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CURE 3021 Gendering Modernity (Modern Girls: Gender and Social Change) Second Term 2013 201!

"riday #:30am 11:1$am UCC 201 %nstr&ctor: 'ro() *a ming +& ,((ice: **- 22! Tel: 3#!3 !3.! Email: T&tor: -ai */o0 +ai1 Ray Email: This course investigates the conceptions, visions, experiences, and critiques of modernity from a gender perspective. The first part of the course looks at major social theories of modernity: erman, !arx, enjamin, "e#er and $oucault and investigates the issues of gender representations and gender meanings. "e will discuss the ways in which dominant understanding and representations of modernity are often grounded in and structured #y gender%ed& distinctions and hierarchies. The second part of the course looks at contemporary social cultural phenomena of #ody slimming, plastic surgery, #ody training and explore how they are related to modernity issues of consumption capitalism, technological innovation and nationalism.

!c'onald maids %Taiwan !c'onald recent promotion during last (hristmas&

Co&rse Re2&irements: (ontent )equirement*+#jective Tutorial , )eading - discussion (lose reading on selected readings ,#out ./0 people in one group to present one article, approx. . articles in each meeting 1lease prepare reading notes* 11T to outline the main ideas st . meeting !arx and 4ngels, The (ommunist !anifesto nd 0 meeting !ax "e#er, ureaucracy rd 5 meeting 6usan ordo, The 7n#eara#le weight th 8 meeting ,nne ,llison, 9apanese mothers and #ento #ox Tutorial 6mall topic 0/5 people in one group. presentation related to 6ee suggested topics #elow. contemporary issues and gender. 2th meeting Topic presentations th : meeting Topic presentations (lass ;eneral performance on 1articipation attendance and discussion $inal 1aper =/.< pages either in 4nglish or (hinese Total

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S&ggested T&torial 3 To4ics: .. 6howgirl: femininity, photographic innovation and digital modernity. "hat is the role and meaning of young feminine images in the recent development of photographic device and internet social world> 0. ?idult: man and toys in modern society: @ow does adult male #uild up their AevergreenB image of self #y consuming toys and animation> "hat is the relationship #etween cultural diffusion and consumption in specific time and space> 5. +taku: 0' world, social outcast and postmodern world. Cs +taku a specific kind of individual in todayDs postmodern society> @ow and why> 'oes the +taku resist a kind of political, economic and social hegemony> 8. !odel/"riter. @ow do the Emodern female artistsD imagine their own image and engage with social issues> @ow do they manipulate consumption, feminine image and fandom> 2. Feftover 6ingles: new individuals and modernity. @ow does popular cultures represent the Eleftover singlesD> 'o they pose real social pro#lem> @ow is the phenomenon related to contemporary social change>

+ee0 1 %ntrod&ction (5an 1.) )ita $elski, The ;ender of !odernity. 1p../55. +ee0 2 6ll that is Solid Melts into the 6ir (5an 2!) !arshall erman, ACntroductionB and A;oetheDs Faust: The Tragedy of 'evelopmentB Cn All Thats Solid Melts into Air $ilm: A$austB +ee0 3 7oliday (5an 31) @appy Funar Gew HearIII +ee0 ! Re8ol&tion and the 4roletariat ("e9 .) !arx and 4ngels, The (ommunist !anifesto, 6ection C and CC +ee0 $ Modern City and Modern 'erson ("e9 1!) "alter enjamin, AThe $laneurB 6immel, ;eorg. EThe !etropolis and !ental FifeD, The sociology of Georg SimmelJ translated, edited, and with an introd., #y ?urt @. "olff. ;lencoe, Cll.: $ree 1ress, .K2<. 1p.8<K/808. @orkheimer and ,dorno, 'ialectic of 4nlightenment, pp. 0=/80. !ax "e#er, E ureaucracyD, From Max Weber: essays in sociologyJ translated #y @.@. ;erth and (. "right !ills. Gew Hork: +xford 7niversity 1ress, .K2=. 1p..K:/ 088. +ee0 : Modernity and 3io 'o/er ("e9 21) $oucault, !ichel. E)ight of 'eath and 1ower over lifeD, The History of Sexuality: The Will to Kno ledgeJ translated from the $rench #y )o#ert @urley. Fondon: 1enguin ooks, c.KL=/.K=:. 1p..55/.2K. $oucault, !ichel. E1anopticismD, !isci"line and #unish: The $irth of the #rison. Gew Hork: Mintage ooks, .KLK. 1p..K2/00=. +ee0 . Modern girl and her 9ody ("e9 2;) ordo, 6usan. EThe ody and the )eproduction of $emininityD, %nbearable Weight: Feminism& Western 'ulture& and the $ody. erkeley: 7niversity of (alifornia 1ress, c.KK5. 1p..:2/.=8. "en, @ua. E$rom ar#ie 'oll to the ?orean "aveD, $uying beauty: cosmetic surgery in 'hina. @ong ?ong: @ong ?ong 7nivesity 1ress, 0<.5. 1p..:L/.=:. +ee0 ; Modern Girl and modern ad8ertising (March .) 3arlo/1 Tani E) <3&ying %n: 6d8ertising and the Se=y Modern Girl %con in Shanghai in the 1#20s and 1#30s>1 The modern girl around the world: consumption, modernity, and globalization) Edited 9y the Modern Girl 6ro&nd the +orld Research Gro&4) ?&rham: ?&0e Uni8ersity 'ress1 200;) '4)2;; 31:)

!"#$% "# &'()* 1#10 1#!$+ ,-./0 123* 200!4*5 11$ 1#:6

+ee0 # S&rgery and Cons&mer Ca4italism (March 1!) 4dmonds, ,lexander. E!y #lack is my #randD, E)ole !odelD, EThe 4conomy of ,ppearancesD, #retty modern: beauty& sex& and "lastic surgery in $ra(il. 'urham NG.(.O: 'uke 7niversity 1ress, 0<.<. 1p..2</.L8. +ee0 10 <@e/ +omen> and @ationalism (March 21) 78$ 9:;<=>?@ABCDEFG * !-H:;IJK L+(MNO)*0<.5 65 .=5/0<L6 ,. ,llison. %0<<<&. 9apanese !others and +#entPs: The Funch ox as Cdeological 6tate ,pparatus. #ermitted and #rohibited !esires: Mothers& 'omics& and 'ensorshi" in )a"an %pp. =./.<8&. erkeley, (,: 7niversity of (alifornia 1ress. +ee0 11 (March 2;) ;uest Fecture %T (& +ee0 12 +or0sho4 %64ril !) order "orkshop: <=5</0<5< +ee0 13 The 4o/er(&l yo&ng /oman %64ril 11) !c)o##ie, ,ngela. ETop ;irls> Houng "omen and the Gew 6exual (ontractD, The aftermath of feminism: gender& culture and social change. Fondon: 6,;4, c0<<K. 1p.28/K5. +ee0 1! Concl&sion %64ril 1;) ECntroductionD. The Modern Girl Around the World: 'onsum"tion& Modernity& and Globali(ation.

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