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Jobs for Felons: Federal Programs that Help Exoffenders and Felons get Jobs

Written By Eric Mayo http:// !ailto!ob"com/ ordpress

The situation that felons face is that the job search is not going to be easy in most cases. They will encounter employers who will hold criminal records against them. On the other hand, there are employers who will hire someone who they believe will be a good employee, even though they have a criminal record. Increasingly, employers are finding out for a number of reasons, that hiring ex-offenders and felons is a positive move and one that can save them money. There are government programs that can help ex-offenders and felons get jobs and benefit employers too. The Federal Bonding Program One concern that employers may have when considering a felons for employment is the possibility of theft. Fortunately, there is a program called the Federal onding !rogram. This program sponsored by the federal government, ma"es it easy for an ex-offender of felon to get a bond. # bond is an insurance policy that protects employers from loss of money or property due to theft or fraud by an employee. $ost private insurance companies are hesitant to issue bond for people with criminal records because they are seen as a greater ris" than those who do not have records. The bonds can be issued the same day a promise of employment is made and they are issued at absolutely no cost to employers. The Federal onding !rogram ma"es the bonding process possible for ex-offenders and felons who otherwise would not %ualify for private bonding. The ability to be bonded opens up opportunities for employment. &ou can find out more about the Federal onding !rogram and how it can help ex-offenders and felons get jobs here' http'((www.bonds)
Jobs for Felons: Federal Programs that Help Ex-offenders and Felons get Jobs

The Work Opportunity Tax Credit #n important incentive for employers to hire ex-offenders and felons is the /or" Opportunity Tax 0redit or /OT0. The /or" Opportunity Tax 0redit 1/OT02 is a federal tax credit offered by the federal government to private employers who hire individuals from certain unemployed segments of the population. One of these segments is ex-offenders who have finished their sentences within the past year. The /OT0 lowers the employer3s federal tax bill. 4ach ex-offender hired can save employers thousands of dollars. 5ualified employers may get a federal tax credit up to 6),7,, for each %ualified ex-offender hired. 8iring a %ualified person that happens to have a criminal record ma"es good economic sense and may be an incentive for an employer to hire an ex-offender or felon.
Qualified FirstYear Wages Used To Determine Credit !a"imum Considered# $ours Wor%ed in FirstYear &' ()) +,) to -.. *rs *rs Credit is Credit is ()/ of ,0/ of Qualified Qualified First-Year First-Year Wages Wages $2,400 $1,500

DOL Category

Categories of Eligible Non-Veterans

Convicted of a felony or released from prison after a felony conviction during the year period ending on the hire date.


&ou can find out more about the /or" Opportunity Tax 0redit here' http'(( Finding a job with a criminal record is not easy, but these government sponsored will ma"e it a lot easier for ex-offenders and felons. Find great info and tips for exoffenders and felons loo"ing for jobs at my blog'

Jobs for Felons: Federal Programs that Help Ex-offenders and Felons get Jobs

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