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Basic Listening and Pronunciation Skills

New words Dictation lesson Lesson 1

roommate ____________________________________________________________________________
semester ____________________________________________________________________________
figure (sth/sb) ____________________________________________________________________________
out ____________________________________________________________________________
feeling ____________________________________________________________________________
seriously ____________________________________________________________________________
obviously ____________________________________________________________________________
unreasonable ____________________________________________________________________________
around ____________________________________________________________________________
cockroach ____________________________________________________________________________
toothpaste ____________________________________________________________________________
unsanitary ____________________________________________________________________________
sick ____________________________________________________________________________
really ____________________________________________________________________________
pep talk

Telephone Sidney: 09.04.329.289 Email: english_class_hanoi@yahoo.com Basic Listening & Pronunciation Skills
CD/Basic/0108/lesson1 Page -1-
Basic Listening and Pronunciation Skills
Dictionary Lesson
1. roommate = a person who you share a room with for 23. ballistic= to become extremely angry<>If your dad
a period of time<>Jean was my roommate during our finds out you've been skipping school, he'll go ballistic.
first year at university. 24. disgusting = extremely unpleasant or
2.semester = one of the periods into which a year is unacceptable<> It's disgusting that there are no schools
divided at a college or university, especially in the US or hospitals for these people.
and Australia <>When will start the semester? 25..hygienic = clean, especially in order to prevent
3.figure (sth/sb) out = to finally understand something disease<> It is essential that doctors follow strict
or someone, or find the solution to a problem after a lot hygienic practices like washing their hands after
of thought<>I can't figure out why he did it. examining every patient.
4. feeling = emotions, especially those influenced by 26. suggestion = an idea, plan or action that is
other people <>Some people say that dogs have suggested or the act of suggesting it<> I don't know what
feelings. to wear tonight - do you have any suggestions?
5. seriously = to consider a person, subject or situation ___________________________________________________________
to be important or dangerous and worth your attention ___________________________________________________________
or respect <>The police have to take any terrorist threat ___________________________________________________________
seriously. ___________________________________________________________
6.obviously = in a way that is easy to understand or ___________________________________________________________
see<>He was in tears and obviously very upset. ___________________________________________________________
7. unreasonable = not fair or acceptable <> It seems ___________________________________________________________
unreasonable to expect one person to do both jobs. ___________________________________________________________
8. around = positioned or moving in or near a place, ___________________________________________________________
often without a clear direction, purpose or order <>He ___________________________________________________________
always leaves his clothes lying around (on the floor). ___________________________________________________________
9. cockroach =a flat brown, red or black insect ___________________________________________________________
sometimes found in the home ___________________________________________________________
10. toothpaste = a thick creamy substance which you ___________________________________________________________
put onto a toothbrush to clean your teeth <> Where's ___________________________________________________________
can I find a tube of toothpaste? ___________________________________________________________
12. unsanitary = dirty or unhealthy and therefore likely ___________________________________________________________
to cause disease <> unsanitary toilets ___________________________________________________________
13. sick = physically or mentally ill; not well or healthy ___________________________________________________________
<>My father has been off sick (= not working because ___________________________________________________________
of illness) for a long time. ___________________________________________________________
14. really = used to express interest, surprise or ___________________________________________________________
anger<> "I'm getting married to Fred." "Really? When?" ___________________________________________________________
15.appreciate = used when you are thanking someone ___________________________________________________________
or showing that you are grateful<> We really appreciate ___________________________________________________________
all the help you gave us last weekend. ___________________________________________________________
16.suggest = to mention an idea, possible plan or ___________________________________________________________
action for other people to consider<>They were ___________________________________________________________
wondering where to hold the office party and I suggested ___________________________________________________________
the Italian restaurant near the station. ___________________________________________________________
17 .mention = "Don't mention it." said to be polite after ___________________________________________________________
someone has thanked you<> "Thanks for your help." ___________________________________________________________
"Don't mention it." ___________________________________________________________
assistance = someone who helps someone else to do a ___________________________________________________________
job happy ___________________________________________________________
<> come to assistance, to help someone ___________________________________________________________
18.frustrated= feeling annoyed or less confident ___________________________________________________________
because you cannot achieve what you want<>Are you ___________________________________________________________
feeling frustrated in your present job? ___________________________________________________________
19 .irritate= to make angry or annoyed<>After a while ___________________________________________________________
her behavior really began to irritate me. ___________________________________________________________
20 .offend= to make someone upset or angry<>He ___________________________________________________________
looked a bit offended when you called him middle-aged. ___________________________________________________________
21..ooze= to flow slowly out of something through a ___________________________________________________________
small opening, or to slowly produce a thick sticky liquid, ___________________________________________________________
to slowly leak out<>Blood was still oozing out of the ___________________________________________________________
wound. ___________________________________________________________
Telephone Sidney: 09.04.329.289 Email: english_class_hanoi@yahoo.com Basic Listening & Pronunciation Skills
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Basic Listening and Pronunciation Skills
Listen to the conversation, and fill in the
Lesson 1
W: So how are things going with your _______________?
M: Oh man he’s still really _______________ me. I can’t wait till the semester is over.
W: But Bob the semester won’t be over for two and _______________! You have to figure out how you
know how to work this stuff out. Yeah you have to talk to him.
M: Yeah but I don’t know what to say. I mean I don’t want to hurt his _______________ or offend him or
anything. But seriously if he doesn’t get rid of those pizza boxes I think I’m _______________.
W: See this is why you have _______________. Because you’re obviously _______________. I mean I don’t
think it’s unreasonable for you not to want empty food containers _______________the room. I mean they could
attract cockroaches. That’s so gross!
M: And it’s not just the pizza boxes which believe me are bad enough! His socks are _______________ his
papers are all over my desk and his tube of toothpaste is oozing and seeping all over our _______________. He
won’t even put a cap on it! I really think it’s _______________. I mean I don’t want to get sick.
W: Oh man! That’s is _______________. You could definitely _______________ that. It’s just so unhygienic. You
just have to talk to him. Just be calm and tell him that you don’t appreciate _______________. Oh! You could
even suggest that the two of you _______________________________. If he has to clean up his own mess maybe
he won’t make one!
M: Yeah I suppose I Could _______________ . I really appreciate the _______________. I mean I guess I really
do have to figure something out because we’re not even __________________________.
W: Hey don’t mention it. And if you need a _______________ or anything you can always ask. I’m happy to
be of assistance.

Download link: http://www.4shared.com/file/133535175/62a3ba03/Sidney_Lesson_1.html

Listen to part of this conversation and find the right answer

1.What is the conservation mainly about? Note:
a. A boy and his friend are talking about solving problems in a rational way __________________________
b. A boy is complaining to his friend about the semester being too long
c. A boy is complaining to his friend about his messy room
d. A boy is excited that the semester is almost over __________________________
2. Why does his friend want the boy to talk to his roommate? __________________________
a. Because the boy’s roommate’s paper are all over the boy’s desk __________________________
b. Because they have to live together for two and half months
c. Because studying in a messy room is difficult
d. Because his roommate is very messy __________________________
Complete the following summary with the words given below. __________________________
Bob is__(1)___ because his roommate is __(2)__. __________________________
His roommate leaves food containers, socks, papers, and toothpaste__(3)__.
Bob is concerned that because of the__(4)__, he might get sick. The woman convinces
Bob to __(5)__. __________________________
She says it is important because Bob has to live with his roommate for another two __________________________
and half months. __________________________
The woman suggest that Bob and his roommate__(6)___ together once a week. Bob
appreciates the woman’s
unhygienic roomhelp clean the room
very messy frustrated
talk to his roommate lying around __________________________

Useful Tips! - Focus on the beginning part of the conversation or lecture. Listen carefully to the key words that can
lead you to the main idea.
Telephone Sidney: 09.04.329.289 Email: try to remember or guess the
english_class_hanoi@yahoo.com missing
Basic blanks.
Listening & Pronunciation Skills
Page -3-
Basic Listening and Pronunciation Skills
Answers listening exercise
Lesson 1
W: So how are things going with your roommate?
M: Oh man he’s still really irritating me. I can’t wait till the semester is over.
W: But Bob the semester won’t be over for two and half months! You have to figure out how you know
how to work this stuff out. Yeah you have to talk to him.
M: Yeah but I don’t know what to say. I mean I don’t want to hurt his feelings or offend him or anything.
But seriously if he doesn’t get rid of those pizza boxes I think I’m going to go ballistic.
W: See this is why you have to talk to him. Because you’re obviously frustrated.
I mean I don’t think it’s unreasonable for you not to want empty food containers lying around the room. I
mean they could attract cockroaches. That’s so gross!
M: And it’s not just the pizza boxes which believe me are bad enough! His socks are everywhere his
papers are all over my desk and his tube of toothpaste is oozing and seeping all over our bathroom sink. He
won’t even put a cap on it! I really think it’s unsanitary. I mean I don’t want to get sick.
W: Oh man! That’s is really disgusting. You could definitely get sick from that. It’s just so unhygienic. You
just have to talk to him. Just be calm and tell him that you don’t appreciate his mess. Oh! You could even
suggest that the two of you clean the room together once a week. If he has to clean up his own mess maybe
he won’t make one!
M: Yeah I suppose I Could give that a shot . I really appreciate the suggestions. I mean I guess I really
do have to figure something out because we’re not even halfway through the semester.
W: Hey don’t mention it. And if you need a pep talk or anything you can always ask. I’m happy to be of

Download link: http://www.4shared.com/file/133535175/62a3ba03/Sidney_Lesson_1.html

1.C 2.B
1.frustrated 2.very messy
3.lying around 4.unhygienic room

5.talk to his roommate 6.clean the


There is a small town in Belgium called Waterloo.

This small town became very famous because of Napoleon’s last battle.
A lot of his soldiers were killed and injured at Waterloo.
As a result, he was removed from his emperor’s throne and sent to Saint Helena, where
he died in 1821.
The atmosphere is a mixture of different gases and aerosols.
We usually call it air.
The atmosphere is very important to our lives, and we cannot live without it.
Almost every living creature on Earth breathes it.
It surrounds Earth and protects us from deadly rays and radiation from space.

Telephone Sidney: 09.04.329.289 Email: english_class_hanoi@yahoo.com Basic Listening & Pronunciation Skills
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