Consider God's Creatures

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Consider Gods Creatures

Setter I dont see Irish Setters much anymore. Perhaps thats just a matter of chance; I have my doubts. Theres the fact of fashion in choosing ones dog, if turning from the mutts. Ive heard theyre not very bright, and take long to house break, and bark a lot. ut ! that face "ith long snout, those bro"n eyes# the love they give "ith ears hung do"n. $nd "hen they run, really run, "ith their long bodies stretched out, the red coat rich and shining, the fur o% their striding legs# feathered long back"ard in the "ind# nature among its best.

To Ponder &. 'ature comes to us in many "ays#animal, vegetable and mineral. (. Today I focus on animal, for no reason; it just came to me like most poetry does. ). I never o"ned an Irish Setter, but as a boy I lived across the alley from one#sa" her *rst hand, almost daily. +. I sa" and heard from her ho" much they bark, sa" her run in an open *eld nearby. ,. I sa" that regal, graceful beauty, sa", on occasion, those sad drooped ears "hen I "alked a"ay from her gate . -. Sa" as "ell, her standing tall on her hind legs "hen I came the other "ay and reached over the gate to stroke that magni*cent cro"n.

.. /ou can love any dog, but this is the one that sticks for me. Discussion Questions &. 0o" about your animal, does one breed stick1 'ame any animal, made tangible as one near and dear to you. 2o memories abound1 (. !n the farm or ranch, at the 3oo, in your house, or someone elses, in a book or *lm, "hat creature touched or still touches you in a special "ay1 ). 0o" "ould you describe that feeling1 4an you put it into "ords1 Is it "orth a try1 +. !n the other hand, do you have your ornery moments, as I do, "hen visiting friends and their pets overstep their bounds1 ,. /et these creatures, to be remembered as put on earth by 5od, "hat do they therefore mean to us1

This latest book by master poet o the practical! "llan #o$! %#han&e the 'ay (o) *ace the +ay!% &rabbed me with the ,rst words o his ,rst poem: %"re yo) on the road to stop-% Joan Kufrin, author, 'rite Ti&ht! .dit To)&h The mysterio)s potential or the reader is like a b)tter/y /oatin& abo0e )s in the resh sprin& air. Bobbie Raymond, $rtist, Play"right, 4ommunity !rgani3er "llan #o$ has &i0en )s a demonstration o how he has chan&ed the way he aces each o his days. 'here0er yo) land as yo) access this book is where yo) sho)ld be. Christopher ei!, 4hair, 4hristopher 6eil 7 4ompany Investment $dvisors

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