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Job Description Science Teacher Specific Duties and Responsibilities Teaching To support the work of the Department to ensure

e the highest possible levels of achievement, while ensuring high standards of preparation, teaching and discipline. Planning lessons in accordance with the Departments schemes of work Contribute to the development, evaluation and monitoring of the policies, syllabuses and schemes of work of the Department. Liaison with relevant colleagues on the planning of work for collaborative delivery. Monitoring and being aware of students prior levels of attainment and maintaining records Set and mark examinations and other forms of assessment Use ICT within the science curriculum Establishing high and appropriate expectations for learning, motivation and presentation of work Assessment, Recording and Reporting Maintain lesson plans and records of work completed, and homework set. Provision of constructive oral and written feedback. Reporting on student progress in line with School policy. Keeping parents informed of students progress, as and when required, e.g. parents evenings. Pastoral Care Being fully conversant with and applying, the Schools child protection policy . Promotion of good attendance and punctuality. Promote the general progress and well-being of students in your care Professional Standards Supporting the aims and Christian ethos of the School Treating all members of the School community with respect and consideration Setting a good example to students in terms of appropriate dress, punctuality and attendance Participating in the Schools extracurricular programme Taking responsibility for personal professional development within the Schools CPD programme Attending all departmental , year and staff meetings Attend Parents Evenings and Open Evenings ensuring that all deadlines are met as published in the School calendar Taking responsibility for matters relating to health and safety Undertaking duties that may be reasonably assigned by the Head teacher Additional Responsibilities / Roles of responsibility As a teacher other responsibilities may be allocated in accordance with whole school policies. Additional roles of responsibility will be allocated with due regard to the specific strengths and professional development needs of the successful candidate. All responsibilities are reviewed annually through the appraisal process.

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