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Map 60 Creta

Compiled by J. Bennet and G. Reger (insets), 1994 Introduction

Homer, in the Iliad (2.649), refers to Crete as , while at Odyssey 19.174 there are on the island. Clearly, in early Greek tradition Crete was the island of 100 or 90 cities, and later authorslike Xenion (FGH 460 F2), it would seemfelt obliged to come up with 100 names when discussing Cretes geography. While it is unlikely that it ever contained that many (independent city-states), the number of city names attested is certainly largein Stephanus, for example, nearly eighty. The map seeks to establish the location of all the major cities, that is, those whose independence is indicated by their participation in a treaty or by the minting of coins. Similarly, it seeks to mark other names (both cultural and physical features) attested in literary or epigraphical sources. Even so, some fairly well attested names must remain as Unlocated Toponyms; there are some False Toponyms, too, of places which in all likelihood never existed. In addition to the cultural and physical features to which an ancient name can be attached (many of which have been investigated archaeologically), the map also aims to mark those larger sites attested by archaeology, to which no ancient name can be reliably attributed. As a general rule, very small settlements (especially individual farmsteads) are omitted in order not to overcrowd the map. Two further aspects essential to any study of the islands topography and settlement are also passed over, because they seem inappropriate to a map at this scale. First, there is no systematic attempt to locate all toponyms attested in boundary treaties, in particular the fifty attested in a late second century B.C. boundary treaty between Olous and Lato (Faure 1967; van Effenterre 1969). Apart from the uncertainty of attribution to specific modern topographic features, the relatively small area covered would lead to serious overcrowding. Nonetheless a small number of securely locatable toponyms from such documents are marked. Second, sites attested by systematic archaeological surface survey are omitted, although it would be possible to increase the number of known sites of the classical period considerably by adding them. The chief reason has again been to avoid overcrowding, but there is also the question of representativeness; an area covered by intensive survey will seem much more densely populated than others, even though this may well not have been the case in antiquity. To pursue settlement patterns in more detail, note the surveys conducted in the following areas of the island (from west to east). Some of the publications are preliminary, and fuller details may follow: Khania (Moody 1987, where the emphasis is prehistoric, but historical periods are mentioned); Sphakia region (Nixon 1988; 1989; 1990; Moody 1998); Rethymnon and its region to the east (Schiering 1982); Amari valley (Rocchetti 1994); western Mesara plain (Watrous 1993) and Kommos area (Hope Simpson 1995); Agiopharango valley and the nearby south coast (Blackman 1975; 1977); Knosos vicinity (Hood 1981); Mallia region (Mller 1990); Lasithi plateau (Watrous 1982); Vrokastro region (Hayden 1992; 1995); Kavousi region (Haggis 1992; 1996); Ag. Photia (Tsipopoulou 1989); south-east Crete (Schlager 1991); and the Lamnoni and Katelionas basins near Ziros (Branigan 1998). It is well known that the west coast of the island experienced a severe tectonic uplift, probably in A.D. 438 (Thommeret 1981). Around the ancient harbors at Phalasarna and Kisamos, the uplift was in the order of 20 ft, while in the south-west corner of the island (ancient Kriou Metopon, Biennos and Kalamyde) it was close to 27 ft. In addition, since antiquity there has been a general rise in sea level around Crete of about six ft, while localized tectonic disturbances have affected a number of other places on the island. Despite the dramatic nature of the west Cretan uplift, the lateral retreat of the sea is in fact minimal at the scale of the map, given the fairly extreme vertical topography of much of the coastline in the area; it has not, therefore, been possible to indicate this retreat precisely. The major visible effect is that the modern Tigani promontory probably formed an island in antiquity (Gondicas 1988, 146), equated with ancient Iousagoura; the site of modern and medieval Palaiochora (equated by some scholars with ancient Kalamyde) was also an off-shore island, lending greater plausibility to the location of ancient Kalamyde to the east of the modern town, near the mouth of the Vlythias river (Gondicas 1988, 17). For a



summary of archaeological data relevant to sea level changes, see Leatham (1958) and Sanders (1982, 181-82); for landscape change in all periods, Rackham (1996). Myers (1992) has great value for its up-to-date, stunningly illustrated collection of information on sites of all periods with bibliographic references; for predominantly Roman period sites, Sanders (1982) with its gazetteer is more accessible than Harrison (1993). Guarduccis discussion of topography in IC I-IV is often valuable for its topographic references. For controversial sites beginning with the letters A and B, note the well documented discussions by Kitchell (1977), supplemented in two instances by Kitchell (1979; 1983). For other sites, note especially Faure (1960; 1963; 1988; 1993) andfor west CreteGondicas (1988). Chaniotis (1996) is generally useful on many aspects of topography. Insets Here, as on other Aegean islands, the density of names and symbols marked often reflects the focus of modern research more than the realities of ancient habitation and land use. The towers of Siphnos, for example, famous for their numbers, caught the attention of Ashton (1991), who produced a splendid and complete catalog; his detailed findings, however, cannot be fully reflected at this scale. Several other islands have fared less well. Perhaps the greatest disappointments are Andros, which until recently has failed to attract much attention (except for Zagora), and Tenos, where work has focused almost exclusively on the temple of Poseidon and Amphitrite and a few other cult sites. For Tenos, we know many toponyms which may be villages (so RE) or demes, whether attached to a homonymous village or not (Etienne 1990, 24-30); these are omitted from the Unlocated Toponyms.

All place names are in Greece Abbreviation
Creta Antica Creta Antica: Cento anni di archeologia italiana (1884-1984), Scuola archeologica italiana di Atene, Rome, 1984

Grid D2 B4 C5 D2 B2 A2 C4 D2 C3 C4 F4 C3 A4 D2 C4 C2 A1 D2 D2 C2 Name Acharna Aegaeum Mare Ag. Andreas Ag. Anna Ag. Eustratios Ag. Georgios Ag. Georgios Ag. Georgios Papoura Ag. Kyriaki Ag. Nikitas Ag. Panteleimon Ag. Pavlos Ag. Petros Ag. Photia Ag. Sostes Ag. Triada Agneion Sinus Agrion = Pantomatrion Aigaion Antron Aigaion M. *Aina? Akytos Ins.= Koite Ins. Period C CH ACHL R CHL C AC H ACH ACH RL C R A AH R AR A H Modern Name / Location Arkhanes on Siphnos Tzermiado Patsianos Gialos on Siphnos Pinakiano Agiofarango on Siphnos on Rhodos Kaloi Limenes on Andros on Siphnos Ag. Sostis bay Psykhro / Diktaian cave Mt. Dikti Kastelli Reference IC I, 46 See Map 57 Matthus 1985, 34-37 Watrous 1982, 43 (no. 13) Hood 1967, 55-56 Hood 1967, 49 Ashton 1991, 38 Watrous 1982, 39-40 (no. 4) Blackman 1977, 31-37, 53-56, 59-60 Ashton 1991, 52 Srenson 1992, 100-105 Blackman 1975, 24-25 Sauciuc 1914, 29-33 Sanders 1982, 7/18 Ashton 1991, 52 Myers 1992, 70-77 Gondicas 1988, 145 Watrous 1982, 61-62 (no. 66) Kitchell 1977, 80-86 Faure 1965, 222-23 (1); Kitchell 1977, 93-97

MAP 60 CRETA Grid C2 C2 D2 G3 F3 B2 F2 B2 B2 C2 E2 A4 A4 B2 C3 D2 E4 Name Allaria? Alonion = Aulon Amnatos Amnisos fl. Ampas Ampelia Ampelos Ampelos Amphimala Amphimalion Amphimales Sinus Amphitrite, T. = Poseidon, T. Amyklaion? Anavlokhos Andros Andros Ins. Anopolis Antiskari Apellonia? Apollonia? Aperi Aphrodite, T. = Ares, T. Aphrodite, T. = Hermes, T. Apollo Erethimios, T. Apollo, T. Apollonia? Apollonia? Aptera Aptara Araden Arbion? M. = Hieron M. Ares, Aphrodite, T. Archaion Aphrodision Argos? *Aria? Albe? Arkades Arkadia Arkaseia Arsinoe = Rhithymna Asomata Aspros Pyrgos Astale Asterousia M. Atabyrion M. Athena, T. Aulon Pr. Aulon Sinus Aulon/ Alonion Aulopotamos? = Panormos Axos = (W)Axos Bati Batoklia Bene? Benkasos? M. Berekynthos M. Period HRL CHR ACHR CH A CHR HR HR Modern Name / Location Khamalevri Perisakia Karteros on Rhodos on Rhodos Koxare Farmakokefalo / Kastri Georgoupolis? Ormos Almyrou H A CHR ACHR R ACH ACH Kommos Vrakhasi Palaiopolis Andros Anopolis Ag. Pelagia on Karpathos Reference PECS Khamalevri


PECS Kitchell 1977, 138-64; Schfer 1992, 73-75 Papachristodoulou 1989, 133 Hope Simpson 1973, 151 Hood 1966, 180 Sanders 1982, 1/30; Schlager 1991, 23-25 Kitchell 1977, 169-81; Sanders 1982, 17/13; IC II, map IC II, 183 Kitchell 1977, 182-86; Myers 1992, 148-53; Cucuzza 1997 Demargne 1931 RE 1 RE 1 RE Suppl. 1; Sanders 1982, 16/6; Moody 1998, 90-92 Sanders 1982, 10/24 Sanders 1982, 9/1; Alexiou 1984 Hope Simpson 1962, 163

G3 A1 B2 D2 B2 B2 E2 G3 D3 D2 E5 G3 C5 C2 D3 F3 F2 A4 A4 C2


on Rhodos Ag. Sostis bay Sellia: Souda Gazi Megala Khorafia Aradaina Ellinika: Sto Pyrgo Asklepeio, on Rhodos Arvi Inion: Kefala Arkassa, on Karpathos on Rhodos on Siphnos Bali Asterousia on Rhodos Cape Sidero Akra Steno Steno Agioi Deka

Jacopi 1932, 77-116 Sanders 1982, 20/1; Gondicas 1988, 145 Hood 1966, 184 Sanders 1982, 9/8 RE 1 RE; Moody 1998, 90 Bousquet 1938; Faure 1967 RE Suppl. 5 Rhodos, col. 747 Faure 1960, 236 (n. 2); Hood 1964, 89-90; Kitchell 1977, 249-65; 1983 Sanders 1982, 7/25 Hope Simpson 1962, 162-63 Hope Simpson 1973, 138 Ashton 1991, 132-34 Sanders 1982, 13/4 Kitchell 1977, 301-304 RE 1 IC III, 156; Sanders 1982, 1/38, 1/40 Scylax 113; IG XII 5, test. 1504 IG XII 5, test. 1504 Kitchell 1977, 316-18

F3 F3 D2 E2 B2


on Rhodos on Rhodos Panagia: Kastellos Sopata Malaxa

Papachristodoulou 1983 Biliotti 1881, 436-39; Srenson 1992, 126 Kitchell 1977, 325-30 Faure 1967; Hayden 1992, 299 (n. 24) Kitchell 1977, 333-36

922 Grid D2 A2 G3 C2 C5 C2 B2 F3 G3 E4 F3 F3 E2 D2 A2 E3 D2 C1 G3 D2 A2 B5 D2 D2 F2 F2 F2 A1 F3 C2 F2 B4 F2 B2 E2 D2 C2 C2 C2 D2 A2 E4 F2 D5 G3 G3 D2 F3 C5 A4 Name Biannos Biennos? Bigla Bionnos? Blase Boibe Boudroe Inss. *Brasos Brygindara Brykous Chalke Chalke Ins. Chambritrasos? Chersonasos Chersonesos Chrysea Ins. Col. Iulia Nobilis Cnosos = Knosos Creta Ins. Creticum Mare Damatria Dataleis? Debla Delos Ins. Dia Ins. Dios Ins. Diatonion? Didymoi? fl. Didymoi? Sinus Dikte M. Diktynnaion Dimastos? Ins. Dion? Pr. Dionysiades Inss. Donakea? Dragmos? Drepanon Pr. Dreros Eileithyias Antron Eleia? = Zeus Diktaios, T. Elektra fl. Eleutherna Apollonia Ellinika Eltynia Elyros Ephialteion? Pr. Episkopi Episkopi Eremokastro Eremokastro Eronos? Erannos Erythraion Pr. Eschatia? Eschatiota? Period ACHRL R CH CH C R R R ACHRL ACHR CHRL H HRL R

MAP 60 CRETA Modern Name / Location Ano Viannos: Khorakia Ktista: Ag. Ioannis on Rhodos Kerame: Pyrgos on Siphnos Pompia? Souda Prasos / Kastelli?, on Rhodos on Rhodos on Karpathos Kastro Khalki Khavgas gorge Limin Khersonisos Cape Karavoutas or Koutoulos Gadouronisi / Khrysi Reference Hood 1964, 83 Gondicas 1988, 72 Hope Simpson 1973, 154 Hood 1966, 173-74 Ashton 1991, 82 Kitchell 1977, 382-87 IC II, 10 Papachristodoulou 1989, 76; Srenson 1992, 132 Papachristodoulou 1989, 125 Hope Simpson 1962, 161-62 Hope Simpson 1973, 156-57 RE 2 Faure 1967, 106; Watrous 1982, 23 PECS Chersonesos Gondicas 1988, 80 IC III, 20 NPauly Kreta Burr 6 Papachristodoulou 1989, 98-101 Creta Antica 257-63; Viviers 1994 Sanders 1982, 18/11 See Map 61 Sanders 1982, 6/9 IC I, 46 IC III, 164 IC III, 164 Crowther 1988 Gondicas 1988, 287-96 RE 2 IC II, 43; van Effenterre 1991, 18-19 IC III, 157 IG XII 5, test. 1516.3 Faure 1963, 18 IC II, 10 Myers 1992, 86-90 RE Eileithyia, col. 2106; Schfer 1992, 84-87 IC II, 278 Myers 1992, 91-95 StByz ' Hood 1964, 77 IC I, 89; Sanders 1982, 6/12 RE RE Karpathos, col. 2002 Sanders 1982, 1/14 Frantz 1969 Papachristodoulou 1989, 120-23 Papachristodoulou 1989, 133 Watrous 1982, 55-56 (no. 46); Faure 1993, 69 IC III, 1 IG XII 5.653, line 27 Etienne 1990, 29

ACHRL Kritiko Pelagos R A R CHRL H HR HRL AR HR H ACH R ACHR ACHRL on Rhodos Aphrati: Prophitis Ilias Varypetro Dia Astritsion Stomios Ormos Siteias Mt. Modi Diktynnaion / Menies bay Korakias Pr. Paximada, Dragonada, Gianysada Leibada, on Tenos Koutsoulopetres: Kastri Drapanon Neapolis: Ag. Antonios Neradospilios / Koutsouras cave Platys Prines Vizari Kounavoi: Ellinika Rodovani Ag. Apostolui on Sikinos on Rhodos on Rhodos Ag. Georgios: Avgousti Cape Goudouras on Siphnos on Tenos


MAP 60 CRETA Grid E4 F3 G3 A5 A4 C3 G3 F3 F4 C2 Name Eteokarpathioi Etis = *Setaea Eulimna Ins. Exokhi Galessos Gaurion Gavaliana Gemakhi Gennadi Germatos Gortyn(a) Ellotis Kremnia Larissa Gyaros Ins. Gyras M. Harmedon? Ins. Hellen? fl. Herakleion Hermaia? Pr. Hermas? fl. Hermes, Aphrodite, T. Heteireia? Ins. Hierapytna Kyrba Pytna Kamiros Hieron/ Arbion? M. Hippokoronion? M. Hydramia Hypsele *Hyrtaia? *Ertaia? Hyrtakina Ialysos Ialysia Ida(ion) M. Idaion Antron Arkesion Antron Ina Chorion? Inatos Inatos fl. Iousagoura? Ins. Istron Itanon Pr. Itanos Iulia Nobilis Cnosos = Knosos Iytos M. Ixia Ixos Sinus Kadiston M. Kairatos fl. Kalamyde Kalogeros Period CH A ACH? CH R ? CHR H? A? Modern Name / Location on Karpathos Alinnia on Rhodos Galessas, on Syros Gaureion, on Andros Agiofarango on Rhodos on Rhodos on Rhodos Gortyna / Ag. Deka Reference IG XII 1.977 Susini 1963, 260 Johansen 1957 RE Syros 1 RE Andros 1 Blackman 1977, 52 Papachristodoulou 1989, 144 Hope Simpson 1973, 149-50 Srenson 1992, 98-101 Myers 1992, 96-103; StByz


A4 B4 D5 E2 D2 B2 E2 E2 C5 E2

Gyalos on Tenos H HRL H ACHR A?C?HR L RL/ R R A CHR CHR ACHRL CHR ACHR CHR HRL HR Harmathia Petritsi / Gra Lygia Irakleion Cape Plaka Kapistropotamos spring and shrine, Kato Symi: Krya Vrysi Ag. Eustatios Ierapetra

RE IG XII 5, test. 1516.2 RE Kasion 1 Faure 1967, 109; 1984, 49 PECS IC II, 227 Faure 1967, 108; 1984, 49 Myers 1992, 268-71 IG XII 3, 1259 StByz ; PECS

D2 B2 B2 A4 D2 A2 G3 C2 C2 A2 D3 D2 A1 E2 F2 F2 D2 F4 F4 E2 D2 A2 F3

Mt. Keraton Mt. Drapanokephala Dramia? on Andros Melidokhori: Kasteriotis Temenia: Kastri on Rhodos Mt. Idi / Pseiloritis Idaion Antron Vathi, formerly Kouneni Tsoutsouros Mintris Cape Tigani 2 settlements: Kalo Khorio-Pyrgos / Nisi Panteleimon Cape Plaka Erimoupolis Mt. Gioukhtas Plemmuri, on Rhodos Mt. Kadiston Sylamianos / Katsampas Palaiokhora: Vlithias on Rhodos

Hood 1964, 84; Sanders 1982, 7/15; Kitchell 1983 Faure 1988, 88 RE Telebantou 1993 Sanders 1982, 7/5; Faure 1993, 70 RE RE 3; Maiuri 1923 RE RE Ida 1 RE Idaion 1c Gondicas 1988, 77-78 Sanders 1982, 7/31 IC I, 98 Gondicas 1988, 146-50 Hayden 1992, 298 IC III, 76 PECS; Kalpaxis 1995 IC I, 46 RE Suppl. 5 Rhodos, col. 747 RE Suppl. 5 Rhodos, col. 747 IC I, 243 IC I, 46 Hood 1967, 48-49; Gondicas 1988, 53-55 Srenson 1992, 114-18



924 Grid C3 C2 F3 C5 A2 D2 E4 E4 D2 F2 D5 G2 G2 F3 A2 A2 D2 C2 C2 D2 E2 C2 A2 F4 B3 B3 E2 F3 D2 A2 F2 G3 A1 C5 C5 B1 A2 B2 D2 A1 E2 D2 G3 B4 C2 A1 A1 C2 F3 F3 A2 C2 B1 E2 Name Kaloi Limenes Kamilari Kamiros Kamiris Kampanario Kantanos Kardamoutsa Karpathion Mare Karpathos Ins. Karphi Karymai? Sinus Kasion Nesoi Kasos Kasos Ins. Kassaros Kastellos Kastraki Kastri Kastri 1 Kastri 2 Katarraktes? fl. Katharo Kato Asites Katre? *Kattabia Kaudos Ins. Kaudos? Kavousi Kekoia Kephali tou Vasilikou Keraia? Ketia? Pr. Khalospita Kimaros Pr. Kimolos Kimolos Ins. Kisamon? Pr. Kisamos Kisamos? Knosos/ Col. Iulia Nobilis Cnosos Koite/ Akytos Ins. Kolokythia Kolonna Kolympia Kome Korion Korykiai Inss. Korykos Pr. Kranaion Antron Kretenia Sinus Kretinia Kriou Metopon Pr. Kroussonas Kydonia Apollonia? Kymaios? fl. AHR HR? ACHR ACHRL H Period RL RL ACHRL A?C? HRL ACL A H ACHR ACH CHRL H ACH CH CHRL L R CHR ACH CH A H L HR ? ACHRL HRL HR ACHRL/ R HRL ACH L H CH

MAP 60 CRETA Modern Name / Location Ormos Kaloi Limenes / Limiones Kamiros on Siphnos settlement and mine at Kantanos Pinakiano Karpathos Pinakiano Karoumpes bay Kasion Nesoi Kastro / Poli Kasos on Rhodos Varypetro Anydroi Keratokampos Pantanassa Apodoulou Anapodaris Kadros: Prophitis Ilias Kattabia, on Rhodos Gavdos Gavdos: Ag. Ioannis Kastro on Rhodos Ag. Georgios Meskla Cape Vamvakia on Rhodos Cape Vouxa Ag. Andreas Kimolos Akrotiri Khanion Kastelli Kisamou Kalami settlement and quarry at Knossos / Makryteikhos Ag. Theodoroi Spinalonga Lagou on Rhodos on Tenos Melampes: Voulgari Armokastella Gramvousa and Agria Gramvousa Gramvousa Pr. Patsos cave on Rhodos Cape Krios Koupos Khania Xeropotamos Reference PECS Sanders 1982, 11/6 RE 2; Porro 1915 Ashton 1991, 76 Gondicas 1988, 44-48 Watrous 1982, 39 (no. 3) See Map 61 Susini 1963, 225-44 Myers 1992, 116-19 Bosanquet 1939, 61-62 RE Hope Simpson 1970, 70 Susini 1963, 203-24 Srenson 1992, 121-23 Sanders 1982, 18/9 Gondicas 1988, 18-20 Hood 1964, 82-83 Hood 1966, 188-89; PECS Hood 1964, 78-79 IC I, 150 Watrous 1982, 49 (no. 34) Sanders 1982, 9/14 Gondicas 1988, 49-51 RE Suppl. 4 Kattabier IC II, 90-91 Sanders 1982, 19/19 Myers 1992, 120-23; Haggis 1996 Maiuri 1916, 299 Watrous 1982, 53 (no. 42) Faure 1963, 18 IC III, 164 Papachristodoulou 1989, 131 Gondicas 1988, 142-43 RE RE IC II, 10 Gondicas 1988, 163-70 Sanders 1982, 17/1; PECS Hood 1981; Myers 1992, 124-47 IC II, 106 Sanders 1982, 3/8 Watrous 1982, 41 (no. 8) Papachristodoulou 1989, 144 Etienne 1990, 29 Hood 1966, 169-70 Gondicas 1988, 146-50 Gondicas 1988, 142-44 Hood 1966, 186-87; Kourou 1994 RE Suppl. 5 Rhodos, col. 750 Pernier 1914, 230-36 Gondicas 1988, 70-71 Sanders 1982, 9/13 PECS; Hallager 1997 Faure 1967; Hayden 1992, 299

MAP 60 CRETA Grid F3 C2 F3 D5 B2 B2 E2 G3 C3 E4 E2 E2 C3 F3 C3 B1 C2 C2 A2 B2 F3 F3 C5 B3 G3 A2 G3 A2 D2 D2 D2 E2 D2 G3 B2 C3 C5 A1 G3 B2 G3 C3 E2 B1 E2 A1 F3 E2 A1 Name Kymisala Kytaion? *Ladarma Lagousa Ins. Lamon? Lappa Larisa? Lartos Lasaia Lasoia Lastos Lato Lato pros Kamara Leben Lelos Leon Pr. Lera Lethaios fl. Letoa Ins. Leuka M. Leukai Inss. Leuke Leuke Ins. Libeia? Ins. Libycum Mare Lindos Lindia Lissos Loryma Sinus Loutra Lykastos Lyktos Lyttos Magazia Malla Mallia Mantra Boutouriou Massalia? fl. Matalon Matala Melos Ins. Mese Ins. Mesobounos Messapos? fl. Metropolite Miamou Milatos Minoa Minoa Mithymna? Mnasyrion Sinus Mokhlos Modaioi HRL Period CHR CHR H R HRL AC ? HRL HRL ACH HRL HRL HR ACHRL Modern Name / Location on Rhodos Almyrida Alaerma, on Rhodos Kardiotissa Plakias: Ag. Georgios Argyroupolis Kalamafka: Kastellos Lardos, on Rhodos opposite Trafos island on Karpathos Goulas Ag. Nikolaos Lentas on Rhodos Cape Kefalas Stavros Geropotamos Paximadia Lefka Mts. Palaiosouda / Marathi Souda Kouphonisi Ag. Georgios ACHRL HRL H HR ACHRL L CH RL C? Lindos, on Rhodos Ag. Kyrkos Malonos Bay Rokka Xidas Kaminaki Malles Hormos Glyphadas, on Rhodos Megapotamos / Kourtaliotiko Matala Gramvousa / Imeri Gramvousa on Rhodos Mousellas on Rhodos settlement and mine at Makry Livadi Milatos? Marathi Pakheia Ammos Nopigeia Glyphada Bay Koinon centered on Rokka Reference Maiuri 1916, 285-98; Hope Simpson 1973, 146 RE; Stefanakis 1998 Blinkenberg 1941, 20 Strabo 10.5.1 Hood 1966, 183 RE 1 Faure 1963, 18; Watrous 1994 Papachristodoulou 1989, 76 Blackman 1975, 28-32 Hope Simpson 1962, 164 Myers 1992, 154-59 RE Latos Faure 1960, 242 (no. 33bis); Myers 1992, 160-63 Maiuri 1916, 298-302 IC I, 150 Hood 1965, 110; Guest-Papamanoli 1976 IC IV, 16 IC I, 268 RE IC II, 10 Sanders 1982, 1/31; Papadakis 1989, 67-71 Sanders 1982, 1/31; Papadakis 1989, 67-71 IG XII 3.1259 See Map 73 RE Suppl. 5 Rhodos, col. 747 RE Myers 1992, 168-71 Hiller 1892, 315-17 Gondicas 1988, 20-21 Sanders 1982, 8/10 PECS Lyttos; Rethemiotakis 1984 Watrous 1982, 59 (no. 59) Sanders 1982, 2/2 Myers 1992, 175-85 Papachristodoulou 1989, 130 IC II, 192 PECS; Hope Simpson 1995, 329-40 See Map 58 Gondicas 1988, 146-50 Papachristodoulou 1989, 119 IC II, 192 Papachristodoulou 1989, 120 Sanders 1982, 10/22 RE Miletos 4 PECS Marathi PECS Pachia Ammos Gondicas 1988, 275-76 RE Suppl. 5 Rhodos, cols. 751-52 Myers 1992, 186-93 Gondicas 1988, 272; Faure 1993, 72-73




926 Grid B2 D2 A1 B5 B5 A1 F3 A1 A1 C5 E2 G3 F3 D5 G3 F3 E2 D4 E2 D2 F2 A2 G3 C3 F3 A4 E4 E4 F3 B1 D2 B4 C2 G3 C2 G3 C4 D4 D4 D2 F4 A2 A1 F2 G3 C2 C2 A1 A2 Name Monopari Mouri Mykenai? Mykonos Mykonos Ins. Mylai Inss. Mylantia? Pr. Myle Ins. Myrtilos? Sinus Myrtoion Mare Myrtos Napes Narthecusa? Ins. Naulochos? Ins. Nessos Netteia? Oleros Oliaros Ins. Olous Omphalion Onysia Ins. Oreioi Orthe Oxeia Ins. Pagoi Paionion Pr. Palaia Pi Palaiokastro Palaiokastron Panagia Arkoudiotissa Pannona? Panormos Sinus Panormos/ Aulopotamos? Panos Pr. Pantomatrion/ Agrion Paradeisi Paraskeues to Petali Paros Paros Ins. Patela Pedion Pelkis? Pergamos? Pergamia *Petra? Phagai Phaistos Phalanna? Phalasarna Phaleliana Period HR R ACH

MAP 60 CRETA Modern Name / Location Kato Metokhi Kastelli: Selli Pontikonisi and Tigani Ag. Minas Pontikonision Gulf of Kissamos R L H CH CHR ACHRL H HR H C HR ? HR C?H? AC? ACHR R RL/ L CHR/ L HR H? ACH CHR ACHR R ACH CH ACHRL ACH ACH R on Rhodos Makronesi on Rhodos Prophetes Elias, on Rhodos Meseleroi Antiparos Elounta and causeway to Spinalonga lower Platyperama / Giophyros valley Elasa Koinon cent. on Lissos and Hyrtakina on Rhodos small island off Lentas Kharaki, on Rhodos Akra Peristeri on Karpathos on Karpathos on Rhodos Gouverneto Ag. Thomas Panormos Kastelli Mylopotamou / Panormos Zonori Cape Stavromenos on Rhodos on Siphnos Prinias on Rhodos Kontokynigi Grimbiliana: Ag. Eirini Liopetro Tsambikas, on Rhodos Phaistos / Ag. Ioannis Onithi S Cape Koutri Prophitis Ilias Reference Sanders 1982, 14/3 Watrous 1982, 65 (no. 74) Sanders 1982, 20/9; Gondicas 1988, 156 See Map 61 See Map 61 Gondicas 1988, 146-50 RE Gondicas 1988, 146-50 IC II, 95; Gondicas 1988, 145 See Map 58 Sanders 1982, 2/4 Papachristodoulou 1989, 134 RE Narthekusa 2 RE Kasion 1 Papachristodoulou 1989, 130 RE Suppl. 5 Rhodos, cols. 746-47 Sanders 1982, 2/7; Hayden 1992, 298; 1995 Strabo 10.5.3 Myers 1992, 216-23 IC I, 45 IC III, 76 Faure 1960, 243 (no. 65bis); van Effenterre 1948, 120-26 Blinkenberg 1941, 222 IC I, 150 Papachristodoulou 1989, 76; Srenson 1992, 141-43 IG XII 5, test. 1504 Hope Simpson 1962, 163-64 Hope Simpson 1962, 167 Srenson 1992, 110 Hood 1965, 110; Guest-Papamanoli 1976 Sanders 1982, 7/2; Faure 1993, 70 Etienne 1990, 29 IC II, 142; Faure 1960, 240 (no. 17); Sanders 1982, 13/3 Hiller 1899, 360 Kitchell 1977, 77-79; Faure 1993, 72 Hope Simpson 1973, 138 Ashton 1991, 54 See Map 61 See Map 61 Creta Antica 226-56 Papachristodoulou 1989, 76 Sanders 1982, 19/7; Gondicas 1988, 63-66 Hood 1965, 105-106; Gondicas 1988, 280-85 Plutarch, Lycurgus 31 Faure 1963, 20-21 Papachristodoulou 1989, 142-44 Sanders 1982, 11/4; Myers 1992, 232-43 Faure 1960, 233, 238 (no. 95); Sanders 1982, 14/7 Gondicas 1988, 85-141; Myers 1992, 244-47 Sanders 1982, 20/24

MAP 60 CRETA Grid F3 B2 B2 B2 C5 C5 D2 D2 A2 A2 F2 C5 A2 G3 E4 B4 E4 B4 D2 E4 F2 C5 D2 C4 E2 A1 E2 C2 C2 B2 C2 D2 E2 A2 D2 B5 B2 C2 G3 F3 F3 D2 A2 D2 F2 G3 E4 E4 G3 F2 C4 Name Phanes Phoinikous Limen Phoinix Phoinix? Pholegandros Pholegandros Ins. Pigi Plati Poikilasion Polichna? Polichna? Polyaigos Ins. Polyrrenia Pontoreia Porthmos Sinus Poseidon, Amphitrite, T. Poseidon Porthmios, T. Potamos fl. Pothereus? fl. Potidaion Karpathou Ktoina Praisos Prepesinthos Ins. Priansos Prophetes Elias Troullakiou Prophitis Ilias Psakon Pr. Pseira Psycheion Psycheion Pr. Pyktos fl. Pyloros Pyranthos Pyrra Ins. Rhamnous Limen Rhaukos Rheneia Ins. Rhithymna/ Arsinoe Rhittenia? Rhizenia Rhodos Rhodos Ins. Rhonkchon Rhytion/ Rhytiassos Rokka Roukouni Korphi Sam(m)onion Pr. Sarantapekhos Saros Saros Ins. Schedia Sinus Sedamnos? fl. Seriphos Period CHR HRL CHRL CHR A?CHR RL A CHRL ACH CHR ACHRL HR ACHR CHR R ACHRL ACHL CHR H AC RL HR HR R R HR R HRL CHR/ H CH CHRL HR ACHR CHR H HR H CH H ACHRL Rhodos on Rhodos Rotasi Troulli Khondros Cape Sideros on Rhodos Palatia Saria Kokhlakhies Seriphos Modern Name / Location on Rhodos Ormos Phoinikia Loutro Sellia: Phoinikias Palaiokastro Pholegandros Ag. Panteleimon Trypiti Vryses: Ag. Georgios Petras: Trypitos Poluaigos / Polubos Epano Palaiokastro on Rhodos Stenon Sarias on Tenos Ag. Nikolaos, on Karpathos on Tenos upper Platyperama / Giophyros Pegadi, on Karpathos Praisos / Vaveloi Despotiko Kastellos on Siphnos Episkopi: Prophitis Ilias Cape Spathi E Cape Melissa Cape Melissa Kiliaris Plora Pyrathi: Trokhales Ag. Pantes Ormos Stomiou Ag. Myron Rethymnon Apesokari: Kato Riza Reference Hope Simpson 1973, 141 IC II, 226 PECS; Moody 1998, 92 IC II, map; Hood 1966, 184 (26); Sanders 1982, 15/2 RE RE Sanders 1982, 6/24 Watrous 1982, 62-64 (no. 69) PECS Faure 1963, 21-22 Papadakis 1989, 120-21; Faure 1993, 67-68 RE 1 Gondicas 1988, 173-257 Polyrhenia; Myers 1992, 251-55 RE Suppl. 5 Rhodos, col. 749 RE Karpathos 1, col. 2003 Etienne 1986 Susini 1963, 233 (n. 5) Etienne 1990, 25 Vitruvius 1.4.10; IC IV, 17 Hope Simpson 1962, 159-61 Myers 1992, 256-61; Whitley 1994; 1995 Strabo 10.5.3 RE Suppl. 14 Ashton 1991, 54 Watrous 1994 Gondicas 1988, 286 Rhodopou Myers 1992, 262-67 Hood 1966, 170 Hood 1966, 170 IC II, 10 Sanders 1982, 10/15 Sanders 1982, 7/26 van Effenterre 1942, 38-39 Gondicas 1988, 79 RE See Map 61 PECS; Kitchell 1977, 284-88 Faure 1963, 22-24 Hoepfner 1988 RE Suppl. 5 RE Suppl. 5 Rhodos, col. 750 RE Sanders 1982, 20/18; Gondicas 1988, 265-69 Hood 1964, 82 IC III, 156 ; Sanders 1982, 1/38, 1/40 Papachristodoulou 1989, 123-24 Hope Simpson 1962, 167-68 Hope Simpson 1962, 167-68 RE Suppl. 5 Rhodos, col. 748 Bosanquet 1939, 61-62 RE 2


928 Grid C4 F2 D5 D5 C5 C5 C2 A2 D2 B4 G3 G3 C2 C4 A2 E2 G3 F4 G3 C2 A2 F2 A5 A5 C2 C2 B2 A2 B4 B4 D5 D2 G3 E5 F3 E2 A1 A1 D2 D2 E2 B3 C2 C2 C2 A2 E2 F4 Name Seriphos Ins. *Setaea/ Etis Sikinos Sikinos Ins. Siphnos Siphnos Ins. Sisaioi Sklavopoula Skyl(l)ion? M. Smobolon Somantera-Katholike Soroni Soulia Sounion? Pr. Spaniakos *Stalai? Stegna Steno Soura Sybrita Syia Syrinthos? Syros Syros Ins. Tallaia? M. Tallaion Antron Tanos? Tarra Tenos Tenos Ins. Theai kai Nymphai, T. Theren? fl. Thermydon Sinus Thoanteion Pr. Thoantion Pr. Tholos Tityros Pr. Tretos? Ins. Triton fl. Tylisos Vasiliki Vatsiana Veni Vigla Viranepiskopi Vlithias Vrokastro Vroulia Period HRL ACHR ACHRL HR R R CH? HRL H H?R H HR ? ACH ACH ACHRL HRL ACH ACHRL R AR H ACHRL ACHRL

MAP 60 CRETA Modern Name / Location Seriphos Siteia Hagia Marina Sikinos Kastro Siphnos vicinity of Sises SE Rhytion? on Tenos on Rhodos on Rhodos Ag. Galini Akra Philippos Makrygialos on Rhodos on Rhodos on Rhodos Thronos Sougia Goudouras: Dasonari / Ellinika Hermoupolis Syros Kouloukonas Mts. Melidoni: Gero(nto)spilios Almyrida / Castel Apicorno Ag. Roumeli on Tenos Tenos on Karpathos Gournianos Porto Paradiso Akra Kastellos Cape Rodopou Agria Gramvousa Platyperama / Giophyros Tylissos Gavdos Apostoloi Vizari Rousa on Rhodos Reference RE 1 RE Setaia 1; Sanders 1982, 1/12 RE 2 RE 1 RE 2 RE 1 Faure 1965, 229; Sanders 1982, 13/14 Sanders 1982, 19/6; Gondicas 1988, 61-62 IC I, 303 Etienne 1990, 29-30 Papachristodoulou 1989, 117-18 Hope Simpson 1973, 140-41 PECS IG XII 5, test. 1452 Gondicas 1988, 22-23 Faure 1960, 238 (no. 82); 1963, 25-26 (21bis); Sanders 1982, 1/10 Papachristodoulou 1989, 140-41 Srenson 1992, 100-105 Papachristodoulou 1989, 134 PECS; Rocchetti 1994 PECS Schachermeyr 1938, 479; Faure 1959, 192; 1960, 238 (no. 86) RE 1 RE 1 IC II, 302 IC II.xxviii Faure 1963, 24 PECS; Moody 1998, 89 Etienne 1990, 15-24 RE 1 Susini 1963, 213-16 IC I, 46 Hiller 1892, 316-18 RE Karpathos, cols. 2002-2003 RE Suppl. 5 Rhodos, cols. 750 Sanders 1982, 2/18 Gondicas 1988, 286 Gondicas 1988, 146-50 IC I, 46 Myers 1992, 272-75 Sanders 1982, 2/13 Sanders 1982, 19/19 Hood 1964, 70 Hood 1964, 77 PECS Viran Episkopi Gondicas 1988, 24-25 Myers 1992, 286-91; Hayden 1992 Kinch 1914


MAP 60 CRETA Grid C2 A4 D2 F3 F2 D2 F2 Name (W)Axos Zagora Zephyrion Pr. Zeus Atabyrios, T. Zeus Diktaios, T./ Eleia? Zeus Thenatas, T. Ziros Period ACHR ACH ACHR ACHR ACHR R Modern Name / Location Axos on Andros Khersonisos / Cape Tigani on Rhodos Palaikastro: Roussolakkos Palaiokhora / Amnisos Reference RE Oaxos Cambitoglu 1971 IC I, 33 Jacopi 1928 Bosanquet 1939, 61; Myers 1992, 32 PECS Karteros; Schfer 1992 Sanders 1982, 1/27; Branigan 1998


Grid C2 D2 D2 D2 F3 F3 Location Gortyn(a) Chersonasos Knosos Lyktos by Apollo Erethimios templum on Rhodos by Rhodos Period RL RL RL RL HR Reference Sanders 1982, 10/1; 10/6; 10/10 Sanders 1982, 6/7; Oikonomakis 1986 Hood 1981, 23-24 Sanders 1982, 6/25; Oikonomakis 1984 Papachristodoulou 1989, 108 Maiuri 1928, 50-52

Grid B2 C2 Location W Amphimala Eleutherna Period CH HR Reference Sanders 1982, 17/12 Myers 1992, 91-95

Grid F3 F3 G3 G3 Location on Chalke (2) by Kamiros on Rhodos by Rhodos by Ialysos on Rhodos Period ACH AC CHR AC Reference Jacopi 1932a; Susini 1963, 248; Hope Simpson 1973, 157 Jacopi 1931 Fraser 1977, 2-5 Jacopi 1928; 1929

Grid F3 Location on Eulimna Period CH Reference Susini 1963, 260-61

Mines / Quarries
Grid A4 C4 E2 G3 Location on Andros on Siphnos (3) W Minoa near Lindos Period AC R Material M Ag M M Reference IG XII 5, 2, p. xxxii Ashton 1991, 18 Harrison 1990 Hiller 1892, 309



Itinerary Diktynnaion S between Kolokythia and Olous N Aulon Period RL? R HR Reference Sanders 1982, 20/27; 20/29; Gondicas 1988, 285 Sanders 1982, 3/8 La Torre 1988, 281-85

Unlocated Toponyms
Name Achaia Adiounos Aeria/ Aeros Angyleia Apollonia Apollonia Arkesion Antron Asos Atrikos Bilkon Boiai Daidala Dattalla D(e)iras Didyma Inss. Elaea Eristos Gram(m)ion Gyreon Pr. Harmedon Ins. Herakleidai T./ Neokleion/ Limemeia Hierapolis Hippoteia Histania Ilattia Keskyros Sinus Kyrbe Kytelos Lipara Ins. Marathousa/ Moratousa Maroneia Minoa Moratousa = Marathousa Myrina H R R R ACHR R C R HR H H A H H R L R Lasithi region, vicinity of Lato on Rhodos vicinity of Kastelli: Selli Kome? on Tenos on Tenos on Tenos alternative name or gloss for Leben on Rhodos on Rhodos region of Allaria and Sybrita on Rhodos on Rhodos on Rhodos vicinity of Kydonia? region of Kydonia? E Crete? on Siphnos Kastelli: Selli? Period Probable location region of Polyrrenia? region of Rhaukos? HR on Rhodos = Kydonia on Siphnos = Idaion Antron Reference Kitchell 1977, 43-50; Gondicas 1988, 258-60 (I3) Kitchell 1977, 56-62 Kitchell 1977, 63-66 RE Kamiris, col. 1838 Faure 1960, 236 (no. 9); Kitchell 1977, 197 IG XII 5, test. 1452 Kitchell 1977, 281-83 Kitchell 1977, 290-97 Kitchell 1977, 312 Kitchell 1977, 360-62; van Effenterre 1991, 26-30 Kitchell 1977, 375-83 Faure 1960, 236 (no. 21) Faure 1967; van Effenterre 1985, 182 Blinkenberg 1941, 782, no. 419 (line 60) IG XII 5, 2, xxxi Pliny, NH 4.59; Gondicas 1988, 158-59 (H3) IG XII 5.946 (lines 5-6) Faure 1960, 236 (no. 20) IG XII 5, test. 1516.2 Pliny, NH 4.61; IC III, 157 IG XII 5.872 (line 66); Etienne 1990, 29 Pliny, NH 4.59; Faure 1960, 242 (33bis) RE Kamiris, col. 1838 IG 12.3.123 Faure 1988, 84-85 RE Suppl. 5 Rhodos, col. 747 DiodSic 5.57.6-8 Segre 1949, 220-21, no. 84 (line 16) IC II.x.1; Faure 1960, 233, 237 (no. 53) Mela 2.113; Pliny, NH 4.59; Faure 1993, 73 Faure 1993, 68 IG XII 5, test. 1452 Gondicas 1988, 157

vicinity of Elenthema

MAP 60 CRETA Name Naumachos/ Naulochos Ins. Nisyros Oiai Osmida Panakra M. Phocoe Ins. Platiae Inss. Prepsidai Satra Sipilen Sosandra Ins. Stirnides/ Syrnides Inss. Strongyle Ins. Styrakion M. Tegea Thenai Therapnae/ Pherapnae Zephyre Ins. Period R A?C?H? CH H H R R A H R R R R H R R R on Karpathos or Saros on Rhodos possibly Monopari vicinity of Ida(ion) M. between Dreros and Milatos = Eleutherna part of Eleutherna, perhaps Nisi Probable location Reference Mela 2.114; Pliny, NH 4.61; IC III, 157 Reger 1997, 453 RE Suppl. 5 Rhodos, col. 746-47 Scylax 47; IC II, 141 StByz RE Phokoe; IC III, 157 RE; IC III, 157 Faure 1960, 233, 238 (no. 75 bis) StByz ; Faure 1960, 238; 1993, 71-72 Faure 1993, 71-72 StByz ; IC I, 180 Pliny, NH 4.61; IC III, 157 StByz ; IC I, 180 StByz ; Willetts 1962, 270 Faure 1993, 72-73 Faure 1960, 233, 237 (no. 33) Faure 1960, 240 (no. 9) RE; IC III, 157


off coast near Lyktos? vicinity of Eleutherna? Deliana? SW Irakleion west-central Crete?

False Toponyms
Name Aipeia Amphimatrion Argos Doulopolis Koresios Lasos Lissen Mation Olopyxos R AH R R Period A R R Reference Kitchell 1979 Kitchell 1977 Amphimala Svoronos 1890, 28 Faure 1960, 236 (no. 23); Gondicas 1988, 67-69 Huxley 1970 Faure 1960, 240, 246 (no. 13bis) Kitchell 1979 Faure 1960, 248 Faure 1960, 240, 246-47 (no. 15bis)

Alexiou 1984 S. Alexiou, Une nouvelle inscription de Panormos-Apollonia en Crte, in Aux origines de lhellnisme. La Crte et la Grce. Hommage Henri van Effenterre, pp. 323-27, Paris, 1984. Ashton 1991 N.G. Ashton, Siphnos ancient towers B.C., with a Greek translation by E.T. Pantazaglou, Athens, 1991. Biliotti 1881 E. Biliotti and LAbb Cottret, Lle de Rhodes, Rhodes, 1881. Blackman 1975 D.J. Blackman and K. Branigan, An archaeological survey on the south coast of Crete, between the Ayiofarango and Chrisostomos, BSA 70 (1975) 17-36.



Blackman 1977 D.J. Blackman and K. Branigan, An archaeological survey of the lower catchment of the Ayiofarango valley, BSA 72 (1977) 13-84. Blinkenberg 1941 C. Blinkenberg, Lindos. Fouilles de lacropole 1902-1914, II: Inscriptions, Berlin, 1941. Bosanquet 1939 R.C. Bosanquet, Dicte and the temples of Dictaean Zeus, BSA 40 (1939-40) 60-77. Bousquet 1938 J. Bousquet, Le temple dAphrodite et dArs Sta Lenik (Crte orientale), BCH 62 (1938) 386-408. Branigan 1998 K. Branigan, Prehistoric and early historic settlement in the Ziros region, eastern Crete, BSA 93 (1998) 23-90. Cambitoglu 1971 A. Cambitoglu et al., Zagora 1. Excavation season 1967, Study season 1968-9, Australian Academy of the Humanities Monograph 2, Sydney, 1971. Chaniotis 1996 A. Chaniotis, Die Vertrge zwischen kretischen Poleis in der hellenistischen Zeit, Heidelberger althistorische Beitrge und epigraphische Studien 24, Stuttgart, 1996. Crowther 1988 C. Crowther, A note on Minoan Dikta, BSA 83 (1988) 37-44. Cucuzza 1997 N. Cucuzza, Considerazioni su alcuni culti nella Messar di epoca storica e sui rapporti territoriali fra Fests e Gortina, RLinc ser. 9, vol. 8 (1997) 63-93. Demargne 1931 P. Demargne, Recherches sur le site dAnavlochos (province de Mirabello, Crte), BCH 55 (1931) 365-407. van Effenterre 1942 H. van Effenterre, Querelles crtoises, REA 44 (1942) 31-51. van Effenterre 1948 H. van Effenterre, La Crte et le monde grec de Platon Polybe, BEFAR 163, Paris, 1948. van Effenterre 1969 H. van Effenterre and M. Bougrat, Les frontires de Lato, KChr 21 (1969) 9-53.

van Effenterre 1985 H. van Effenterre and M. van Effenterre, Nouvelles lois archaques de Lyttos, BCH 109 (1985) 157-88. van Effenterre 1991 H. van Effenterre et al., . .1. , Rethymnon, 1991. Etienne 1986 R. Etienne and J.-P. Braun, Tnos I. Le sanctuaire de Poseidon et dAmphitrite, BEFAR 263, Paris, 1986. Etienne 1990 R. Etienne, Tnos II. Tnos et les Cyclades du milieu du IVe sicle av. J.-C. au milieu du IIIe sicle ap. J.-C., BEFAR 263bis, Paris, 1990. Faure 1959 P. Faure, La Crte aux cent villes, KChr 13 (1959) 171-217. Faure 1960 P. Faure, La Crte aux cent villes, BAssBud, ser. 4 (1960) 228-49. Faure 1963 P. Faure, Nouvelles localisations de villes crtoises, KChr 17 (1963) 16-26. Faure 1965 P. Faure, Sept nouvelles villes de la Crte antique, KChr 19 (1965) 222-30. Faure 1967 P. Faure, Aux frontires de lEtat de Lato: 50 toponymes, in W.C. Brice (ed.), Europa. Studien zur Geschichte und Epigraphik der frher Aegaeis. Festschrift fr E. Grumach, pp. 94-112, Berlin, 1967. Faure 1984 P. Faure, Hydronymes crtoises, Kretologia 16 (1984) 30-61. Faure 1988 P. Faure, Cits antiques de la Crte de louest, CretStud 1 (1988) 83-96. Faure 1993 P. Faure, Nouvelles identifications dantiques localits crtoises, Kadmos 32 (1993) 67-74. Frantz 1969 A. Frantz, H.A. Thompson, and J. Travlos, The Temple of Apollo Pythios on Sikinos, AJA 73 (1969) 397-422. Fraser 1977 P.M. Fraser, Rhodian funerary monuments, Oxford, 1977.



Gondicas 1988 D. Gondicas, Recherches sur la Crte occidentale. De lpoque gomtrique la conqute romaine. Inventaire des sources archologiques et textuelles, position du problme, Amsterdam, 1988. Guest-Papamanoli 1976 A. Guest-Papamanoli and A. Lambraki, Les grottes de Lra et de lArkoudia en Crte occidentale aux poques prhistoriques et historiques, ArchDelt 31A (1976) 178-243. Haggis 1992 D.C. Haggis, The Kavousi-Thriphti survey: an analysis of settlement patterns in an area of eastern Crete in the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age, diss., University of Minnesota, 1992. Haggis 1996 D.C. Haggis, Archaeological survey at Kavousi, east Crete: preliminary report, Hesperia 65 (1996) 373-432. Hallager 1997 E. Hallager and B.P. Hallager (eds.), The Greek-Swedish excavations at the Agia Aikaterini Square Kastelli, Khania, 1970-1987: vol. I, 1-2: From the Geometric to the Modern Greek period, Stockholm, 1997. Harrison 1990 G.W.M. Harrison, A Roman marble quarry in eastern Crete, CretStud 2 (1990) 147-50. Harrison 1993 G.W.M. Harrison, The Romans and Crete, Amsterdam, 1993. Hayden 1992 B.J. Hayden, J.A. Moody and O. Rackham, The Vrokastro survey project, 1986-1989. Research design and preliminary results, Hesperia 61 (1992) 293-353. Hayden 1995 B.J. Hayden, Rural settlement of the Orientalizing through Early Classical period: the Meseleroi valley, Eastern Crete, Aegean Archaeology 2 (1995) 93-144. Hiller 1892 F. Hiller von Gaertringen, Moderne und antike Ortsnamen auf Rhodos, AthMitt 17 (1892) 307-18.

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