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621 Watkins Road Horseheads, NY 14845 (607) 378-7275

PROFILE Professional journalist and manager with a background in consumer lending sales and customer ser!ice. "dept at keeping calm and order in high stress deadline dri!en atmospheres. "lwa#s looking for wa#s to impro!e products and relationships both inside and outside of organi$ations. %road range of e&perience includes' MANAGEMENT - (anaging training inspiring and guiding a staff of #oung professionals and seasoned workers in high-stress deadline dri!en atmosphere. - "nal#$ing structure themes and o!erall presentation of product and using that anal#sis to impro!e the product. - )e!iewing creating and maintaining department budgets. - *cheduling hiring and firing. - (ediating disputes and resol!ing conflict. - +!aluating emplo#ee performance and implementing strategies for impro!ement.

PROFESSIONAL RELATIONSHIPS - (aintaining and culti!ating relationships with coworkers customers sources and the communit#. - )egularl# calling and !isiting public ser!ants business leaders and clients to maintain a positi!e relationship and monitor the pulse of important communit# issues. - *upporting and assisting sales professionals in culti!ating and maintaining business relationships. - Public speaking and emceeing to educate the communit# on pertinent issues and promote the news product. WRITING AND EDITING - ,e!eloping clear concise news stories which inform and entertain based on inter!iews press releases and wire stories. - -op# editing stories written b# staff. - "rranging stor# in!entor# into a cohesi!e format to present on tele!ision. - )e-writing tele!ision news stories in print journalism st#le for social media and website. - .riting press releases. CREATIVE PRESENTATION - ,e!eloping designing and implementing creati!e elements including written cop# !ideo and computer graphics.

- *hooting and editing !ideo to work with cop# in presentation of news stories using digital cameras and !ideo editing software. - .riting and deli!ering dail# news promotions for upcoming newscasts. - .riting and designing promotions for special reports. - .riting and designing promotions for the news product. SOCIAL MEDIA - -reating maintaining and posting on increasingl# popular compan# /acebook page which now has more than 10 thousand 1likes2. - -reating maintaining and posting on compan# 3witter account with appro&imatel# three thousand followers. PROFICIENT IN MICROSOFT OFFICE SUITE - .ord -+&cel -4utlook +&change

5*cott -ook p. 26

EMPLOYMENT HISTORY JOURNALISM/MANAGEMENT 7ews ,irector / "nchor at .+78-39 :orseheads 78 5"%- -%*6 ;/2<<= - Present. >ead 7ightside )eporter at .?-@ 12 +rie P" 57%-6- 0/2<<< - ;/2<<=. "ssociate Producer at ./*% -hannel A :artford -3 5-%*6 A/2<<< - 0/2<<<. ,esk "ssBt at C)47 -hannel ; *an /rancisco -" 57%-6 9/199= - A/1999. BANKING,CONSUMER LENDING, FINANCIAL PRODUCT SALES (ortgage and >arge >oan -onsultant at /irst -ommercial -orporation .all 3wp. 7D 199<-1992. %usiness (anager at ).-. "uto Eroup 7orth %runswick 7D 1988-199<. -onsumer >ending and -ustomer *er!ice at Princeton %ank 57ow P7-6 1981-1988. RESTAURANT SERVICE AND MANAGEMENT %artender at .ater$ooie )estaurant Earden -it# 78 1999-2<<<. %artender at )umpus )estaurant *an /rancisco -" 199;-1998. %artender/"ssFt (gr at (aritaFs -antina Princeton 7D 1992-199;. EDUCATION

*an /rancisco *tate @ni!ersit#' %.*. in %roadcast Dournalism with minor in Public )elations 5/98. REFERENCES %rian >ill# >ill# %roadcasting Principal 4wner 581;6;5;-52<1. ,oug %eers .+78 Eeneral (anager 50<=6 =A9-A0A0 e&t. 1A8 Dulie +isenman .D-> 7ews ,irector 59126 925-<<22

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