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Event: Interview er[ ....11....

Date: January 28, 2004

Special Access Issues: none ,/>li~: 11 Law En for c erne n t P r iva c y

Prepared by: Quinn John Tamm, Jr. /:'/:'/!!!ii]\ \"':~""

Team Number: IA/'//1!i:l: '\0\

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Location: FBI Washington F;efd 9~t~jw~hl~~.on, DC

.: :':':' :': ! : : ~ \ \ ...

participants-Commission{~ch~~l J.U~h~~~,M~co A. Cordero, Quinn John Tamm, Jr.

FBI RepresentatiVe:R~bertS~ ~*W:' ' "

~ $}SuperviSory s~iw 4~e~tr! ; , ; 1 \ '\ "l Federal Bureau oflnvestigation
(FBI), is the supervisor oflnter:nat~oI~arre~~n~sm Squad Three (IT-3) of the Washington
Field Office of the FBLJ fh~ j~p
employed as a special agent with the FBI
since 04/26l1987. Since 19971! ;! I~ peen assigned to the WFO on criminal
investigative squads that investigate I~, Hamas and.Hezballah. In January 2003, Mr.
I tWas appointed supervisor ofI!t-~. Thissquad is assigned the case of Agus
Budiman, an Indonesian national who vias associated With...the 9-11 hijackers in -
Hamburg, Germany. Budimanworked ~t the.same business Hamburg with Mohammed
Atta and Marwan al Shehhi, / !! \: \ \.

U ~l /./ ~~ted that hJ wJs aJe

that an i~vesti,gation of B~diman had
been asslgn¢d to I I -3. ;' stated th~t the case agents for the Budiman case were
Special A~en 'FBI, ~d Special Agent1 I Mr.
I Ireco ection was/ t ulman's name had beenv'surfaced" by the FBI office in
Berlin, Germany as associated with a visa application by Ramzi bin a1 Shebi. Budiman
was living in Alexandria/V A and the District of Columbia'when this information was
developed, and a case was opened. Special A~enq li·~very familiar with the
investigation of Budiman, - i: '
.:' ~.
Lt . (~]r---""f~aid. on 09/1112001 he!,was assigned td\ IT ~3 as.a special age~t. ..
The pnmary focus ofIT-3 IS al Qaeda. Consequently, IT-3 had the pnmary responsibIlity;..,.'
for investigating the 0911112001 terrorist attacks on the United, States, and subsequent .
investigations. The FBI code name for the 09111/2001 attacksis PENTTBOM. IT ..3's
follow up investigation included the VirginiajDepartment of Motor Vehicles (DMV)
portion of the PENTTBOM case, in which Budiman had a role. 1
directly on this facet of the case.
during most of this period was 1...
I [did not work
stated that the supervisor of the squad
.. <V1 . r ted ~t presently, there ~e no open investigations o~ any 9·11
hijacker associates In eWashington, DC area, assigned to IT-~....
familiar with any of the hij~~ker associates. . .>/
I lIS not

(~ ~i~ not~rovide any additiolllllinf~rmation at this time.

-, -,

"'\9111 Law Enforcement Privacy

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