MFR Nara - T1a - FBI - FBI Special Agent 35-11-18!03!00462

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9/11 ~aw Enforcement Privacy

T~.\~·t .. ·-S~CRE'f fV\FI~O 40 11539

• "'\'.~::-;:'" "'MJj;~()~NDUM FOR THE RECORD

\ \\'\\\ \~:<:~r~~t: Interview of FBI Special Ageii~.. ..

\t\\\ \~Tzy.e~r:~vent: Interview

\. \\\ \ ".. \l>at~tt"N'6vember 18 2003

\ \\\ \'" \'..""'" '\;;:... ....:::< -. "\:-. '
\. \\\ \ \ S~~ia"'A~t.ess::lssues: Access Limited to Dieter Snell, Raj De (source disclosure)
:: \\ \ '-., "~...'. .... -. -. ..

\ \\\~,.".
, \\\ \, \\T~am~!Dbe;;:::l~> ,

\\\ \ L.~atiO~\ml, s~:~~go Field Office

\\\\i>a'~,d'~IPan~::~j\jOD-C6~~i~iO:~;f..BI Supervisory SpeciaJ Agent Rick Kelly

W par~iJ,ants )~~1DmiSSi~~;':Ple~erS~1, Raj De

\ \.\ \ \1 '"\,,"'~~~~as woi~~l!.lO(th~talJor about 20 years. He started working for

\ \.the ~ureau,as suppoi¥.,Jl!!rsonneJ in 4>(;nBel~'in J984. He worked surveillance in Los
\ \A,ngeJes from 1985 to"1991. In 199.1~ ...... ecame an FBI agent and was assigned to
\ ~~ S~ Francisco Fiel,fQlf!ce. He *pr ~o~beries for 5 years. He later worked
\'Yi~.hth~ Oakland homic1'4~"'~.askforce ...··J.n..~pr.i.1 199tJ ..... !was assigned to a domestic.
terrorism squad. By the enQ 'of 1998, hewas assigned to an international terrorism squad,
~~ppnsl'l'le for "~l Qaeda ari~.:Jh~Taliban. ··ije"\Y~~"9fficiall»F~assigned to the San Diego
Pj~l~ Office on Qctober 26, 2P.O·~. . \.. \.. ...... ......

\ \ \ During th~\~eek Of91l:i~aShOU~~'h~nting in s~ri{)iegO in anticipation

of~i~ reasslgnmenn When the ~~rred, he ~!Irrtl<d to San Fra,"tsco (Wh~re he
was stil] assigned) and was put on a::Jen-orism squadworking.Wl l leads:' ad
three ~ypes of assignmentswhile wor~i'ng for this squad: (l) t~ Absconder Apprehension
Initi,t'~v~, which involved tracking,immjgrants post ~I.ll ;"(~) the Attorney General
InterYi'~~ Directive, which involved ini~rV~ewing any foreignstudents with visas similar
to th<!:9/1'1 hijackers; and ..(3) FD 71 leads.which involved f~llo~ing"~p citizen complaint
calls.' \ \ \~upervisor at this time was.John Sylvester. \... \... ""'"

\ \ \ \, ve \'" \::"'::"" onths after t~'~"9ii ..!tmtrs, He is the

', first me' .... n",rIY 200!,
\ According. t tt-t-~a.---"""'1-a-s-a-w-a""""'_l~n-w"'!l'l~
~ ....---,..Jas sent to interv'".ie~·
\ said that he approached the FBl because his unc e ' tened to tell the 'F)31 that he
r-lwa.~ a member of Hezbollah. According t .. his uncle - named ..
~end~· st him because of something . ance. As

it turned out uncle did in,...~
into the round this
time and inform t e authorities tha·L.Jw~~.,a '~ember of Hezbollah .


~/11 Law Enforcement Sensitive

9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy 11 Personal Privacy

...........~ ~ --.,
", I,:. '.:.: .. ':,::. '.:.. .. " . ~.: '. :" . "': ".

. .
\\\ \:r· :~~~?!·p.·:t~~~nt·~t::~~:~~:co~ i~tervi~~·oi ~hich was conducted
\\. \.::··:~yt.......'.....: \.. oJ D4~~~ "'<
'\ .~~.~ot.glven,.h~~~ver.):I::gnfonne tfi~~:~flt~rview·'.
un.!l~.I~~~W t,hathe had met
~:~I:~.~dto ~a~e ap?lygraph exam (one

\\. t~~ o.r~ht:::.~/ll··~~Ja~k~rs:c:Jt0l ;::-.... who met wlt~agaln soon after .

\'~~~~i~g ;61. ".~~.~~ ". ':::j. Jst;~~~~t~~... friend~'~ithl ~ho runs a
\ 10caf,tl, One dajf".ha4.·c~!le· .....:---... ndasked him to come over because
1', ' --hllt
'tWo A.abS in 'his o~e who wante yingIessons but who did speak
not much
Tm be'cr~·tf.ey seec,
~nglis~"': \ ..\, that 'these 1:\~dividual$.·w~?ted·tQ:~y'.big planes, and that he walked
o~t on .. ~.
wo "kh~~kl.~heads~~.:~tq~r.ewas ~o~hing suspicious,
though)..... .... lso.informe .\, hat he had already provided this information to
the\FBI bef~re h~"t:,ais'~'''~is concerns a ~.t his unCle.:s·.aJ.~egati61'1(~tated that this
meeting was ...the ~ly contact he had withany of the 911..I~rs: onfirmed
that there indicationof any othercontact between:~an t e ijackers other
than ii" couple ().~\ ': ute calls which m~st likely were 'used to coordinate the
initial·'~eeting. \ .: ,~gre~~:·~~.give a printout 'o'(~hese calls to Ric~ Kelly, who agreed
to provide a copy 0 e. iomrrnssion. ':::. .....

• \ Wren aSktd whe~e4 \···)~ended the ISIam;':"6;pterof San Di~~01

\ stated tha ad once"~ eyent outside the mosque but he was not a regular
\ attendee. When asked ~bou!L---J~el~~i~nship with BaSnari:;6,0ted that FBI
rtershad been mqumng about'tP~l ·3 months ago: stated that .
ew Basnan by a different name' \, could not recall t e name) and thought
t at asnan had a reputation as a ladies' man. was not familiar with any rumors
that Basnan may, have been a Saudi intelligence officer.

9/11 Law Enforcement Sensitive


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