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Lmall k[chavez[ hone 978.340.8930 SlLe hLLp://www.sLanford.


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"#$%&'() *%+,-(.+#/, undergraduaLe, CA 4.07 ln ma[or, 3.88 overall lall 2010 - resenL
ursulng a 8.S. ln LlecLrlcal Lnglneerlng. ConcenLraLlon ln Slgnal rocesslng, CommunlcaLlons, and ConLrols.
Mlnor ln hyslcs, lncludlng quanLum and sLaLlsLlcal mechanlcs, Lhermodynamlcs.
:$0$(&)* .2+,#$52,%9 Llnear uynamlcal SysLems, SLochasLlc ConLrol, Convex CpLlmlzaLlon. Machlne Learnlng,
CompuLer vlslon, ulglLal lmage rocesslng. CompuLer CrganlzaLlon and SysLems, ulglLal SysLems, rlnclples of
CompuLer SysLems.


0($+%. +% "+1+2'% 3$4, 8esearch AsslsLanL Summer 2012 - resenL
ueveloped Lools for explorlng operaLlonal space conLrol uslng large-scale slmulaLed splklng neural neLworks.
lmplemenLed real-Llme conLrol of a 3 uCl physlcal roboLlc arm uslng Lhese Lools. Work was essenLlal ln securlng a
spoL Lo demo ConLrolllng 8oboL uynamlcs wlLh Splklng neurons" aL nlS 2013.

"#$%&'() 5-%#-( &'( 6-$27+%8 $%) 3-$(%+%89 8esldenL 1uLor lall 2012 - Sprlng 2013
lmproved ablllLy Lo communlcaLe absLracL and complex ldeas ln maLh, physlcs, and compuLer sclence. SupporLed a
dorm of 97 SLanford freshmen. Courses LuLored: llnear algebra, mulLlvarlable calculus, mechanlcs, elecLrlclLy &
magneLlsm, llghL & heaL, modern physlcs, maLhemaLlcal foundaLlons for compuLaLlon.

0$#0'#, MechaLronlc ueslgn ro[ecL WlnLer 2012-2013
racLlce ln exLremely rapld developmenL of full mechaLronlc sysLem from Lhe ground up. Led deslgn of Lhe l8
senslng sysLem and lnLegraLlon of lndlvldual componenLs. Successfully collaboraLed wlLh a small Leam wlLh a
dlverse sklll seL ln a Llme-pressured envlronmenL. See hLLp://[chavez/ML210/baLboL/

:;<= >-(', ulglLal SysLem ueslgn ro[ecL WlnLer 2011-2012
lmplemenLed a verslon of CulLar Pero on an lCA, wlnnlng Leam pro[ecL compeLlLlon for a course aL SLanford. Led
deslgn of game loglc module and modules Lo generaLe harmonlcs and dynamlcs for audlo. vldeo avallable aL

5,,$/$0%)6 7%8049)/$0%1

rogrammlng / ScrlpLlng: C, C++, yLhon, Ardulno, MaLlab, MaLhemaLlca
CLher CompuLer Skllls: ClL/Mercurlal, verllog, comforLable wlLh unlx
Language: Spanlsh (lluenL)
rofesslonal AfflllaLlon: 1au 8eLa l Lnglneerlng Ponor SocleLy
SLory-Lelllng racLlce: Close-up Maglclan

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