Godrej Paper Aptitude Puzzle Mumbai 22 July 2010

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i had attended an off-campus interview of godrej. It starts on time so be on time. it started with Box test. the question are as follows. 1) Box1 box2 box 1 11 ! using on" addition and subtraction bring 1# in box1 and $ in box . 2) box1 contains %on&s current age is 1 and box2 contains fathers current age is '( box contain sum of father and son six "rs bac). bring father&s age 1 "rs before son was born in box 1 and sum of father and son after !"rs. ) box1-2 box2-12 box - '$ using multiplication and division onl" bring !* in box in steps *) box 1 cotain odd value + or , the box 2 -+ i.e ! or 12 box - , has value 1# if + is ! or 1 if x is 12 get even value + or , .se an" operator steps allowed ')/#0!$ or !1 in box-1 1 1(01#0 or 2$ in box-2 1 /$0/10 or /2 in boxget - 0 -* 0 or -' in box-2 in steps..se all operations i.e. 2 30-0405 ). /)box1-a box2-b box -c get a-2b-c in box using onl" subtract steps !)box1-a box2--a box -a-1 in steps using an" operation get a42a-1)-2a-1)4a in box2 () t is the total number of sun glass sold which has c number of cartons and l loose glasses. 6ach cartons contains 2! glasses. If each sale of carton0 rs discount is awarded on each glass. 6ach glass cost rs#. Box1- total number of glass sold box2- 7ost of each glass box -discount on each glass using an" operation in / steps0 bring total discount and total selling price in box2 and box respectivil" #) box18 p-cost of a do9en bag box28 (*2dut" on 12bags) box 8 !2num of bag purchased b" customer) bring cost 3 dut" of ! bags in box 1 1$) i forgot 7ut off is / on 1$ no -ve mar) on wrong question and -$.2' on each extra steps i cleared 1st round0 about 1 cleared from batch of approx 1$$ ppl 2nd round8 it was again an apti round. it had ' pprs :0B070;06. <aper : was 2$ mar)s0 2$ mins0 2$ question0 no -ve mar)ing. It was filled with series. <aper B had 1$ mins0 2$question0 contains -ve mar)ing. I forgot wht it had <aper 7 had 2$ mins 1$question0 =as -ve mar)ing. It was filled with tables and manupulation <aper ; had /questions 2$mins. >o -ve mar)s. It was tooo too tough. i remeber few question 1) 1 151 - ? 2) :@AB 3 BABB - BI>CA :-!0 C-# find :@AB0 BI>CA0 BABB ) <ADE57=A<-70 If 7-20 Find <ADE and 7=A<

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*) xx! and xxx are two numbers and we have to mulitpl" them xx! xxx GGGGGG xxxx xxxxxx GGGGGG xxx1! find all x&s <aper :0b0c0d are continous theres 1$mins brea) for paper e paper 6 was #$mins and #$question. it has ver" little quant0 ver" little logical reasoning. 7ompletl" diff.... i couldnt clear the Dound 2. onl" / people cleared. 6ach section had sectional cut off. Dound was direct =D and it was just for formailt". @he" directl" awarded offer letter to all people who qualified round 2 :HH @=6 B6%@

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