MFR Nara - T1a - FBI - FBI Special Agent 39 - 11-5-03 - 00275

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Event: Interview of].. ---IIII..::::

Date: November 5,2003

Special Access Issues: None

Prepared by: Dieter Snell

Team Number: lA

Location: FBI Baltimore Field Of(ice

Participants - Commission: Dieter Snell, Hyon Kim

FBI Representative: Bob Sinton \

York)L.a-e .....---
.... ---.
~t~ea to his squad.
~f Customs (New
~ecalls th~tDought
climbing equipment rom out eor stores and stated that he intended-to use it to help him
commit suicide. He also' rented numerous cars and frequented Kinkos for internet use.
I hv
as present for th~\a~est :pOn the Virgi~a/warra~~ ...:'

• . \he ensuing con~~t sf;~kh dOap~~rit .i.nB·i~densburJyieldjd, among

other thin~s, an emPjYbOx'{o'ra~ a:vf~llonplanner; ~lnch belonged). morwate an
nameg Aftel'w~rking on the ih1:aterial witnesswarrant wit?_
articipated .~~l" additio ..n~~iews oJD:iq the pres~JKe of appointe9:'counsel
placed ..As~af~.uban\.-LJp~ke English fluently.v:' :/

,D~f( . il~··;\mer k~(r;d~fter Wi~se~ere PSYChOIOgiCal.;~oblems,

~dis~ur~' . .1vI.: dal," ~h~ ..~~~·~ran.s~ati~9-f'f0rk~or Saudis arrjvi~g in the l!S,
L-.....Pehexe'~ Is..still in cu~i<?dY,~waltl.tJ.g·d~portatIo~:.·D appea~s to have bilked
money f~9~/~~sq~s, $1 O'O.. h~re and there. H~ 41ai~.ed·that, at the time of his arrest, he
was driyj:hi.aroi¢·d h)okip-g;,:for\fipla~.t(io kill ~im.self but couldn't ...overcome Islam's
taboo ~g~liis.t
suicide. .... H.e"denied .ev;erlmeetilJgJIani Hanjour. \V.hen asked about his
/stran.g~:4isP9i~1ot~~·~emoi~_.c~ o~e*~!,'he ~:~ted only that the' device - which went
./witl{a:'r~nta:lcat. 7.....:itr.itat~4·hiirt because it would go off, so he-threw it away; he did not
/: e~p:i~i'~.~hy the::op'en~r~~s wt~p~e'~.:\ !! ....
,':::·.':/·:··:Dpe~ttl~~}~'r~~;;~~~J, SJuth dkolina, No~hcarolina, and northern
./ ::::-: ·.Vitginifi;·wijere he..droee a\$e,pw~~'~ Ice Cream truck-for a time. HIS address book
:/ ::::::::::':,contatne4-e'ott:ies'forpeoplefrom "l;lH. Qy:er tH~ world, reflecting translation work he had
diplomats he\n1~t\thlp\lg~ m#sques and other contacts. He app'ears to have
./../~·:··:-.>::,«r~a{(~ .:great deal and to have-gathered lnformatiorrfrom various publicati~psJ I
_if;-><f~~ns seeing numerous addres~e~\Mht n~mbers in sa~~i~~~iaand Kuwait. He

.j;:r:/\4kit~T ..
9/11 Personal Pr i vacy '::~!:<....'....
9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy
9/11 Personal Privacy
.\ ..: ,"",:,:,:,:':"
,..::... SE{;Itf!'f

\... ··.d!l~~n'trl:~:~;··;~~··~;;~ifje~,suqQ~di~ entry for Osama Basnan. Nor doesD

• k~~'Y.~.~~. GRF check fo~nd'i~ssession came from; he assumes/it reflects
one'c;>fL.Jreques.ts for financial assistance.rv. .:'

. 'Fr<>mthe la~~~~oOroom, it was c1ea~t~' JliilQas Very/devout. At

the HOlidatlT' CI~aning staff had discovered handwritten potes regarding his planned
suicide, which ad encased in plastic and placed under his mattress. He! was very
upset upon discovering that someone had been in his room.' (These notes were not
recovered by the FBI.) 1,1

With respect to Muhammad Alp..-;I;,;"'&;:..._-.

Council at a radical mos ue in Dallas

9/11 Personal Privacy

. Following a heated public battle over his dismissal from the/mosque, Al-Hallak
\moved to the Dar Us Salaam in College Park and became affiliated with the Islamic
Institute in Virginia. He has been accepted by the Islamicjcommunity, where he is
recognized as an authority and speaker on the Koran. I '1 '

\ After 9/11, the Dar Us Salaam Mosque cooperated with the/FBI at first but
became less cooperative and more vocal about civil ri~ht~ and vandalism issues after
CA1R beca . . re ented 'i-Halla a: shut down his

. .
. ., lalso a Syrian, i~ clOS!
to AI-Hallak and also
was In Iexas. A check of INS records revealed no problems with AI-HaIlak's status as a
naturalized citizen, which he attained in c. 1992. He appears ~bspend most of his time
either in his apartment or at mosques. Because he is barred from traveling to Syria, AI-
Hallak meets up with his family from time to time in Jordan.,' He has applied for
numerous jobs, including in Saudi Arabia. .11 j

9/11 Classified Information

9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

SECItE'¥ 2

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