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Localization Latin America / / Accounts Payable

Febraban - Pagamento Remessa

Added by Leonardo Brunetto, last edited by Leonardo Brunetto on Oct 31, 2013

This wiki article is intended to present the detailed layout of the bank statement file payment remittance (pagamento remessa).

The section below will describe all the fields needed for the records of payment remittance (pagamento remessa) file: File Header, Lot Header, Segment A, Segment B, Segment E Lot Trailler, and File Trailler. Hard-coded.

Header Record
Field Name Controle banco Controle lote Controle registro Brancos/Layout Empresa insc. Empresa numero empresa convenio Conta corrente Structure J_1BDMEXH1-H101 J_1BDMEXH1-H102 J_1BDMEXH1-H103 J_1BDMEXH1-H104 J_1BDMEXH1-H105 J_1BDMEXH1-H106 J_1BDMEXH1-H107 J_1BDMEXH1-H108 Length 0 3 7 8 17 18 32 52 Type C3 NC4 C1 C9 C1 NC14 C20 NC5 Agency/febko-absnd+3(5)/ febvw-bank+3(5) Conta DV Conta numero Conta numero DV DV Nome da empresa Nome do banco J_1BDMEXH1-H109 J_1BDMEXH1-H110 J_1BDMEXH1-H111 J_1BDMEXH1-H112 J_1BDMEXH1-H113 J_1BDMEXH1-H114 J_1BDMEXH1-H115 Arquivo codigo Data de gen. Hora de gen. sequencia J_1BDMEXH1-H116 J_1BDMEXH1-H117 J_1BDMEXH1-H118 J_1BDMEXH1-H119 57 58 70 71 72 102 132 142 143 151 157 C1 NC12 C1 C1 C30 C30 C10 C1 C8 C6 NC9 SPACE "2" febko-azdat/febko-azidt(8) febko-azidt+8(6) febko-aznum (no extrato) /febko-emkey(6)(always)+ "030" Densidade Reservado Banco J_1BDMEXH1-H120 J_1BDMEXH1-H121 166 171 NC5 C20 means RETORNO (return file) creation date (DDMMYYYY): statement date creation time: statement date File number and version used for statement key febko-ktonr/febko-absnd+15 add to febko-ktonr (if filled) add to febko-ktonr (if filled) control digit for agency account number without control digits control digit for account number control digit for agency/account Brach name Name of house bank Source febko-absnd(3)/febvw-bankl(3) "0000" "0" SPACE "2" febko-ktoih Inscription type (CGC) CGC number: Statement accont holder Identification number at bank Agency (bank key) Description Bank code Lot Counter Flag for file header


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reservado empresa cnab servico ocorrencias


191 211 228 230 240

C20 C17 C2 C10 HEX2 "0D0A" CR+LF Space

Lot Header
Codigo do banco Codigo do lote Tipo de registro Tipo de operacao Tipo de servicio Forma de lanc Layout do lote Empresa inscricao Tipo da empreso J_1BDMEXH2-H201 J_1BDMEXH2-H202 J_1BDMEXH2-H203 J_1BDMEXH2-H204 J_1BDMEXH2-H205 J_1BDMEXH2-H206 J_1BDMEXH2-H207 J_1BDMEXH2-H208 J_1BDMEXH2-H209 0 3 7 8 9 11 13 16 17 C3 NC4 C1 C1 NC2 NC2 C3 C1 C1 "2" or "1" CGC (2) or CPF(1) febko-ktosb+6(4) "1" "E" "04"/ febko-ktosb+14 febko-ktosb+11 "020 " Bank Code Lot counter (sequential): spec.. account name Flag for lot header Extrato Indentifier: Extrato: account spec name account spec name layout version number

Num. da empresa Cod. con. banco Cod. Agencia DV Conta numero DV DV Nome da empresa Inf. 1 Data do soldo ini Valor do saldo ini Situacao do saldo Status Tipo de moeda Sequencia cnab

J_1BDMEXH2-H210 J_1BDMEXH2-H211 J_1BDMEXH2-H212 J_1BDMEXH2-H213 J_1BDMEXH2-H214 J_1BDMEXH2-H215 J_1BDMEXH2-H216 J_1BDMEXH2-H217 J_1BDMEXH2-H218 lot_header_e-datum_ini lot_header_e-valor_ini lot_header_e-dcind_ini lot_header_e-stats_ini lot_header_e-currency lot_header_e-extra_nr lot_header_e-filler62

18 33 53 58 59 71 72 73 103 143 151 169 170 171 174 179

NC15 C20 NC5 C1 NC12 C1 C1 C30 C40 C8 NC18 C1 C1 C3 C5 C62 febko-aznum/febko-emkey+6 SPACE febko-ssbtr "D" or "C"/febko-ssvoz ("S" or "H") Identification number at bank Agency (bank key) Ceck digit for agency Account number at bank Contol digit for account number Control digit for agency/account number Brach name Information 1 Date for initial balance Initial balance: Start saldo Initial deb/cred ind.: Satement debit/credit Initial status Currency sequ. Number: statement number+G45 Filler

Codigo do banco Codigo do lote Tipo de registro Numero do reg. Segmento Tipo de mov. Codigo mov. Compensacao J_1BDMEXA-A01 J_1BDMEXA-A02 J_1BDMEXA-A03 J_1BDMEXA-A04 J_1BDMEXA-A05 J_1BDMEXA-A06 J_1BDMEXA-A07 J_1BDMEXA-A08 0 3 7 8 13 14 15 17 C3 NC4 C1 NC5 C1 C1 NC2 NC3 "A" "0" (standard) or number "00" "000" "3" Bank Code Lot counter (sequential) Flag for standard record record counter per lot (sequential) segment name Standard transaction Standard transaction


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Banco Agencia conta DV Numero conta DV DV Nome do favor. Seu numero


20 23 28 29 41 42 43 73

NC3 NC5 C1 NC12 C1 C1 C30 C20

febep-pablz(3) febep-pablz+3(5)

Bank group business partner Bank code business partner II (Agency) control digit for account number


Bank Account business partner control digit for account number control digit for agency/account number

febep-partn febre-vwezw+18/febep-belnr febep-pnota

Name of account holder bank business partner payment reference (reguh-vblnr)

Data lancamento Tipo da moeda uantidade moed valor lancamento Nosso numero Data real Valor real


93 101 104 119 134 154 162

C8 C3 NC15 NC15 C20 C8 C15 febep-chect febep-budat (if filled)/febep-valut febep-kwbtr (add to febko-sumso or febko-sumha

Valuta date payment (DDMMYYYY) Currency code

Bank duplicata number Valuta date: Item valuta date Amount of single item (debit or credit)

Informacao2 Informacao2 Inf.2 /cnab


177 197 213

C20 C16 C16 lot_header_p-h206/lot_header_p-205 add to febre-vwezw Payment form

Aviso Ocorencias


229 230 240

C1 C10 HEX2 febep-vgext "0D0A" Return code: Statement external code CR+LF

Codigo do banco Codigo do lote Tipo de reg. Numero do regis. Codigo do segm Brancos Insc. tipo favor. Numero de inscr. Endereco Numero Complemento Bairro Cidade Cep Compl. Cep Estado J_1BDMEXB-B01 J_1BDMEXB-B02 J_1BDMEXB-B03 J_1BDMEXB-B04 J_1BDMEXB-B05 J_1BDMEXB-B06 J_1BDMEXB-B07 J_1BDMEXB-B08 J_1BDMEXB-B09 J_1BDMEXB-B10 J_1BDMEXB-B11 J_1BDMEXB-B12 J_1BDMEXB-B13 J_1BDMEXB-B14 J_1BDMEXB-B15 J_1BDMEXB-B16 J_1BDMEXB-B17 0 3 7 8 13 14 17 18 32 62 67 82 97 117 122 125 127 C3 NC4 C1 NC5 C1 C3 C1 NC14 C30 C5 C15 C15 C20 NC5 C3 C2 C113 SPACE District of business partner City of business partner ip code business partner Complement zip code Region business partner "B" SPACE ("01" for CPF, "02" for CGC) Tax number of bus. Partner Street and house number of bus. Partner Bank code business partner II (Agency) "3" Bank Code Lot counter (sequential) Flag for standard record record counter per lot (sequential) segment name


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J_1BDMEXB-J_1BCRLF Codigo do banco items_e-e01

240 0



CR+LF Bank Code

Codigo do lote Tipo de reg. Numero do regis. Codigo do segm Brancos Brancos Numero de inscr. Convenio Cod conta corr DV Bairro Cidade Cep Compl. Cep Estado Cnab Cnab Data do lanc. Valor do lanc items_e-e02 items_e-e03 items_e-e04 items_e-e05 items_e-e06 items_e-e07 items_e-e08 items_e-e09 items_e-e10 items_e-e11 items_e-e12 items_e-e13 items_e-e14 items_e-e15 items_e-e16 items_e-e17 items_e-e18 items_e-post_dat items_e-amount 3 7 8 13 14 15 17 18 32 52 57 58 70 71 72 102 132 142 150 NC4 C1 NC5 C1 C1 C2 C1 NC14 C20 NC5 C1 NC12 C1 C1 C30 C30 C10 C8 NC18 SPACE SPACE febep-budat (if filled)/febep-valut febep-kwbtr (add to febep-sumso or febep-sumha) Tipo lanc. categoria Cod banco lanc Historico No documento Cnab items_e-dcind items_e-category items_e-tcode_ba items_e-history items_e-xblnr items_e-filler 168 169 172 176 201 221 C1 C3 C4 C25 C20 19 febep-chect/febep-xblnr/febre-vwezw Reference doc number "D" or "C"/febep-epvoz ("S" or "H") febep-vgext Debit/credit indicator Return code: Extranal trans code Item amount Bank code control digit for account number District of business partner City of business partner ip code business partner Complement zip code Region business partner ("01" for CPF, "02" for CGC) tax number of company "E" "3" Lot counter (sequential) Flag for standard record record counter per lot (sequential) seg+G249ment name

Lot Trailler
Cod. Do banco Codigo do lote Tipo de registro Cnab J_1BDMEXT2-T201 J_1BDMEXT2-T202 J_1BDMEXT2-T203 J_1BDMEXT2-T204 J_1BDMEXT2-T205 J_1BDMEXT2-T206 J_1BDMEXT2-T207 J_1BDMEXT2-T208 Cnab Limite da conta Valor bloqueado Lot_trailer_e-filler4 Lot_trailer_e-ac_limit Lot_trailer_e-bal_blck 0 3 7 8 17 23 41 59 102 106 124 C4 NC18 NC18 C3 NC4 C1 C9 NC6 NC18 NC18 up to pos. 102 SPACE Account limit Amount blocked "5" SPACE Bank code Lot counter (sequential) Flag for lot trailer


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Data do sal. fin. Valor do sal. fin Situacao Status uant. de registr Valor debitos Valor creditos Cnab

Lot_trailer_e-datum_end Lot_trailer_e-valor_end Lot_trailer_e-dcind_end Lot_trailer_e-stats_end Lot_trailer_e-nr_record Lot_trailer_e-totdebit Lot_trailer_e-totcredit Lot_trailer_e-filler28

142 150 168 169 170 176 194 212

C8 NC18 C1 C1 NC6 NC18 NC18 C28 SPACE febko-esbtr "D" or "C"/febko-esvoz ("S" or "H")

Date of final saldo Final saldo: Final saldo Situation (debit/credit): Satement debit/credit Status Number of records Total amount debit Total amount credit

File Trailler
Controle banco Controle lote Controle registro Cnab uant. de lotes uant. de registr. uant. contas con J_1BDMEXT1-T101 J_1BDMEXT1-T102 J_1BDMEXT1-T103 J_1BDMEXT1-T104 J_1BDMEXT1-T105 J_1BDMEXT1-T106 J_1BDMEXT1-T107 _1BDMEXT2-J_1BCRLF 0 3 7 8 17 23 29 240 C3 NC4 C1 C9 NC6 NC6 C211 HEX2 "000000" "0D0A" CR+LF "9999" "9" SPACE Lot counter Record conter per file Flag for file trailer Bank code

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