., 2008; Harris et al., 2008;
the case of paroxysms the volume of erupted pyroclasts Andronico and Pistolesi, 2010; Calvari et al., 2010, 2011]. A
rarely exceeds 106 m3 [Bertagnini et al., 1999; Pistolesi et al., Vulcanian eruption style was recognized for the two most
2008]. However, given that the short distance between craters recent paroxysms at Stromboli in 2003 and 2007 [Calvari
and villages is less than 2 km, and that between craters and et al., 2006, 2010], based essentially on the high exit velocity
the Il Pizzo summit viewpoint is less than 300 m (Figure 1), of the eruption plume, on the size of the lithic components,
and considering the thousands of tourists climbing the and on the obstruction of the crater before the explosive event
summit of the island every month for at least 7 months per [Morrissey and Mastin, 2000; Formenti et al., 2003].
year, it is crucial to raise a prompt alarm in case of strong [4] Major explosions and paroxysms, at Stromboli, gen-
explosions. Although a number of studies focused on the erally produce volcanic convective plumes. These are three-
distinction between major explosions and paroxysms at this phase mixtures composed of variable proportions of solid
volcano, the nature of their diversity is still a matter of particles (comprising fragments of rock, crystals, glassy
debate [e.g., Bertagnini et al., 1999; Calvari et al., 2006; shards and vesicular particles), volcanic gases, aerosols, and
Andronico et al., 2008]. From a volcanological point of view, droplets of condensed volcanic gases and atmospheric water
the main difference is the involvement/non-involvement of vapor [Sparks et al., 1997]. The presence of large electric
potential gradients in volcanic plumes is well known [Sparks

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et al., 1997; James et al., 1998], especially for plumes rich in including (i) real-time recording of explosive activity by
solid silicate particles [James et al., 2008], and is often videos from two view points, (ii) broadband seismic data,
demonstrated by the occurrence of spectacular lightning and (iii) traces of the two electric stations (Figure 1). For
[Anderson et al., 1965; Porarinsson, 1976]. Certain electri- comparison purposes, we also use data that were collected
cal effects during volcanic explosions can be qualitatively during the volcano typical persistent Strombolian activity,
and quantitatively explained by fragmentation processes and also retrospectively, with the available data of the
occurring in the melt [Büttner et al., 1997; James et al., 5 April 2003 and 15 March 2007 paroxysms [Calvari et al.,
1998]. Low-viscosity basaltic magmas do not generally 2006, 2010, 2011; D’Auria et al., 2006]. Additionally,
produce large plumes because they allow exsolving gases to using results from experimental investigations on magma
escape easily and less explosively than high-viscosity silicic fragmentation and transport mechanisms during explosive
magmas. Thus, basalt fragmentation is often considered eruptions [Dellino et al., 2010], we classify the 7 September
similar to a ductile liquid spray process rather than of brittle explosion as a major explosive event displaying a Vulcanian-
failure, producing mostly relatively large liquid clots instead like behavior. Finally, we provide quantification of the vol-
of ash [James et al., 2008]. However, violent explosive ume of the erupted material and its relative components, and
basaltic explosions can occur when the ascending magma tentatively assess the fragmentation processes driving ash
encounters water (either from the sea, or an aquifer, ice, explosions at Stromboli.
etc.), giving rise to violent phreato-magmatic eruptions
[Büttner and Zimanowski, 1998; Zimanowski, 1998], or even
when the conduit is obstructed, causing Vulcanian explo- 2. The Monitoring Network
sions [Morrissey and Mastin, 2000; Calvari et al., 2006, [6] The Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia
2010]. Phreato-magmatic eruptions generate significant (INGV) monitoring system on Stromboli has been greatly
electrification, by fine ash brittle fragmentation that is improved after the 2002–03 effusive eruption [e.g., Martini
caused by an increased strain rate and water cooling on the et al., 2007; Bertolaso et al., 2008; De Cesare et al., 2009;
magma [Büttner and Zimanowski, 1998; James et al., 2008]. Salerno et al., 2009; Zanon et al., 2009]. In addition, on
However, laboratory and field experiments carried out at 4 September 2008 two electric stations for the measurement
Stromboli volcano during Strombolian-type explosions have of atmospheric electrical potential gradient were installed
shown that effective electric charge generation, related to close to the summit craters in order to monitor the summit
fragmentation of magma and generation of pyroclasts, can explosive activity.
be detected and measured on a short timescale [Büttner et al., [7] In this paper, we use data from the monitoring
1997, 2000]. The surface area that is generated during frag- camera and seismic networks, and the electric stations.
mentation can be estimated with the use of grain-size particle The camera network is maintained by INGV - Osserva-
analysis, and increases linearly with explosion intensity torio Etneo and consists of four cameras: one installed at
[Büttner et al., 1997]. Büttner et al. [2000] found that the Il Pizzo at 918 m a.s.l., one of the topographic highs of
voltage-time ratio of electrostatic field gradients reflects dif- Stromboli 170 m above the summit craters, and three
ferent physical mechanisms of magma fragmentation and located along the eastern margin of the Sciara del Fuoco
expansion. Measurements of the electrostatic potential gra- (SdF; Figure 1). For this study we used images from the
dient (i.e., maximum voltage) have been found to be inde- summit infrared camera (SPI) located at Il Pizzo, and from a
pendent on the shape and position of the array, provided that visual (SQV) camera located at 400 m (Figure 1). The SPI
an upwind position is chosen, in order to avoid any interfer- infrared camera field-of-view (FOV) covers the entire crater
ence with the eruption cloud [Büttner et al., 1997]. The terrace from South and from an inclined distance of 250–
maximum voltage Umax varies with the distance D, and can be 300 m, depending on the elevation of the crater floor
described by Umax  1/D [Büttner et al., 2000]. Comparison (Figure 1). It enables imaging of the explosive vents and
of experimental data showed that the typical and reproducible tracking of the height reached by the products up to a max-
delay time between the onset of electric signals and onset of imum of 160 m above the vents, as well as discrimination
seismic signals ranges between 2 and 3.5 ms for the phreato- between the predominant types of ejecta (ash, lapilli, bombs
magmatic type explosions, and between 12 and 14 ms for or blocks). SPI is an OPGAL EYE-M320B thermal camera
Strombolian-type bursts, where fragmentation is delayed as sensitive to the 8 to 14 mm wave band. The detector consists
it follows the expansion process [Büttner et al., 2000]. of an uncooled microbolometer recording a 320  240 pixel
[5] With the aim of monitoring Stromboli’s summit frame every 2 s. The camera has a 60  45 FOV, corre-
explosive activity also during poor weather conditions, i.e., sponding to a targeted pixel size of 0.9 m over a distance
when the craters are completely obscured by clouds and of 250 m. This camera is not calibrated for temperature
even the fixed thermal cameras are blind, on 4 September retrieval. The visual SQV camera gives an oblique view of
2008 we installed two 5 m-spaced-electric stations on the the NE flank of the summit cone from below and from
volcano summit at a 500 m mean distance from the western 1 km distance (Figure 1). It has a favorable position, cov-
crater rim and close to the STR9 seismic station (Figure 1). ering all the eruptive fissures that opened after 1985 and
These devices were built for Stromboli following the pro- breached the NE flank of the crater terrace [De Fino et al.,
cedure described by Büttner et al. [2000], and were installed 1988; Calvari et al., 2005a, 2005b, 2010]. The SQV camera
a few days before the occurrence of a major explosive event allows observation of the eruptive plume from a greater dis-
on 7 September 2008, for which also time-lapse images tance (1 km) and a different perspective (from NE rather
collected by the camera network, and seismic data, were than from South) when compared to SPI, thus enabling
available. Thus, we classify this ash explosion on the basis detection of the eruptive cloud up to a maximum height of
of data gained from a multiparametric monitoring system, 350 m above the vents. Video sequences are recorded

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Figure 2. Graph of explosive activity. (a) Mean total daily number of explosions h 1 between January
and September 2008, obtained from SPI infrared camera located at Il Pizzo, with a two-point running
mean (red line). The 7 September point is displayed in yellow. (b) Details of the mean daily number of
explosions h 1 between January and September 2008 for each of the three crater zones, North (N, red),
South (S, blue), and Central (C, green).

with a 2 s time interval, and transferred to the INGV stations (Figure 1). Data are acquired and analyzed at the
monitoring room, where they are visualized and stored Napoli and Catania recording centers [De Cesare et al.,
[e.g., Andò and Pecora, 2006; Behncke et al., 2009]. Each 2009]. This network allows monitoring of the seismicity
of the cameras provides continuous, real-time monitoring associated with the eruptive activity of the volcano and of
of the eruptive activity. Images recorded from the cameras the landslides that affect the cliffs of the island. Usually, the
show date (dd/mm/yy) and time (hh:mm:ss) expressed in network records a few hundred seismic events per day
UTC, and are synchronized through a Global Positioning related to the persistent Strombolian explosions [Martini
System time-code. et al., 2007]. These events contain a Very Long Period
[8] The seismic network is maintained by INGV - Osser- (VLP) component with a frequency in the range 0.05–
vatorio Vesuviano and consists of 13 telemetric broadband 0.50 Hz, which relate to the migration of gas slugs in the

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Figure 3. (a) Grain-size distribution and (b) electric calibration used for the recalculation of the ash mass
erupted. MFCI = melt fuel coolant interaction. Voltage represents the horizontal electrical potential gradi-
ent. The calibration factors result from the voltage measured in the fragmentation regimes. See text for fur-
ther explanations.

conduit, and is consistent with volumetric components within areas from January to the end of September 2008
the seismic source of the VLP signals [Chouet et al., 2003, (Figure 2b). The values are approximated to the next integer,
2008; James et al., 2006]. During Strombolian activity, the and variability is 20%.
location of VLP is clustered in a small volume below the [11] For the electric signals, we found that at Stromboli the
shallow portion of the SdF (Figure 1) at a surface elevation of short-time fluctuations of the atmospheric electric field are
450–550 m a.s.l. When effusive phases occur, the location caused by the formation and ejection of ash and produce a
of the VLP sources undergoes small but significant spatial strong signal (signal-to-noise ratio S/N > 106). This is
changes both laterally and vertically [Martini et al., 2007; because, on explosion, the formation and rapid decoupling
Giudicepietro et al., 2009]. of new solid surfaces perturb the charge distribution of the
[9] In order to characterize the explosive activity and its electrostatic field [Büttner et al., 1997]. The extent of per-
products, on 4 September 2008 two permanent electric sta- turbation is proportional to the new surface that generates
tions were installed at the summit of Stromboli. They were per time, and thus it is proportional to the size, amount, type,
located at 5 m distance between each other, 500 m West of and kinetic energy of the particles. The electric signal pro-
the SW crater, and close to the STR9 seismic station vides therefore information on the nature of the eruptive
(Figure 1). Each electric station consists of a calibrated mechanism responsible for ash emission (either magmatic,
electrometer, recording the local electrical potential gradient phreato-magmatic, or by passive collapse), on the release of
between a sensor grid mounted on a 2 m high pole and the mechanical energy, and on the amount of ash produced
local ground, and a linear dc signal amplifier [Büttner et al., [Büttner et al., 2000]. For a first approximation, data from
2000, 2002]. The analog signals of the electrostatic sensors experiments using basaltic melts are used as references to
are recorded at a rate of 250 sps (samples per second) by a estimate the amount of charged surface that formed the
high resolution (24-bit), low power (below 850 milliwatts) eruptive column. Measurements during fragmentation
data logger (GILDA) [Orazi et al., 2006]. Data are trans- experiments showed that kinetic energy release, new surface
mitted to a collection hub using the WiFi infrastructure area, and electrical potential gradient are linearly correlated
deployed since 2005 to improve the monitoring systems of [Büttner et al., 1997]. Data obtained from the fragmentation
Stromboli [De Cesare et al., 2009]. The collection hub is experiments by phreato-magmatic fragmentation, magmatic
located at the Observatory of S. Vincenzo, which is the fragmentation, and passive ejection of ash from a conduit
Centro Operativo Avanzato (COA) of the Italian Civil Pro- result in three linear ratios, which can be used to derive the
tection. From there, data are transmitted to the INGV kinetic energy release and total new surface area from the
recording centers of Napoli and Catania. reconstructed horizontal electrical potential gradient within
the eruption cloud (Figure 3 and Table 1). The partitioning
of the total surface area into phreato-magmatic (MFCI, melt
3. Methods fuel-coolant interaction), magmatic, and passively ejected
[10] The SPI camera allows a 24 h, complete view from pre-existing particles can be estimated (if data from particle
South of the summit crater zone. From this view point, we analysis by Scanning Electron Microscope is not available)
distinguish three sectors (Figure 1d): the NE crater zone (N by extracting the value of the potential gradient at the char-
area), the Central crater zone (C area), and the SW crater acteristic voltage-time ratio, thus estimating the partial sur-
zone (S area). Using images from the SPI camera, we have face area and finally the partial kinetic energy release. To
manually counted the daily number of explosions occurred approximate energy and mass of ash, in the case of the
at the whole summit zone and obtained the averaged daily 7 September 2008 explosion, a typical grain-size distribu-
values per hour (Figure 2a), as well as the averaged daily tion for ash erupted from Stromboli was used [Andronico
number of explosions occurring at each of the three crater et al., 2008]. The calculated particles surface was distributed

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Table 1. Parameters of Electrical Signals at Stromboli on 7 during most of the period, and that the N and S zones
September 2008a displayed generally contrasting behavior, with the explosive
Total Kinetic
activity at the N zone having greater variability (average of
Parameter Value Energy 1–13 events h 1, Figure 2b) than that at the S zone (average
of 3–10 events h 1, Figure 2b). From early July to early
Explosive Event at 07:49:00
Voltage time ratio 600 V/s
August, the explosive activity increased at both the N and
Local field gradient 1.8 kV/m S areas, then showed an opposite trend until 19 August.
0.8 kg MFCI-particles 750 kJ From this date onward and for about one week, explosions at
80 kg juvenile magmatic ash
3,500 kJ the N and S crater areas displayed both pulsating decreasing
7.5 10 kg lithic ash 15,000 kJ trends (Figure 2b). In early September, the explosive activity
Total kinetic energy 19.25 103 kJ 4.6 kg TNT
at the S area climaxed prior to the 7 September event with a
Explosive Event at 11:53:00 peak of 10 events h 1. Conversely, the N crater area activity
Voltage time ratio 76 V/s declined to a minimum of 4 explosions h 1 (Figure 2b). The
Local field gradient 0.3 kV/m 7 September event occurred from the S area while the
MFCI-particles N zone was characterized by a decreasing explosive activity.
13 kg juvenile magmatic ash 560 kJ
1.2 103 kg lithic ash 2,400 kJ It is worth noting that a few days after the 7 September
Total kinetic energy 3.0 103 kJ 0.7 kg TNT explosion, the C area, that had a quite rare explosive activity
before this date on the timescale of the observations, showed
Explosive Event at 12:25:00 an increasing trend in the mean daily number of explosions
Voltage time ratio 76 V/s
Local field gradient 0.25 kV/m (Figure 2b).
MFCI-particles [13] In early September, when the average daily rate of the
11 kg juvenile magmatic ash 480 kJ total explosive events was 14 events h 1 (Figure 2a), the
1.03 103 kg lithic ash 2,070 kJ volcanic tremor was within the typical value of Stromboli,
Total kinetic energy 2.55 103 kJ 0.6 kg TNT and six vents were active within the summit depression, two
Explosive Event at 19:17:00 for each of the summit crater zones (Figure 4a). The eruptive
Voltage time ratio 182 V/s activity was characterized by puffing from the two central
Local field gradient 0.76 kV/m vents (bC1 and bC2, Figure 4a); ballistic coarse scoria
MFCI-particles ejection (Type 1 Strombolian explosions of Patrick et al.
34 kg juvenile magmatic ash 1,470 kJ
3.2 103 kg lithic ash 6,300 kJ [2007]) from vents at the N crater zone (bN1 and bN2,
Total kinetic energy 7.8 103 kJ 1.6 kg TNT Figure 4a), where the height of explosions was up to 60 m
from the crater rim; and by sporadic explosions, producing
The estimated particle mass and energy values are in the order of 10%.

MFCI = melt fuel coolant interaction.

ash (Type 2a and 2b Strombolian explosions) [Patrick et al.,
2007], from the S vents (bS1 and bS2, Figure 4a), where
ash plumes were rising a few tens of meters from the vent
to cubes of 125 mm3, and a density of 3  103 kg m 3 (for non- rim. Small morphological changes occurred within the crater
vesicular magma) was assumed. On this basis we obtained the depression starting from 28 August, when small rockfalls
values reported in Table 1. from the NW crater wall occurred, and an explosion from
the N cinder cone widened the bN2 vent (Figures 4a and 4b).
4. The Explosive Activity Prior to the 7 September On 29 August, explosions from the S vents were mostly of
Type 1, and their height increased to 50 m, with small
Event amount or no ash involved. Puffing from the central vents
[12] The graph in Figure 2a shows the variability in the moved toward the southernmost one. At the southern vents,
number of explosions at the three crater areas from January the increase of height of ejecta, which reached 100 m from
to late September 2008. The values reported are daily aver- the vent rim, together with a better collimation of ejecta,
age approximated to the next integer, and variability is suggested increasing magma surface depth within the upper
20%. The explosive activity general pattern is character- conduit [Taddeucci et al., 2012]. On the early morning
ized by marked fluctuations describing cycles of increasing (02:00:00–03:00:00 A.M.; all times here reported are in UTC)
and decreasing of the intensity of the eruptive activity. These of 30 August, a new decrease of the ejecta height sug-
fluctuations over time scales of tens of minutes and vertical gested an uprise of the magma level. This upward migration
distances of tens of meters are common at Stromboli, and are of the magma level produced a change in the eruptive style
related to changes in the magma free surface level or in the observable at the C vents, with an increasingly brighter
gas jet velocity [e.g., Ripepe et al., 2002; Burton et al., (hotter) puffing that eventually evolved to a mild, continuous
2008]. In detail, from January until mid-March the number spattering. The rising of the magma column resulted also in
of events ranged between 14 and 5 events h 1; then, it a transition of activity at the S crater zone, where explo-
rapidly declined down to a minimum of 3 explosions h 1 on sions passed initially from Type 2b to Type 2a Strombolian
23 March. This was followed by a new trend that increased types, and then from Type 2a to Type 1 [Patrick et al.,
until mid-August and reached 18–19 events h 1. Between 15 2007]. Additionally, a new vent (bS3) opened at the tip of
and 22 August, the trend of explosions decreased again the cinder cone where bS1 was located (Figure 4c). This
fluctuating from 7 to 14–15 events h 1. Figure 2b shows was characterized by mild spattering. In the meanwhile, the
the number of events at each of the three crater areas pro- number of explosions at the N crater zone decreased.
viding details on the relationship between the three sites. In [14] On 31 August puffing was observed at vents bC2
particular, the graph reveals that the C zone was not active and bS1, and at bC1 in the second half of the day, whereas

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Figure 4. (a–e) Images taken from the SPI camera looking at the crater terrace from South-East and from
a distance of 250–300 m, showing the whole crater area. NE is on the right, SW on the left (see Figure 1
for orientation). The active vents within each crater zone are shown, with bN1 and bN2 belonging to the N
area, bC1 and bC2 indicating the two closely spaced vents of the C area, and bS1 and bS2 the active vents
in the S area. Figures 4a and 4b show erosion of vent bN2 due to explosions blowing out the western upper
flank. In Figure 4c bS3 appeared in the afternoon of 30 August between bS1 and bS2 in the S area.
(f ) Thermal image collected from Il Pizzo with a portable thermal camera showing the map of tempera-
tures within the summit craters as on 4 September 2008, and (g) corresponding visible photo taken from
the same position and on the same date.

Type 1 Strombolian explosions were produced by bS2, The variable level of the eruptive activity, and thus the
bN1 and bN2. Vent bS1 showed the most variable intensity amount of erupted volumes of pyroclasts at individual vents,
and eruptive regime, passing, over a time-span of minutes, resulted in a different height of the cinder cones, that on early
from no activity to weak, passive degassing, puffing, mild September were higher on the N zone, where the rim of
spattering, and Type 1 explosions. Increases in the activity bN2 was 20 m higher than the rim of bS2, and with the
at bS1 were usually accompanied by high puff frequency at lowest bC vents 10 m below the S vents (Figure 4d).
vents bC2 and bC1, suggesting a shallow connection between This resulted in a difference in elevation between bN2 and
them. On the morning of 1 September, ash explosions of bC rims of 30 m. Mild spattering and Type 1 explosions
Type 2a resumed at bS2 with high frequency of the events, started by noon of 1 September at bS1 and bS3, accom-
while Type 1 explosions were occurring at the other vents. panied by puffing and sometimes by mild spattering also

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Figure 5. Explosive sequence on 7 September 2008 recorded by the (a–f) SPI camera, and by the (g–l)
SQV camera located on the east flank of the SdF.

from bC1 and bC2. In the afternoon of the same day, Later on the same day also bS4 and bS5 merged together
Type 2a explosions were sometimes occurring also at bN1, (Figures 4d and 4e).
while Type 1 events were observed at bN2, and puffing at [15] Images between 06:30:00 of 3 September and
bC1, bC2, bS1 and bS3, alternating to spattering at the last 08:15:00 of 4 September are lacking because of a failure in
three vents. Type 1 explosions and spattering increased on the transmission system of the camera network. The first
early 2 September at the bC and bS vents (Figure 2b), with images available on 4 September showed that the three S
almost vertical jets of spatter and two additional vents vents had widened, with the previously merged bS1+3
(bS4 and bS5) opened in the S crater zone (Figure 4d). The (Figure 4e) and a new vent (bS6) opened to the NW of bS2
gradual opening of a great number of small vents suggested (Figure 4e). This latter vent did not show any explosion.
deepening of magma level within the conduit [Spampinato After noon on the same day, spattering became increasingly
et al., 2008]. During the afternoon of the same day, magma more common at bS1 with ejecta up to 50 m in height,
level became shallower, with very frequent and intense spreading all around the vent (Figures 4f and 4g) and caus-
spattering at bS1 and bS3 accompanied by ash emissions, ing a wide dispersion of products and producing the fast
suggesting erosion and widening of the vents [Spampinato growth of the S cinder cone. In the meantime, also bC2 fed
et al., 2008]. This activity caused the merging of bS1 and spattering, while bS2 and bS5 were displaying Type 2
bS3, forming a wider bS1 (bS1+3, Figure 4e) vent, and was explosions up to 100 m in height, suggesting erosion of the
punctuated by Type 1 explosions, with bombs reaching conduit and deeper magma level. The explosive activity
50–70 m in height from bS1, and up to 150 m at bS2. increased between the evening of 4 September and early

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12:30:00 of 6 September and 06:11:00 of 7 September, when

bS1 looked widened toward bC2 (Figure 5a).

5. The 7 September Explosive Event

[16] On 7 September 2008 at 07:49:10 a strong ash
explosion started at the S area of Stromboli (Figures 5a–5l).
This was recorded by SPI and SQV. The cameras’ FOV
allowed description of the event from both a close-up and
frontal perspective (SPI, Figures 5a–5f), and from a 1 km
distance and inclined view (SQV, Figures 5g–5l). The view
from SPI permitted the characterization of the initial phases
of the explosive event. At 07:49:02, bS1 fed a low-energy
spattering, and suddenly, at 07:49:10 two diverging explo-
sive jets made of hot, juvenile material (Figure 5a) origi-
nated from bS1 and from bS3, the new vent just-opened
between bS1 and bC (Figure 4c). The jet from bS1 was
inclined toward SW, whereas the jet from bS3 was inclined
toward NE, with the latter slightly bigger than the former
(Figure 5a). The two jets expanded outwards the crater with
maximum estimated speeds of 20 m s 1 for the SW jet,
and 27 m s 1 for the NE jet, calculated on the basis of the
time-lapse frames (Figure 5b). The eruption cloud from bS3
spread also laterally, and 2 s later (Figure 5c) displayed
convective movements and formed a vigorous vortex ring
giving rise to a “rooted thermal” plume [Patrick, 2007]. A
few seconds later, the ring appeared also at the top of the
eruption column developed above bS1 (Figures 5d–5f ). The
dark color (in the infrared image) of this cloud suggested
that it consisted essentially of lithic (cold) ash. The two
plumes became cold where diverging (dark portion in
Figures 5c–5f), implying likely fragmentation to ash size and
involvement of lithic, cold, country rock material, with the
juvenile, hot (white in Figures 5a–5f) portions confined to
Figure 6. Photos courtesy of Tullio Ricci (INGV-Rome), the initial and outer parts of the spreading clouds. Two
taken from Il Pizzo, and comparing the crater morphology seconds after the blast, coarse ballistics were evident
(a) before and (b) after the 7 September explosive event. (Figures 5b–5e), being more abundant and bigger from the
The dotted yellow line shows the rim of bS1 vent. Note in cloud spreading NE (Figure 5d, right).
Figure 6b the much wider vent depression, and the accumu- [17] The view provided by SQV showed that the explosive
lation of pale rocks (lithics) around bC2, which became also episode consisted of three major pulses (Figures 5g–5l). The
higher than bC1 by deposition of fallout from the 7 Septem- first corresponded to the sequence just described as observed
ber explosion. from SPI and occurred 1 min earlier, then the ash cloud
obscured the sight from SPI. The second was at first visible
from SQV at 07:50:03 and became more evident a few
5 September at all vents, and especially at bC2 and bS1, seconds later (Figure 5j). The third pulse started at 07:50:27
with Type 1 explosions producing fast cinder cone growth. and formed a plume that expanded after a few seconds
Activity decreased again by the end of 5 September. On (Figure 5k). By 07:51:07 the eruption cloud was already
6 September, explosions at the S crater zone did not rise rising up and detaching from the crater (Figure 5l) forming a
vertically but were inclined eastward, thus having a greater thermal plume [Patrick, 2007]. Overall, the explosive event
horizontal component and expanding toward the inner crater, lasted 2 min, and formed an ash plume that merged the two
leading to a fast accumulation of spatter on the slope between initial jets (Figure 5j), slowed down to an average rise rate of
bC2 and bS1. Spatter accumulation resulted in a partial 18 m s 1, and reached an estimated maximum height of
obstruction of the bS1 vent, whose diameter decreased sig- 500–600 m and width of 300 m. The ash cloud drifted
nificantly between 3 and 6 September, as observed directly SW with the wind, and disappeared from SPI camera view at
via the camera network (Figures 4c–4e). The change of 07:50:20, and at 07:51:11 from that of SQV.
eruptive jet spreading direction, although observed on other [18] A few minutes later, mild Type 1 explosions resumed
occasions [e.g., Zanon et al., 2009], is rather unusual, and did from bN2, while bS2 fed Type 2b events, and bC produced
not occur during the previous days, when the explosion jets puffing. Direct field observations made at the summit crater
were always directed outwards from the center of the crater zone (T. Ricci, personal communication, 2008) reported that
depression. This change thus suggested modifications of the no golden pumice (gas-rich, LP magma) [Bertagnini et al.,
inner structure of the S shallow conduit or partial obstruction 1999] were erupted, and that visible morphological chan-
of the vent. The camera network did not transmit between ges at the summit vents had occurred (Figures 6a and 6b)

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Figure 7. Images recorded on 7 September 2008 by the SPI camera at (a) 07:49:10, (b) 07:49:36, and
(c) 07:50:02. (d) Electric (red and black lines) records of the eruption. (e) Comparison between the seis-
mic (green line) signal, and seismic filtered signal for highlighting the VLP component (blue), and the
electric signals (red and black lines). The intensity for the electric signals is rescaled by 6 E10 3 and
6 E10 1 for a better comparison with the seismic signal.

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Figure 8. Comparison between (a) the location of the seismic source of the VLP event associated with
the 7 September 2008 major explosion (red diamond: Latitude 38 47′47.32″; Longitude 15 12′35.97″; ele-
vation 502 m a.s.l.) and (b) the locations of the VLP events recorded on the same day (red area, comprising
360 events). The blue dots indicate the positions of the INGV-OV broadband seismic stations.

with significant widening of the bS1 vent within the S cone, 2007, 2010]. The decay of the horizontal potential gradient
heightening of bC2 by fallout accumulation, and involving with distance from the source was determined, and a model
also lithic material from the conduit walls still visible around of the electrical field was obtained. In detail, the best fit for
the base of the bC cinder cone (Figure 6b). No blocks or the geometry of the field is a line charge model, and the
coarse ejecta reached the Il Pizzo zone, and most of the decrease of the potential gradient Umax with distance D is
fallout material fell inside the crater depression, with only well approximated by Umax  1/D [Büttner et al., 2000].
ash being drifted west by the wind. Thus, in the case of the ash explosion, considering a distance
of 500 m from the source, and a Umax measured at the site
of 3.6 V/m, the maximum horizontal potential gradient in
6. Signals Recorded During the 7 September
the eruption column of 1.8 kV/m is obtained. The overall
Explosive Event voltage-time ratio that was found to characterize the main
[19] Our observations of the 7 September event are sum- eruption mechanism is 600 V/s. This value is still in the
marized in Figure 7, where: in Figures 7a–7c we report three range of magmatic fragmentation (102 V/s). However, during
SPI images representing the main important phases of the small increments of time, maximum local voltage time ratio
eruptive cloud development; in Figures 7d and 7e the elec- values of 7 kV/s can be detected, approaching the typical
tric signals (red and black), and in Figure 7e the seismic range found for phreato-magmatic fragmentation (104 V/s)
signal (blue) filtered at 0.05–0.50 Hz, highlighting the VLP [Büttner et al., 2000].
event associated with the explosion (light blue line). The [21] Using the estimated horizontal potential gradient of
timing of the electric signals can be accurately linked to the 1.8 kV/m and the voltage/surface area diagram of Figure 3,
optical detection of the eruption cloud, because no electrical three total surface areas can be calculated for MFCI
effects are recorded before the ash explosion (Figures 7a– (11.3 m2), magmatic (1.06  103 m2), and lithic parti-
7e). This was also observed during previous electrical mea- cles (3.0  105 m2). These are distributed to the model
surements carried out at Stromboli [Büttner et al., 2000]; grains (cubes), and result in the masses reported in Table 1.
thus, we can exclude the effect of the electrical variations in The calculations on particle surface using a grain-size dis-
the soil, possibly connected to the presence of a shallow tribution typical for Stromboli, as earlier described, result in
aquifer [Finizola et al., 2003, 2009], especially given that 0.8 kg of MFCI particles (produced by phreato-magmatic
these signals display a different shape [Crespy et al., 2008]. fragmentation), 80 kg of juvenile ash (produced by mag-
Over the whole trend of the electrical signals, at least four matic fragmentation), and 7.5  103 kg of passively ejected,
main high-amplitude, short-lasting spikes are superimposed lithic ash-sized particles. Although the estimated mass of
(Figure 7d). Considering the high amplitude and short MFCI particles is small, due to the small grain-size and the
duration, we tentatively interpret these as possibly due to high specific surface, it contributes to the energy of the
lightning discharges produced within the ash cloud [e.g., eruption. From specific energy-surface ratios taken from
Lane and Gilbert, 1992; Hoblitt, 1994; Bennett et al., 2010]. fragmentation experiments also the kinetic energy release
[20] The electrical potential gradient generated within the can be calculated, being 19.25  103 kJ - i.e., 4.6 kg TNT
eruption cloud during the major explosion of 7 September equivalent (Table 1). By comparison, the same calculations
2008 was recalculated using data from both laboratory have been performed on the electric signals recorded during
(fragmentation experiments using remelted volcanic rock) three of the strongest events belonging to the persistent
and field (using volcanic ash) experiments on a larger scale Strombolian activity, which occurred at 11:53:00, 12:25:00
[e.g., Zimanowski et al., 1997; Zimanowski, 1998; Büttner and 19:17:00 on the same day (Table 1). They show a range
and Zimanowski, 1998; Büttner et al., 2006; Dellino et al., of total kinetic energy between 0.6 and 1.6 kg TNT. These

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Figure 9. Seismic trace recorded during the major explosion occurred at Stromboli on 7 September 2008,
and a typical VLP waveform that occurred 10 min before. Counts (arbitrary units, y axis) versus time in
sec (x axis), starting from 07:30:00. The recording seismic station is STR9, see Figures 1b and 1c for

explosive events occurred at the S area and involved short- explosion with that of a common VLP event that occurred a
lasting ash clouds. It is interesting to observe that each few seconds earlier (Figure 9), it is evident that the wave-
explosive event included 1% of juvenile material, with form of the major ash explosion is more complex, being
most of the ejecta consisting of lithics. This is also evidenced characterized by a greater amplitude and a longer oscilla-
by the low temperature (dark color) of the eruptive clouds tion duration. This is indicative of a difference of both the
detected from SPI camera (Figures 5c–5f). Only the major time history of the source mechanism, and the energy of the
explosive event occurred at 07:49:00 erupted a small amount signal. Major explosions occur frequently at Stromboli [e.g.,
of MFCI particles, resulting in 0.01% of the total erupted Corsaro et al., 2005; Métrich et al., 2005; Andronico and
mass (Table 1). Pistolesi, 2010], and show a seismic waveform similar to
[22] The correlation between the seismic and electrical that of paroxysms, suggesting similar eruptive mechanisms,
signals is shown in Figure 7e. Comparison between electric although their intensity is much lower [D’Auria et al., 2006].
and seismic signals is essential to distinguish electric signals In addition, paroxysms display also an Ultra-Long-Period
produced by weather clouds from those produced by volca- (ULP) signal that has never been recorded during the per-
nic plumes. This comparison encouraged us to elaborate the sistent summit activity [D’Auria et al., 2006].
data further, in order to interpret the mechanisms of major
explosions and compare them with other explosion catego-
7. Discussion and Comparison With Paroxysms
ries at Stromboli. Thus, given that the 5 April 2003 parox-
ysm displayed a deeper source origin when compared to the Data
persistent explosions [D’Auria et al., 2006], in order to [23] The 7 September 2008 major explosion at Stromboli
compare the seismic signal of the 7 September major ash occurred after several months of increasing explosive activ-
explosion with that of the persistent Strombolian activity, we ity observed at the summit craters since the first half of
have located the source of 360 VLP events recorded on March (Figure 2a). This general growing trend was essen-
7 September 2008 by using the semblance technique tially produced by increasing explosivity at the N area
[Martini et al., 2007]. This exploits the polarization proper- (Figure 2b), displayed at least until the end of June. There-
ties of the signal (Figure 8a), with a particle motion pointing after, the N and S areas showed an opposite behavior, with
in the direction of the source. The comparison between the reduced explosivity at the N area being balanced by a
7 September major event (red diamond in Figure 8a and corresponding increase at the S area. A few days before the
yellow star in Figure 8b) and the persistent Strombolian major event, a sudden drop in the number of explosions at
activity (red area in Figure 8b) recorded on the same day is the N area was followed by a relative increase at the S area
shown in Figure 8b by the red area around the yellow star. (Figure 2b). This opposite behavior at the two crater zones
It is worth noting that the major event associated with the has been observed also in the temperature of the erup-
ash explosion, similarly to the other events of the persistent tive plumes measured during the 5 April 2003 paroxysm
Strombolian activity, is located along the SdF slope at an [Calvari et al., 2006], and was interpreted as revealing upper
elevation of 500 m a.s.l. On the other hand, by comparing conduit instability, as well as shallow connection between
the waveform of the VLP associated with the major ash the vents. A few days before the 7 September 2008 major

12 of 17

event, some important morphology changes occurred at the paroxysms produces lava fountains and pyroclastic flows
summit vents, leading to a visible reduction of the diameter [Calvari et al., 2006, 2010]. In addition, paroxysms cause
of the S area vents (Figures 4a–4g) suggestive of partial ULP seismic events recorded several minutes before erup-
obstruction of the S area. Many papers [e.g., Harris and tion onset, likely produced by the deformation of the vol-
Stevenson, 1997; Chouet et al., 2003; Burton et al., 2008] canic edifice during magma ascent and eruption [D’Auria
have already pointed to a very shallow connection among et al., 2006; Martini et al., 2007; Casagli et al., 2009].
the Stromboli summit vents. Thus, it is possible that a In addition, before paroxysms, a high frequency seismic
decrease in the activity at one of the summit zones (in this signal is recorded and apparently related to magma frag-
case, the N area) might have resulted in the formation of a mentation, but this was never observed during major erup-
cooler crust that reduced vent diameter and acted as a partial tions [D’Auria et al., 2006]. All these data together point out
obstruction of the upper feeder conduit. As a consequence, to a different source for paroxysms and major explosions,
considering that Stromboli is a steady state system, to re- with the much deeper and fast rise of LP magma triggering
equilibrate the total mass eruption rate of the system, eruptive paroxysms, whereas a shallow, partial vent obstruction is
activity increased at one of the other summit crater zones causing major explosive events. An alternative explanation
(i.e., bS1). However, the increased explosive frequency was is given by Del Bello et al. [2012], who suggest that par-
too high to be sustained by only a small vent, which was oxysms result from slug flow, occurring just on a much
then affected by inner collapses. These were displayed by larger scale than the “normal,” persistent Strombolian
changes in the ejecta direction [e.g., Cannata et al., 2009; activity. In this context, the rise of LP magma might increase
Zanon et al., 2009], which spread inside the crater on the size of rising slugs, promoting paroxysms rather than
6 September. The vent constriction increased gas pressure mild Strombolian explosions.
within the magma column, until this was eventually sud- [25] It seems also possible that there is a major difference
denly released through a major explosion, blowing out part in the fragmentation process and gas decoupling style
of the crater rim, as happened during the 7 September major between paroxysms and major explosions. In fact in parox-
explosive event (Figures 6a and 6b), and also during other ysms, the presence of LP magma suggests that some gas was
previous strong explosions at Stromboli [e.g., Bertagnini coupled with the magma as it rose, and fragmentation was
et al., 1999; Andronico et al., 2008]. The fragmentation internal. In addition, recent experiments have proved that the
of cold crusted material during the 7 September event is LP magma is more prone to explosively fragment than is the
revealed by the growing dark ash cloud visible between HP magma [Dürig et al., 2012]. In the 7 September 2008
the two eruption plumes in the infrared images recorded by major explosion instead, where apparently only HP magma
the SPI camera (Figures 5c–5f), and by the accumulation of was involved (T. Ricci, personal communication, 2008), the
lithic material around the base of the bC vents (Figure 6b). gas accumulated at the top of the conduit and was then
The contribution of lithic material to the formation of the decoupled from magma, thus suggesting again some kind of
ash cloud is supported by the results obtained from the upper conduit obstruction or morphology change. Therefore,
electric signals (Figure 5 and Table 1). The same proportion any fragmentation of magma in the conduit was probably
between juvenile and lithic material is maintained during driven by gas near, but not within, the magma.
the persistent, mild explosive activity, the only difference [26] The analysis of video sequences of the 7 September
with the major explosion being the total amount of ash eruptive activity clearly shows that the ash explosion, and
erupted (Table 1), and the involvement of a small amount the associated plume, is to be attributed to a Type 2a event,
of MFCI ash by the major Vulcanian event. which has a much smaller grain size when compared to the
[24] The removal of the cold plug obstructing the crater Type 1 persistent activity [Patrick et al., 2007]. This is
during the initial phase of the explosive event (Figures 5c– clearly visible by the dark cloud developing in between the
5f), as well as the ejection of lithic material deposited around two jets of Figures 5c–5e, which is produced by lithic (cold)
the vent (Figure 6b) and the erosion of the vent rim, are ash due to the strong fragmentation of the bS1 rim blown
consistent with a Vulcanian-like eruption mechanism [Cas away during the explosion (cfr. Figures 6a and 6b). Inter-
and Wright, 1988; Morrissey and Mastin, 2000; Formenti estingly, a recent petrologic analysis of the erupted ejecta by
et al., 2003], that was invoked also for the 5 April 2003 the different summit vent zones of Stromboli has revealed
paroxysm [Calvari et al., 2006]. Like previous major that the material erupted by the S vent zone is normally
explosions [Bertagnini et al., 1999; Andronico and Pistolesi, 10 C cooler and 6–8 wt% more crystallized than that
2010] and paroxysms [Calvari et al., 2006, 2010], also the erupted by the C vents, whereas the N vents display features
7 September event was characterized by an eruption column that are intermediate between the two, and variable in dif-
consisting of several pulses, although in this case only the ferent times [Landi et al., 2011]. The S area is also the one
S area was interested by the blast rather than the whole crater that commonly displays ash-dominated Type 2b eruptions,
area. When compared to recent paroxysms, the 7 September and it is thus possible that a cooler and more crystallized
2008 event displayed lower muzzle velocity (20–30 versus magma erupted by this site is also more prone to give rise to
170 m s 1), smaller eruption plume (500–600 versus brittle rather than plastic fragmentation, resulting in a greater
2000–3000 m high), shorter duration (2 versus 7 min), and amount of ash released during the explosive activity with
did not involve eruption of the deep-seated LP magma respect to coarse ballistic ejecta [Dürig et al., 2012].
commonly erupted during paroxysms [Métrich et al., 2005; [27] By combining seismic and electric data with obser-
Calvari et al., 2006, 2010; Rosi et al., 2006; Harris et al., vations, it is therefore evident that the major explosion of
2008]. The different scale of major explosions and paroxys- 7 September (occurred at 07:49:00), although not associated
mal events relates also to the different volume of erupted with the emission of a large amount of pyroclasts, is char-
ejecta (104 versus 106 m3, respectively), that during acterized by a smaller particle grain-size and a much higher

13 of 17

release of mechanic energy when compared to the persistent zones, although compensated by an increase in one of the
Strombolian activity. Seismic data reveal that the source area others, can thus result in a greater possibility of occurrence
of the 7 September event is similar to that of the persistent of major explosive events. This is also consistent with recent
explosive activity (Figure 6), although its intensity is much laboratory experiments that connected different degassing
greater (Figure 7). This is consistent with higher intensity of regimes to the non-Newtonian rheology of magmas [Divoux
the explosion revealed by electric data (Table 1) and with a et al., 2011]. An important issue is that during major
Vulcanian-like mechanism. Unfortunately we do not have explosions brittle fragmentation is due to the presence of
samples collected during the 7 September explosive episode, cooler material due to crust (obstruction) formation and
but ashes collected in the same period and erupted by the fragmentation, whereas the fragments typical of Strombo-
whole crater area during mild explosive activity showed that lian-type explosions, commonly observed at Stromboli, are
lithics, dense and “recycled” clasts account for between 12 produced by ductile fragmentation. Wilson [1980] simulated
and 51% of the erupted ejecta [D’Oriano et al., 2011]. In these eruptions by considering what would happen in an
addition, the same authors found small amount of the LP open-vent system in which magma was rising slowly or was
magma among the products of the persistent summit activity, static. Cooling at the top of the magma column causes the
suggesting that fresh, newly erupted LP magma possibly development of a “skin” with a finite strength. The skin
associated with small, deep bubble plumes can reach the strength will depend on how much cooling occurs before the
surface without significantly interacting with the upper HP arrival of large gas bubbles. If the interval between bubbles
magma body. is short enough, each bubble will updome the thin skin and
[28] It is worth noting the suggested involvement of a burst through the top of the magma column with minimal
minor amount of MFCI material during the 7 September delay. If the interval between bubbles is longer, then the skin
major event, which was undetected in the other explosions will cool and thicken, and more than one bubble may have to
recorded on the same day (Table 1). This is probably the arrive and become trapped before sufficient pressure is built
result of a subordinate, minor interaction with the shallow up in an accumulating gas pocket to break through the skin.
aquifer existing within the upper crater area [Finizola et al., In either case, the short time interval between explosions
2003, 2009; Revil et al., 2004, 2011]. Pressure build-up by suggests that the strength of this skin is never very large.
gas accumulation below the partial obstruction of the crater Repeated cycles of cooling and gas accumulation followed
might have caused ground fracturing and thus interaction by bubble bursting lead to the series of transient explosions
with the shallow aquifer, thus increasing the strength of the characteristic of Strombolian eruptions.
explosion and causing the release of MFCI material [32] The different processes involved in triggering major
(Table 1). explosions and paroxysms have important hazard implica-
[29] After the 7 September major explosive event, the tions. Whether the sudden rise of a gas-rich magma batch
explosive activity at the C vents, that was extremely rare along the conduit can be hypothetically detected by strain-
(less than 1%) during the whole 2008, became more com- meters with several minutes of advance [e.g., Martini et al.,
mon (Figure 2b), confirming the release of the accumulated 2007], it is much more difficult to detect the partial
stress in the uppermost portion of the conduit, and the return obstructions of the summit vents. The growing use of fixed
to the persistent, mild Strombolian eruptive activity. This thermal cameras, as well as automatic routines for real time
episode suggests that the phases showing high variability of data analyses, and a more in depth study of past strong
explosive activity, and sudden decrease at one zone com- explosive sequences, will help us improve the possibility to
pensated by increased activity at one of the others, must be predict also this kind of events.
carefully considered in terms of hazard for the potential of
leading to major explosive events [e.g., Andronico and
Pistolesi, 2010] or Vulcanian eruptions, dominated by brit- 8. Concluding Remarks
tle fragmentation and formation of large ash columns [e.g., [33] The 7 September 2008 major ash explosion at
Calvari et al., 2006, 2010; Pistolesi et al., 2011]. Stromboli is the first event of this category for which a
[30] If we apply the same proportions as those obtained by number of geophysical parameters have been measured in
the electric signals of the major explosion of 7 September combination. These include seismic records, as well as
2008 to the event of 5 April 2003, a total mechanical energy infrared and visual images recorded by a network of fixed
in the range of 2  109 kJ results for the latter, which is quite cameras, and electric signals from two stations installed at a
high for a Strombolian activity, and points to a Vulcanian 500 m distance from the volcano SW crater, where the
type [Calvari et al., 2006; Pistolesi et al., 2011], being explosion occurred. The camera images allowed us to char-
driven by brittle fragmentation mechanisms. The overpres- acterize the explosive episode, which consisted of three main
sure with respect to atmosphere that forms when the eruptive pulses and involved the disruption of the upper part of the
gas-particle mixture exits from the vent causes the radially cinder cone built up around the explosive vent by spatter
expanding column simulated during conduit flow experi- accumulation. The explosion occurred during a phase of
ments [Dellino et al., 2010] and observed during Vulcanian generally increasing explosive activity at the summit craters,
explosions having both intensity of paroxysmal or major but followed a period of a few days when one of the summit
explosions. crater areas showed reduced activity. This might have
[31] What has been just described shows that fragmenta- caused an increase of the upper cold crust thickness, which
tion type can shift from brittle to ductile and vice versa as a in turn produced a shallow blockage in the conduit, allowing
function of the development of a cool crust on the upper accumulation of a gas pocket below the crust. Once the
conduit [Taddeucci et al., 2002, 2004; Patrick et al., 2007]. pressure of the gas below the crust reached the limit of rock
A decrease in the frequency of explosions at one of the crater and magma strength, it caused magma fragmentation and

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[34] Acknowledgments. This paper was partially supported by a Stromboli volcano (Italy) reconstructed from direct observations and
research project (project INGV-DPC Paroxysm V2/03, 2007–2009) funded surveys with a handheld thermal camera, J. Geophys. Res., 110, B02201,
by Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia and by the Italian Civil doi:10.1029/2004JB003129.
Protection. We wish to thank the Italian Civil Protection for significant sup- Calvari, S., L. Spampinato, L. Lodato, A. J. L. Harris, M. R. Patrick,
port to the INGV monitoring activities and especially Chiara Cardaci, who J. Dehn, M. R. Burton, and D. Andronico (2005b), Correction to
has very efficiently organized the helicopter time for the installation of the “Chronology and complex volcanic processes during the 2002–2003
electric sensors. Special thanks also to the helicopter pilot Salvo Princiotta flank eruption at Stromboli volcano (Italy) reconstructed from direct
and to his team for having safely carried out the monitoring surveys and observations and surveys with a handheld thermal camera”, J. Geophys.
to Mario Zaia and Mario Pruiti for their invaluable field assistance. We Res., 110, B04201, doi:10.1029/2005JB003723.
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