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#l,,ii lt+ F. i.: .:


Rising inflation.uld wage costs are transforming

the Asian giant's industries and its.role as
worfd's low-cost factory. John Garnaut
from Shanghai.
he worldt second largesr For thousands of small and multinadonal
PoryTtrr^Sprr{pany ad id as, manufacturers the story is the .ame- fo.
ts Coffroffuiga new and un_
erpecred problem- The costs !h.-, the world economic order is turning on
its head.,*r,'-..
of labour,-materials and rert
rit- jqg spiralling upwards
_t49 are spiraltring . The endless, seemingiy indomitable factor-
res Lhat stretch from the Hong Kons border
- ul rts grear production heart- north up the pearl River deha Tn G";"i;"g
Iand in so'*hern Chinl.
province and through ttre coastal p."ftrr.d
lLustd to be that money made the rules oI Lluna are-choking on their ow-n succ"*s.
But a grow-ing proportion of manufac_
aPq Dru-ltrnatios"ls such as adidas turers are steeiing themselves to push their
could ney have exhausted vdrat was thoueht to be
ertrart-a better deal Uy-G.*,;;i"i nsrng costs throuqh ro the frnal siop on the
t9 m3:e_offshore. T'he company *r,. g bongnLtes,s barrel of ch.ap taUorii. il;; productton chein: ih. colsumers.
thd 2so factories hers ,ft;;.l 'In? *o.f have erecred rheir sheds on rhe #ur"ni
About 1Li0 nrilior, patrs of shoes and
clothing .;.h furmland that is cheaply available. m,'"V h*" 125 rnjllron ;arrrr::r: ,rere sourced in Chrna
E.!o.y employs 3OOO people. o-, devoured so mucb oit corton, rubber, coa_l
ryeragg while everyln"" fa.t,o.y
r:ftl f,J;;";;
Dy.adtdas la-v ye:,. nf,r, h says it rs padiing tp
timeS tiat n.rnber.- iulo sreel that cornmodiry prices have re_ a large pa.rt of ;rs Ch.ine-se producrion "ani
p"r1d *suonger for longef-than th. wo;a pov1ng rt to the countrl,/s lower_wage
- . Brn the Chinese Governme# is 'po
E"*, And they *. -pidiy tiog,p bt[
ba\ g=r*iffioduced
_. I h"s, r."mty 4tr1i"h.g/.r*;";
'"fr- China's- polirical tolirance for ii.ltins"thl
lop.sucaly c.halJengng inl-"rla p.oui"G ft,.
r&urftnrflr and in€reased the.minimum **! rLy and waterwaJn *i* t"*1. r,"i"J- €ompany r.^nU ncl re,.-cal any price.rlse plars.
"We jmmediari
wage - have no plans to ihung"
- production margux eyen tighter,
sqrr€€zing Inere are Do more obvious corners to cut tle pricing.policy of our pro,i".t ,. ,"y, a"i" I
and fe]v lgnrajning efficiency
S"i* J "i
r:ne rnttage coming from local govern_ Puu, the hea'i rf :Jr,ras corporale pubhc
- andTo-a--Iessef extent tf,. ?"nt*t
rract. Irw-end manufacnrrers are shutrinc relations at head ofhce in Germanv.

/f T]egla
Sovemrnent is veffEElr_-Fsrl"s wiiii;;
down or moving out. A Hong K"ns b"-ri-G
assooarion daims 3OOO factories have shur
Bur other I,Ju-11.agc manufact'urers are t
nln-^ Andersoru-the head'of S".i"f ma}UnS tnelr tni( rri',,ns .lear. They are mov_
,91*-33* at adidas. ",ij ;;;;;:
down in the Pead River deha rhi" t;.- Th;
G.uaagdong local rnei;e 15;n11 of r"'p"ru
ing skimping on inpurs an<1 fighting as ro grve
dodt tdl us about your;;; ;6}# consumers sorne of rherr pricing piin.
pictures of newly abandoned factory n;;-- "rrd "The consumer. our customers. d
d*-.-.-.-{ i=t.b., have

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