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Companies rush to block premium slots on web media to ensure high brand visibility. They
go ahead with deploying advanced multimedia tools, to attract, and engage the users. Is the
investment working optimally? The answer is “no”. You can measure it on web media you
are advertising. How do these web media help optimise the investment that their clients
have done in buying premium slots.
with contributions from


Mobile marketing AT RS 15,000 IN MID 2008

Earlier we had blogged about a breakthrough in-
ternet device coming out at just $100 (approxi-
mately Rs 4,000), We
have just heard some

trends for 2008

more news.Allied Com-
puters International
Asia Pvt Ltd, also popu-
larly known as ACi, is
launching a laptop for
just Rs 15,000 only in the midst of 2008. The lap-
top is set to roll out in May/ June 2008. The feature
of this laptop will be that it will have a special 7
FILE PHOTO companies across the world.
RONAK SHAH inch screen and apart from that, it’s processor will
According to the third Annual be equal to Pentium 4 technology.Another feature
APAC Mobile Attitude and Usage

here were times when we of this particular laptop is that it will be very low
Study of the mobile marketing As-
dreamt of getting a mobile sociation, India and China are rat- on voltage and thus, it might reduce your electric-
phone for our self and we ed as the most attractive in terms ity bills marginally or better than that. Compared
wondered how a cell phone of mobile marketing solutions. to the I-chip internet device which has a combina-
could have a camera some four Around 50% of the APAC mobile tion of television, computer, and phone integrat-
years ago. Times have changed dras- users were found to be moderately ed within it, these laptops do not have these facil-
tically for the average mobile user interested in mobile marketing so- ities. Also, the price of the internet device is fairly
and the Indian mobile user base is lutions and only 13 % indicated lower than the prices of these laptops, which will
growing considerably each day. least interests. be available for Rs 15,000. Though this laptop is
Today, mobiles carry those funky Web search giants such as coming cheap compared to other branded laptops,
Google have big plans to come the question stands whether the laptop’s screen
features such as WAP, bluetooth, out with mobile operating sytems
MP3, radio, video recording, sound as well as mobile phones with spe- will be a good bet for our eyes as a 7 inch screen is
recording and much more. Mobiles cific features that help them con- too small. Moreover, usability and upgrades will be
have changed so much that you can nect the average mobile user to another issue to look at. User-friendliness is the top
start blogging right from your blogs many internet advertising plat- criterion with respect to laptops such as these and
and even read a couple of blogs ir- forms instantly. This year Yahoo! it has to be seen how these laptops will fair on that
respective of where you are. also rolled out its search facilities angle.Also, the question stands whether these lap-
Mobile phones aren’t just a show for BSNL users and we had even tops will be technically sound and durable. Just
blogged about it on WATblog. Mo- coming out with a cheaper laptop does not nec-
piece today like it was a few years bile web marketing is another
ago but it has become a neccessity trend taking speed very fast. essarily mean that the laptop would be at par in
today. A mobile is a must! Thus, the Websites such as Mginger and performance with laptops of higher prices or even
number of people buying mobile sms2india are coming up fast on lower in performance and user-friendliness.
phones is growing at an alarming the internet. These websites specif-
rate. People from villages have also ically pay users to receive smss on
their mobile phones after taking
started buying mobile phones. Even
farmers today have mobile phones. their permission. Somehow, these
websites are still struggling to con-
Therefore, there is a huge opportu- Not too long ago Mentos had launched a campaign
nity for companies to connect to vince enough advertisers of the through an interactive site If
potential they hold so as to make
their targeted consumer base substantial revenues. However, you have been a regular
through various modes of mobile these websites can still create watblog reader since the
marketing. Let me explain what strategies that will enable them to last 6-8 months or so
mobile marketing is all about. make their business model suc- then you would have
cessful and convincing. surely read our rave re-
SELLING ON THE CELL Bluetooth marketing has be- view of mentoshelpline
Mobile marketing is all about come a new mobile marketing interactive site. Even in-
marketing a product/service/brand trend which has been successful ternationally mentos has been very innovative in their
on a mobile phone. It generally in- across bluetooth zones in malls use of social media. We had covered their interna-
across India.
volves marketing through mobile tional mentos intern campaign as well earlier. Now
phones or even computer-based Mobile marketing is still a nas- the guys at mentos have not limited their thought
technologies to market a brand on cent market which is still remain- process after tasting success with the mentoshelpline
any number of mobile phones at ing to be tapped to its utmost po- campaign.They have gone ahead an launched some-
one point of time. tential. Though mobile marketing thing known as the mentosfriendsline. Mentos-
Mobile phones generally have a dio, video and combinations of HOW IT WILL EVOLVE: helps brands connect quickly to friendsline is nothing but a blogging platform where
lot of features of which Short Mes- any of these. This means that mo- India’s population is more one the targeted consumer base, there the you can “Unload your Mind”.The blogs can be
saging Service or SMS is one of the bile phones equipped with MMS billion people with more than 200 is a hindrance to it as there exists a categorised such as cricket, entertainment, travel,
very popular features. SMS is an ac- facilities are already equipped with million mobile phone users which National Do-Not-Call Registry for love, work, college, civic and random.
tive mode of marketing for various SMS facilities. is growing sharply. Indian citizens. Most people term
special offers, ringtones, brands and Though many of you might al- Mobile content is starting to
become an exciting field to ven-
mobile marketing as a hazard to FACEBOOK, UNICEF TEAM
products. Nowadays, mobile ready be aware about Mobile Mar- their daily lives and hence register
phones are even equipped with keting through SMS and MMS,
ture in and thus, many startups
and individual entrepreneurs are their mobile phone numbers with UP FOR ‘CHARITY GIFT’
video messaging service often there are other ways to do mobile venturing into this field. the Do-Not-Call Registry. Compa- Social networks are all over the place. Social net-
known as Multimedia Messaging marketing such as mobile market- Many entrepreneurs are even nies will have to get innovative to works are becoming crucial in spreading social
Service or MMS. With MMS, a mo- ing through bluetooth and mobile venturing into offering full-time tap the potential which mobile awareness among the
bile user can send text, picture, au- web marketing. mobile marketing solutions to marketing offers. people. Facebook and
UNICEF together are
spreading awareness

No technology restrictions for mobile TV : TRAI on immunisation of a

child. For this Facebook
has launched a feature
ANKIT SAXENA the three out of the five biggest casting). Its a good decision to let MHz range through auction called “charity gift”. This application allows the
countries in the European Union the operators chose the technolo- route which can generate around users to give a gift worth $17 to their friends or

e have written about mo- use DVB-H technology. gy that first their needs. Rs 2,000 crore in revenue for family. This purchase of the gift will enable the
bile TV in the past. Many The other players such as BSNL, Competition will emerge and the government. UNICEF to immunise one child. The immunisation
companies are foraying Zee and Star India are trying out the customer can chose which With 217 million mobile con- will be against the deadliest diseases such as per-
into this. Around the world, many other, faster technologies. player/technology she is interest- nections, India is one of the worlds tussis commonly known as whooping cough, child-
technologies exist for delivering The other standards are DVB-S ed in. This will also lessen the bu- fastest growing mobile markets in hood tuberculosis, tetanus, polio, measles and diph-
mobile TV content. Doordarshan (Digital Video Broadcast for Satel- reaucratic hassle and the chances the world. In a cinema and sports theria. This effort will save 2 million kids that die
uses DVB-H (Digital Video Broad- lite), MediaFlo by Qualcomm, and of a possible monopoly. crazy nation like India, Mobile TV, every year due to these diseases. Social networks
cast for Handhelds) technology for China’s own standard, CMMB The government could allocate when it comes, is supposed to be truly seem to be the perfect medium for spread-
Mobile TV. France, Italy and Spain, (China Multimedia Mobile Broad- 8 MHz frequency in the 700 a huge success. ing social awareness.

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