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Rosencrantz & Guildenstern

(Enter Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, out of King's hall) G: So... What exactl is it the !ing re"uests of us# R: $t see%s to %e our ro al %a&est of (a%let's unrest. 'ants us to deter%ine the cause

G: )nrest# )nrest## $ ought to to gi*e hi% so%ething to sta a'a!e o*er+ (o' can 'e sit ,ac! 'hile he's -utting the %o*es on our .ad # R: $ !no' th -ain... ,ut reall this torture# is there an thing 'e can do to a,ate

G: E*en as thou sa s it, $ do ha*e the in!lings of this -lan... (Enter /olonius, 'ith 0-helia in to') 1ou see, 'hat 'e can do is2 /: Gentle%en+ (R&G Stand u- straight, in )nison) R&G: (o, Sir+ 3 lad , % lad .

/: 4 e, good Guildenstern, th honor and th grace is 'ell recei*ed (E%,races hi%) 4 e, Rosencrantz. (Sha!es his hand) $ a% o,liged to %eet 'ith the !ing. Would ou t'o not !ee- % daughter co%-an # R&G: 0f course, of course. (/olonius Exits) R: 3 0: 3 dearest 0-helia... (S%ells her) ahhhh doth a flo'er s%ell as s'eet# than!s lord, ,ut surel Guildenstern# the do. (o' goes it, no,le

R: 0r as ,right e ed### (0&G discuss "uietl , ignoring R. 'ho -ulls out Ro%eo & 5uliet)

6ut, soft+ 'hat light through onder 'indo' ,rea!s# $t is the east, and 5uliet is the sun. 4rise, fair sun, and !ill the en*ious %oon, Who is alread sic! and -ale 'ith grief, 7hat thou her %aid art far %ore fair than she: 6e not her %aid, since she is en*ious8 (er *estal li*er is ,ut sic! and green 4nd none ,ut fools do 'ear it8 cast it off. $t is % lad , 0, it is % lo*e+ 0, that she !ne' she 'ere+ (4tte%-ts to -unch Guildenstern, ,ut -unches 0-helia instead. Enter King, 9ueen, and /olonius) 0: 0h, $ a% slain+ (:alls) R: ;o no, not slain++ 5ust... tired.... 9: 0-helia, no++ Rise, rise+ 5ust ad%ire the onder da in it's ,eaut + 7his is no da for slee-ing % dear. Wa!e u-, oung one+ (/. and K. sla- R.) K: 4 'al! is in order, % trou,led friend, for ou to cool our trou,led head+ $'ll not tolerate such *iolence in % court. Such a trend assures 'e'll all ,e -ouring -oison in each others ears in no ti%e+ /: 4'a , a'a % dearest. (/. K. and 9. carr R: (Exas-erated sigh) Wh a da 0. and exit)

of such -oor tidings##

(Enter (a%let) (: (ealth sir# R: 4 e, (ealth. 4ll is 'ell, sa*e these ,lasted fists and their unintended conse"uences. (: )nintended... Such is life... R: Sa , (a%let, su--ose ou had a friend... 'ho... 'as stealing the one ou lo*ed. What 'ould ou do# (: (Exas-erated sigh) Right no', $'% stuc! 'ith the realization that life %eans *er little. E*er one dies, and is ground to dust, and o*erall life is a circle of death... So $'d -ro,a,l !ill hi%.

R: 4 ,it drastic $ fear... (: ;e*er to drastic % good friend. E*er one dies...... ((a%let Exits) R: 4nd so % fears ,ear fruition. 3ust $ stoo- to this le*el# 7he !illing of % friends# $t 'ould ,e a successful %easure indeed. 4nd as the good ha%let has -ro%ised, all 'ill die, and all %ust die, so $'ll !ill e%+ 6ut not et, and not here. 4nd not 'ithout the !ing's -er%ission+ (Writes a "uic! letter, and -osts it to the 'all, R. Exits) (King and 9ueen Enter) K: $ don't !no' 'hat to do concerning our -redica%ent % little -u%-!in. 6ut $ -ro%ise ou, uncle2dad's gonna figure it out. 9: 0h % hero++ (E%,race) 6ut 'hat's this onder -a-er there#

K: 7is' addressed to %e $ see. 9: <escri,e %e it's intricacies % dearest. 7he elude %e.

K: 7is' a suggestion to sol*e all our -ro,le%s. ($nsert Rh %ing =ou-let of our choosing :<) (Exeunt)

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