Unit 22 Lo2 Production Booklet

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Unit 22: Single Camera Techniques

Pre-Production Booklet for 5-minute Drama

Name: Cameron Gibson

Order of contents (italics show areas you must add in yourself)

Treatment Narrative Structure Script Storyboard Mood Board Locations Props List Sound Table Lighting Recording and Editing Equipment Call Sheet Risk Assessment

Treatment Non-linear Narrative Group Treatment

After a Saturdays party Molly is confused to as to why she keeps having flashbacks about Things she cant remember happening she asks her friends and none can remember Anything like that. So why is Molly, what happened?

Character biographies

Molly Molly lives on the outskirts of London with her mum and two brothers, her dad past away when she was very young and ever since her two older brothers have acted as a dad to her; they are very protective over her and their mum. She attends the local college where she has a group of very close friends who she spends the majority of time with, when she Isnt spending time with her friends and family she enjoys writing music. Lucy Lucy is a very confident 17 year old whos passion is drama, she like Molly also lives On the outskirts of London where she grew up with her brother and parents. She and Molly have been friends since secondary school and are both in the same friendship group at college. Ellie Ellie moved into the area 1 year ago and started at college, she now lives with her grandparents because she and her mother decided it was for the best because t hey werent getting on and she hadnt been focusing at school. She like Lucy loves drama and wants to peruse a career in it.

Its a Friday and Molly and her group of friends are all heading out to someone from colleges party. When they turn up at the party they are surprised to find that the police Have turned up and everyone has been chucked out and they are all heading to the local woods to carry on the party. The friends decide to go because no one else has any other motives; not long after being there Molly and her friends are very drunk. The next morning Molly wakes up in her own bed wondering how she had got there, no one is home so Molly rings Lucy to ask what happened; Lucy tells her that everyone got pretty drunk and that they all left the woods at around 12ish and went home. The girls both agree that it was a good night and end their conversation. A few hours after their call Molly starts to get a banging headache which she thinks is down to the amount that she drank but she then starts to experience flashbacks of the night things that she has no recollection of, when she asks the rest of the group on Monday they also have no idea and Ellie tells Molly that she spent most of the night with a mysterious boy. But who is this mysterious boy and what did Molly drink or take to make her forget the whole night

Narrative Structures
What is narrative?
Narrative is a story. It is a series of events that happen and is all for an audience to read or watch

What is a linear narrative?

Narrative is about the story having a beginning, middle and end. It is where the plot is in a restricted order.

What is a non-linear narrative?

A nonLinear narrative is where the plot is twisted. It doesnt have an order of events. It could start at the middle, then flash back to the beginning to find out how the character got where they were in the beginning, then end with a final outcome.

What narrative structure does your final video have?

A nonLinear narrative is where the plot is twisted. It doesnt have an order of events.

It could start at the middle, then flash back to the beginning to find out how the character got where they were in the beginning, then end with a final outcome.

Script Non-linear Treatment Script FRIDAY NIGHT INT. LUCYS HOUSE. 8:30 PM The girls; Molly, Lucy and Ellie are all at Lucys House getting ready for a party that someone from college is having. Music is playing in the background. LUCY: Do you girls actually think we get into this party? Weve never even spoken to the guy before. ELLIE: Well I dont know but Harry seemed to think that it would be fine and besides weve got nothing better to do so lets just try it. MOLLY: I agree and its a great excuse to get drunk! The girls all burst out laughing. ELLIE: Yes, SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS. Ellie pours each of the girls a shot and after three they all drink it. EXT. GIRLS ARE WALKING TO THE PARTY LUCY: Lets take a picture, smile girlies. Ellies phone rings, she answers it. MOLLY: Who is it? ELLIE: Its Harry. Hey Harry, are you alright? HARRY: Hi Ell, OMG the party is crazy! The police have just turned up and weve all been chucked out. ELLIE: OMG how annoying! What are you going to do then? HARRY: Well everyone is talking about a party up in Finlock Woods. You girls should come, it should be good. ELLIE: Oh okay well I suppose we will come too then. HARRY: Alright see you in a bit, text me when you get there and the details. ELLIE: See you later. LUCY: What did he say? ELLIE: The police turned up a And theyve all been chucked out so were going to head up to Finlock Woods. MOLLY: Im up for that. The girls arrive at the woods and meet Harry. EXT. FINLOCK WOODS. 10:00 PM HARRY: Hello girls, what you drinking? LUCY: The usual (Lucy holds up a bottle) MOLLY: So tell us what happened?

HARRY: Well we turned up at about 8:30. People were everywhere; her house was full and there was people in the garden and on her drive, well anyway it was crowded and one of her neighbours must have rang the police because everyone was getting pretty rowdy. Next thing we know the police are there and we are all being escorted away. ELLIE: Oh shit, did her house get ruined? HARRY: Im not too sure but Im sure we will find out on Monday (Harry laughs) ELLIE: Anyway, come on Harry takes us to this thing then. Harry leads the girls down to the party in the woods. They start to hear loud music and people dancing. The girls and Harry start to dance. EXT. FINLOCK WOODS. 12:00 Lucy walks over to Ellie as she walks away from Harry who just stares at her as she walks away. LUCY: Oi Ellie, have you seen Molly? ELLIE: No, not since we arrived. I wonder where she is. The camera cuts to a clip of Molly whilst the girls are talking, the clip shows Molly with a guy but the clip is short and doesnt show much. LUCY: We should probably go and look for her just to make sure she is ok. ELLIE: Yes, something may have happened. The girls walk off to go and look for her, when they finally find her she is sat alone slumped on the floor. ELLIE: Well she is absolutely gone, let s get her up. LUCY: Ill call a taxi for us. Lucy gets out her phone. EXT. MOLLYS HOUSE. 10:00 AM Molly wakes up and calls for her mum but realises that no one is in; she picks up her phone and calls Lucy. MOLLY: Hey, how are you feeling? LUCY: Im not too bad (she laughs) how are you feeling? (Laughs again) MOLLY: Absolutely awful, I cant remember anything. What happened? LUCY: Oh gosh, Im not really sure what happened to you but when me and Ellie found you, you were lying next to a tree on your own. MOLLY: Ive no idea how I got there. LUCY: Me neither, well anyway Ive got work in a couple of hours and I need some sleep so Im going to go. Ill talk to you on Monday. MOLLY: Yes ok Luce, have fun at work (laughing) Later on that day, Lucy has a terrible headache. She begins to have a flashback of the night before. She begins to worry

because the face that she sees she doesnt recognise. INT. COLLEGE. MONDAY The girls are sat round a table in the canteen. MOLLY: Im so scared girls; Ive been having like flashbacks. The girls just stare at her.

Storyboard Who?
Which characters/ objects are in the scene?

What is the location for the shot?

Say What?
Is there any dialogue/text?

Natural Ambient Torchlight Spotlight Direction of light?

And then.?
What happens? Describe the action.

What is the camera angle? Is there any movement from the camera?

Duration of the shot / number of frames action is held for.

Mood Board: Harry

Mood Board: Lucy

Mood Board: Molly

Location recce

Props List

Production Name: Friday Night Producer: Cameron Gibson

What props / models / furniture etc will you need to make your video? Production Name: Friday night Producer: Grace Crowley Item Script page Description Character/location Notes camera All pages I will need a camera throughout the production to record the film. There are three characters, teenage girls, in the bedroom. The girls get ready for a party and the camera will be used to film the three characters. IPhone 1,2,4,5 This will be used when the girls call Harry and each other about the party. Ellies phone in the bedroom, while harry is talking to her outside in a street with gangs of people. Another time at the end when Molly calls Lucy. They are IPhones because all of the characters have them. It will be used to show how the characters keep in contact with each other. Shot glasses and vodka 1 The girls use them all to have pre drinks before they leave. In Lucys bedroom on a stool they line up three shot glasses and then pour the vodka into them. They all then take the shot together. They all have a shot for a pre drink before they leave to go to the party. table 5 The girls sit around a table in the canteen talking about the night before. The college canteen with the three girls around a table talking about it all. The girls are at college the day after talking about what they can and cant remember.

Sound Table Production Name: Producer: Shot 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Action The Drug Deal Finding Molly Phone call Alarm clock Description of Diegetic/non/diegetic Atmosphere created Musice type and Sound atmosphere Erie, anxious, creepy Non diegetic intense woods Jumpy, immediate Normal Normal Non diegetic Intense/rush Outside corridor outside Bedroom/Flashback


What is low-key lighting?

Low key lighting is where the lighting in the scene is dimmed or darker than usual

What genres may use this?

Genres such as horror and thriller will use low key lighting to add more of a dramatic and spooky effect on the audience. This adds more suspense and tension to the scene. Another genre such as romance will also use low key lighting in quite a lot of scenes. This is because it adds more of a cosy, loved atmosphere towards the characters.

What is high-key lighting?

High key lighting is where it is light in the scene. It is used in the day time and when the characters are inside a lit room.

What genres may use this?

This will be used in genres such as comedies and action films because they are mostly filmed in the day as most action happens in the day.

What is ambient lighting?

Ambient lighting is where the lighting hasnt been created by the film producers. It is the lighting that is original in the area that is filmed. Nothing is used in the scene to change how the lighting is.

Recording and Editing Equipment

What equipment are you using to film?

I am using a friends video recorder to film the different scenes. We might use an IPhone to film some of the party for some different action shots and it shows we used a variation of creative filming ideas. We are using a Sony snap shot camera to film the footage.

What software are you using to edit on?

I am using software called premier pro to edit my footage of everything I have filmed. We have the availability in certain college class rooms to edit. I have managed to download a free trial on my laptop that lasts 30 days so I can edit work from home while I have had a few projects to hand in. It is very expensive so when the trial has finished, I will only have access from the college.

Call Sheet
VIIBE PRODUCTIONS @ The Henley College Production: Friday Night Client Information: Viibe Productions Location: Henley College, Graces home Flackwell Heath

Cast and Crew: Abbey Fletcher Cameron Gibson Grace Crowley Beth

Lucy Harry Molly Dealer

Role: Phone Number: 0779567345 0758634586 0777342546 0714356758

Production Requirements:Nil


Other Information:NONE

Risk assessment of venue

Complete risk assessment for the shooting locations


Slippy floors



Please leave this section blank: Risk Assessment checked by: Name .. . Date


KEY:Activity :Describe the component part of your pursuit.Hazard : List the things you anticipate might cause harm or the things associated with your activity that have the potential to cause harm. Consider the likely harm. Risk: Assess the risk as either H (High), M (Medium) or L (Low). When concluding your assessment consider all of the circumstances. Precautions: Consider what you could do to minimise / negate the risk. In Place: Will the precautionary measures be in place at the time of the activity? Review Date: When would it be reasonable to review your assessment? Remember it might be whilst you are undertaking the activity. Reviewer: Name of the person responsible for completing the risk assessment. A copy of this form should be taken on the activity or visit by the Reviewer.

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