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Before beginning one of our programs, please be advised that your health is
your own responsibility!


ADVISORS. Should YOU have any DOUBTS about your HEALTH,

For more information contact The SPA Resorts

Three Resorts to sever you…..

The Spa Resort Chiang Mai Tel : (66-53 ) 920 888 Fax : (66-53) 920 800
Email : Website :

The Spa Beach Tel: (66-77) 230-855, 230985

The Spa Village Tel: (66-77) 230-976, 424666 Fax: (66-77) 424-667
The SPA Koh Chang Tel: (66-39) 553-091-2 Fax: (66-39) 553-093
E-mail: Website:

We would like to take this opportunity to give you an insight into what we are trying to
achieve here at the Spa Resorts.

It has been Guys’ policy since day 1 of discovering a truly remarkable health program
(fasting) to offer it to as many people as possible. That’s it – THIS IS our BOTTOM LINE policy
or reason for being here for YOU to fast and learn about taking care of yourself. To achieve
this, Guy decided more than 10 years ago, to offer fasting at the most reasonable prices
achievable – THE BEST DEAL AROUND.

To our knowledge, we still offer the BEST DEAL, using the best IMPORTED products,
anywhere in Asia and probably the world for that matter. (We constantly ask people to let
us know where they can find better prices than what The Spa Samui Resort offers). Our
basic fast programs (The “First Timer” and “Self-Help Repeater”) ARE very successful if one
looks at the many great comments/feedbacks we receive and also when one looks at the
percentage of ‘fasters’ coming back time & time again to enjoy our services. At last count
this figure is around the 30-50% of first timers come back and enjoy second or third fasting
experiences at an even lower price. At the time of writing this, for the past week in fact we
have had more repeaters on the Self-Help program than those on the “First Timer” program.
A truly remarkable statistic!

You may ask, “why the need to explain all of this ?” … The reason being that unfortunately a
small percentage of our guests have a PRE-CONCEIVED EXPECTATION of what they think
they should receive here during their stay. The REALITY is that we are providing the best
possible programs for the best possible price we can offer.

Some, will sit around and look at how things could be done differently or improved to fit in
with what their pre-conceived expectations of how The Spa Resorts should
operate. (I know, because I did this myself when I first fasted here) … There are ways to do
things differently, however, getting back to the reality of life here on a tropical island in a
developing country, these are not always easily achievable. And, in most cases not without
incurring increased costs and hence higher fasting program prices. So, we get back to The
Spa Resorts bottom line policy of us offering these programs to as many people as possible,
for the best possible deal.

Don’t forget you probably chose to come and fast here knowing that this is the best deal
going around these parts, and from also hearing about the family-supportive
ATMOSPHERE which The Spa Resorts AND GUESTS uniquely provide.
Many thanks for your understanding and HAPPY fasting !!!!

These programs work as a healing mechanism. They start working at full potential after 24-
36 hours without the intake of food. Our healing mechanism works best when we stop
eating, ingesting, digesting and metabolizing food.

Our bodies switch to DETOXIFICATION MODE and remove parasites, toxins and potentially
cancerous cells! This waste material is then dumped into the bloodstream for excretion
through the Liver, COLON, lungs and skin. The tired and weak feeling experienced during the
first 3 or 4 days are due entirely to the presence of these toxins and other waste matter
waiting to be excreted, NOT the lack of food. (Incidentally, you will be taking so many
detoxifying drinks, cleansing herbs & nutritional herbs you are unlikely to get physically
hungry at all !)

These programs will remove large amounts of toxic and waste materials from your system.
And also promote the loss of many kilo’s of putrefied matter and fat! This will enable your
body to begin to RE-BUILD and REJUVENATE, thus giving you more vitality and help
PREVENT further illness. Learn to follow the “Five Habit System” of cleansing, breathing
properly, food combining, exercise, meditation & peacefulness. All this helps to make a

The Anti-Candida Cleanse, is specifically designed to help people who are suffering from a
Candida imbalance. This 7 day cleanse can make quite an impact on the Candida population
living in your body & very effectively start the process of returning it to good health. You
will, however, have to continue clearing out & rebalancing your body, for a period of time
afterwards (read the Understanding Candidacies pages).


· Keep to the times outlined for taking the detox drinks & supplements.
· We think you should get plenty of rest/sleep every least 9-10 hours.
· During your fast, practice correct BREATHING 3 times per day as follows... take 10 deep
breathes through your nose, hold for 10 seconds then exhale through your mouth.
Exhale completely down to the last bit.
· Daily exercising by stretching & yoga is highly recommended twice daily (am/pm) (walking
& swimming are also good)
· Try to visit our Herbal Steam room every day as this promotes the excretion of toxins
through your skin! (Fasters get the Steam at a reduced rate of only 300 Baht or we now
have a 7 steam Membership card for 1100 Baht)
· Daily sunbathe for...5-20mins and swim in the warm salty water at the beach.
· Try dry skin brushing every day (always towards the heart) as this helps as well. (We do
usually have some natural bristle brushes for sale in our shops)
· We feel strongly about health being each individual’s responsibility!
We are here to guide you thru our successful program, however, the MOST IMPORTANT
thing is to LISTEN to YOUR BODY and try and start to make your own DECISIONS on what
options to take!!!
The SPA Resorts’s CLEANSING Program...

STEP 1 ...HOW TO PREPARE YOURSELF (the correct way)

Before starting any fasting program we strongly encourage you to do what
we call a “Pre-Cleanse”. This should be for at least 2-3 days, or even 1-2 weeks!
It depends how toxic you think you may be ~ everyone is different! Basically this
involves eating only fruit, salads and only slighted cooked vegetables with juices, herb teas
& plenty of pure water. NO meats, processed foods, alcohol, caffeine or soft drinks. We
have specially designed what we call our “LIVER FLUSH DIET” which consists of Spa salads,
vegie soups, lightly steamed vegetables and our famous liver flush drink. This drink contains
extra virgin olive oil (2 tbls up to 1/3 glass), fresh garlic, ginger and cayenne (500mg) mixed
with freshly squeezed orange juice & lemon (75bht by itself). It starts the process of
elimination by assisting the liver, kidneys & gall bladder to detoxify & cleanse!
Just order direct from our menu: fruit, salads, vegies & Liver Flush drinks.

STEP 2...the pH TEST (Your Acid level test)

The day before (or, on the morning you start your fast– do before brushing your teeth) you
can take a pH test. Do not eat anything for at least 2 hours. Water is ok. This is done to help
determine if it is safe for you to commence the program-too much acidity means you could
have problems with Lactic acid later on. In such cases we would recommend you go on
alkaline based food diet (the liver flush fast) for a day or two more. If the yellow paper
which you moisten with saliva turns green or blue, this means your acid levels are fine. All
set to go !

STEP 3...Take INTESTINAL CLEANSERS the night before starting yr fast (We will give you
some the day before you start fasting. Please take before sleep)

STEP 4...your 1st DETOX drink (the FAST BEGINS-DAY 1 !!!)

Begin the fast (7am) with a Detox drink...this is “Bentonite” clay liquid detoxifier
(2 tbl/s) mixed with “Psyllium” husk bulk intestinal cleanser (2 tea/s) in a large
glass (10oz) of water & either pineapple or watermelon juice. *VERY IMPORTANT:
(these are prepared for you 5 times/day every 3hrs...7am,10am,1pm,4pm & 7pm )


At 8.30am start taking the herbal supplements...3 x ’Intestinal Cleanser’ capsules
plus 3 x ‘Herbal Nutrient’ capsules with a large (10oz) glass of water.
These will be given to you at 7am every morning by the staff making the Detox drinks. You
take these capsules 5 times/day every 3hrs...8.30am,11.30am,2.30pm, 5.30pm & 8.30.
STEP 6...the ‘COLEMA BOARD’ (Video on 1st day-4pm TV room)
Anytime between 8.30am-10.30am and 4.30-6pm daily you will take a “Colema”
This is an enema taken on a special board called a colema board. The colema board is
preferred as it is easier & more efficient. Once you are laying down, it is possible to
relax & massage your colon freely as the liquid flows in. It takes about 20-30mins to
do it. The liquid we prefer to use is freshly ground coffee (2 cups) & apple cider vinegar (2
tbl/s) made up with approx.16 litres of pure water.


This is to give time for the detox drinks & supplements to start working thoroughly


Before sleep each night (at least 1/2 hr after the last course of supplements) take
your ‘flora grow’ capsule. This maintains healthy levels of friendly bacteria
through-out your cleanse. (You will be given 1 each day with the herbal tablets)

The SPA RESORTS special Cleansing Schedule...

7:00 am start DETOX DRINK. (every 3 hrs)

8:30am SUPPLEMENTS. (every 3 hrs)
Morning (8:30-10:30am) COLEMA BOARD
Morning (8:30-10:30am) SPA BROTH SOUP
10:00am DETOX DRINK.
(or Video on 1 day at TV room)
Afternoon (4:30-6:00pm) COLEMA BOARD
Evening (6:30-8:30pm) SPA BROTH SOUP


Congratulations you made it through your first day!!!

For your information, each additional..item while on this program…..
Colema - 300 bht, Colema Tip - 250 bht
Detox drink - 85 bht, Chomper or Herbal nutrition tablet - 20 bht,
Flora Grow capsule - 30 bht, Parasite Zapper 7 sessions 700bht.

(If you arrive late after the pre-cleanse talk/chat or want to start early on
the day you arrive or for any other reason please read this ! )

1. Make sure you have completely read these STEP x STEP Fasting Instrutions (ie:THIS
booklet) – this is very important – you need to do know what to do, when to do it
and what is included.
2. At 7am you get your first De-tox drink at our Colema preparation area @
the Herbal Steam Room area. Drink it quickly (this is because it gets thicker
the longer you leave it and harder to drink) – Then follow with another large
glass of water (you can also get filtered water at the Colema preparation area
from the large red/orange tank anytime you want)
3. You will also be given your daily supply of Herbal supplements at 7am … see the
daily fasting schedule in your Step X Step guide. You will take 3 capsules
out of each bag (total of 6) Take always with a large full glass of water. You
take your first lot of supplements at 8.30am.

4. Continue taking De-tox drinks, Herbal Supplements, Broth soup and other
recommended drinks such as Carrot juice and Coconut water throughout the day
until it’s time to do your first Colema – An instruction video will be shown in our
T.V./Video room (located at the front of the restaurant building) shortly after 4pm – our
staff will then help you set-up and do your first Colema in your own bathroom .


pH TESTING (7day fast): IF you have not eaten or drunk anything other than water FOR AT
LEAST A 2 HOUR PERIOD you can check your acid levels by doing a pH test if you like. It’s
simple, just ask our staff @ reception for a small piece of pH test paper and moisten half on
your tongue – if it changes colour to either green or blue that’s fine – if it doesn’t change
colour (stays yellow) then this means you are too acidic to start the 7 day fast and you
should do at least one more day ‘pre-cleanse’ preparation by having 1-2 Liver Flush drinks
and eating salads, fruit and vegetables. Another option would be to start on our 3½ day fast
straight away and then after 3 days go onto our full-fast program (the 7 day program) for
another 1-4 days. It is not necessary to do a pH test for the 3½ fast.

FASTING SUPPORT: Important to refer to the FAQ Booklets. Please refer to our notice board
at reception for a complete range of support services such as HYPNOTHERAPY, REIKI etc…
please contact the practitioners direct for further info, prices and bookings.

DETOX DRINKS: You can get these to ‘TAKE-AWAY’ (or ‘TO-GO’ or ‘TAKE-OUT’
depending on where you come from!) – Just ask the girls at our Colema
Preparation/Detox Bar area near the Herbal Steam Room.

HERBAL SUPPLEMENTS: If you are a large person you may purchase extra herbal
supplements to increase the power of your fast. Conversely, if you are a smaller
person you may consider taking less herbal supplements (the left over supplements
can still be used later on when you again start eating)

SUGGESTED OPTIONS: This is very important especially if you haven’t done a very good
pre-cleanse. Check your Step x Step guide page 6 – ‘Suggested Options’.

HERBAL STEAM ROOM MEMBER CARD: Steaming helps eliminate toxins thru the
skin … great deal – get a 7 steam Member Card for just 1100 bht (avbl at the Steam area)

‘AMPUKU’ (STOMACH/INTESTINE) MASSAGE CARD: Our unique Ampuku massage helps

elimination when doing the colema –best to do about ½ to 1 hour before doing your colema
… 7 x ½hour sessions for just 1300bht. (otherwise, 220 bht each 1/2hr session)

DRAMATIC SIGNS of HEALING: This great little booklet (avbl in our mini-library near
reception – Free for the first 3hrs or buy one for just 250 bht) answers many
of your fasting questions in a simple easy to understand way, highly recommended!!!

ZAPPING PARASITES: Whilst fasting the best way to get rid of unwanted or suspected guests
such as PARASITES is to use one of our Zappers—it’s easy &
simple to use—just ZAPP 2 times per day for 3 and a half days.
7 ZAPPS for 700bht … for further info please ask at reception.

AFTER THE FAST: We recommend you take some psyllium (2 teaspoons in a large glass of
water) first thing every morning for a few days or up to one month after your fast. This
provides great Fiber for your body and keeps ‘things’ regular. Also
it’s a good idea to take some Pro-Biotics (Lactobacterium/Acidophilous) such as
Flora Grow or Taurin-Dophilous last thing at nite before sleep for up to a month
after your fast. This provides essential friendly bacteria in your Colon.

While you are fasting ‘no foods at all’ is the best policy. This means no chewing
of anything! However, drinking fluids is ok., YOU SHOULD TAKE THESE FLUIDS FOR AT LEAST

So, EACH day it’s highly recommended you take:

* SPA BROTH SOUP x 2/day (a mineral booster)
* WHEAT GRASS JUICE x 2/day (a alkaline booster)
* A CARROT JUICE x 1/DAY (liver support)
* COCONUT WATER x 2/day (you may continue to take these fluids on days 4-7 as well -
listen to your body!)
* From DAY’s 4 to 7 a LIVER FLUSH DRINK assists the liver detoxify
(It’s best not to have the Liver Flush for the first 3 days-it may cause nausea)
* Mineral & vitamin tablets (you may continue to take if you already take them)
* Herbal teas & extracts (check what we’ve got in stock!)
* Plus our wide range of natural & herbal products for candida, parasites etc...
which are all designed to help clean-out problem areas such as kidneys, liver
and the digestive track.


Lactobacteria/ACIDOPHILUS (Flora Grow) replacement procedure.

(This consists of 2 “Flora Grow” drinks and a retention colema called an IMPLANT.
We call it an Implant because we are trying to replace the friendly bacteria in your system.)

STEP 1...the LAST DAY of your fast (usually day 7)

You do the same as all the previous days except for two things...
1. Please inform our staff at the ‘Colema preparation area’ (next to the Herbal
steam room) when you take your morning colema on the last day of fasting...”I
wish to end the fast today & do the flora grow drink tonight and IMPLANT &
drink tomorrow” (they will then prepare it for you)
2. The last detox drink (7pm) is optional. It’s up to you ….

STEP 2...the LAST NIGHT of your fast

Drink the Flora Grow drink before sleep (i.e.: after 9pm) this is 2 flora grow capsules in a
large (10oz) glass of water which has been sealed & fermenting for 8-10 hours) The Flora
grow capsule you received with your supplements can be saved for the next night.
At least 10-15 minutes or all day if you can!!!

STEP 3...the morning of the day you BREAK YOUR FAST

1.Take a pure warm water colema at 8-8.30am. (a full bucket - 16 litres)
2.Drink the final Flora Grow drink straight after.
3.Wait 2 hours and then do the FLORA GROW SYRINGE IMPLANT (4 flora grow
capsules in water which has been sealed & fermenting for 8-10hrs)
· Simply connect your tip to the plastic tube which is connected to the syringe &
inject it. It’s best to do this laying on your board.
At least 10-15 minutes or all day if you can!!!
STEP 4.. start EATING again...CONGRATULATIONS you made it !!!
Now you can sink your teeth into a plate of WATERMELON or some mouth-watering
papaya…“GUY’S BREAKFAST” is great ~ PAPAYA with GOAT YOGHURT and BEE-POLLEN !!!!
…mmmm Delicious… Afterwards more fruit and any of our great salads
(no blue cheese) … the SPA SOM TUM salad is very good to have as it has green Papaya
which is a great enzyme booster which aids digestion – try it

BREAKING the FAST DIET… (No Big Macs,pizza or Singha beer !!J haha)


Eat RAW FOODS—all fruits and salads– plenty of water & juices as well!
(Please note: DO NOT eat processed &/or starch foods for a few days)


Fruit in the morning (all types of fruit can now be eaten throughout the day)
Carrot juice mid-morning
Salad for lunch (‘Spa’ som tum, Rejuvelax or any of our great ‘Spa’ salads)
For dinner we suggest veggie soup or slightly steamed vegetables
(‘Zut Zut’ soup is great with a little steamed brown rice)


mostly maintain the above diet. Stick with fruit, salads, slightly cooked vegies and plenty of
pure water & juices. Plenty of raw, uncooked fiber type foods are best. Carbohydrates are
fine in moderation. Proteins such as eggs, fish, tofu and
chicken should be slowly introduced back into your diet as an evening treat or for
a morning power boost!
· Should you be little constipated we suggest you take either some flora grow
capsules, psyllium husk with water, cayenne, Senna herb laxative tea (Fitne tea) or
a LIVER FLUSH DRINK. If all that dosen’t work try another colema !


ie: Fresh FRUITS & SALADS—if you can eat approx. 70% of your diet RAW, then you will
notice a big change in your general health for a LASTING period !!

During colon cleansing & fasting most people expect to remove & clear all types
of build-ups and blockages. This is very much on a physical level. However,
please be aware that it is also true that the nature of this type of program
also gives rise to all sorts of EMOTIONAL build-ups & blockages as well. For
some fasters this emotional stirring-up & clearing is a reality - for others it is
not. Due to this fact, some people may tend to be more positive or more negative
towards many things. We would like you to be aware, and, strongly suggest you
focus on POSITIVE ENERGY as your tool to eliminate any negatives.

PLEASE try and not be influenced by other people’s negative points of

view/information/energy (within the resort & also outside it).These types of people
are around from time to time, so please be aware!

Our suggestion is to be YOUR OWN PERSON and sure, listen to others points
of view whether positive or negative, but make up your own mind. Listen to your
intuition in relation to the goals you have laid down for yourself while you are
here! Remember this is all about “self-responsibility”, taking care of yourself.

LOOK AT THE BIG PICTURE OVERALL! A huge benefit in such a short time for
such a small price. We sincerely hope our program makes a big impression
on your future health for the rest of your life. And please don’t forget...
”what you put in is what you GET OUT” (no pun intended!!!)

Once again, thank you so much for being you and joining our family of fasters.
We do hope you enjoy your stay with us. If you should have any problem PLEASE
LET US KNOW and we will do our best to assist to resolve any questions, doubts
or fears you may have.

Yours in Health & Happiness,

The SPA Resorts


*** PLEASE CHECK OUR VERY POPULAR F.A.Q. BOOKS for answers to lots of your questions !
(located at our detox prep areas, restaurant & library)

A few examples :

QUES: How often should I fast ?

ANSWER: That depends on each individuals lifestyle after fasting—diet,

environment etc… The best way to determine this is by LISTENING to your
body—it will tell you—many people get by with 1 x 7 day fast/year with maybe
a shorter 3 day fast in between. Some like to fast 1 day/mth as an up keep method.

QUES: What is coming out in the Coleman ?

ANSWER: A mixture of the detox drinks and toxins that get absorbed into it
(plus the herbs as well of course) … some people who may have a history of severe constipation may get the
harder muquoid plaque that is often talked about, but
from experience here, not many people do evacuate such plaque on their first
fast or even subsequent fasts—you may never see it ever as you mightn’t have it. For the first few days (1-3)
you will get mostly normal stool type matter coming out—as your colon gets emptied it does not compress the
matter coming out of
the small intestine and you start getting interesting shaped matter often in long bead-like strands (can be light
or dark in color) - very similar to some of the photos you may have seen. Especially days 6 & 7 you will often
(but again, not always) notice these interesting shapes and strands coming out—this is then showing you are
now fairly well cleaned out and also this is why it’s so important to keep up this 7 day program for at least 6-7
days and not cut it short. The best thing to remember is NOT to focus too much on what is coming out—the
fast is MUCH more than that with the Liver, Kidneys, Bladder & Blood
all getting a thorough cleansing—these things are not visible, but are experienced by a much healthier feeling
in general that normally lasts well after you’ve
finished fasting !

General notes...
WHAT’S INCLUDED in your program…

Your ‘FIRST TIME at The SPA’ CLEAN-ME-OUT program...7 days.

The ultimate in cleansing & rejuvenation of your entire system for Spa first timers!

- Intro to the Spa & how to start the fast VDO.

- Assistance & other needed fasting advice .
- Video programs on cleansing & nutrition
- Meditation Spa Bamboo Sala (7.30-8.30am daily subject to Instructor availability)
- Intestinal cleansers & herbal nutrition tablets taken 5 times per day
- 5 specially prepared Detox drinks daily
- 1 flora grow capsule daily
- 2 Spa Broth mineral soups per day
- Twice daily colon cleansing using our “colema board” enema system
- Your own personal colema tip + lubricating gel
- A special replacement lactobacteria/acidophilus implant enema to break the fast
- 2 flora grow lactobacteria/acidophilus drinks also to assist breaking the fast
- Some natural herbal laxative tea (only take if needed 2nd Day after the fast)
- Filtered water in colema’s & for drinking
- A complimentary steam bath on arrival or to take whenever you wish.

Cost of Program 13,200 Baht

*Please note: The program is 2,200 Baht per day if you do less than 7 days.
*Extra days on this Candida Cleansing Program are 1,700 Baht per day
*Please pay in Baht at the exchange rate we display on the day you settle your account.
*We do accept Visa or MasterCard.

The ‘SELF-HELP’ CLEAN-ME-OUT program 3-7 days or more!

This program is for those who have done the clean-me-out program before WITH US for 7 DAYS. YOU ARE
- intestinal cleansers & herbal nutrition tablets taken 5 times per day
- 5 specially prepared Detox drinks daily
- 1 flora grow capsule daily
- twice daily colon cleansing using our “colema board” enema system 1,700 Baht

(colema tip 250bht, flora grow implant enema & 2 Flora drinks 450bht. Extra: detox drinks 85bht,
herbal/chomper tablets 20bht each, flora grow capsules 30bht each, colema 300bht per bucket, cayenne
capsules 15bht each. Broth soup 35bht, liver flush drink 75bht
Thai herbal steam bath 300 Bath or Membership card 7 steams 1100 Baht

The ‘LIVER FLUSH DRINK’ program…. (The cost depends on what you order)
Specially designed for those unable to do a full program above. An easy and smart way to get started on the
road to a new life and cleaner system. Just order 2 Liver flush drinks per day plus order any of our fruit, salad
or vegetable dish’s from the menu and see the healing results!!! This is also what we call a PRE-CLEANSE for
our fasting programs. Everyone should do a PRE-CLEANSE prior to fasting for 7 days!

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