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Corvo - Google Drive

Corvo Male Human Rogue / Warlock Level 1 Unaligned Representing Reilly Strength 10 (+0) Height: 5' 11"

Constitution 10 (+0) Dexterity Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 16 (+3)

Weight: 165 lb Skin: Eyes: Hair: Pale Green Dark Brown Straight

Maximum Hit Points: 22 ! Bloodied: 11 ! Surge Value: 5 ! Surges / Day: 6 ! Size: Medium Speed: 6 squares Vision: Normal Initiative: 1d20 +4 = + 4 [dexterity]

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10/15/13 2:47 PM

Corvo - Google Drive

Armor Class: Fortitude Defense: Reflex Defense: Will Defense:

16 = 10 + 4 [dexterity] + 2 [Leather] 11 = 10 + 1 [Human]

17 = 10 + 1 [Human] + 2 [rogue] + 4 [dexterity] 14 = 10 + 1 [Human] + 3 [charisma]

If your campaign uses the fixed-enhancement bonus system [PH2/Dark Sun], level 1 characters get +0 on attack/damage (0d6 extra damage on a critical hit) and +0 on all defenses. These bonuses do not stack with magic items. Armor: Leather (15 lb) Shield: None Attacks: ! Unarmed Melee: +0 [base strength attack] vs AC; damage 1[W]=1d4 ! Dagger: +4 vs AC [0 strength attack] [+3 proficiency][+1 rogue weapon talent]; damage 1[W]=1d4 1 lb (Light blade); usable off-hand; light throwable ! Thrown: range 5/10 +8 vs AC [+4 dexterity attack] [+3 proficient, +1 rogue weapon talent]; damage 1d4+4 [dexterity bonus]; ! Hand crossbow: +6 vs AC [+4 dexterity attack] [+2 proficiency]; damage 1[W]=1d6+4 [dexterity bonus] range 10/20 2 lb (Crossbow) Load free w ! Piercing Strike +4 [base dexterity attack] vs reflex w ! Acrobatic Strike +4 [base dexterity attack] vs AC w ! Gloaming Cut +4 [base dexterity attack] vs AC i ! Eyebite +3 [base charisma attack] vs will w ! Dazing Strike +4 [base dexterity attack] vs AC ! Twilight Menace: w ! Weapon-based power. Apply adjustments for proficiency, situation, feats, magic, etc. i ! Implement-usable power. Apply a bonus as appropriate for magic, any implement expertises, etc. Base Saving throw: d20 +1 [human perseverence] vs 10 Encumberance 4e Normal Load: 100 lb. Heavy Load: 200 lb. Maximum Drag Load 500 lb. Encumberance 3.5 Light load: Medium load: Heavy load: Lift over head: Lift off ground: Push or drag: 33 lb. or less 34-66 lb. 67-100 lb. 100 lb. 200 lb. 500 lb.

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10/15/13 2:47 PM

Corvo - Google Drive

Languages Common; Elven; : Rituals Known: Skills: ! Acrobati cs: ! Arcana: ! Athletics : ! Bluff: ! Diploma cy: ! Dungeo neering: ! Endura nce: ! Heal: ! History: ! Insight: ! Intimida te: ! Nature: ! Percepti on: ! Religion : ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! = 4 [dexterity] +5 [class training] ! = 1 [intelligence] ! = 0 [strength] +5 [class training] ! = 3 [charisma] +5 [class training] ! = 3 [charisma] ! = 0 [wisdom] ! = 0 [constitution] ! = 0 [wisdom] ! = 1 [intelligence] ! = 0 [wisdom] ! = 3 [charisma] +5 [class training] ! = 0 [wisdom] ! = 0 [wisdom] +5 [class training] ! = 1 [intelligence]

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10/15/13 2:47 PM

Corvo - Google Drive

! Stealth: ! Streetwi se: ! Thiever y: Feats:

! ! !

! = 4 [dexterity] +5 [class training] ! = 3 [charisma] +5 [multiclass training] ! = 4 [dexterity] +5 [class training]

! Pact Initiate [multiclass warlock] ! Backstabber [+2d8 at this level] At-Will: Melee Basic Attack: By weapon, damage 1[W] [standard action] Ranged Basic Attack: By weapon, damage 1[W]+4 [dexterity bonus] [standard action] Bull Rush: +0 [base strength attack] vs fortitude [standard action] Grab: +0 [base strength attack] vs reflex [standard action] Move grabbed target: +0 [base strength attack] vs fortitude [standard action] Escape: +9 [acrobatics] vs reflex / +5 [athletics] vs fortitude [move action] Piercing Strike [Level 1] Acrobatic Strike [MP2; Level 1] Gloaming Cut [MP2; Level 1] Eyebite [Level 1]

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Corvo - Google Drive

Encounter Powers: ! Second Wind ! Spend an Action Point [free action, not in surprise round] ! Eyebite [multiclass fey warlock] ! Dazing Strike [Level 1] Daily Powers: ! Twilight Menace [Level 1]: Human ! One bonus feat at 1st level (already included) ! One bonus skill from the skill class list (already included) ! +1 to fortitude, reflex, and will defenses ! This human chose an extra first-level at-will attack power instead of Heroic Effort. Rogue ! First Strike ! Rogue Weapon Talent -- per update, dagger must be used as a weapon ! This rogue chose the rogue weapon talent [PH1]. ! This rogue chose the artful dodger style. Remember to add your charisma modifier to AC against opportunity attacks. ! Sneak Attack [+2d8 at level 1] [once per round with combat advantage; using light blade, hand crossbow. sling, or short bow] ! Essentials rules appear to consider shortbow a principal rogue weapon like the crossbow. This warlock's pact is fey, with the Misty Step pact boon.

Corvo's Equipment: ! Weapons / Armor / Shield (from above) ! Crossbow bolts (quiver of 20) x1 ! Backpack ! Bedroll

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Corvo - Google Drive

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Flint and steel Grappling hook Hammer Pitons x10 Pouch (belt) x1 Rations (1 day) x10 Rope (50', hempen) x1 Sunrods x2 Waterskins x1 Thieves' tools

Resistances: Action Point Tally: Milestones: / / / Death Saving Throw Failures: More about Corvo

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