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Happy Birthday to Leon Oakley, HG Harvey, Vonda Lewis, and Bobbie Kelly!

A church with open arms, loving hearts, and a desire to bring glory to god

This Week: Sunday, January 19, 2014

10:00 Worship

Would you like to serve on a church committee? Sign up sheets will be available this Sunday.

Faith Christian Church News

Weekly Devotional
Creation of the World Genesis 1:1Genesis 2:3 Creation of Adam and Eve Genesis 2:4-25 The Fall and Its Consequences Genesis 3:1-24 The Account of Cain and Abel Genesis 4:1-26 If you are using The Story read pages 1-12 during the week.
Volume 2, Issue 3 January 15, 2014

Whats in FCC News this week?

This Week: Sunday, January 19, 2014 Weekly Devotional The Story Bible Music Team Prayer Concerns

Stay True to Your Spiritual Disciplines We want to hear from you!

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Meeting place address:

4630 Blanchard Road Burlington NC 27217

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Deacon & Deaconesses 2 Nominations Being Welcomed! Church Committees Thought for the week 2 2

Postal address: P. O. Box 1731 Burlington NC 27216 Church website:

The Story Bible by Max Lucado and Randy Frazee

If you missed ordering your copy of The Story you still have the opportunity to secure your copy. The Adult Version is now $5 (at the Family Christian Store on University Drive). Notify Pastor Reid if you want a Teen Version ($8), 9-12 year old Version ($5), or 4-8 year old Version ($10).

Music Team
Will now meet the last Sunday of each month. Next meeting is on January 26, at 9AM.
Have you liked our Facebook Page? Or checked out our website! Click on FCCs logo and Facebook icon to visit our page and website

Contact Information for Pastor Reid Home Telephone(336) 447-4445 Cell Phone(336) 214-1065

Stay True to Your Spiritual Disciplines Prayer Concerns

Prayer Concerns in the Congregation John and Janet Hughes (812 Scott St. Burlington NC 27217) (227-7252) Continue to pray for John his physical health is up and down. Frances Woody (708 Kidd Drive Burlington NC 27217) Frances is doing wellshe has been able to return to work. Becky Corbett (712 Jeffries Cross Rd. Burlington NC 27217 (421-9416) Becky is facing additional issues with pain and discomfort again. Joe Walters (C/O Blakey Hall 501 Blakey Hall Lane Elon NC 27244) Joe is continuing in therapy. New Concerns Related to the Congregation
Keith JonesTeresa Jones is the contact Ann MannRose Harvey is the contact Phyliss OakleyHG Harvey is the contact Elizabeth CooperSkeeter Coopers mother Jean Smith, Dwayne PenlandJoyce Moore is the contact Rowan and Laken WestbrooksHannah Rich is the contact

Our God is moving to make this a great year for the kingdom at Faith Christian Church! The impact we can make on the world with the good news of Jesus Christ is directly linked to us staying true to our spiritual disciplines.
First, stay in Gods Word, the Bibleread a passage everyday. Second, praytake time alone to talk with the Lord and allow Him to talk to you. Third, fellowship with believersspend time with people in Gods family. Fourth, make your faith knownbless someone by showing the love of God.

We want to hear from you!

The Church Leadership Team is busy working on this years happenings at FCC. The CLT meets each month to collaborate and decide on items that have been brought forward. If you have an idea, concern, question or would like to serve on a committee please contact Melissa Wilson Blanchard at 336.263.6373 or Thank you for being a part of FCC!

Deacon and Deaconess Nominations Being Welcomed!!

The spiritual well-being of the church, along with the growth of the church in number, is prompting the addition of deacons and deaconesses. The word deacon is best translated servant. The first deacons we learn about in Acts 6 were given the responsibility of making sure the widows were not looked over in the daily distribution of food. Deacons and deaconesses work alongside the pastor to serve the congregation. As servants we will do the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. Offer spiritual support in the challenges you face. Follow up on prayer concerns submitted. Make arrangements to serve Holy Communion. Remain in close communication with each other to address any issues that may threaten the spiritual well- being of the church. If you have nominations please contact

Ongoing Concerns Related to the Congregation

Elizabeth CoppGary Honeycutt is the contact Eddie Matkins Donnie Scott is the contact Tim FarrellLinda Atkins is the contact Keith RoachHerbert Whitfield is the contact Taylor FosterTaylor Teer is the contact Waylin VaughnGreg Oakley is the contact
Ongoing Concerns Related to the Congregation are listed on the blue handout available for pickup each Sunday. To submit a prayer concern fill out a prayer card (yellow display at the entrance to the Venue) or contact Pastor Reid (336.447.4445), Greg & Lisa Oakley (336.229.9436) or Wilbur & Sandi Gordon (336.578.3533)

Wilbur Gordon at 336.578.3533 or Greg Oakley at 336.229.9436 or Pastor Reid at 336.214.1065

Church Committees Would you like to serve on a church committee?

Thought for the Week
AV Building and Grounds Church Leadership Team Deacon and Deaconess Fellowship Finance Music Outreach Worship & Evangelism Youth Education

Sign up sheets will be available this Sunday. You may also contact Melissa Wilson Blanchard at 336.263.6373 or email at to sign up.

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