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The Gelatt Family - ministering to refugees in Kansas City

Our new ministry is off to a great start! We stepped down from Campus Crusade staff in November, and boy oh boy
have we been busy! We sat down with several of the Burmese leaders in the refugee community. We opened up our
home to them, including Pastor Run Tho and his family (pictured above), and he (and the other leaders) have helped us
to learn a lot about the Burmese people. Through these meetings with the Burmese pastors and community leaders, we
have been able to better determine not only their needs, but how we can begin to minister to those needs.
The rst ministry effort for 2014 is to teach English to the refugees. Only a small few know English well, as most speak
only a few English words or none at all. Learning English will allow them to assimilate into America better, to get a
better paying job to provide for their families, and to allow them to better communicate with doctors, teachers, etc.
Also, we desire to teach them English so that we can build deeper friendships, and to ultimately share the truths of the
Bible with them. Thanks to the efforts of the Burmese pastors, some know Christ. But many others do not. And some
that know Him, do not walk in His ways. May God use us to encourage the pastors, and to impact the refugees!
Instead of teaching English in a formal classroom, we have a different idea. Our plan is to meet family to family, taking
all 8 Gelatts into several refugee homes each week, and teaching informal conversational English as we get to know
them, and they get to know us. Basically, our desire is to be in their lives and homes as much as we can to be more
effective in ministering to them. Also, we plan to recruit other spiritually mature K.C. families to do the same, and we
will match each volunteer family with one Burmese family and then set up a time for their weekly gathering. Its a
unique bold idea but we feel it is necessary in order to really build relationships, and to demonstrate the love of Christ.
This plan is launching now, so please pray for us. We have other projects planned: helping renovate an old church
building for the Burmese, teaching U.S. Citizenship classes, and leading Bible based marriage and parenting workshops
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kansas ClLy, kS 66104
Mlcah - 783.231.9478
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CenLral Mlsslonary Clearlnghouse
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PousLon, 1x 77218-9228
01 english class
As we begin meeting with
families in their homes to
teach English, pray that
we will relate well with
them, and that God will
use us.
02 church project
One of the Burmese
churches has asked us to
help them renovate their
older building. It needs
much work, and we are
putting together a team if
volunteers to donate their
labor. The project will
begin in January. Pray for
wisdom and resources.
03 children
Pray that our children
continue to understand
and adjust to this new
ministry. Pray that they
feel a part of it.
Josiah has been raising
and selling his hens to
our Burmese friends.
They LOVE to buy his
live chickens, and are
always asking him for
more. That boy is going
to be a Godly
businessman someday.
Some friends helped us bring needed Christmas gifts to
some refugee families. Our church here in K.C. bought
many needed items, and our dear friends all the way up
in Kalkaska, MI hauled down a BUNCH of gifts a
couple thousand miles in a semi-truck. What a joy!
Here we are at a Burmese birthday party. It is
their custom to bring out lots of food and drink
for their guests. It is delicious food but very spicy.
Pray that our stomachs learn to adapt soon!
Over 50 Burmese carolers crashed our house
during Christmas. They knocked on the door,
all 50 streamed in 1 x 1, they sang 4 songs in
Burmese, then they smiled and left. COOL!
Our Emma turned 7
in November, and just
lost a tooth. She is
growing fast!
Celebrating New Years
with our refugee friends
at the Burmese church.
At the end of the
service, Micah was
asked to give the prayer
of blessing for the
church and families for
the coming year.
In the K.C. area:
Become a volunteer
family to teach English
OR join our church
renovation project.
Contact us to sign up!
Out of the K.C. area:
Would you commit to
praying for us in 2014?
We NEED your prayer!

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