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Assessment Criteria:
P6: Describe the structure and function of the Respiratory System and how it is
affected by exercise.
M5: Explain the affects of exercise on the Respiratory System.
D3: Analyse the affects of exercise on the Cardio-respiratory System.

P6: To complete the following criteria to provide:

• A labelled diagram of the respiratory system illustrating the upper (nose, trachea,
larynx) and lower divisions (bronchi, lungs, bronchioles, alveoli).

• List the functions of the Respiratory System: deliver oxygen and remove carbon
• Describe the process of gaseous exchange both in the lungs and muscles.
• Describe the mechanics of breathing (inspiration/expiration) with accompanying
diagrams; this must include the role of the diaphragm and intercostals muscles.
• Discuss each component.
• Refer and show a typical spirometry trace at rest (tidal volume, lung capacity etc).

Body in Sport Respiratory Mr Penson

How is the Respiratory System affected by exercise?
• Rate of breathing (respiration) increases.
• Oxygen uptake (the body needs more oxygen to provide energy) increases to
the point of VO2 max.
• Rate of gaseous exchange increases (both in the lungs and muscles).
• Blood flow to the lungs increases.
• Describe if/how tidal volume or lung capacity is affected with exercise.

M3: Explain the affects of exercise on the Respiratory System:

To achieve this criteria you need to provide detail on the points previously made.
• For example why and how does the rate of breathing increase during exercise?
The rate of breathing increases because special receptors detect the increase of
carbon dioxide in the blood. A signal is then sent to the brain subsequently
increasing the rate of breathing to remove the excess carbon dioxide and deliver
more oxygen.
• Oxygen uptake increases because the body requires more oxygen to continue
providing energy aerobically (with oxygen) rather than anaerobically and the
subsequent production of lactic acid specifically termed the Onset of Blood
Lactate (OBLA). When the body is providing energy anaerobically it can only
work at that intensity for a short period of time and the athlete must slow down
their pace or even stop exercising. This should be shown in the form of a graph or
spirometry trace to accompany your explanation.
• Gaseous exchange: here you must explain the process of diffusion (the movement
of a gas from the region of high pressure to a region of low pressure). The
pressure differential both within the lungs and skeletal muscle allows the process
of diffusion to occur. Your explanation needs to be accompanied with an
appropriate diagram.
• Blood flow to the lungs increases due to the demands of the exercise, causing an
increase in heart rate, stroke volume and cardiac output (from your last
assignment). The increase blood flow provides oxygen to the respiratory muscles
to allow the rate of breathing to increase as well as the process of gaseous

Body in Sport Respiratory Mr Penson

• Is tidal volume, lung capacity affected by exercise? Here you need to describe if,
how and why this occurs? When exercising at maximal level there becomes a
point when the rate of breathing is so high that the amount of air taken in and
oxygen utilised falls because the whole system is working so fast.

D3: Analyse the effects of exercise on the Cardio-Respiratory System.

To meet this criteria you need to consider the short and long term affects, types of
training completed i.e. resistance training compared to endurance training.


Short term Long term

Increased rate of breathing Increased efficiency of the respiratory
Increased gaseous exchange Increased VO2 max (endurance)
Increased oxygen uptake Increased capillary network within the

Resistance training (weights) will increase the strength of the respiratory muscles to
provide a more forceful contraction, increased oxygen uptake and increased gaseous
exchange when breathing. However it will not increase VO2 max and subsequent
endurance ability, and this will only be achieved with appropriate training.
You will need to show the VO2 max of different athletes, male versus female.

Body in Sport Respiratory Mr Penson

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