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January 2005

AMX Corporation, 2005. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system or translated into any language in any form by any means without the written permission of AMX.

Written by AMX University.

Printed in Dallas, Texas.

For additional questions or suggestions, feel free to call us. AMX University 3000 Research Drive Richardson, TX 75082 Phone 469.624.8000 Fax 469.624.7192

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Introduction .............................................................................................................................1 Programmer I Course Objectives .........................................................................................1 Programmer II Course Objectives ........................................................................................2 Basics Of Control Review .......................................................................................................3 AMX Product Review .............................................................................................................5 Setting up a Project in NetLinx Studio .................................................................................7
Review of User Interface ................................................................................................................. 7 Preferences....................................................................................................................................... 8

Device Addressing in NetLinx .............................................................................................15

Device Addressing in NetLinx ...................................................................................................... 15 DIP Switch..................................................................................................................................... 21 Device:Port:System ....................................................................................................................... 24

Configure and Address NetLinx System ............................................................................25

Set the Communication Settings and Connect to the Master......................................................... 26 Verify Devices Online ................................................................................................................... 29 Set NetLinx Time and Date ........................................................................................................... 29 Configure Network Settings .......................................................................................................... 30

Programmer Software and Settings Checklist ...................................................................33 Principles of Programming ..................................................................................................35

Format of the Programming Language.......................................................................................... 35 Operators........................................................................................................................................ 38 Putting it Together ......................................................................................................................... 41 Mainline in NetLinx....................................................................................................................... 43

Object Oriented Programming and Events ........................................................................45

Object Oriented Programming....................................................................................................... 45 Event Handlers............................................................................................................................... 47 DEFINE_EVENT .......................................................................................................................... 47 BUTTON_EVENTs....................................................................................................................... 49 CHANNEL_EVENTs.................................................................................................................... 51 DATA_EVENTs............................................................................................................................ 53 LEVEL_EVENTs .......................................................................................................................... 53 TIMELINE_EVENTs.................................................................................................................... 53

Channel Characteristics .......................................................................................................57

AMX Programmer I & II

Table of Contents

Device-Channel Concept ............................................................................................................... 57 Input Characteristics ...................................................................................................................... 58 Output Characteristics.................................................................................................................... 59 Feedback Statements...................................................................................................................... 60 Mutually Exclusive Groups / Sets.................................................................................................. 62

Software History & Debugging ...........................................................................................63

Sofware History ............................................................................................................................. 63 Debugging...................................................................................................................................... 64 Tracking Down Errors ................................................................................................................... 65 Resources For Debugging.............................................................................................................. 70

Variables ................................................................................................................................77
Data Types ..................................................................................................................................... 78 Behavior Types .............................................................................................................................. 78 Scope.............................................................................................................................................. 81

Waits ......................................................................................................................................87
Naming Waits ................................................................................................................................ 87 Types of Waits ............................................................................................................................... 87 Nesting Waits................................................................................................................................. 89 Pausing and Restarting Waits ........................................................................................................ 89 Canceling Waits ............................................................................................................................. 90

Conditionals ...........................................................................................................................93
IF Statement ................................................................................................................................... 93 IF...ELSE Statement ...................................................................................................................... 94 The SELECT...ACTIVE Statement ............................................................................................... 96 SWITCHCASE .......................................................................................................................... 98

System Calls .........................................................................................................................103

Resource Documents ................................................................................................................... 104 Advanced topics on SYSTEM_CALLS ...................................................................................... 104 Instancing of SYSTEM_CALLS ................................................................................................. 105 Button Parameters........................................................................................................................ 107 Time Outs..................................................................................................................................... 107 FIRST Parameter ......................................................................................................................... 107

Subroutines ..........................................................................................................................113
Subroutines Defined..................................................................................................................... 113 DEFINE_CALL........................................................................................................................... 114 DEFINE_FUNCTION ................................................................................................................. 115

Modules ................................................................................................................................119


AMX Programmer I & II

Table of Contents

Defining a Module ....................................................................................................................... 120 Using a Module in a Program ...................................................................................................... 120

Levels ....................................................................................................................................123
Introduction to Levels.................................................................................................................. 123 Creating Levels ............................................................................................................................ 126 Using Levels ................................................................................................................................ 127 Using Bargraphs .......................................................................................................................... 128 DEFINE_CONNECT_LEVEL.................................................................................................... 128 LEVEL_EVENTs ........................................................................................................................ 129

Strings & Buffers ................................................................................................................133

SEND_COMMAND / SEND_STRING...................................................................................... 133 Arrays........................................................................................................................................... 133 Arrays as Strings.......................................................................................................................... 136 String Literals .............................................................................................................................. 139 String Expressions ....................................................................................................................... 140 ASCII Codes ................................................................................................................................ 141 ASCII Code Chart........................................................................................................................ 142 DATA_EVENTs.......................................................................................................................... 145 Buffers ......................................................................................................................................... 147 Buffer Keywords.......................................................................................................................... 152 Array & String Manipulation Keywords ..................................................................................... 153

Loops ....................................................................................................................................157
While Loops................................................................................................................................. 157 FOR Loops................................................................................................................................... 158

TPDesign4 & G4 Web Control ..........................................................................................159

Introduction to TPDesign4........................................................................................................... 159 Connecting to a NetLinx Master.................................................................................................. 160 Transferring Touch Panel Files to/from a NetLinx Master ......................................................... 161 Virtual NetLinx Master TCP/IP Transfers................................................................................... 165 Transferring Files Using a Virtual NetLinx Master TCP/IP Connection .................................... 167 Virtual NetLinx Master USB Transfers....................................................................................... 167 Transferring Files Using a Virtual NetLinx Master USB Connection ........................................ 168 Transfer Status Window .............................................................................................................. 168 Using G4 Web Control to Interact with a G4 Panel .................................................................... 169

Multi-Dimensional Arrays, Structures, & Data Sets .......................................................173

Multi-Dimensional Arrays........................................................................................................... 173 Data Structures............................................................................................................................. 174

AMX Programmer I & II


Table of Contents

Assigning Values to Multi-dimensional Arrays and Structures .................................................. 177 Data Sets ...................................................................................................................................... 177

Combining Devices .............................................................................................................181

DEFINE_COMBINE in NetLinx ................................................................................................ 181 Virtual Devices ............................................................................................................................ 181 Combining and Uncombining Devices........................................................................................ 182

Bitwise Operations ..............................................................................................................183 TCP/IP Communication .....................................................................................................189

IP Communication ....................................................................................................................... 189 Server Programming .................................................................................................................... 190 Client Programming..................................................................................................................... 193

Timelines ..............................................................................................................................197
Timeline Functions ...................................................................................................................... 197 Timeline Keywords...................................................................................................................... 199 TIMELINE_EVENTs .................................................................................................................. 204

Master to Master .................................................................................................................207

Master Routing............................................................................................................................. 208 Design Considerations and Constraints ....................................................................................... 210

Review Sheet - Basics of Control .......................................................................................213 Review Sheet - Product .......................................................................................................215 Review Sheet - Intro to Networking ..................................................................................217 Review Sheet - Control Networks ......................................................................................219 Appendix - Keywords .........................................................................................................221 Appendix - Embedded Event Data Objects ......................................................................223 Appendix - IR Functions ....................................................................................................225 Appendix: ASCII Code Chart ...........................................................................................227 Appendix - NetLinx Security .............................................................................................229 Appendix - NetLinx Ethernet Information ......................................................................255 Appendix - Troubleshooting ..............................................................................................259


AMX Programmer I & II


Welcome to AMX Programmer I and II. These courses, for programmers and technical support personnel, teach programming skills for AMX Control Systems. A programmer completing these courses will be able to program NetLinx Control Systems.
Skill level will be different from Programmer I and Programmer II.

This manual is designed to be both a tool to be used in the classroom and for reference on the job. White space is available on every page for taking notes. Good luck!

Programmer I Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course you will be able to: Utilize AMX resources to find programming requirements for AMX devices. Given a program that contains errors the student will debug and test the program until it runs correctly. Given a manufacturers protocol, students will implement control for such device using SEND_STRING & Buffer processing. Using AMX software, a student will create a new project, configure the AMX hardware, as well as program, compile, and test an AMX control system using:

Input & output statements Direct feedback statements Object Oriented Programming


Variables Wait Statements Conditional Statements System calls Level statements


Subroutines Modules Loop statements

AMX Programmer I & II

Programmer II Course Objectives

Programmer II Course Objectives

Upon Completion of this course you will be able to: Set up TCP/IP communication to an external TCP/IP device Use Master to Master to control devices on other masters Use AMX software and skills to configure AMX hardware, and program, compile, and test an AMX control system using:

Object Oriented Programming


Conditional Statements Loop Statements Multi-Dimensional Arrays Data Structures & Sets String Handling Statements Buffers







AMX Programmer I & II

Basics Of Control Review

Basics Of Control Review

What are the goals of a Control System?

What is a control link?

What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of IR?

AMX Programmer I & II

Basics Of Control Review

What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of Analog?

What are some examples of analog control?

Match each property to the appropriate serial control type: (some properties have more than one answer) RS-232 RS-422 RS-485

____uses a balanced signal to reduce interference ____maximum run length of 50 feet ____only multi-drop ____single-ended or multi-drop ____connects only one transmitter and receiver ____maximum run length of 4000 feet

AMX Programmer I & II

AMX Product Review

AMX Product Review

What are Master Processors? (Give examples)

What are some of the different types of touch panels that AMX offers?

What is the difference between a CardFrame and an Integrated Controller?

AMX Programmer I & II

AMX Product Review

Match the software solution with its appropriate description: a) MeetingManager b) Picture Frame c) G4 Web Control d) G4 Computer Control

____ Allows you to transform your Modero Touch Panel into a dynamic digital photo album ____ Allows any Modero Touch Panel to remotely view and control any network attached computer ____ Allows you to schedule, animate, and monitor any room controlled by NetLinx ____ Allows a Modero Touch Panel to be remotely controlled by any computer on the control network

What are the differences between a MAX MMS, AVM, and AOM?

AMX Programmer I & II

Setting up a Project in NetLinx Studio

Setting up a Project in NetLinx Studio

Lesson Topics

Review of User Interface Preferences

Review of User Interface

Title Bar Menu Bar Toolbars

Workspace Window

Source Code Editor Windows

Output Display Window Status Bar FIG. 1 NetLinx Studio 2.2 Work Area

AMX Programmer I & II

Setting up a Project in NetLinx Studio

Select Settings > Preferences to open the Preferences dialog, where you can set various application-level preferences. This dialog contains the following tabs: General tab - Contains options to set general program defaults Axcess Compiler Options tab - Contains options to set default prefefernces for the Axcess Compiler NetLinx Compiler Options tab - Contains options to set default prefefernces for the NetLinx Compiler Editor tab - Contains options to set default preferences for the Source Code Editor windows Diagnostics tab - Contains options to set default diagnostics preferences Terminal Options tab - Contains options to set default Terminal window preferences File Transfer tab - Contains options to set default preferences for file transfer operations Workspace tab - Contains options to set various display and file preferences relating to the Workspace Window Commands tab - Contains options to add/remove commands from the toolbars Toolbars tab - Contains options to add/delete/rename and reset the toolbars Tools tab - Contains optins to add a shortcut to another application in the Tools menu Keyboard tab - Contains options to set custom keyboard accelerators (shortcut keys/ key combinations) often-used commands Menu tab - Contains options to customize the menus and reset the menus to their original default state. Options tab - Contains options to set a few basic toolbar options We will go over a few of these tabs on the next few pages:

AMX Programmer I & II

Setting up a Project in NetLinx Studio

Setting General Program Preferences (General Tab)

Use the options on the General tab of the Preferences dialog to set general program defaults: Window Color Display Options - Allows you to define the Forground and Background Color in each window. Software History Application - This File Location field allows you to specify whether or not to close Sofware History when NetLinx Studio exits. Recent File List Size - This field allows you to change the size of the recent file list, displayed at the bottom of the File menu (range = 1-9),

AMX Programmer I & II

Setting up a Project in NetLinx Studio

Setting NetLinx Compiler Preferences (NetLinx Compiler Tab)

Use the options in the NetLinx Compiler tab of the Preferences dialog to set default preferences for the NetLinx compiler. The items in this tab include: Directories Click to open the directories menu, where you select the directories to point the compiler to, by file type. Once a directory type is selected, the directory list is populated with the directories of that type that have been mapped. There are a maximum of 100 directories that can be entered for each type.

Select Include Files to select or create the directory that the compiler will look for Include files in. Select Library Files to select or create the directory that the compiler will look for System Call files in.

Compile With Debug Info Select this option to include variable symbol information in the compiled file. This allows the debugger to identify and validate variable symbols in the code. You must compile with debug info in order to debug NetLinx files. Build With Source Check to include the executable code and the source code to the Master Controller or data device when the file is sent (memory permitting). This allows the Receive option to retrieve the source code from the Master Controller. If Build with Source is disabled, only the executable code is sent, which cannot be retrieved from the Master Controller.
When building with source, only the files needed for the compilation process are compressed. Though the APW may contain many files, if the source file only uses one AXI file, then only 2 files will be compressed.


AMX Programmer I & II

Setting up a Project in NetLinx Studio

Build With Password Protection Select this option to apply a password to the Source file. Select the Change button to edit the password (via the Change Password dialog). A password must be at least 6 characters in length (maximum of 20 characters).

Setting Editor Preferences (Editor Options Tab)

Use the options on the Editor Options tab of the Preferences dialog to set default preferences for the Source Code Editor windows. The items in this tab include: Syntax Highlighting - These options allow you to customize syntax highlighting within the Source Code Editor windows.

Document Type - Select the type of document that you want to set highlighting options for (Text Files or Source Code Files). Selections - This is a list of all the items that can be customized in the Source Code Editor Windows. The items that appear in this list depend on the Document Type selection. Background Color - This is the background color setting for the selected Item. Apply to All - Use this option to apply the selected background color to all items in the Selections list. Text Color - This is the text color setting for the selected Item. Click the down arrow to select a different color from a palette. Bold/Italic - Use these checkboxes to specify the text style setting for the selected Item.

AMX Programmer I & II


Setting up a Project in NetLinx Studio

Display options These checkboxes offer more display-oriented options for the Source Code Editor window:

Show Line Numbers - This option displays line numbers along the left-hand edge of the Source Code Editor window (default = enabled). Enable Code Folding - This option allows you to "fold-up" each section of code in the Source Code Editor (default = enabled). Enable AutoComplete/AutoSuggest - With this option enabled, the application examines the first few characters in a variable name, device name or a reserved identifier, and automatically finishes typing it for you (default = enabled). Auto-indent - This option automatically indents your text as you type (default = disabled). Enable Indentation Guides - This option causes the program to draw vertical lines indicating the tab stops in the Source Code Editor window (default = enabled).

Tabs and Indentation Preferences - This set of options allows you to specify the following indentation preferences:

Set tab stops every X characters - Use this option to specify the size (in number of characters) of the tab stops in the Source Code Editor window (default = 4). Enable Auto-Indentation - This option causes the program to automatically indent lines that occur after an indented line. Clear Text Buffer History - Clears all the clipboard text items from the list.

Font - The Selection button opens the Font dialog, where you can select the font, font style (regular, italic, bold) and font size to be displayed in the Source Code Editor window. Clipboard Text Buffer - These options allow you to define the number of clip-board buffer entries and the maximum width to display.

Max Items - You can have a maximum of 30 clip-board buffer items (default = 20). Max Display Width - You can set the maximum display width to up to 80 characters (default = 50).


AMX Programmer I & II

Setting up a Project in NetLinx Studio

Setting Workspace Preferences (Workspace Tab)

Use the options on the Workspace tab of the Preferences dialog to set various display and file preferences relating to the Workspace Window. The items on this tab include: Display Options:

Restore Workspace On Startup - This option (on by default) automatically restores the workspace file upon startup of the application. With this option enabled, all files that were opened and the dockable windows that were displayed when you closed the application will be restored when you restart the program. Display System Configuration Setting in the Identifier - This option (off by default) displays the System Configuration settings as part of the System identifier (as displayed in the Workspace tab of the Workspace Window).


Enable Auto Save - Toggles the timed auto-saving of text files and the duration of time between auto saves.

Auto Save Every <x> Minutes - This field is only enabled when the Enable Auto Save option is selected. The range is 1-120 minutes, the default setting is 5.

Automatically Save Before Compile - Toggles auto-saving of code files before a compile. Automatically Stamp File with Creation and Last Modified Date -This option automatically stamps all Workspace files with Creation and Last Modified dates when the file is closed (default = enabled).

AMX Programmer I & II


Setting up a Project in NetLinx Studio

Editor Window tabs - These options allow you to toggle the Source Code Editor Window tabs ( ), and set their style and location.

Enable Window Tabs - This option toggles the display of the window tabs that appear by default along the lower edge of the Source Code Editor windows area of the GUI. These tabs provide easy access for each open Source Code Editor window. If this option is not selected, the following tab-oriented options are disabled. Enable File Icons In Tabs - This option toggles the file icons displayed in the Source Code Editor window tabs. Enable Window Close Button - This option toggles the Window Close button ( ).

When Closing the Workspace - This section contains options for closing files associated with a Workspace that is being closed. The options are:

Close Associated Files Without Prompting Always Prompt Before Closing Associated Files Do Not Prompt or Close Associated Files

When Removing a File From the Workspace - This section contains various options for closing files when they are removed from the current Workspace. The options are:]

Close File Without Prompting Always Prompt Before Closing Files Do Not Prompt or Close File


AMX Programmer I & II

Device Addressing in NetLinx

Device Addressing in NetLinx

Lesson Topics

Device Addressing in NetLinx Device:Port:System DIP Switch Programmer Software and Settings Checklist

Device Addressing in NetLinx

The NetLinx control system communicates to other NetLinx, Axcess and Landmark control devices using the control networks of ICSNet, ICSHub and AXlink. A device address is assigned to each control device so the NetLinx Master can know where to send messages, or so that the Master knows who is sending the message. Each message sent on these networks contains the destination address as well as the address of the device sending the message.

Device numbering should remain standard. Recommendations are:: Device:

0 1-255 301-3072 5001-5999 6001-6999 7001-7999 8001-8999 10001-32000 32001-32767 32768-36863

Master Axcess Devices NetLinx CardFrames ICSNet NetLinx Devices ICSNet Landmark Devices Inconcert Devices PCLink Devices ICSNet Panels Dynamic Devices Virtual Devices

Use Axcess standards Start at frame number 25 - (frame# * 12) + 1 NXI, NI Series, NXM-COM2, NXM-IRS4, etc. PLH-VS8, PLH-AS16, PLB-AS16 PCLink Devices are PC Programs DMS, Modero, & TPI4 Actual range used by NetLinx master Actual range used by NetLinx master

Device numbers 1-255 are reserved for Axcess devices. NetLinx devices can be numbered between 256-32,000.

AMX Programmer I & II


Device Addressing in NetLinx

Setting the Address

The device address is set in a different manner depending upon which NetLinx device is used. When NetLinx devices are shipped from AMX the device address is set to use a dynamic address (an address between 32001 and 32767). A device receives a dynamic address when it is connected to a Master Processor and is powered up for the first time. This address may change each time the device is powered. The reason for this dynamic addressing is so no two devices connected to the same master will have the same address. Since the dynamic address can change each time the system is reset these dynamic addresses should only be considered temporary addresses until a fixed address can be assigned.

NetLinx Integrated Controller Addressing

The device address of the NetLinx Integrated Controller is set using NetLinx Studio. If the NXI enclosure does not contain a master processor it must be connected to a master processor using ICSHub.

FIG. 1 Device Addressing Dialog under the Diagnostics Menu


AMX Programmer I & II

Device Addressing in NetLinx

There are two ways to address the NXI. First if you are certain which dynamic address has been assigned to the NXI you can enter that address in the Device/System Change of Address Options section of the dialog box. Or, if you are not sure of the dynamic address the NXI can be addressed using the ID Mode section. To determine that address that has been dynamically assigned you can look at the Online tab in the Workspace Window. (To show the Workspace Window, select Workspace from the View menu on the menu bar.)

System ID

NXI Device Address

FIG. 2 Online Tree under the Workspace area

In this example the NXI has been assigned device address 32002 on System 1. This information should be entered in the Device to Change area of the Change Address section of the Device Addressing tab (See FIG. 1.) Check the boxes to indicate if you want to change the device address or the system ID or both. Then enter the device address and system number you want to assign to that device. For example if we want to change this NXI to device 5001 on System 1, we would check the Change Device box and enter 5001 in the adjacent field.

This works well if there is only one NXI in the system, but what if there are several? In this case it may be difficult to determine which NXI is connected to which controlled devices. To make that easier AMX developed the ID Mode for device addressing. ID Mode sets the ICSNet devices to a special mode where an ICSP indicator on each device quickly flashes to indicate that it is now in ID mode. To address a device using the ID Mode, in the section labeled ID Mode enter the system ID of the system the NXI is connected to, then enter the desired Device number and System ID that you wish to assign to the NXI then press Start Identify Mode. A green indicator note under the Cancel Identify Mode button will light up, the ICSP LED on the rear of each NXI will be quickly flashing and the system is waiting for the device to be identified (See FIG. 3). At this time press the white ID button on the left rear of the NXI.

AMX Programmer I & II


Device Addressing in NetLinx

FIG. 3 Device Addressing Dialog after the Start Identify button is pressed.

That will bring up a Successful Identification Made message (FIG. 4) indicating that the NXI address has been set. Continue this process for the remaining NXIs in the system until all have been given a fixed device address.

FIG. 4 Device Addressing Dialog after Successful Identification has been Made


AMX Programmer I & II

Device Addressing in NetLinx

NetLinx Control NetModules Addressing

The NetLinx Control NetModules are assigned device addresses in the same way as the NetLinx Integrated Controller. As the example indicates the Relay device would be easy to find and address since it is the only one in the system, but addressing the IR and RS232 devices would be more difficult. For the Relay device we can use either of the two methods discussed in regard to the NXI, but with the IR and RS232 devices it would be easier to use the ID Mode method. The only difference is that the NetModules do not have an ICSP LED on the rear of the unit that flashes quickly to indicate ID Mode.

FIG. 5 NetLinx Studio Online Tree

NetLinx CardFrame Addressing

Addressing the cards in the NetLinx CardFrame is different than addressing the Integrated Controller. On the rear of the CardFrame is an eight position DIP switch that is used to assign a number for that CardFrame. Each position of the DIP switch relates to a position of a binary eight bit word. If the switch is on that binary position has a value of 1, if it is off that binary position has a value of 0. Valid decimal values for the CardFrame number are 0-255.

Rear/ right view

CardFrame Number DIP Switch

FIG. 6 NetLinx CardFrame/ DIP Switch

AMX Programmer I & II


Device Addressing in NetLinx

Set the CardFrame Number to Assign Device Addresses to a CardFrame (NXF) 1. 2. 3. Disconnect power from the CardFrame. Determine desired address range for devices in the CardFrame. AMX recommends CardFrame device addresses begin at 301. Turn on the appropriate switches on the CardFrame DIP Switch to set the CardFrame number. To use our recommended device address set the CardFrame number to 25. (Switch one on, switch four on, switch five on, and all others off.) Re-power the CardFrame. Insert control cards in the desired slots. Cards will be assigned an address as CardFrame number *12 + slot number.

4. 5.

A little bit of math is required to determine the starting address. The DIP switch assigns a CardFrame number which is then multiplied by 12 and that result is added to the card slot number to get the address for that card. (DIP switch address x 12) + Card Slot Number (1-12) = Device Address For example if we have a card in slot 3 and the CardFrame number is 32 (switch 6 is on, all the others are off) the device address for the card is: (32 x 12) + 3 = 387 The address assigned to the card in the CardFrame overrides the address stored in memory of the Control Card. If the Control Card in the CardFrame is removed and placed in a NetModule Shell it does not retain the address from the CardFrame, but reverts to the last address it received when it was in a NetModule, or to a dynamic address as set at the factory if a fixed address was not yet assigned.


AMX Programmer I & II

Device Addressing in NetLinx

DIP Switch
There are two kinds of configurations for an AMX Control System, hardware and software. For the hardware configuration a DIP switch is used. DIP stands for Dual Inline Package and is a group of switches mounted to the module device that plugs into a PC board. The following are all configured with a DIP switch: NetLinx Master Card (hidden behind the front panel) NetLinx CardFrame NI4000 NXF-MINI DIP Switch2 is a 32-bit Windows program that graphically shows the DIP switch settings. The ON (down) and OFF (up) positions on the DIP switches are dynamically set when you enter device numbers and choose communication port options. You can also use the DIP switches to check a device number and/or communication setting. Set the program's DIP switches by clicking inside the ON or OFF switch area so the DIP switches match the settings on the device or communication port or by entering a number in the CardFrame Number.

FIG. 7 DIP Switch 2.0

AMX Programmer I & II


Device Addressing in NetLinx

Configuring the DIP Switch for the NetLinx Master

You can use the Program Port DIP Switch to set the Master Card to Program Run Disable (PRD) mode according to the settings listed in the table. PRD Mode Settings
PRD Mode Normal mode (default) PRD Mode Position 1 OFF ON Position 2 OFF OFF

PRD mode prevents the NetLinx program stored in the Master Card, from running when you power up the Master Card. PRD mode should only be used when you suspect the resident NetLinx program is causing inadvertent communication and/or control problems. If necessary, place the Master Card in PRD mode and use the NetLinx Studio program to resolve the communication and/ or control problems with the resident NetLinx program. Then, download the new NetLinx program and try again. Setting the Program Port DIP Switch 1. 2. 3. 4. Disconnect the power supply from the 2-pin PWR (green) connector on the Master Card. Remove the front faceplate and mounting screws (four) from the Master Card's front panel. Then, locate the Program Port DIP Switch (to the left of the Program port). Set DIP switch positions according to the information listed in the Baud Rate Settings and PRD Mode Settings table Card Frame above. Replace the front panel and faceplate back onto the Master Card and reconnect the 12 VDC power supply to the 2-pin PWR connector.

Program Port DIP Switch - baud rate settings The Program Port DIP Switch is located at the front of the Master Cards. For Modules, you must remove the front panel to access the DIP Switch. Use this DIP Switch to set the baud rate for the Program Port, according to the settings shown in the following table. Make sure the baud rate you set matches the baud rate on your PC's COM port before programming the Master Card. By default, the baud rate is set to 38,400 (bps). Note the orientation of the DIP Switch and the ON position label. Baud Rate Settings
Baud Rate 9600 bps 38,400 bps (default) 57,600 bps 115,200 bps Position 5 OFF OFF ON ON Position 6 ON ON OFF ON Position 7 OFF ON OFF ON Position 8 ON ON OFF ON

DIP Switch positions 3 and 4 are reserved for future features and should always be set to the Off (down) position.


AMX Programmer I & II

Device Addressing in NetLinx

System ID Numbering
Since more than 65,000 NetLinx masters can be connected together a method to identify those masters is needed. Each master is assigned a system number, much in the same way as the device number is assigned, in fact it is done from the device addressing tab of the NetLinx Diagnostics dialog. The Master in a NetLinx system is defined as device number 0. (Remember this, it will be important later.) By default the NetLinx Master Cards are shipped from AMX set to System ID number 1. To change the System ID of a NetLinx master instead of changing the Device ID, we simply change the System ID. Open the Device Addressing dialog from the Diagnostics menu.

FIG. 8 Device Addressing Dialog Box under the Diagnostics Menu

In the Change Address section enter 0 for the device ID and the System ID of the master you want to change. (The system ID is shown in the top of the Online tab of the Project Navigator.) Check the Change System box and enter the new System ID in the adjacent field.

The easiest way is to disconnect the power from the master, but it can also be done from the Networking tab of the Diagnostics dialog and entering 0 for both the System ID and Device ID. Placing zeros in both fields will reboot the master that is currently connected to NetLinx Studio

AMX Programmer I & II


Device Addressing in NetLinx

In the NetLinx system a device can have multiple ports, therefore each port must be addressed. Additionally, since up to 65,535 NetLinx systems can be connected together, each device receives the system ID of the connected master. This addressing scheme is referred to as the Device:Port:System triplet.

All devices in a NetLinx system are given D:P:S addresses. Since the idea of ports is new to the NetLinx system, all Axcess and Landmark devices have only one port. For example, you have an Axcess touch panel connected to a NetLinx system whose system ID is 1, it would be referred to as address 128:1:1 .It is this addressing scheme that will allow a single NetLinx Master to control more than 400,000 RS232 or IR controlled devices.

(32000 NXIs, x (6 RS232/422/485 ports + 8 IR/S ports) = 448,000 control ports)

D:P:S = 10001:1:0
When assigning an address to a device you can use a "0" for the system number. A system number of "0" refers to the current system. When working in master to master mode you will need to specify the actual number.


AMX Programmer I & II

Configure and Address NetLinx System

Configure and Address NetLinx System

Lesson Topics

Set the Communication Settings and Connect to the Master Verify Devices Online Set NetLinx Time and Date Configure Network Settings Set the System ID and Reboot the Master Connect via the Network

Configuring a NetLinx Master When setting up a NetLinx system the Master card must be configured properly before anything can be done. Set the Communications Settings Set Networking Information Verify devices online Set System Time and Date Configure Network Settings Set the Device Addresses and System ID

AMX Programmer I & II


Configure and Address NetLinx System

Set the Communication Settings and Connect to the Master

To connect to a NetLinx master, use the options in the Master Communication Settings and Communication Settings dialogs to specify the TCP/IP address, serial port or modem settings, depending on the transport connection type specified. These instructions in these topics assume that the physical link between the PC running NetLinx Studio and the NetLinx master is established. Connecting to a NetLinx Master via TCP/IP To connect to a NetLinx master, use the options in the Master Communication Settings and Communication Settings dialogs to specify the TCP/IP address, serial port or modem settings, depending on the transport connection type specified. These instructions in these topics assume that the physical link between the PC running NetLinx Studio and the NetLinx master is established. 1. Select Settings > Master Communication Settings to open the Master Communication Settings dialog.

2. 3.

Click Communication Settings... to access the Communication Settings dialog. Select NetLinx Master as the Platform Selection.

4. 5.

Select TCP/IP as the Transport Connection Option. Click Settings to open the TCP/IP Settings dialog.


AMX Programmer I & II

Configure and Address NetLinx System


Enter the TCP/IP Address of the master.

The Port should always be set to 1319 (default setting). Do notNetLinx change the Port assignment. Studio

7. 8. 9.

Click OK to return to the Communication Settings dialog. Click OK to return to the Master Communication Settings dialog. Click OK to close the Master Communications dialog.

Connecting to a NetLinx Master via Serial Port To connect to a NetLinx master, use the options in the Master Communication Settings and Communication Settings dialogs to specify the TCP/IP address, serial port or modem settings, depending on the transport connection type specified. These instructions in these topics assume that the physical link between the PC running NetLinx Studio and the NetLinx master is established. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Select Settings > Master Communication Settings to open the Master Communication Settings dialog. Click Communication Settings... to access the Communication Settings dialog. Select NetLinx Master as the Platform Selection. Select Serial as the Transport Connection Option. Click Settings to open the Serial Port Settings dialog.

AMX Programmer I & II


Configure and Address NetLinx System


Select a COM port and specify the communication settings for serial port communications. The default settings are:
Comm Port Baud Rate Data Bits Parity Stop Bits Flow Control COM1 38400 8 None 1 None

7. 8. 9.

Click OK to return to the Communication Settings dialog. Click OK to return to the Master Communication Settings dialog. Click OK to close the Master Communications dialog.

Connecting to a NetLinx Master via Modem To connect to a NetLinx master, use the options in the Master Communication Settings and Communication Settings dialogs to specify the TCP/IP address, serial port or modem settings, depending on the transport connection type specified. These instructions in these topics assume that the physical link between the PC running NetLinx Studio and the NetLinx master is established. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Select Settings > Master Communication Settings to open the Master Communication Settings dialog. Click Communication Settings... to access the Communication Settings dialog. Select NetLinx Master as the Platform Selection. Select Modem as the Transport Connection Option. Click Settings to open the Modem Port Settings dialog.


AMX Programmer I & II

Configure and Address NetLinx System


Select a COM port and specify the communication settings for modem communications. The default settings are:
Comm Port Baud Rate Data Bits Parity Stop Bits Flow Control Phone Number COM1 38400 8 None 1 None Enter the telephone number of the master.

7. 8. 9.

Click OK to return to the Communication Settings dialog. Click OK to return to the Master Communication Settings dialog. Click OK to close the Master Communications dialog.

Verify Devices Online

If you are connected to a System with online devices, you can view the online devices, device properties, and device port properties in the Online Tree tab of the Workspace Window. To view online devices: 1. 2. 3. 4. If the Workspace Window is not visible, select View > Workspace. Open the Online Tree tab. Click the Display command button to open the Online Tree context menu, and select Refresh Network. All devices currently connected to the Master are displayed in the Online Device Tree.

Set NetLinx Time and Date

Select Tools > Set Master Controller's Date/Time to open the Set Master Controller's Date/Time dialog. Use the options in this dialog to set the time and date for a specified NetLinx Master. 1. 2. 3. In the Master Controller ID text box, enter/edit the target System number (if necessary). To retrieve the current Time/Date settings for the specified target Master, click Get Time/ Date. The Master's current Time/Date settings are displayed in the (read-only) text field. To change the target Master's date setting, click the down arrow next to the Date field to open the calendar window. To change the system's date, click to select the desired day. Use the forward and back arrow buttons to change the month. When you select a new date, the calendar closes and the new date is represented in the Date field. To set the system to today's date, click Today at the bottom of the calendar.

AMX Programmer I & II


Configure and Address NetLinx System


To change the target Master's time setting, select a field within the time display (hours, minutes, seconds, or AM/PM) and click the up and down arrows to adjust the selected field. Alternatively, you can highlight the field in the Time display that you want to adjust and type the desired number in its place. If no field is selected within the time display, the up/down arrows affect the hours setting.


To set the specified Time/Date settings for the target system click Set Time/Date.

Configure Network Settings

Use the options in the Networking Addresses dialog to change the network settings for a specified NetLinx master. Changing the System Number on a NetLinx Master Use the System field in the Network Addresses dialog to change the System number for the connected Master: 1. 2. 3. Select Diagnostics > Network Addresses (or click the toolbar button) to access the Network Addresses dialog. At the top of the dialog, specify a new System number in the System text box. Click the Reboot Master button to reboot the master and accept the new changes. Allow 2030 seconds for the master to reboot.

Changing the IP Address on a NetLinx Device Using DHCP Use the IP Address options in the Network Addresses dialog to change the IP Address for a specified NetLinx Device (using DHCP): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Select Diagnostics > Network Addresses (or click the toolbar button) to access the Network Addresses dialog. At the top of the dialog, enter the specified device's System and Device numbers in the text boxes. The range is 0-65535. Click the Get IP Information button to populate the IP Address fields with the current Host Name and Gateway assignments. Click the Use DHCP radio button, and enter a new Host Name in the text box, if necessary. Click the Set IP Information button to set the new Host Name assignment. Click the Reboot Master button to reboot the master and accept the new changes. Allow 2030 seconds for the master to reboot.

When you change the IP Address of a master (if connected via IP), you must also change the communication settings to match the new IP Address in the Master Communications Settings dialog.


AMX Programmer I & II

Configure and Address NetLinx System

Setting the DNS Address for a NetLinx Master 1. 2. Select Diagnostics > Network Addresses (or click the toolbar button) to access the Network Addresses dialog. Enter the specified device's System and Device values in the text boxes at the top of the dialog (ranges = 0-65535).

NetLinx Masters are always set to Device = 0.


Click Get DNS Information to populate the DNS Address fields with the current Domain Suffix, DNS IP Address #1, DNS IP Address #2 and DNS IP Address #3 assignments (as applicable). Edit the DNS Address assignments and/or add new DNS address information as needed. Click Set DNS Information to set the new DNS address assignments.

4. 5.

Setting the IP Address for a NetLinx Master 1. 2. Select Diagnostics > Network Addresses (or click the toolbar button) to access the Network Addresses dialog. At the top of the dialog, enter the specified device's System and Device numbers in the text boxes (range = 0-65535).

If you change the IP Address of a Master (if connected via IP), you must also change the communication settings to match the new IP Address (in the Master Communication Setting dialog). NetLinx Masters are always set to Device = 0.

3. 4. 5. 6.

Click Get IP Information to populate the IP Address fields with the current Host Name, IP Address, Subnet Mask and Gateway assignments. Click the Specify IP Address radio button, and enter the new IP Address, Subnet Mask and Gateway assignments in the text boxes, as necessary. Click Set IP Information to set the new IP Address assignment. Click Reboot Master to reboot the master and accept the new changes. Allow 20-30 seconds for the master to reboot.

Changing the IP Address on a NetLinx Master (Use DHCP) Use the options in the Network Addresses dialog to change the IP Address for a specified NetLinx device (using DHCP). 1. 2. Select Diagnostics > Network Addresses (or click the toolbar button) to access the Network Addresses dialog. At the top of the dialog, enter the specified device's System and Device numbers in the text boxes. The range is 0-65535.

NetLinx Masters are always set to Device = 0.

AMX Programmer I & II


Configure and Address NetLinx System

3. 4. 5. 6.

Click the Get IP Information button to populate the IP Address fields with the current Host Name and Gateway assignments. Click the Use DHCP radio button, and enter the new Host Name in the text box, if necessary. Click the Set IP Information button to set the new Host Name assignment. A message will be displayed indicating that the Master has accepted the new settings. Click the Reboot Master button to reboot the Master and accept the new changes. Allow 2030 seconds for the Master to reboot.


AMX Programmer I & II

Programmer Software and Settings Checklist

Programmer Software and Settings Checklist

NetLinx Master Configuration (Initial Setup):

Connect to Master through front program port Set System Time & Date (Affects program references to TIME)
Go to Tools/Set Master Controllers Date/Time to open the dialog in NetLinx Studio Click "Set Time/Date" to set the NetLinx master to the time / date shown

Time shown without intervention is from the PC control panel clock Click "Get Time/Date" to see what the NetLinx master is already set to Type new time / date as required

Set System Number ______

Go to Diagnostics/Device Addressing in NetLinx Studio System Number Factory Default is 1. If multiple systems are used on the same network, unique system numbers are recommended. If the systems will communicate with each other (Master to Master) unique system numbers are REQUIRED.

Set Device Addresses

Go to Diagnostics/Device Addressing in NetLinx Studio Use left side if you know the current address and the new (desired) address Use right side (ID Mode) if you know the new (desired) address but not the current address

Click Start Identify Mode Press button on device to change (DMS Keypad, NXI, Net Module Shell)

Use Dip Switches to set NetLinx cardframe address (see Dip Switch 2 for settings help)

NOTE: First card slot address = Dipswitch setting * 12 + 1

Setup URL list (only if Master to Master communication is required)

Your programmer may have already done this in the code. You can check Diagnostics/URL Listing and click "Get URL List". Any identified links to other masters will be listed. If not there, add the IP address of each required system. NOTE: The IP address only needs to be added to one side of the connection.

Setup Networking
From Client's Network Administrator, determine whether DHCP or Static IP addressing will be used Got to Diagnostics/ Network Addresses Select DHCP or Specify

If Specify, enter IP, Subnet, and Gateway information obtained from Network Administrator.

Click Set IP Information Click OK the Reboot

Connect to Master over IP, using address from previous step

AMX Programmer I & II


Programmer Software and Settings Checklist

System Preparation:

Using NetLinx Studio, Workspace Wizard In the Workspace window, import project support files
Program source code (.axs) IR files for each IR controlled device (.irl, .irv) Serial Protocol reference files (if available--.doc, .txt, etc.) Touch Panel / Keypad files (.tpd, .kpd, .ovl, etc.) System Drawings (.dwg, .vsd, etc.) Owner's Manuals (.pdf, .doc, etc.)

Set Device Mapping for each IR, Keypad, Touch Panel, and source code file Compile source code, if available (there should be no compile errors at this point) Transfer project files to the NetLinx master or control device as appropriate For NetLinx masters, reboot before testing


AMX Programmer I & II

Principles of Programming

Principles of Programming
Lesson Topics:

Format of the Programming Language Operators Putting it Together Mainline

Format of the Programming Language

The AMX programming language is a free format language. That means the source code is independent of tabs, additional spacing, and carriage returns. However, dont let the free format fool you! Utilizing tabs and carriage returns in a consistent method of code placement will make it easier to read, but will not cause errors when the code is compiled.
DEFINE_EVENT BUTTON_EVENT[PANEL,1] { PUSH: { IF (X = 1) { Y = 2 Z = 3 } } }

The above program statement executes the same even if it looks like this:
BUTTON_EVENT[PANEL,1] PUSH: {IF(X = 1) {Y = 2 Z = 3}}

The syntax is identical, but the spacing is different. The first method is recommended because it is easier to read, and adheres to AMX programming conventions.

AMX ProgrammerI & II


Principles of Programming

Language Basics Identifiers, Keywords and Operators are used to form a statement. Keywords are reserved words that perform a specific function or operation in the AMX Program An operator is a character that performs a specific mathematical, relational, or logical function

For example, the operator used to set a variable equal to a value is '=' The statement used to set variable X to the value 5 is X = 5

Identifiers are used to denote a device, constant, or variable. There are certain guidelines for identifiers:

Identifiers must begin with a letter followed by any combination of letters, numbers, or underscores. No spaces allowed. The identifier must have fewer than 27 characters Identifiers are not case-sensitive Each identifier must be unique. Once you define VHS3, do not choose the same name for a different identifier.

Valid identifiers: T_PANEL, CD3, VCR3_SELECT Invalid identifiers: 3VHS, CD PLAYER, *RGB4

A statement is a complete operation that includes keywords and its parameters

For example, the keyword to turn a channel on is ON, and the statement to turn on a particular channel is ON [RELAY_CARD,RELAY] Statements can also involve mathematical or logical operations when operators are used.
Statement Keyword ON[RELAY_CARD,5] X = 5 Operator Identifier

Compound Statements are made up of several statements that are grouped together by a set of braces giving you the ability to have multiple statements within one argument.

Compound statements are used where several statements are to be executed as a single event. The statements are executed in the sequence they are programmed

The number of open and closed braces must be the same in your program. After compiling, NetLinx will list an error if the numbers are different. It is recommended that you insert braces in pairs to avoid a mismatch.


AMX Programmer I & II

Principles of Programming

For an Event, when button 1 on PANEL is pressed, relay 5 on RELAY_CARD is turned on. Also, the variable X is assigned the value of 5. The open brace indicates the beginning of the compound statement, and the close brace ends it.

If you only need the relay to be turned on, the statement could have been written like this:

Since there is only one statement after the line PUSH[PANEL,1], braces are not necessary, but should be used to make the program easier to read and makes for a good habit. The following table lists the special symbols that are used when writing code. Special Symbols
Operator {} [] Name Braces Brackets Function Combine several statements into a compound statement. In NetLinx, Braces are also used to group "sets" of data or information. Enclose the device-channel set: [device, channel]. Enclose the location of a storage space in an array: Array_Name[5] Enclose the instance number for use with a SYSTEM_CALL: SYSTEM_CALL [2] VCR1(parameters) () Parentheses Enclose the expression after an IF statement: IF (X=1) Enclose a mutually exclusive set in the Define section: ([RELAY,1], [RELAY,2]) Enclose DEFINE_CALL parameter list: DEFINE_CALL TEST (parameters) Group a mathematical operation: NEW_VALUE = (X*Y+4) (**) or /* */ // Comments Comments Enclose helpful descriptions or remarks that are not considered part of the program and have no effect on the operation of the program. In NetLinx, the double slash is used for a single line comment.

AMX ProgrammerI & II


Principles of Programming

An operator is a character (or group of characters) that performs a specific operational function. Each operator type is described below. Arithmetic Operators Arithmetic operators create a numeric value from one or more operations such as addition, multiplication, and division. Arithmetic Operators
Operator + * / % Function Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Modulo (remainder after division)

Relational Operators A relational operator is a conditional statement and tells the program whether to execute a particular function or functions in the program. Relational Operators
Operator < > = == <= >= <> Function Less Than Greater Than Equal To Equal To Less Than or Equal To Greater Than or Equal To Not Equal To

Logical Operators Logical operators compare two conditions or, in the case of NOT, invert one condition. A true or false result is produced. Logical Operators
Operator && || ^^ ! Function Logical Or Logical Xor Logical Not Keyword OR XOR NOT Logical And AND


AMX Programmer I & II

Principles of Programming

Bitwise Operators Bitwise operators are keywords or symbols that perform a bit-by-bit operation between two items. Bitwise Operators
Operator & | ^ ~ << >> Function Bitwise Or Bitwise Xor Bitwise Not Shift Left Shift Right Keyword BOR BXOR BNOT LSHIFT RSHIFT Bitwise And BAND

Shift Left shifts the bits of a value to the left n binary positions or effectively multiplies the value by 2n, where n is the number of places to shift. Shift Left is designated by a double less-than sign ( << ) or the LSHIFT keyword. Shift Right shifts the bits of a value to the right n binary positions or effectively divides the value by 2n, where n is the number of places to shift. Shift Right is designated by a double greater-than sign ( >> )or the RSHIFT keyword. An example of both is shown below:
X = 1 Y = 8 X = X << 2 Z = Y >> 3 (* X is now equal to 4 *) (* Z is now equal to 1 *)

Bitwise will be covered in more detail in AMX Programmer II.

AMX ProgrammerI & II


Principles of Programming

Assignment Operators NetLinx also includes value increment and decrement operators. These operators with variables as statements work just like an Assignment operator or the equal sign does. The Increment-by-One operator or double plus sign (++) increments the value of its variable by one. The Decrement-byOne operator or double minus sign (--) decrements the value of its variable by one. The assignment operators may appear only once in a single NetLinx statement. Assignment Operators
Operator = ++ -Function Assignment Increment by 1 Decrement by 1

An example of value increment and decrement operators is shown below.

X = 1 Y = 5 X++ Y-// X is now equal to 2 *) // Y is now equal to 4 *)

The following rules apply to the use of Direct assignment operators: The "=" operator may be used to assign

Expressions to intrinsic type variables (see Data Types) Arrays to other array of matching size and type Structures to other structures of the same type

The "++" and "--" operators are statements and cannot appear within expressions. For example:
FOR (I=1; I<10; I++) I = j++; // Legal // Illegal

Refer to the Structures subsection of the NetLinx Programming Language Guide for more information on structures.


AMX Programmer I & II

Principles of Programming

Operator Precedence The table below shows the inherent precedence assigned to the operators. As noted in the chart, the NOT (!) operator has the highest precedence in NetLinx systems but the lowest precedence in Axcess systems. Axcess programs that are converted to NetLinx may exhibit logic problems if they use statements that combine NOT (!) and other operators. NetLinx Operator Precedence
Level 1 (highest) 2 3 4 5 6 7 (lowest) * + Operators ! ~ / % Associability Left To Right Left To Right Left To Right Left To Right Left To Right Left To Right Left To Right

<< >> < <= > >= = == <> & && | ^ || ^^

Putting it Together
Using Templates Section 1 - you have your Definitions. For example, DEFINE_DEVICE is like the team roster, and the device addresses are like the players jersey numbers. DEFINE_VARIABLE is like the players positions

AMX ProgrammerI & II


Principles of Programming

Section 2 & 3, DEFINE_START & DATA_EVENT; online are like the start of the game because it sets defaults and configuration just like a starting lineup tells the umpires what is going on.

Section 3, DEFINE_EVENT is like when the pitcher pitches and the batter swings; hit, strike, ball, walk, etc. and the defense is waiting for a hit; fly, grounder, etc. Something happens based on that pitch just like with an Event, the program waits for a triggering mechanism for it to act.

Section 4, DEFINE_PROGRAM which is Mainline is where you have Feedback and SYSTEM_CALLs; just like looking at the score board.


AMX Programmer I & II

Principles of Programming

Mainline in NetLinx
Mainline is the section of the program that is executed continuously by the NetLinx Central Controller. DEFINE_PROGRAM contains the code known as Mainline that is executed continuously as long as the Controller has power.

A typical NetLinx program is composed of a number of different sections. Each section defines some aspect of a program such as device definitions, variable declarations, channel characteristics, or event processing.

In a NetLinx system, either DEFINE_PROGRAM or DEFINE_EVENT is required. Other sections are required only to support code in one of these two sections, although the Compiler might require more.

NetLinx processes network activity through a separate thread of execution. Bus activity is serviced concurrently with event processing and Mainline execution.

The DEFINE_EVENT section provides an efficient mechanism for processing events since Mainline does not have to be traversed to process a single I/O request. A handler can be defined for processing device-specific events as well as providing feedback for the device initiating the event notification. If a handler is present, Mainline will not be called to process the event; the handler is called instead. Once the handler completes its execution, the system is ready to process the next input message. When there are no more messages pending, Mainline is run. In effect, Mainline becomes an idle time process.
Mainline will be run every 1/2 second if no other event requires it first.

AMX ProgrammerI & II


Principles of Programming

FIG. 1 illustrates Message and Mainline processing as it appears in the NetLinx system. Note that bus servicing is taken care of by a separate process thread (Connection Manager & Message Dispatcher) and therefore is not a task that must follow Mainline.

Communications Bus

Message Dispatcher

Message Queue

Connection Manager

1. Service All Waits 2. Turn off Expired Pulses

Event Handlers

Next Message

Message not Handled or No More Messages


End of Program

Next Message

FIG. 1 Message and Mainline Processing in the NetLinx System

Code Examples


AMX Programmer I & II

Object Oriented Programming and Events

Object Oriented Programming and Events

Lesson Topics

Object Oriented Programming Event Handlers BUTTON_EVENTS CHANNEL_EVENTS

Object Oriented Programming

Objects can be things, like a VCR, DVD, CD, switcher, projector, etc. Objects have Properties and Methods. Properties describe the object. Properties are implemented in NetLinx as variables, constants, and structures. Methods are actions that the object performs. Methods are implemented in NetLinx by using the various NetLinx keywords like Send_String, ON, OFF, Pulse, etc. These commands are enclosed within subroutines, the Push, Release, Hold sections of BUTTON_EVENTs, in DATA_EVENTs, etc.

An example would be a multi-disc CD Changer. The CD Changer is the Object. Some Properties would be: Power Flag - keeps track of whether the power is on or off Disc number - keeps track of what disc is selected Function - keeps track of what transport function is active (Play, Stop, Pause, etc) Track - keeps track of what music track is currently selected

Some Methods would be: Play Stop Pause Skip Forward Skip Reverse Fast Forward Rewind

AMX Programmer I & II


Object Oriented Programming and Events

The code to implement this might look like this:

DEFINE_VARIABLE INTEGER nCD_PowerFlag INTEGER nDiscNum INTEGER nFunction INTEGER nTrack DEFINE_EVENT BUTTON_EVENT[TP,10] { PUSH: { PULSE [CD,27]//Go to Disc #2 nDiscNum = 2 } } BUTTON_EVENT[TP,1] { PUSH: { PULSE [CD,1]//Play nFunction = 1 } }

Buttons on an AMX touch panel can be considered an Object also. Some of the Properties of a button are: Associated device number Channel number Feedback type (channel, momentary, etc.) Variable text channel number Level number Pop Up page

The Methods of a button are: Push Release Hold


AMX Programmer I & II

Object Oriented Programming and Events

Event Handlers
All interactions between external devices and the master processor are handled within mainline code. The processor runs mainline code, services the wait and pulse queues, and checks the bus for any changes in device status. These interactions or changes in status are Events. There are handlers to support five types of events: BUTTON_EVENTs include pushes, releases, and holds, which are associated with a push or release on a particular device-channel. CHANNEL_EVENTs occur when an output change (On/Off) is detected on a devicechannel. DATA_EVENTs include commands, strings, status, and error messages. LEVEL_EVENTs are received as a result of a level change on a particular device. TIMELINE_EVENTs trigger events based on a sequence of times.
The processing of an event associated with a given member of a device, channel, devicechannel, level, or device-level array must be completed before processing can begin on another event associated with the same array.

NetLinx has a special program section called DEFINE_EVENT to handle the incoming events. The event processing that could only occur within mainline code can be handled in the DEFINE_EVENT section.

NetLinx maintains a table of the defined event handlers, when a new event comes into the NetLinx processing queue, the event is compared against the table of events. If the event is found, only the code in the event definition is evaluated and executed, mainline is bypassed. If an event handler is not defined, mainline is run, and the event is evaluated against the mainline code. This provides a more efficient mechanism for processing events, since mainline is not required to process a single I/O request. If no events are pending, mainline is run. Mainline becomes an idle time process.


Event handler available?


Run Mainline


Run event handler


FIG. 1 Steps Involved in Processing an Event

More than one handler can be defined for the same event. In this case, the handlers are executed in the order in which they are defined in the program.

AMX Programmer I & II


Object Oriented Programming and Events

The event handler descriptions are:

DEVICE refers to a device specification:
DEVICE A single device number constant D:P:S A constant device specification such as 128:1:0 DEV[ ] A device array

CHANNEL refers to:

CHANNEL CHAN[ ] A single channel number constant An integer array of channel numbers

DEVCHAN[ ] A device-channel array

LEVEL refers to:

LEVEL LEV[ ] A single level number constant An integer array of level numbers

DEVLEV[ ] A device-level array

With the addition of the DEFINE_EVENT section for processing events, mainline becomes greatly diminished in NetLinx, if not totally eliminated. Programs can still be written using the traditional technique of processing events and providing feedback in mainline code. However, programs written using the event table structure will run faster and be much easier to maintain.


AMX Programmer I & II

Object Oriented Programming and Events

A BUTTON_EVENT occurs when an Input Channel turns on and off. When you think about events which may occur in relation to a button in a control system the events will fall into one of three categories: What happens when the button is pushed What happens when the button is released What happens if the button is held

The Structure For BUTTON_EVENTs

BUTTON_EVENTs include PUSHes, RELEASEs, and HOLDs. These events are associated with a push or release on a particular device-channel. A sample BUTTON_EVENT is shown below:
BUTTON_EVENT [<device>,<channel>] { PUSH: { //push event handler code } RELEASE: { //release event handler code } HOLD [<time>,[REPEAT]]: { //hold event handler code } }

What information describes a BUTTON_EVENT? Channel number of the button The D:P:S device number of the device generating the BUTTON_EVENT The individual Device Number, Port and System ID used for the D:P:S The amount of time the button has been held The [<device>, <channel>] declaration can contain a DEV device set, or a DEVCHAN devicechannel set in addition to an individual device and channel declarations. A HOLD event handler specifies the actions that should be performed when a button is pressed and held for a minimum length of time indicated by the TIME parameter (TIME is specified in 0.1 second increments). The REPEAT keyword specifies that the event notification should be repeated in TIME increments as long as the button is held. The BUTTON object is available to the BUTTON_EVENT handler as a local variable.

AMX Programmer I & II


Object Oriented Programming and Events

The following is an example of how a block of existing Axcess code can be rewritten using the NetLinx BUTTON_EVENT handler. The code below will send an A to an RS-232 port defined as KC1 upon a button push and will repeat the A string every 0.5 seconds until the button is released.


In addition to evaluating the push within the event handler structure, you can see the simplified logic for creating the repeating A string using the HOLD event handler.


AMX Programmer I & II

Object Oriented Programming and Events

Channel_Events are similar to Button_Events. Channel_Events are generated by an ON, OFF, PULSE, TO, or MIN_TO. CHANNEL_EVENT are very simple and only have two conditions: What happens when the channel turns on What happens when the channel turns off

The format for a CHANNEL_EVENT is shown below:

CHANNEL_EVENT[<device>,<channel>] { ON: { //on event handler code } OFF: { //off event handler code } }

Like BUTTON_EVENTs, the [<device>, <channel>] declaration can contain a DEV device set, or a DEVCHAN device-channel set in addition to individual device and channel declarations.

What information describes a CHANNEL_EVENT? Channel number of the device The D:P:S Device number of the relay card that contains the relay The individual Device number, Port and System ID of the D:P:S device number

In the following example, a CHANNEL_EVENT is defined to turn off a video projector every time the projector lift is raised. In NetLinx, you define a CHANNEL_EVENT for the Projector Lift Up relay and tell the system to turn off the projector every time this relay is turned on. Since turning on the relay or pulsing the relay does not produce a push, a BUTTON_EVENT is not generated.

AMX Programmer I & II


Object Oriented Programming and Events

NetLinx Button and CHANNEL_EVENTs:



AMX Programmer I & II

Object Oriented Programming and Events

This keyword defines a DATA_EVENT handler. This type of handler processes COMMAND, STRING, ONLINE, OFFLINE and ONERROR events. Please see DATA_EVENTs on page 145 for more information on this Event.

This keyword defines a LEVEL_EVENT handler. This type of handler is triggered by a level change on a particular device. Please go to LEVEL_EVENTs on page 129 for more information on this Event.

A TIMELINE_EVENT is generated when the timer of the timeline matches a value in the timeline array. Please go to TIMELINE_EVENTs on page 204 for more information on this Event.

Event Parameters
It has already been stated that DEFINE_EVENT handlers are stored in an event table providing quick access to code that must be executed when an event is received. The event table keeps a list of all events in a sorted order to more quickly determine which code needs to be accessed for a giving incoming event. The event table is built before DEFINE_START runs and it not changed anytime after that. As a result, there are certain rules that must be applied to the parameters used in DEFINE_EVENTs.

Since the event table is built before DEFINE_START, all event parameters must contain the correct information prior to DEFINE_START. This requires that all EVENT parameters must be defined at compile time. In addition, many parameter "shortcuts" to help fulfill this requirement.

Using BUTTON_EVENT as an example, the simplest version of event parameters is a device and channel reference. In the following example: Example 1:
DEFINE_DEVICE dvTp = 128:1:0 DEFINE_EVENT BUTTON_EVENT[dvTp,1] { PUSH: Send_String 0,'Button 1 of dvTp was pushed' }

AMX Programmer I & II


Object Oriented Programming and Events

The device, dvTp, was defined in the DEFINE_DEVICE section, which has the effect of making it an initialized variable of type DEV, and the channel number was a hard-coded value of 1. Since both of these value were defined at compile time, the event is entered into the event table correctly. Let's take another example: Example 2:
DEFINE_DEVICE dvTp = 128:1:0 DEFINE_VARIABLE Integer nMyChannel DEFINE_START nMyChannel = 1 DEFINE_EVENT BUTTON_EVENT[dvTp,nMyChannel] { PUSH: Send_String 0,"'Button ',ITOA(nMyChannel),' of dvTp was pushed'" }

In this example, the event will not perform as the previous one did. When the code is compiled, the event parameters are dvTp, which is already assigned, and nMyChannel, which has a value of 0. nMyChannel does not get assigned a value of 1 until DEFINE_START, at which time the event has already been added to the event table. If you were to run this code, you would discover that it did in fact run when button 1 was pushed, leading us to one of the "shortcuts":

A value of 0 for a Channel or Level Number in a BUTTON_EVENT, CHANNEL_EVENT or LEVEL_EVENT will be interpreted as an event handler for all events of that type from the given device number(s).

So, the reason the above example runs when button 1 was pushed is that the above example runs when any button on dvTp is pushed. This "shortcut" was added so you could define an event handler for all buttons, channel or levels of a device without having to define a DEVCHAN of DEVLEV containing every value you may want to handle.

To make the example 2 behave like the example 1, we simply need to make sure the value of nMyChannel contains a value of 1 at compile time. This is simply done by initializing nMyChannel a value of 1 in the DEFINE_VARIABLE section. The new example reads: Example 3:
DEFINE_DEVICE dvTp = 128:1:0 DEFINE_VARIABLE Integer nMyChannel = 1 DEFINE_EVENT BUTTON_EVENT[dvTp,nMyChannel] { PUSH: Send_String 0,"'Button ',ITOA(nMyChannel),' of dvTp was pushed'" }


AMX Programmer I & II

Object Oriented Programming and Events

You may be tempted to use a more traditional variable as the channel number, mainly PUSH_CHANNEL or RELEASE_CHANNEL. It is important to realize that the identifiers are nothing more than global (system) variable. At compile time, the values are defined and contain a value of 0. So the following code: Example 4:
DEFINE_EVENT BUTTON_EVENT[dvTp,PUSH_CHANNEL] { PUSH: Send_String 0,"'Button ',ITOA(BUTTON.INPUT.CHANNEL),' of dvTp was pushed'" RELEASE: Send_String 0,"'Button ',ITOA(BUTTON.INPUT.CHANNEL),' of dvTp was released'" }

will have the effect you expect but probably for a different reason than you expect. Although the event will run for both the push and release of all buttons for dvTp, you may also be tempted to think that you need to make sure the event runs for RELEASE_CHANNEL by adding the following: Example 5:
DEFINE_EVENT BUTTON_EVENT[dvTp,PUSH_CHANNEL] BUTTON_EVENT[dvTp,RELEASE_CHANNEL] { PUSH: Send_String 0,"'Button ',ITOA(BUTTON.INPUT.CHANNEL),' of dvTp was pushed'" RELEASE: Send_String 0,"'Button ',ITOA(BUTTON.INPUT.CHANNEL),' of dvTp was released'" }

However, since both PUSH_CHANNEL and RELEASE_CHANNEL have a value of 0 at compile time, you are in effect stacking two events that are interpreted as running for any button pushed on the panel and as a result, the event is run twice every time a button is pushed or released. This may not seem like a big problem until you try to toggle a variable in the event: since the event runs twice for every button push, the variable toggles on then toggles off again.

There are some additional parameter "shortcuts" available. In all cases, the following rules apply: When a DEV can be used, a DEV array can also be used. When a DEVCHAN can be used, a DEVCHAN array can be used. When a DEVLEV can be used, a DEVLEV array can be used. When a Char, Integer or Long can be used, a Char, Integer or Long array can also be used. You can apply more then 1 of the above rules at a time in a given event handler.
GET_LAST() can be used to determine which index of an array (any type) caused the

event to fire.

AMX Programmer I & II


Object Oriented Programming and Events

The above rules can let you write some interesting event handler. Let's say you wanted to handle 4 buttons from 6 panels all with one BUTTON_EVENT. You could write: Example 6:
DEFINE_DEVICE dvPanel1 = 128:1:0 dvPanel2 = 129:1:0 dvPanel3 = 130:1:0 dvPanel4 = 131:1:0 dvPanel5 = 132:1:0 dvPanel6 = 133:1:0 DEFINE_VARIABLE DEV dvMyPanels[] = { dvPanel1, dvPanel2, dvPanel3, dvPanel4, dvPanel5, dvPanel6 } INTEGER nMyButtons[] = { 4, 3, 2, 1 } INTEGER nPanelIndex INTEGER nButtonIndex DEFINE_EVENT BUTTON_EVENT[dvMyPanels,nMyButtons] { PUSH: { nPanelIndex = GET_LAST(dvMyPanels) nButtonIndex = GET_LAST(nMyButtons) Send_String 0,"'Button Index=',ITOA(nButtonIndex),' was pushed on Panel Index=',ITOA(nPanelIndex)" } }

This event will be run for all combinations of dvMyPanel and nMyButtons, 24 buttons in all. The GET_LAST() function is very useful when running event using array as parameters. GET_LAST() returns an index value, starting at 1, for the element that triggered the event. In the case of nButtonIndex, it will contain a value of 1 when button 4 was pressed, a value of 2 when button 3 was pressed, ... This can be very useful in the case of transmitters and wired panels where the channel number may not reflect a numerical sequence you would like, such as with Numeric Keypads.


AMX Programmer I & II

Channel Characteristics

Channel Characteristics
Lesson Topics

Device-Channel Concept Input Characteristics Output Characteristics Feedback Statements Mutually Exclusive Groups/ Sets

Controlling Something Over There The basic idea behind a remote control system is to do something over here to make something happen over there. In the DEFINE_PROGRAM section of the source code you define what happens when an input is received.

How do you get the inputs into the system? How do you generate an output?

You use devices and channels.

Device-Channel Concept
Everything that an AMX Control System controls is controlled through a device in the system. Each device communicates to the Central Controller. Most devices, such as a Touch Panel or a relay card, have channels which either generate an input, accept an output, or both. These inputs and outputs are referred to in the program as a "device-channel" pair, which is written like this:
[8,1] //DEVICE 8, CHANNEL 1

Or if the device names and constants are used:


The device-channel is the most fundamental concept of an AMX Control System, as it is the most common way that an AMX program communicates to the outside world.

AMX Programmer I & II


Channel Characteristics

All About the Channel

Almost all methods of control require the use of channels on devices. Every channel has two aspects: Input Function Output Function

Input Characteristics
When a button is pressed on a control panel the input function of the button sends an input change to the master. The master then directs the reference to the event handler.

Input keywords are generally followed by the [device, channel] set that created the input. Example: BUTTON_EVENT[TP,1] or BUTTON_EVENT[128:1:0]

Input Keywords
PUSH: Input change from off to on when a button is pushed.

RELEASE: Input change from on to off upon the release of a button.


HOLD: A HOLD event handler specifies the actions that should be performed when a button is pressed and held for a minimum length of time indicated by the TIME parameter (TIME is specified in 0.1 second increments).

All AMX panel and transmitter functionality comes down to programming PUSH and RELEASE statements.

Inputs PUSH/ RELEASE are the leading and trailing edges of a Channel PULSE

Leading Edge

Trailing Edge


AMX Programmer I &II

Channel Characteristics

Output Characteristics
An output is activated only by a keyword. The output channel change from the system master causes an action on a device. The output function affects channels on a device. The channel can be turned on or off.

For an Output function to be sent to a device (like a television), the appropriate input function must be associated to the device. Therefore, once an input function (such as button "1" on a touch panel) is selected, an associated output function (the VCR turns on) will occur.
BUTTON_EVENT [TP,1] { PUSH: { ON [VCR, 9] } }

Your program must specify this input/output function.

Some output keywords create a sequence of ON then OFF after some period of time.

Output Keywords
ON: The On keyword turns on a channel or variable. If the channel or variable is already on, its status will remain the same. If the variable contains zero, it is off; therefore, any number other than zero denotes the system as on.
ON [VCR,2] (* This turns on channel 2 of device VCR *)

Turn a channel or variable on. Variables simply get set to 1.

ON [TEMP] (* This sets the value of the TEMP variable to 1 *)

OFF: Turn a channel or variable off. Variables simply get set to 0. TO: Toggle a latching channel or variable, or will momentarily turn on a non-latching one until button is released. TO turns ON an Output channel while an Input channel is On and turns off the Output channel when the Input channel turns Off.

MIN_TO: Toggle a latching channel or variable, or will momentarily turn on a nonlatching channel until the associated button is released. In the case of a momentary channel, the channel will be on for a minimum time specified by SET_PULSE_TIME system variable or the current pulse time setting. PULSE: Momentarily turns on a channel for a set period of time. The pulse on time is determined by SET_PULSE_TIME system variable and the default pulse time is 1/2 second.

TOTAL_OFF: Turn off a channel from a mutually exclusive group.

AMX Programmer I & II


Channel Characteristics

Outputs ON transitions to the ON state, OFF transitions to the OFF state



Theres a PULSE thats a regulated ON/ OFF and a TO thats a variable ON/ OFF and a MIN_TO which is a fixed pulse (based on current pulse time at a minimum and a variable pulse length afterwards.


TO Variable ON/ OFF



MIN_TO Regulated Variable

Feedback Statements
This section describes how to assign feedback to a button. Feedback refers to the lighting of a button during and after it is pressed. The system does not do this automatically; you must tell it how to light the button via the program.

There are two types of feedback: Direct - reference to "real time" feedback.
[TP,1] = [RELAY,1]

The touch panel feedback is directly connected to the relay mechanism.

Indirect - is "pseudo" feedback which means the program turned on feedback because it thinks something directly caused it.
Where possible, it is best to use direct feedback, since it is tied directly to a channel on a device.


AMX Programmer I &II

Channel Characteristics

Feedback involves only one statement per button. The first part of the statement references the device-channel of the button that is going to be lit. It is followed by an equal sign (=) and the conditional feedback. For example:

When RELAY channel 1 (the constant value of SCREEN_UP) is on, the light of TP button 1 will also be on. When the channel is off, the light will be off. Any reference to a device-channel that does not have the keyword PUSH or RELEASE preceding it is referring to the output side of the channel. This is a very important concept, because it is the basis of how feedback works.

One way of creating an output change is to assign a value directly to the device-channel. If the value that you are assigning is another device-channel reference it tells Axcess to take the output status of channel SCREEN_UP on device RELAY, and send it as an output change to channel 1 of device TP. Since the device-channel [RELAY,SCREEN_UP] is defined as being in a mutually exclusive group, its status will be ON if it was the last channel activated in that set, and the feedback assignment will light button 1 on the Touch Panel.

Grouping Feedback Statements

The feedback statements can be grouped together in a feedback section at the end of the program. as shown below:

This feedback section will act no differently if each statement is placed under its corresponding PUSH statement.

Feedback statements are most often placed in the DEFINE_PROGRAM section of the program. However, it is recommended that you organize them in your program so that they can be easily located. While grouping all of the feedback statements at the end of the program is acceptable, in larger programs it can be confusing to skip from the top where the BUTTON_EVENT statement is located to the bottom where the feedback statements are located. Smaller programs may be easier to manage if all the BUTTON_EVENTs are together and all the feedback statements are together.

AMX Programmer I & II


Channel Characteristics

Mutually Exclusive Groups / Sets

Only one channel in a Mutually Exclusive set can be ON at a time The current channel is turned off before the new channel is turned on. Defining a Channel as Mutually Exclusive separates the Output (physical) and Feedback states of the channel.

Ranges of channels can be assigned using two periods. The example below defines Relays 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 as being Mutually Exclusive.

Even if Relay 1 is pulsed, so it turns off after 1/2 second, the Feedback will still show that it is on, since it was the last active element in the Mutually Exclusive Group.


AMX Programmer I &II

Software History & Debugging

Software History & Debugging

Lesson Topics:

Software History Types of Errors Tracking Down Errors Resources For Debugging

Sofware History
Open Software History from the Tools menu.

This is now a Windows-based application inside NetLinx Studio that lists the firmware history and all of the functions of EVERY AMX product. Software History lists: Available Channels and their functionality Available Levels All SEND_COMMAND instructions, format, and functionality All SEND_STRING commands, format, and functionality Use this information to learn the functions available or protocol required for each AMX product.

AMX Programmer I & II


Software History & Debugging

Types of Errors
No programs are ever written without errors on the first try, and one of the most time-consuming parts of programming is debugging. There are three general types of programming errors: Compiler errors: Errors that occur at compile time. The compiler alerts you to these errors immediately and identifies each error and the line where it is located.

Messages sent from the compiler to alert you to a Syntax Error or a Definition Error

Syntax Errors occur when Keywords are misused or Statements have the wrong format Definition Errors occur when Identifiers are used within the program but have not been defined.

These errors must be corrected before the AMX program can be compiled. Compiler identifies each error and the line where it is located. Many errors occur due to typos.

Run-time errors: Errors that occur after the program has been compiled and loaded into the Central Controller. These errors are caused by program statements that attempt illegal operations. Logic errors: Logic errors are errors in program design and thus are the programmer's responsibility; Axcess cannot tell if the program it is executing is accomplishing what the user intends.


AMX Programmer I & II

Software History & Debugging

Tracking Down Errors

Compiler Errors When the compiler finds an error during the compilation process, it informs the programmer. Most of the time these errors occur due to a typographical error or incorrect syntax of a particular command. Unlike warnings, errors must be corrected before your program can be executed. Compilation errors are described below: Compiler Errors
A "<symbol>" was expected Active keyword expected Allowed only in DEFINE_START The compiler is expecting a certain symbol at this particular place. An ACTIVE keyword is not present after a SELECT keyword. A keyword that is only allowed to appear in the DEFINE_START section of the program was encountered elsewhere. A CALL statement refers to a subroutine that has not been defined with a DEFINE_CALL statement. A comment begins but never ends. Place a close comment, * ) at the end of the unfinished comment. There are too many nested #IF_DEFINED or #IF_NOT_DEFINED conditional compilation statements. The limit is 20 nested conditional compilation statements A constant value was declared as latching, toggling, or mutually exclusive, as shown below: DEFINE_CONSTANT PLAY = 1 DEFINE_LATCHING PLAY (* Error: PLAY is a constant *) DEFINE_CALL must have a name DEFINE_CALL name already used DEFINE_CALL must have a name after it. For example, DEFINE_CALL 'VHS'. The name of the DEFINE_CALL has already been used. This name cannot be the same as an already declared identifier of any type. In a range specification, the devices (or their defined identifiers) must be equal. For example, ([1,1]..[1,5]) is valid; ([1,1]..[2,5]) is not. Duplicate definitions of variables or constants are found. All variables and constants must have unique identifiers. The expression is too complicated. Try breaking it up into smaller pieces. The compiler is expecting an identifier after a #DEFINE statement or after an integer declaration in the DEFINE_VARIABLE section. A non-array variable was treated as an array. An INCLUDE statement was encountered, but the specified Include file could not be found. A string literal enclosed in single quotes must follow the INCLUDE keyword.

Attempted CALL to undefined subroutine Comment never ends, EOF encountered Conditional compile nesting too deep

Constant type not allowed

Device values must be equal

Duplicate symbol Evaluation stack overflow Evaluation stack underflow Identifier expected

Identifier is not an array type Include file not found Invalid Include file name

Compiler Errors (Cont.)

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Software History & Debugging

Library file not found Maximum string length exceeded Must be char array reference Must be integer reference

The library file containing the specified SYSTEM_CALL could not be found. String literals are limited in length to 132 characters, including spaces. An array type variable was expected in CREATE_BUFFER, CREATE_MULTI_BUFFER, or CLEAR_BUFFER. The identifier in question must be an integer. This error occurs when the third parameter of CREATE_LEVEL is an array or array element. This error means that the compiler cannot find the line number to even check what type of error has occurred, so it gives no details on the cause. If you get this non-descriptive error when compiling and the code contains modules, check to make sure the module parameters are the right type. If you're trying to pass in a one-dimension array where the module requires a two-dimension array, or a CHAR instead of an INTEGER, etc., this error will occur.

NetLinx Compiler failed RT: -2147417851 ST:1

Out of memory

The compiler has run out of memory. Free up memory either by removing any pop-up programs or drivers, by using extended memory, or by breaking your program into one or more Include files. A value or variable passed to a CALL as a parameter is of the wrong type as defined by the DEFINE_CALL statement. Move the PROGRAM_NAME= statement to the first line of the program. A PUSH or RELEASE statement was found within a block of code headed by a PUSH or RELEASE statement. These keywords are not allowed in a section of code which will be executed due to a WAIT keyword.

Parameter mismatch in CALL PROGRAM_NAME must be on line 1 PUSH/RELEASE not allowed within PUSH/ RELEASE PUSH/RELEASE not allowed within WAIT PUSH_CHANNEL not allowed within WAIT RELEASE_CHANNEL not allowed within WAIT PUSH_DEVICE not allowed within WAIT RELEASE_DEVICE not allowed within WAIT String constant expected

A string is required for the particular operation. This error occurs if a string literal enclosed in single quotes does not follow the PROGRAM_NAME keyword. A string literal is started but never ends. Add a closing single quotation mark (' ) to the end of the string. A string is required for the particular operation. This error would occur if a string literal enclosed in single quotes does not follow the #WARN keyword. A subroutine cannot call itself. It can, however, call a different subroutine. A syntax error is found in an expression. In most cases, this error means that a character is out of place or something is misspelled. This error occurs when a library file is compiled and the name of the subroutine in the library file does not match the PROGRAM_NAME string on the first line of the file. This error occurs when an attempt is made to use an array variable with DEFINE_LATCHING , DEFINE_TOGGLING, or DEFINE_MUTUALLY_EXCLUSIVE .

String constant never ends, EOF encountered String literal expected

Subroutine may not call itself Syntax error SYSTEM_CALL name not same as PROGRAM_NAME in <file> This variable type not allowed

Compiler Errors (Cont.)


AMX Programmer I & II

Software History & Debugging

To not allowed within DEFINE_START To not allowed within MAINLINE To not allowed within RELEASE To not allowed within WAIT Too few parameters in CALL Too many Include files Too many parameters in CALL Type mismatch in function CALL

These errors occur if the TO keyword is found in an erroneous location. The TO keyword can only be associated directly with a PUSH statement.

There are not enough parameters being passed to the subroutine. A program may only contain up to 20 Include files. There are too many parameters being passed to the subroutine. A function was called with a parameter of the wrong type. For instance, attempting to use ITOA with an array as a parameter will result in an error. An attempt was made to reference an identifier that has not been defined previously in the program. An #END_IF keyword was found, but no #IF_DEFINED or #IF_NOT_DEFINED was previously compiled. An invalid character was found during compilation. This error occurs if a SYSTEM_CALL statement is written incorrectly as SYSTEM_CALL 'NAME' [INSTANCE NUMBER]. Variables may not be assigned a value when they are defined in the DEFINE_VARIABLE section. A statement references a WAIT by a name that does not exist. For example, CANCEL_WAIT 'CASS' will produce this error if there is no WAIT named CASS.

Undefined identifier Unmatched #END_IF Unrecognized character in input file Use SYSTEM_CALL [INSTANCE] 'NAME'

Variable assignment not allowed here WAIT not found

AMX Programmer I & II


Software History & Debugging

Compiler Warnings Sometimes the compiler generates a warning message instead of an error message; these warning messages always start with "w". A warning about a particular statement means that the statement is not technically an error, but you should be careful doing it. Warnings, unlike errors, do not stop the program from compiling.

Some types of warnings can be disabled in the Compiler Options tab of the Preference dialog. Common compiler warnings are described below: Compiler Warnings
(w) Cannot assign unlike types This warning occurs when a variable or value of one type is assigned to a variable of a different type. Here are some examples: Assigning a string literal, string expression, or array to a non-array variable Assigning a non-array variable to an entire array Assigning an integer array to a non-integer array Assigning a two-dimensional array to a one-dimensional array, or vice versa Assigning the result of a function that returns an array type to a non-array variable or to a two-dimensional array variable (for example, X = ITOA(12), where X is a non-array variable or two-dimensional array variable) Assigning the result of a function that returns a non-array type to a one- or two-dimensional array variable (for example, X = ATOI('AMX'), where X is a one- or two-dimensional array variable) This message is a warning and not an error, because X = ITOA(12) works correctly when X is a simple variable, since the result is a single value between and 65,535. The generation of this warning can be turned on or off in the Compiler Options tab of the Preference dialog. (w) Define_Call is not used This warning occurs at the end of program compilation for each DEFINE_CALL subroutine that was declared but never used. The generation of this warning can be turned on or off in the Compiler Options tab of the Preference dialog This warning appears when the keyword INTEGER is applied to a non-array type of variable. Doing this is not an error, because non-array variables are already integers, but it is redundant. The generation of this warning can be turned on or off in the Compiler Options tab of the Preference dialog. This warning occurs if the compiler finds a LONG_WHILE or MEDIUM_WHILE inside a block of code following a WHILE keyword. This warning exists because the WHILE command has a 1/2 second timeout period, and the LONG_WHILE and MEDIUM_WHILE keywords do not. This could create a hard-to-find logic error. The solution is to change the WHILE to a LONG_WHILE to fix this problem. The generation of this warning can be turned on or off in the Compiler Options tab of the Preference dialog. This warning appears if there is a large amount of nesting in the program. This can happen with a long chain of IF...ELSE IF statements. The solution is to use the SELECT...ACTIVE set of statements. The generation of this warning can be turned on or off in the Compiler Options tab of the Preference dialog. This warning occurs at the end of compilation for each variable that was declared but never used. The generation of this warning can be turned on or off in the Compiler Options tab of the Preference dialog.

(w) Integer applies to arrays only

(w) Long_While within While

(w) Possibly too many nested levels

(w) Variable is not used


AMX Programmer I & II

Software History & Debugging

Internal Diagnostic Messages

The NetLinx Device Notifications functionality in NetLinx Studio v2.x allows you to receive several types of auto-notification messages from one or more specified NetLinx devices. Diagnostic Messages can be received provided that they are enabled ( FIG. 1)..

FIG. 1 NetLinx Compiler tab showing the Compile With Debug Info enabled.

After this is enabled go to the Diagnostic Menu and select Enable NetLinx Internal Diagnostic Messages (FIG. 2). The resulting notification messages are displayed in the Notifications tab of the Output Display window. The Notifications tab contains 13 columns. Each column represents a notification type (which are enabled/disabled in the NetLinx Notification Properties dialog). If a notification type is enabled, the word ON is displayed in the appropriate column. Initially, the only entry in the notifications list is All Devices, and the only notification enabled is Input.

FIG. 2 Diagnostics Menu

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Software History & Debugging

For more information on Using NetLinx Device Notification go to the NetLinx Diagnostics section of the NetLinx Studio instruction manual on

Logic Errors
Logic Errors or Functional Errors are mistakes in the operations of the system. Logic Errors can only be identified through testing the system.

The compiler cannot identify Logic Errors.

Logic Errors fall into two categories:

YOU never told the system to do something. YOU told the system to do the wrong thing.

Resources For Debugging

It would truly be a wonderful world if the code compiled and the system worked perfectly. Since we do not live in a perfect world, it is often necessary to determine why things don't operate as we intended. Debugging is done in one of three ways; watching the values of variables while running the program, writing strings and values to the terminal window as check points in the code, or watching the actual data being sent out of the control system's ports. NetLinx Diagnostics, Terminal, Telnet, and Debug are all AMX resources for debugging.

Using NetLinx Diagnostics

The Diagnostics menu contains options that allow you to run various diagnostics operations on NetLinx systems. The options in this menu are enabled only if the communications platform is set to NetLinx in the Communication Setting dialog. Viewing Push Results The PUSH keyword is used to find out if a channel has had an input change from off to on, such as when a button is pressed. If the channel has been turned on, the corresponding Push statement is activated. The operation or operations following this Push statement are only executed once after the channel is turned on.

To view Push results, select Diagnostics > Enable Push Message Status Bar Display.

NetLinx Studio displays the most recently received Push, or Push status (Push Enabled/Disabled) in the Status Bar. Left-mouse click on the push message displayed to view a history of push messages. Then, right-mouse click within the list box to view the available options. Using NetLinx Device Emulation Emulating a device in NetLinx Studio means that the program generates messages that appear to the master to have come from a specified <D:P:S> combination (real or fictitious).


AMX Programmer I & II

Software History & Debugging

The options in the Emulate a Device dialog allow you to specify the <D:P:S> combination for a device you want to emulate.

Use device emulation to simulate basic control of a specified NetLinx Master, including Channels (PUSH/RELEASE), Levels and String/Commands. Use this option to test specific areas in your Source Code against a specific device.

To use NetLinx Device Emulation: 1. 2. 3. Select Diagnostics > Emulate a Device (or click the toolbar button) to access the Emulate a Device dialog. Enter the Device, Port and System <D:P:S> combination of the device you wish to emulate (real or fictitious). The Device, Port and System value ranges are 0-65535. To emulate a channel (push/release), enter a valid Channel number to emulate Channel messages (i.e., Push/Release, CHON, and CHOFF ) for the specified <D:P:S> in the Channel text box. The Channel number range is 0-65535. Select the Push button to emulate a push/release on the channel specified. You may click and hold down the Push button to see how the master controller responds to the push message. Select the On or Off buttons to emulate Channel ON (CHON) and Channel OFF (CHOFF) messages for the specified <D:P:S>. 4. To emulate a level, enter the desired Level (number), Value and data Type (BYTE, CHAR, WIDECHAR, INTEGER, SINTEGER, ULONG, LONG, FLOAT, or DOUBLE), and click Send to emulate the specified level and value. The Level number range is 0-65535. The list below contains the valid level data types and their ranges:
Min Value CHAR INTEGER SINTEGER LONG SLONG FLOAT 0 0 -32768 0 -2147483648 -3.402823466e+38 Max Value 255 65535 32767 429497295 2147483647 3.402823466e+38


To emulate sending a String or Command, type a String or Command in the Message(s) To Send text box. Use the Return key within the text box to enter a new line for the next message.

Hold down the Shift key to select a specific range of lines to send to the controller instead of all the lines within the edit control.

AMX Programmer I & II


Software History & Debugging

a. Click the Message Type radio buttons (String or Command) to specify the type of message you are sending. b. Click Send To Master to send the messages in the Message(s) to Send text box to the master. If none of the messages are selected (highlighted), all messages are sent. If you have selected a line or a range of lines, only the selected messages will be sent 6. Check the Messaging Options checkboxes to Enable Asynchronous Notifications and/or Enable Internal Diagnostic Messages.

It is recommended that you enable NetLinx Notifications to view the results in the Notifications tab of the Output Display window. For example, in order to view a string sent to a device (via the Emulate Device dialog), you must first enable the Strings to Device notification (in the NetLinx Device Notifications Options dialog). Additionally, to view any strings returned from the device, you must enable the Strings From Device notification.


AMX Programmer I & II

Software History & Debugging

Using NetLinx Device Control Controlling a device in NetLinx Studio means that it will appear to a specified System device that messages are being sent from the NetLinx master controller. The options in the Control a Device dialog allow you to specify the <D:P:S> combination for the target device you want to control.

Use device control to simulate basic control of a specified NetLinx device, including Channels (PUSH/RELEASE), Levels and String/Commands. Use this option to test specific areas in your Source Code against a specific device. To use NetLinx Device Control: 1. 2. Select Diagnostics > Control a Device (or click the toolbar button) to access the Control a Device dialog. Enter the Device, Port and System <D:P:S> combination of the device you wish to control. The <D:P:S> value ranges are 0 - 65,535. 3. To emulate a channel (push/release), enter a valid Channel number to emulate Channel messages (i.e., Push/Release, CHON, and CHOFF) for the specified <D:P:S> in the Channel text box. The Channel number range is 0-65535. Select the Push button to emulate a push/release on the channel specified. You may click and hold down the Push button to see how the master controller responds to the push message. Select the On or Off buttons to emulate Channel ON (CHON) and Channel OFF (CHOFF) messages for the specified <D:P:S>. 4. To emulate a level, enter the desired Level (number), Value and data Type (BYTE, CHAR, WIDECHAR, INTEGER, SINTEGER, ULONG, LONG, FLOAT, or DOUBLE), and click Send to emulate the specified level and value. The Level number range is 0-65535. The list below contains the valid level data types and their ranges:
Min Value CHAR INTEGER SINTEGER LONG SLONG FLOAT 0 0 -32768 0 -2147483648 -3.402823466e+38 Max Value 255 65535 32767 429497295 2147483647 3.402823466e+38

AMX Programmer I & II


Software History & Debugging


To emulate sending a String or Command, type a String or Command in the Message(s) To Send text box. Use the Return key within the text box to enter a new line for the next message. When entering a send command (in the context of this dialog) do not include the "send c" or "send_command" in the statement - only type what would normally occur within the quotes, but don't include the quotes either. For example to send the "CALIBRATE" send command, simply type CALIBRATE (no quotes) rather than SEND_COMMAND <dev> "CALIBRATE".

Hold down the Shift key to select a specific range of lines to send to the controller instead of all the lines within the edit control.

a. Click the Message Type radio buttons (String or Command) to specify the type of message you are sending. b. Click Send To Master to send the messages in the Message(s) to Send text box to the master. If none of the messages are selected (highlighted), all messages are sent. If you have selected a line or a range of lines, only the selected messages will be sent. 6. Check the Messaging Options checkboxes to Enable Asynchronous Notifications and/or Enable Internal Diagnostic Messages.

It is recommended that you enable NetLinx Notifications to view the results in the Notifications tab of the Output Display window. For example, in order to view a string sent to a device (via the Emulate Device dialog), you must first enable the Strings to Device notification (in the NetLinx Device Notifications Options dialog). Additionally, to view any strings returned from the device, you must enable the Strings From Device notification.

Terminal Window
NetLinx Studio provides a terminal interface to NetLinx and Axcess devices that support an interactive terminal mode. The Terminal toolbar is enabled when the Terminal window is opened, with connect/disconnect commands and the (ASCII, Hex, and Decimal) display commands.

Using the Terminal Window Select Tools > Terminal (or click the toolbar button) to open the Terminal window. The Terminal window puts the Master Controller into dumb terminal mode. Anything that is typed on the screen exits through the Master communications port, and anything coming in from the communications port is displayed in the Terminal Emulator window. Use the Terminal window to communicate directly with the Master Controller and to debug RS-232-controlled devices. You cannot use the Terminal window while a communication port is in use for a file transfer or debug operation. Type "ECHO ON" in the Terminal window display messages. If the Terminal window becomes unresponsive, close and re-open the window.


AMX Programmer I & II

Software History & Debugging

To leave the Terminal window active for a long session, click the Terminal Locks the Port option in the General tab of the Preferences dialog. Use the Format tab of the Preferences dialog to change the appearance of the elements of the Terminal window. To use the Terminal window with NetLinx systems, you must be connected to the Master via the PROGRAM port. Otherwise, you can use Windows TelNet for terminal control of NetLinx systems. The Terminal Window does not support: Cut operations. Editing operations within the window, other than to input characters at the cursor. (The text in the terminal window actually reflects what has been received from the device. Text that is typed in the window will not appear unless echoing is currently enabled on the device).

You can also communicate with the NetLinx Master via Telnet using a TCP/IP connection. Both TelNet and the NetLinx Terminal offer the same commands. As with Axcess systems, the commands reside on the central controller not within th terminal program. The command set is different than the command set available to Axcess systems. In addition to device and system diagnostics, the NetLinx terminal commands also allow for the diagnostics and configuration of NetLinx systems on a network.

You can add TelNet to your Tools menu by: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Selecting Settings > Preferences to open the Preferences dialog. In the Tools tab, click the New button to create an empty text field in the Menu Contents list. Enter TelNet for the application. In the Command text box type "TelNet". Click Close to close the Preferences dialog. The new shortcut should appear at the bottom of the Tools menu.

AMX Programmer I & II


Software History & Debugging

Debugging Master and Source Code Files

NetLinx Studio contains several useful options for debugging your Master Controller and Source Code files. In order to begin debugging, your computer must be connected to a Master Controller, and you must have a compiled Source Code file active.
You cannot compile, send/receive files, or change port settings while the program is in debug mode.

To enter debug mode:

To use debugging, the Build With Source option must be selected in the Preferences dialog before the file is compiled.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Open and compile a Source Code file (that contains at least one variable), if you have not already done so. The file must be successfully compiled before you can enter debug mode. Choose Build > Debug to open the Watch window. If this option is disabled, make sure your Master Communications Port settings are set to connect to your Master Controller. Right-click inside the Watch window to open the Watch Window context menu. Click Add to insert a new variable in the Watch window. A box appears in the window, with a cursor blinking in the Name column. Type the syntax of the variable exactly as it is defined in the code and press the Enter key. The value of the specified variable appears next to the variable (in the Value column). You can select different view formats for the Value by right-clicking on the line containing the variable/value, and clicking on Display in the Watch window context menu. This opens the Display sub-menu.


AMX Programmer I & II


Lesson Topics:

Data Types Behavior Types Scope

A variable represents a place to store data that will change as the program is executed. Think of a variable as a container, nearly anything can be placed in it. For example, an integer variable can represent any number from 0 to 65,535. An integer variable cannot hold a negative number. If one variable is subtracted from another, the result will always be positive. If you subtract a larger number from a smaller number, the result wraps around at 65,535. For example, 10-20 = 65,525. VariableName = <expression>

NetLinx allows variables to be defined with more data types and data ranges. NetLinx can also define variables which hold larger numbers, negative numbers, and decimal numbers.
If you use too many Variables it can make your program very confusing, so use them wisely.

Heres an example of a DEFINE_VARIBLE setup:

DEFINE_VARIABLE INTEGER TEMP CHAR BUFFER[1] INTEGER CAM_PRESET[1] // Single variables // Array variables // Integers and variables

When the system is turned off, variables retain their values as long as there are working back up batteries. Resetting or initializing can be done manually in the DEFINE_VARIABLE section of the program.

AMX Programmer I & II



Data Types

Single byte values and character strings Default variable value to store values up to 65,535. Wide character strings dealing with Unicode fonts that use 16-bit character codes and also most Far-eastern fonts Signed integer values both greater than and less than zero Stores large integer values esp. greater than 65,535 Signed large integer values less than -32,767 and greater than 32,767

0 to 255 (8-bit) 'a', 145, $FE, 'The quick gray fox' 0 to 65,535 (16-bit) 0 to 65,535 (16-bit) "'OFF',500" -32,767 to 32,767 (16-bit) 0 to 4,294,967,295 (32-bit) -2,147,483,647 to 2,147,483,647 (32-bit)

Stores signed floating point numbers to 7 places 1.17E-38 to 3.40E38 with7 digits of preciof precision sion (32-bit) Stores signed large floating point numbers to 16 2.22E-308 to 1.79E308with 16 digits of places of precision precision (64-bit)

Behavior Types
The role of the DEFINE_VARIABLE section is enhanced for NetLinx. The structure of a variable definition is:
[NON_VOLATILE|VOLATILE][CONSTANT][<type>]<variable name> [= <value>]

The NON_VOLATILE and VOLATILE keywords specify what happens to a variable when the program is downloaded or after a system reset. NON_VOLATILE variables (the default) lose their values when the program is downloaded, but retain their values when the system resets. VOLATILE variables lose their values when the system is loaded and after system resets. If you initialize a VOLATILE variable in the DEFINE_VARIABLE section, the value of the variable is set every time the code is loaded or after a system reset. The variable initializes like it would in the DEFINE_START section. If you initialize a NON_VOLATILE variable within the DEFINE_VARIABLE section, the variable only initializes when the system is loaded, and it retains any changed values after system resets.

Variables can now be defined as constant variables. Since the DEFINE_CONSTANT section does not allow you to explicitly declare a constant's data type, using the CONSTANT keyword allows you to explicitly declare the data type of a constant, and to define constant values for structures and arrays of structures.


AMX Programmer I & II


Persistent variables are NetLinx program variables that maintain their value between updates to the NetLinx program. The user can define a variable to be persistent using the PERSISTENT storage modifier as show below:

All persistent variables are automatically non-volatile. It is not legal to define a variable as VOLATILE and PERSISTENT. Non-volatile variables: A variable declared with the NON_VOLATILE keyword is stored in non-volatile memory. It will retain its value in the event of a system powerdown, but is reset to zero if the program is reloaded. Unless specified otherwise, all variables are stored in non-volatile memory. Volatile variables: A variable declared with the VOLATILE keyword is stored in volatile memory and reset to zero after either power-down or reload. Volatile memory is generally faster and more plentiful than non-volatile memory. For this reason, you should use the VOLATILE keyword when declaring large data arrays where persistence of the data is not a requirement. Persistent variables: If a variable is declared with the PERSISTENT keyword, it is initialized to zero the first time the program is loaded but will retain its value after either power-down or reload. If the data type is omitted from the variable definition, the following defaults are assumed: Single variables are INTEGER type Arrays are CHAR type When a NetLinx program has a persistent variable declared, subsequent downloads of new NetLinx programs containing the same persistent variable will retain the variable settings. By default, nonpersistent variables are set to zero after a NetLinx program download. Persistence overrides this behavior by setting the variable in the newly downloaded program to be the same as it was before the download.

Typically, persistent variables are used for saving preset information. Suppose you have a system that contains several PosiTrack camera positioning systems, and that the user interface to the system allows the user to set the position of any of the cameras and record that position for recalling later. The position presets are stored in a non-volatile array variable so they are maintained during a power cycle. Without persistent variables, an update to the NetLinx program would zero out all of the presets the user had stored. With persistent variables, the new NetLinx program can be downloaded and all of the presets remain intact.

When a new NetLinx program is downloaded to the Master, the Master iterates through all nonvolatile variables from the new program looking for persistent ones. When it finds a persistent variable in the new program, it searches the old programs persistent variable space for the same variable. When it finds the same variable, the value of the new variable is set to the same value as the old variable. The Master identifies the same variable by verifying the following:

AMX Programmer I & II



Variable name Variable source location Variable type Therefore, in order for persistence to function properly the name, type, and file location declared must be the same as the previously downloaded NetLinx program. If you changed any of the three, the new persistent variable will not be set with the old variable's value.

Any variable may also be assigned the attribute CONSTANT. This declares a variable to be immutable (cannot change at run-time). The variable must be initialized as part of its declaration if this keyword is used.


AMX Programmer I & II


Scope is a term used in reference to program variables that describe where in the program they can be accessed. There are two types: Local scope: a variable can only be accessed in the subroutine or method that it is declared. (NetLinx only) Global scope: a variable can be accessed anywhere in the program. Scope differentiates the two basic classes of NetLinx variables: Local variable: a variable declared within a subroutine, event, or function whose scope is limited to that subroutine or function. Global variable: a variable declared in the DEFINE_VARIABLE section; its scope extends throughout the module in which it is declared.

Local Variables
Local variables are restricted in scope to the statement block in which they are declared. A statement block is one or more NetLinx statements enclosed in a pair of braces, like the blocks following subroutines, functions, conditionals, loops, waits, and so on. Local variables must be declared immediately after the opening brace of a block but before the first executable statement. To provide compatibility with the Axcess language, local variables may be declared right before the opening brace for DEFINE_CALL declarations only. For example, both formats shown below are legal in the NetLinx language:
DEFINE_CALL 'My Subroutine' (INTEGER INT1) LOCAL_VAR INTEGER INT2 { (* body of subroutine *) } DEFINE_CALL 'My Subroutine' (INTEGER INT1) { LOCAL_VAR INTEGER INT2 (* body of subroutine *) }

AMX Programmer I & II



The scope of a local variable is restricted to the statement block in which it is declared. A local variable is either static or non-static, depending on whether it is declared as LOCAL_VAR or STACK_VAR:
A static variable maintains its value throughout the execution of the program, regardless of whether it is within scope of the current program instruction.

The keyword LOCAL_VAR specifies a variable that is static. A static variable's value is initialized the first time the statement block in which it is declared is executed and retained after execution of the statement block has finished. The STACK_VAR keyword specifies a variable that is non-static. A non-static variable's value is re-initialized every time the statement block in which it is declared is executed. If neither the LOCAL_VAR nor the STACK_VAR keyword is specified, LOCAL_VAR is assumed.
BUTTON_EVENT [TP,1] { PUSH: { LOCAL_VAR INTEGER INT2 STACK_VAR CHAR ARRAY1[10] // statements } // static (permanent) // non-static (temporary)

} LOCAL_VAR and STACK_VAR can be used interchangeably in any statement block except for waits. Only LOCAL_VAR variables may be declared inside a wait block.
DATA_EVENT { STRING: { LOCAL_VAR CHAR TempBuf[80] // statements } } When using the debug tool, you must use LOCAL_VAR to be "seen" in the debug display. (STACK_VARs are not displayed in debug.)


AMX Programmer I & II


A name assigned to a local variable must be unique within the statement block in which it is declared and any statement block enclosing that block. Therefore, non-nested statement blocks can define the same local variable name without conflict. For example:
Define_function integer MyFunc(INTEGER nFlag) { LOCAL_VAR INTEGER n IF (nFlag > 0) { LOCAL_VAR INTEGER n . . } . . } Define_function integer MyFunc(INTEGER nFlag) { LOCAL_VAR INTEGER n IF (nFlag > 0) { . . } else { LOCAL_VAR INTEGER n// legal declaration } } // illegal declaration

The general form of a static local variable declaration is:

[LOCAL_VAR] [VOLATILE | PERSISTENT] [CONSTANT] [<type>] name [= <value>]

The general form of the non-static local variable declaration is:

[STACK_VAR] [<type>] name [= <value>]

Since non-static local variables are allocated on the program stack (a block of memory reserved for allocation of temporary variables), the keywords VOLATILE, PERSISTENT, and CONSTANT do not apply.

AMX Programmer I & II



Global variables
Global variables are defined in the DEFINE_VARIABLE section of any program module. For example:
DEFINE_VARIABLE CONSTANT INTEGER MAXLEN = 64 CHAR STR[MAXLEN] = 'No errors were found.' INTEGER ARRAY[ ] = {100, 200, 300}

A global variable is accessible throughout the module or program in which it is defined. Global variables retain their value for as long as the program runs. They may retain their value after powering down or reloading the system depending on the variable's persistence attributes (VOLATILE and PERSISTENT).

Modules are re-usable NetLinx sub-programs that can be inserted into the main program. The main program is also a module. Refer to the NetLinx Modules section for information on program modules.

If a local variable shares the same name as a global variable, the local variable always takes precedence. The general form of a global variable definition is:
[NON_VOLATILE | VOLATILE | PERSISTENT] [CONSTANT] [<type>] name [= <value>]


AMX Programmer I & II


Code Examples:
These examples illustrate non-volatile applications for presets at startup, and tracking whether or not new code has been loaded. Non-Volatile Variables that remember their value through a system power cycle but lose it on a new code download. Possible applications: Current A/V Source Selected Current TV/DSS channel selected Device States (Screen Up or Down, etc.) Example 1: DEFINE_VARIABLE NON_VOLATILE INTEGER nCUR_PRESET DEFINE_START SEND_COMMAND dvTUNER,'SET MODE IR' SEND_COMMAND dvTUNER,'CARON' SEND_COMMAND dvTUNER,"'CH',TV[nCUR_PRESET].CH"



AMX Programmer I & II




AMX Programmer I & II


Lesson Topics:

Naming Waits Types of Waits Nesting Waits Pausing/ Restarting Waits Canceling Waits

Wait instructions allow delayed execution of one or more program statements. When a wait statement is executed, it is added to a list of currently active wait requests and the program continues running.

All variables inside the wait are evaluated at the time the wait is executed, not when it is added to the stack.

Naming Waits
Supplying a unique name (in string literal form) to the wait statement allows the wait to be identified for purposes of canceling, pausing, or restarting the wait request. The name must not conflict with previously defined constants, variables, buffers, subroutines, or functions. Unlike other NetLinx identifiers, wait names may contain spaces.

If a wait instruction that uses a name currently in the wait list is encountered, the new wait instruction is thrown away so as not to conflict with the one currently in progress. If this feature is not desired, the current wait must be canceled before processing the new request. For information, refer to the Canceling Waits sub-section below.

Types of Waits
Types of Wait statements include: Timed Waits have an associated parameter that indicates an amount of time that must elapse before the associated wait instruction(s) are to be executed. Conditional Waits require that a specified condition be met before the instructions are executed. Timed Conditional Waits have a timeout parameter; if the condition is not met before the specified time elapses, the wait request is canceled.

AMX Programmer I & II



Types of Waits
Timed waits The syntax for Timed Waits is:

WAIT time ['<name>'] { (* wait statements *) }

Parameters: time: A constant or variable indicating the wait time. Time is expressed in 1/10th second units. The statement below specifies a wait time of 5 seconds for the wait named FIRST WAIT. This parameter should not be confused with the keyword TIME. name: The name to assign to the wait. This name must be a literal string. The wait name is optional, although unless a wait is named it cannot be individually canceled, paused, or restarted. If greater precision is required, the time parameter can be expressed as a decimal fraction, for example 0.1 to specify a wait time of 1/100th of a second. The range is from 0.1 to 0.9. (Used in NetLinx only.)

WAIT 50 'FIRST WAIT' { (* wait statements *) }

Conditional waits WAIT_UNTIL is a conditional Wait request. The WAIT_UNTIL syntax is:

WAIT_UNTIL <condition> ['<name>'] { (* wait statements *) }

Parameters: <condition>: Any single or compound expression that can be evaluated as a logical expression. The Wait statements are executed if and when the wait condition becomes True. <name>: The name to assign to the Wait. This name must be a literal string. The Wait name is optional, although unless a Wait is named it cannot be individually canceled, paused, or restarted. Timed conditional waits TIMED_WAIT_UNTIL is a timed conditional Wait request. The syntax is:

TIMED_WAIT_UNTIL <condition> timeout ['<name>'] { (* wait statements *) }

Parameters: <condition>: Any single or compound expression that can be evaluated as a logical expression. The Wait statements are executed if and when the Wait condition becomes true. timeout: A constant or variable indicating the timeout value in 1/10th seconds. If the Wait condition is not met within the time indicated by this parameter, the Wait is canceled, in which case no wait statements are executed. name: The name to assign to the Wait. This name must be a literal string. The Wait name is optional, although unless a Wait is named it cannot be individually canceled, paused, or restarted.


AMX Programmer I & II


Nesting Waits
The wait time for a nested wait is the sum of its own wait time, plus that of the enclosing waits. In the example below, SECOND WAIT occurs 0.5 seconds after FIRST WAIT is executed, or 1.5 seconds after FIRST WAIT is added to the wait list.
WAIT 10 'FIRST WAIT' { (* FIRST WAIT statements *) WAIT 5 'SECOND WAIT' { (* SECOND WAIT statements *) } }

To execute the inner wait of a nested conditional wait, the conditions must be met in the order specified (condition 1, then condition 2) but not necessarily at the same time.
WAIT_UNTIL <condition 1> 'FIRST WAIT' { (* FIRST WAIT statements *) WAIT_UNTIL <condition 2> 'SECOND WAIT' { (* SECOND WAIT statements *) } }

Pausing and Restarting Waits

The following commands relate to pausing and restarting waits. Pausing and Restarting Waits
PAUSE_WAIT PAUSE_WAIT puts a scheduled wait on hold. The wait being paused is identified by the parameter name. The wait timer stops counting down until it is resumed with a RESTART_WAIT command. Here's a syntax sample:

PAUSE_WAIT '<name>'
RESTART_WAIT RESTART_WAIT resumes the countdown for a wait suspended with PAUSE_WAIT. The wait to be restarted is identified by the parameter name.

PAUSE_ALL_WAIT & RESTART_ALL_WAIT PAUSE_ALL_WAIT and RESTART_ALL_WAIT commands are used to pause or restart all scheduled waits, regardless of whether or not they are named. They have no parameters.


AMX Programmer I & II



Canceling Waits
Canceling Waits
CANCEL_WAIT / CANCEL_WAIT_UNTIL CANCEL_WAIT and CANCEL_WAIT_UNTIL remove the wait specified by name from the appropriate wait list. The syntax is:


CANCEL_ALL_WAIT / CANCEL_ALL_WAIT and CANCEL_ALL_WAIT_UNTIL cancel all waits (named CANCEL_ALL_WAIT_UNTIL or unnamed) from the appropriate wait list. The syntax is:


Using Waits - Limitations

References to STACK_VAR variables are not allowed within waits (STACK_VAR are temporary variables that cease to exist when the block in which they are declared is exited). Variable copies are made of functions and subroutine parameters. This can have speed/ execution penalties. A RETURN is not allowed within a WAIT within functions and subroutines. A BREAK or CONTINUE cannot appear within a WAIT if it takes execution out of the scope of the WAIT. The code within a WAIT cannot reference a function or subroutine array parameter whose bounds are unspecified.


AMX Programmer I & II


Code Examples:
A very simple example of WAIT.
BUTTON_EVENT [TP,34] { PUSH: { IF(![VCR,PWR_FLAG]) { PULSE [VCR,PWR] WAIT 50 { PULSE [VCR,1] } } ELSE { PULSE [VCR,1] } } } This example illustrates Nested Waits-each wait uses a small independent value rather than summing all the previous values together. Example: - Nested WAIT



AMX Programmer I & II




AMX Programmer I & II


Lesson Topics

IF Statement IF...ELSE Statement SELECT...ACTIVE Statement SWITCH...CASE Statement

Conditional Expressions
A conditional expression is used to tell the AMX program whether or not to execute a particular statement or group of statements. The program uses conditional expressions to judge certain conditions before continuing.

A conditional expression can have one of two results: true or false. Any non-zero value is true, while a zero value is false. When the AMX Program evaluates a conditional expression, it assigns a 1 for a true result, and a for a false result.

IF Statement
The most common conditional expression in an AMX program is the IF keyword. Every IF statement must be followed by a conditional expression enclosed in parentheses. This provides the beginning of a conditional execution of statements, as shown in this example:

IF (conditional expression) { (Statement 1) }

If the conditional expression is true, the program executes Statement 1 and continues with whatever statements follow. If the conditional expression is false, Statement 1 is ignored. If Statement 1 is a compound statement, it must be enclosed in braces.

AMX Programmer I & II



IF...ELSE Statement
If the conditional expression is false, the program executes a function independent of the True conditional expression.

For Example:
IF (conditonal expression) { (*Statement 1*) } ELSE { (*Statement 2*) }

If the conditional statement is true, then Statement 1 is executed and Statement 2, underneath the ELSE statement, is ignored. If the conditional statement is false, then Statement 2 is executed. Statement 1 is automatically ignored if the expression is false.


AMX Programmer I & II


Nesting IF...ELSE Statements

Nesting IF...ELSE statements allows an essentially unlimited number of paths. The program stops at the first true conditional expression and executes the following statement. After completion, it goes on to the rest of the program. For example:


AMX Programmer I & II



A last ELSE statement can be placed at the end as a default statement. Then, if the program does not find a true IF statement, it executes the final ELSE statement. This last ELSE statement is not necessary.
If too many IF...ELSE IF statements are chained together, a run-time error could occur.

The SELECT...ACTIVE Statement

The SELECT...ACTIVE statement makes IF...ELSE IF nesting easier, by allowing placement of several branches from one path.

This is the format:


} Each one of the conditional expressions is evaluated in order, until one is found to be true. The statements associated with the true expression are then executed, and the path flows to the statements following the closing brace. Using SELECT...ACTIVE is preferable to using multiple IF...ELSE IF statements since it uses less memory, and runs faster.

When using the IF...ELSE set of statements, the code following the ELSE is the default statement. If the condition of the IF is false, then the default statement following the ELSE is executed. If none of the conditions in a SELECT...ACTIVE statement are true, no code of any ACTIVE statement will be executed, since SELECT...ACTIVE has no default statement.


AMX Programmer I & II


The following example shows how to create your own default statement for a SELECT...ACTIVE.


Here, the last ACTIVE will always be true, and will execute only if all of the conditions of the previous ACTIVES are false. This makes the last ACTIVE's statement the default statement.

AMX Programmer I & II



The SWITCHCASE statement provides a programming structure for selective execution of code blocks based on the evaluation of a single condition. The value of the SWITCH expression is tested against each CASE value (numeric constant or string literal). If a match is found, the statements associated with the CASE are executed. All other CASE statements are ignored. If no match is found, the DEFAULT case statements (if any) are executed. The SWITCH expression is evaluated only once.
SWITCH (<expression>) { CASE <numeric constant or string literal>: { (* statements for case 1 *) } CASE <numeric constant or string literal>: { (* statements for case 2 *) } CASE <numeric constant or string literal>: { (* statements for case n *) } DEFAULT: { (* statements for the default case *) } }


AMX Programmer I & II


Regarding SWITCH...CASE statements: Only the statements associated with the first case that matches the value of the expression are executed. If no CASE matches the SWITCH expression, then the statements under the default case (if available) are executed. All cases must be unique. Braces should be used to bracket the statements in a case. They are required only if variables are to be declared within the case. The BREAK statement applies to the SWITCH. It takes execution to the end of the SWITCH. Unlike the C language, cases do not fall through to the next case if a break is not used. BREAKs are recommended between cases. The syntax is:
SWITCH (var) { CASE 1: { (*statements go here*) BREAK } CASE 3: { (*statements go here*) BREAK } CASE 5: { (*statements go here*) BREAK } DEFAULT: { (*statements go here*) BREAK } }

AMX Programmer I & II



More Conditional Operators

The previously discussed IF and IF...ELSE statements could only base the program flow on one condition. However, you can combine two of these conditions with a conditional (or relational) operator. The conditional operator sets the conditions for the end result.

The conditional operators used in the AMX Control System are AND, OR, XOR, and NOT.

If the end result of the conditional expression is true, the program continues with Statement 1. If the end result is false, the program ignores Statement 1.

Reading a Boolean Expression Table

In most conditional expressions, the possible conditions of two statements are analyzed to achieve one result. These results can be visualized using Boolean expression tables, as shown in FIG. 1.

FIG. 1 Pictorial explanation of the Boolean expression table for the operator AND.

Boolean Expressions / Operators and Conditional Expressions / Operators are one in the same.

The following text formula can also be followed to find that result:
If <STATEMENT 1> is <its condition (true or false)> <Boolean operator> <STATEMENT 2> is <its condition>, then the result of the expression is <result of statement conditions>.

The result is found by basing the conditions of the statements against specific rules set by the Boolean operator:
AND Both statements must be true for the result to be true. OR At least one of the conditions must be true for the result to be true. XOR Only one statement can be true for the result to be true. NOT If the statement is true, the result is false. On the contrary, if the condition is false, the result is true. This expression uses only one statement.

For example, assume that it has been previously defined that NUM1 = 5 and NUM2 = 3. Insert the variables from the example into the text formula:
If NUM1 = 5 is true and NUM2 = 4 is false, then the result of the expression is false.


AMX Programmer I & II


The statement would have been true if NUM2 had been equal to 3, because in an AND expression both statements must be true as shown in FIG. 2.

FIG. 2 An example of how a Boolean expression table is used to compare multiple conditions.

The Boolean expression tables in FIG. 3 are a quick reference guide for the result of a conditional expression.

FIG. 3 Sample Boolean truth table results

AMX Programmer I & II



Code Examples:
If(a = 1) { DO DOMETHING AND SKIP THE RESTOTHERWISE } Else If(a = 2) { DO SOMETHING ELSE } Else { DO THIS IF THE OTHER CONDITIONS ARE NOT TRUE } Select { Active(a = 1): { Just like the IF above } Active(a = 2): { Just like the IF ELSE above } Active(1): { Just like the Else Above } } //Check this if the first condition is false, and if this is true // If this is true


AMX Programmer I & II

System Calls

System Calls
Lesson Topics:

Resource Documents Instancing of SYSTEM_CALLS Button Parameters Time Outs FIRST Parameter

SYSTEM_CALLs are used to simplify programming by using known proven blocks of code. They provide access to pre-developed programming solutions and tools without rewriting. AMX has written a number of SYSTEM_CALLs to handle many of the most common programming requirements in AMX Control Systems. These SYSTEM_CALLs are divided into several categories including VCRs, switchers, video projectors, and others. SYSTEM_CALLs follow a standard naming convention, and the SYSTEM_CALLs in each group take the same parameters.

The purpose of SYSTEM_CALLs is to maintain a consistent look and feel for the control panels, regardless of how the deck behaves from its own remote control. For example, when some VCRs are in the pause mode, pressing Pause again will cause the deck to play, whereas on other VCRs, pressing Pause again does nothing. However, when using a VCR SYSTEM_CALL, pressing Pause on the control panel while the deck is in pause mode will always cause the deck to play. This is because the different VCR SYSTEM_CALLs were written to take into account the behaviors of different VCRs. Therefore, no matter what type or model of equipment is being used, the behavior of the buttons on the control panel will not change.
VCR2 - does not have discrete searches sends PLAY (or REC) to exit pause VCR2_REW_TO_STOP = 1800 (3 min) VCR2_SREV_TO_STOP = 12000 (20 min) VCR2_PAUSE_TO_STOP = 6000 (10 min) VCR2_PULSE_DELAY = 3 (0.3 sec) VCR2_DEFEAT_FEEDBACK = OFF

SYSTEM_CALL [1] 'VCR2' (VCR,TP,51,52,53,54,55,0,0,0,0)

Source Code of a System Call is NOT included on compile.

AMX Programmer I & II


System Calls

Resource Documents
AMX has pre-written SYSTEM_CALLS to handle common programming requirements stored in a shared directory. These files are installed during the installation of the Control Disc. The text files to view the descriptions of these SYSTEM_CALLS are: Newcalls.DOC Camcalls.TXT All SYSTEM_CALLS are also available in the Inconcert section of See Axcess or NetLinx Keyword Help for usage details.

Advanced topics on SYSTEM_CALLS

SYSTEM_CALLs are used to simplify programming by using known proven blocks of code. They provide access to pre-developed programming solutions and tools without rewriting. You can also include files to share pre-written code between multiple programs

These files have the DOS extension .LIB (library file) Must contain a DEFINE_CALL subroutine with same PROGRAM_NAME on the first line

AMX has pre written SYSTEM_CALLS to handle common programming requirements

Newcalls.txt Camcalls.txt


AMX Programmer I & II

System Calls

Instancing of SYSTEM_CALLS
A SYSTEM_CALL can be referenced more than one time in a program. For example, in a system with multiple projectors of the same model a programmer might use the same SYSTEM_CALL to control each projector. To avoid conflicts between Variables as WAITs in the SYSTEM_CALLs, the multiple references must be uniquely identified.

In this example, make a new library file that has WAIT statements in its subroutine. Here is a listing:

This subroutine takes three parameters. The purpose of the subroutine is to send the two strings to the device specified in the parameter variable CARD, with a delay of 2 seconds between sends.

The following line will send the string 'AMX', followed 2 seconds later by the string 'Axcess' to SWT, defined as card 3:

This code compiles and works fine. The following code and related paragraphs describe the effect of adding another SYSTEM_CALL to the program:

The string 'Axcess' is never sent to card SWT1. This is because the STR2 parameter variable in the subroutine is overwritten by the second SYSTEM_CALL before the WAIT comes due. This is the problem with using WAITS in SYSTEM_CALL subroutines. The solution is to use an instance number to force the compiler to compile two separate copies of the subroutine. Here is an example of the same SYSTEM_CALLs using instance numbers:

The number in the brackets is the instance number. The instance number tells the compiler to compile multiple copies of the routine, and have the different SYSTEM_CALLs each call a separate copy. The compiler does this by using the instance number to modify the actual name of the DEFINE_CALL before compiling it. When compiling a library file called with an instance number, the program converts the number to ASCII and appends it to the DEFINE_CALL name, as shown in FIG. 1 on the next page.

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System Calls

Main Program

Library File

FIG. 1 How the DEFINE_CALL name in the library file is modified using the instance number

The process of converting the instance number to ASCII and appending it to the DEFINE_CALL name is called name mangling. When an instance number is used in a SYSTEM_CALL, the program mangles the names of the DEFINE_CALL and any WAITs, WAIT_UNTILS, and variables inside the subroutine. When the SYSTEM_CALL subroutine SEND is called with an instance number of 1, a call to SEND1 is generated. Then it compiles the library file, adding a 1 to the end of the DEFINE_CALL name and the WAIT name. For example, if a SYSTEM_CALL were made with the instance number equal to 1, the DEFINE_CALL would be named 'SEND1', and the WAIT would be named 'SS WAIT1'.

All SYSTEM_CALLS using the same instance number call the same copy of the library file. For example:
SYSTEM_CALL [1] 'SEND' (SWT1,'HOW','FEE') SYSTEM_CALL [2] 'SEND' (SWT2,'DO','FI') SYSTEM_CALL [2] 'SEND' (SWT2,'YOU','FO') \ SYSTEM_CALL [3] 'SEND' (SWT3,'DO','FUM') //calls copy 1 //calls copy 2 //calls copy 2 //calls copy 3

For example, if there is a DEFINE_CALL SEND1 in your program, and you attempt the following line of code:

After name mangling, this generates a call to SEND1, which will actually call the subroutine SEND1 in the program file, not the library file. In fact, since the call to SEND1 is resolved (that is, a subroutine SEND1 was found) the library file is never compiled. However, if the instance number was 2, the SEND1 subroutine would not be called, and the SEND library file would be compiled with the names mangled using the character 2.


AMX Programmer I & II

System Calls

Button Parameters
For all of the button parameters (parameters ending with a B, such as PLAYB) simply pass the button number of the panel that should activate that function. If a particular button does not exist, pass a 0 in its place. For example, a VCR may be controlled by only five buttons. If the FFWD button is pressed, the call will see if there is a SFWD button. If there is, then the deck will send the FFWD command. If there is not a SFWD button, the call will see if it is in PLAY or not to determine if it should send the FFWD or the SFWD command. All decks with transport controls will work similarly. The SLD calls work like this too; pass a 0 for POFFB if a single power button exists, and a 0 in FOUTB if only one alternating focus button exists.

Time Outs
Several transport system calls have built-in timeouts (VCR1_PAUSE_TO_STOP, etc.) that stop the deck in various conditions. If you do not want the deck to timeout and stop, then override the default and set the timeout value to 0. The maximum value for any timeout is 65535 or about 109 minutes.

Example of a timeout: Cassette decks controlled by system call CAS1 to go to a stop condition after pausing for 10 minutes, and this is not desired in a particular application. In the actual system call is the following statement: CAS1_PAUSE_TO_STOP=6000

(*Note* 10 minutes = 6000 for AMX programming purposes, as 1/10 second = 1). The following needs to be defined in the DEFINE_CONSTANT area of the program which is being written: CAS1_PAUSE_TO_STOP=0

This overrides the information contained within the system call.

FIRST Parameter
The FIRST parameter is used as an offset for transport calls. For example, if PLAY is located in position 4 instead of position 1, then pass 4 in the FIRST position. If no offset is needed, pass 0. Even if PLAY is in a different position, the order of the functions must be maintained (STOP=5, PAUSE=6, FFWD=7, etc.) for the calls to work. If the feedback channels need to be moved, then pass the desired first channel in the high byte of FIRST. If PLAY_FB is not needed at 241 but at 109, then pass 109*$100 in the FIRST position. The multiplication by $100 shifts the offset into the high byte. Example: Say you are using an IR controlled receiver that has controls for both a CD player and a cassette deck. The CD controls are in the standard positions, but the cassette controls begin at position 43. The following two lines of AMX code could be used in this situation:
SYSTEM_CALL 'CDP2' (RECEIVER,TP,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,0) //CD SYSTEM_CALL 'CAS3' (RECEIVER,TP,21,22,23,24,25,0,231*$100+43) //CAS

AMX Programmer I & II


System Calls

The CD call works normally; the 0 in the FIRST position does not change any defaults (actually, sending 241*$100+1 in the FIRST position achieves the same thing). The CAS call changes the offsets so PLAY is in the correct position (in this case 43) and moves the feedback to start at channel 231. This will let the status of both devices to be kept on the same card! This system call feature will work on every other control card/device AMX makes.

For screen calls, the FIRST parameter controls the screen run time. If you need the screen to run for 10 seconds, set the FIRST parameter to 10. (NOTE: this parameter is interpreted as seconds, not 1/ 10's of a second). You can specify different UP and DOWN times by setting the low byte of FIRST to the down time and the high byte of FIRST to the up time. For example, say you have a screen which needs the relay held for 10 seconds to travel down fully and 15 seconds for the screen to travel up fully. You would specify the FIRST parameter to the screen call as: 15*$100+10.

If the FIRST parameter is 0, the default time is 1/2 second, a standard PULSE time.

SYSTEM_CALL Subroutines
A SYSTEM_CALL subroutine is a special type of DEFINE_CALL subroutine that is defined in a separate program file called a LIB file with a PROGRAM_NAME entry matching the subroutine name.
PROGRAM_NAME = 'COSX' DEFINE_CALL 'COSX' (FLOAT X) { //body of subroutine }

To invoke a system call, use the SYSTEM_CALL keyword followed by the name in single quotes and any calling parameters, as shown below:

System calls are resolved automatically at compile time without requiring an INCLUDE instruction to include the system call source file.

For special cases where multiple copies of a system call are needed, an instance number can be specified in the call. The compiler will compile a separate copy of the subroutine for each system call instance number. For example, the following commands force the compiler to include two separate copies of COSX:

This technique could be useful in cases where a system call contains a wait instruction that would cause a conflict when multiple calls to the same subroutine were made during a single wait period.


AMX Programmer I & II

System Calls

Function Subroutines
A function is similar to a DEFINE_CALL, but is intended for use either standalone or in-line as an expression. Instead of requiring a string literal for its name, it requires a name that follows the rules for naming constants and variables. This eliminates the need for using the CALL keyword to invoke the subroutine. DEFINE_FUNCTION subroutines also differ from DEFINE_CALL by allowing values to be returned using the RETURN statement (see below).
The return type may only be one of the 8 intrinsic types (see Data Types). Strings, arrays, structures, classes, and other user-defined types may not be returned.

The general form of a DEFINE_FUNCTION declaration is shown below:

DEFINE_FUNCTION [<return type>] FnName ([Param1,Param2,...]) { //statements }

In syntax with a ([ ]), the ( ) are NOT OPTIONAL but [ ] are optional.

An example of a DEFINE_FUNCTION declaration is:

DEFINE_FUNCTION INTEGER ReadBuffer(CHAR Buffer[ ], INTEGER BufSize) { INTEGER nBytes = 0 //function statements RETURN nBytes }

AMX Programmer I & II


System Calls

The DEFINE_FUNCTION subroutine can be called as a single programming statement. For example, the following syntax:

can be used in an assignment statement such as:

Count = ReadBuffer(Buffer,BufSize)

or as part of an expression such as:

IF (ReadBuffer(Buffer,BufSize) > 0) { //statements }

The rules pertaining to calling parameters are the same for DEFINE_FUNCTION as they are for DEFINE_CALL subroutines. The parameter list must appear in parentheses to the right of the function name. If the function has no calling parameters a set of parentheses must still be included. For example:
MyFunc() // calling a function with no parameters

The return type may be omitted, as an alternate way of defining a subroutine. In this case the function cannot be used as part of an expression or in an assignment statement.
DEFINE_FUNCTION also allows the use of the RETURN keyword that serves two purposes:

To return prematurely from a function. To return a value from a function.

The format of the return statement is:

RETURN [<return value>]

If a return statement is encountered anywhere in the function, execution of the function is terminated immediately and the value (if any) specified as the <return value> is returned to the caller.

A function that returns a value through the RETURN keyword must be declared with a return type. Conversely, a function that is declared without a return type cannot return a value.
The return type may only be one of the 8 intrinsic types (see Data Types). Structures and other user-defined types may not be returned.


AMX Programmer I & II

System Calls

In the example below, GetBufferSize returns an unsigned 16-bit integer, BufSize. The return type is indicated before the DEFINE_FUNCTION keyword.

To call this function and to retrieve the RETURN value, use the following syntax:
BufSize = GetBufferSize()

where BufSize is declared to be of type INTEGER.

Even if a function returns a value, it is not necessary to assign the return value to a variable. Both forms of the following call are valid. In the second case, the return value is simply thrown away.
Count = ReadBuffer(Buffer,BufSize) ReadBuffer(Buffer,BufSize) // return value is ignored

Calling Parameters
Parameters may be passed to any NetLinx function or subroutine. Calling parameters are simply variables or constants that originate from the caller and are received by the function or subroutine being invoked.

The NetLinx compiler passes all variables by reference. This means that the variable the subroutine operates on is the same variable the caller passed. Any change made to a variable passed as a calling parameter updates the value of the variable from the perspective of the caller. You can take advantage of this pass by reference feature to return an updated value through a calling parameter rather than as the return value.

Constants, on the other hand, are passed by value. When this happens, a copy of the parameter is delivered to the subroutine. Any change made to the variable representing the constant is lost once the function or subroutine finishes.

Function and subroutine declarations must include the type and name of each parameter expected. If the type is omitted, the default type is assumed - arrays are CHAR type and non-array parameters are INTEGER.

To specify an array as a function or subroutine parameter, one set of brackets for each array dimension must follow the variable name, as shown in the following example:
DEFINE_CALL 'Process Array' (CHAR Array[ ][ ]) { //body of subroutine }

AMX Programmer I & II


System Calls

The parameter Array is declared to be a 2-dimensional array by including two sets of brackets after the name. For compatibility with existing programs, the array dimensions may be specified inside the brackets. These dimensions are not required and are ignored by the compiler. The NetLinx interpreter will do bounds checking on the array and generate a run-time error if the array bounds are exceeded.

When calling a subroutine that takes an array as one of its parameters, pass only the name of the array as the calling parameter, as shown below:
CHAR Buffer[10][20] CALL 'Process Array' (Array)

If dimensions are specified in the call statement, the compiler will interpret that as specifying a subset of the array. For example, suppose Array were defined as a 3-dimensional array. The third table of that dimensional array could be passed to 'Process Array' as follows:
CHAR Buffer[5][5][10] CALL 'Process Array' (Array [3])


AMX Programmer I & II


Lesson Topics:


Subroutines Defined
A subroutine is a section of code that stands alone, and can be called from anywhere else in the program. The subroutine name follows the DEFINE_CALL or DEFINE_FUNCTION keyword, enclosed in single quotes. There are certain restrictions for subroutine names: They cannot be previously defined constants or variables. They cannot be names that have already been assigned to BUFFERs or WAITs. They are case-sensitive; Test and TEST are not the same. Subroutines must be defined before they can be used. For this reason, DEFINE_CALLs and DEFINE_FUNCTIONs are usually found right before the DEFINE_START section of the program. For example:

Spaces in the subroutine name are allowed, since it is a string literal. The subroutine's code must be enclosed in braces. Regardless of how long the subroutine is, it must be in this format.

AMX Programmer I & II



DEFINE_CALL is intended to run segments of code that are repeated throughout the program, but don't require a return value. For example, this DEFINE_CALL creates a macro to lower a screen, turn on the projector, and set the lights to Preset 1. The subroutine executes three commands and no values are returned to the program.

The DEFINE_CALL is the standard method provided by NetLinx for defining subroutines.
DEFINE_CALL '<subroutine name>' [(Param1,Param2,...)] { (* statements *) }

where (Param1, Param2, ...) refers to a comma-separated list of <datatype><variable> pairs. For example, "INTEGER Size" would be one pair.

DEFINE_CALL names must not conflict with previously defined constants, variables, buffers, or wait names. Unlike identifiers, DEFINE_CALL names are case sensitive.

A subroutine may accept parameters. To do this, each parameter and its type must be listed within the set of parentheses to the right of the subroutine name, as shown below:
DEFINE_CALL 'Read Input' [(CHAR Buffer)] { }

To invoke a user-defined subroutine, use the CALL keyword plus the name of subroutine and any required calling parameters.
CALL 'Read Input' (Buf1)

In NetLinx, DEFINE_CALL supports the RETURN statement (as shown in the following example), although return values are not supported.
DEFINE_CALL 'Read Input' (CHAR Buffer) { if (nChars = 0) { RETURN } (* read input *) } // exit subroutine


AMX Programmer I & II


DEFINE_FUNCTION provides a way to return a value to a statement. It has the same functionality as a DEFINE_CALL. The DEFINE_FUNCTION is used in-line in a statement, where a DEFINE_CALL must be used as a standalone statement. The basic structure is:
DEFINE_FUNCTION [<return type>]<name>[(<param1>,<param2>, <parameN>)] { (* } statements *)

In syntax with a ([ ]), the ( ) are NOT OPTIONAL but [ ] are optional.

The following DEFINE_FUNCTION creates a subroutine to cube a number and returns a LONG integer value:

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Code Examples:
DEFINE_CALL Example DEFINE_CALL 'SHUTDOWN' { PULSE[SCREEN,UP] PULSE[PROJ,OFF] SYSTEM_CALL 'FUNCTION' (VCR,2,0) SYSTEM_CALL 'FUNCTION' (DVD,2,0) SYSTEM_CALL 'FUNCTION' (CD,2,0) WAIT 600 'EXIT TIME' { PULSE[LIGHTS,ALL_OFF] } } In the main program, it looks like this: IF(TIME='02:00:00') CALL 'SHUTDOWN' BUTTON_EVENT[TP,125] CALL 'SHUTDOWN' This example shows application of subroutines, including parameters. Subroutines




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DEFINE_FUNCTION returns a value unlike DEFINE_CALL. Also illustrated is the shorcut X++. DEFINE_VARIABLE Volatile X (* DEFINE SUBROUTINE SECTION *) DEFINE_FUNCTION CHAR CalcTotalReps() { nTotalReps = 0 FOR (X=1;X <= uBoardInfo.nNumOfAgencies; X++) { nTotalReps = nTotalReps + uAgencyInfo[X].nNumberOfReps } uBoardInfo.nNumOfMembers = nTotalReps } //Save total reps into structure //X++ is shortcut for X=X+1


AMX Programmer I & II


Lesson Topics

Defining a Module Using a Module in a Program

Modules are a method for reusing code in a NetLinx system. Modules provide some of the same functionality as System Calls and Include Files, but modules are unique in a number of ways.

Like Include files, modules can define their own variables, subroutines, events and mainline. But modules are self-contained and the variables and subroutines defined within the module cannot be accessed by the main program.

Modules can interact with the program in a number of different ways. Modules have parameters that can be used to pass information into and out of the module. Modules can also pass channels, events, strings and commands between the module and the main program.

Most times the functionality of the module is transparent to the program. In the DMS-IMS module, the device number of the keypad and a virtual device for a virtual keypad are passed to the module. In the program, all events and commands are programmed for the virtual keypad. The module handles all of the interaction with the actual keypad device.

Modules can be used to provide a standard interface to a variety of similar devices. Within the program, the devices are programmed using the same channels and SEND_COMMANDs. The different modules handle the channels and SEND_COMMANDs, and control the devices according to their own protocols.

The ability to reuse code is a desirable goal in software development; however, code reuse takes careful planning and organization. NetLinx provides tools such as functions and modules to promote reusability. Modules are NetLinx sub-programs designed to be "plugged into" a main program.

AMX Programmer I & II



Defining a Module
The MODULE_NAME entry on the first line of the file defines the module. The syntax is:
MODULE_NAME = '<module name>' [(<parameter list>)]

The MODULE_NAME entry identifies the file as containing a NetLinx module, as opposed to a standard NetLinx source code file. The module name is any valid string literal not to exceed 64 characters. A file can contain only one module and the file name must be the same as the module name with the addition of the ".AXS" extension.

Module parameters behave exactly like subroutine parameters; the parameter list is optional. The value for each parameter is set either by the main program or another module. If the value of a parameter is changed, both the main program and the module see the change.

Constants and expressions cannot be used as arguments in the parameter list.

All parameters to a module must be one of the intrinsic types: CHAR, INTEGER, SINTEGER, LONG, SLONG, FLOAT, DOUBLE, DEV, DEVCHAN or DEVLEV. Also, any array of any of the above types can be used.

Using a Module in a Program

To use a module in a program, you must declare it using the DEFINE_MODULE keyword. This tells the NetLinx compiler to add the module to the program, effectively merging the module's event handling and mainline code with the containing program (or module). In other words, the program will have one event table and one mainline routine consisting of code from the main program and all modules declared using the DEFINE_MODULE statement.

Modules can contain declarations to other modules, provided that no circular references are involved (if module A declares module B that contains a reference to another module with a reference to A, that is a circular reference.) However, because different instances of the same module must not be separated by instances of a different module, it is highly recommended that you do not declare modules from within other modules - if you have multiple declarations of the parent module they will then be separated by the declarations of the child module.

Like System Calls, each module is going to have a list of its own parameters. The modules parameters must be either defined as devices or as variables. You cannot hard code values into the parameters or pass constants.

Modules are defined between the DEFINE_START section and the DEFINE_EVENT section. Do not place DEFINE_START statements after the DEFINE_MODULE statements.


AMX Programmer I & II


The DEFINE_MODULE statements follow the format shown below:

DEFINE_MODULE module name mod_inst ( param1, param2,... )

Modules can be distributed as .AXS files or as compiled token files. In either case, compiling your program will incorporate the module into your program. Modules should be documented to tell what parameters need to be defined, what values need to be passed and how any devices or virtual devices need to be programmed in the main program.

FIG. 1 demonstrates how a NetLinx module is incorporated into a main program. In this example, the main program has no event table or mainline code.

FIG. 1 Mainline and Event Table Organization

AMX Programmer I & II




AMX Programmer I & II


Lesson Topics:

Introduction To Levels Creating Levels Using Levels Using Bargraphs DEFINE_CONNECT_LEVEL

Introduction to Levels
Devices such as volume control cards, voltage generator cards, and pan/tilt control cards use levels to interface with the outside world. Levels are values related to an analog input or output on an AMX device. Several AMX panels (FIG. 1) have bargraph displays capable of displaying a level.

FIG. 1 TPD4/ G4 Panel showing levels

Levels are used: To represent the current gain on a volume device To represent the output or input level of a voltage device To represent the current position or location of a Camera system (Pan/Tilt/Zoom/Focus) An input/output (I/O) channel is usually digital in nature; that is, it is always either in an ON or OFF state. However, several devices, such as the volume control card and the pan/tilt control card, have analog input and/or output capabilities. An analog input or output may have many different states. Devices using analog I/O internally store the values relating to the state of each of these analog inputs and outputs; these values are called levels. On a volume card, levels relate to the volume levels of the card. Levels can be used to tell a pan/tilt control card where to position a camera, or tell a voltage generator card the amount of voltage to generate.

AMX Programmer I & II



For conceptual purposes, imagine that a volume control card has two volume knobs: one for the left speaker and one for the right, as shown in FIG. 2 on the next page. Each knob has a value range from to 255. These knobs represent the two levels present in the volume control card. When a level is discussed in the text, it is usually referring to the value of one of these imaginary knobs.
Level Values 80 135

Level 1


Level 2


FIG. 2 The imaginary knobs. The knob is the level, which can have a range of values.

Level Keywords
Level keywords that you can use in an AMX program for volume control or lighting control are described below: Level Keywords
CREATE_LEVEL Reads a level from an AMX device that supports levels. Syntax:

CREATE_LEVEL device, level number, variable

CREATE_LEVEL requires three parameters: The device from which to read the level. The level of the device to read (some devices have many different levels). The variable in which to store the level. This keyword creates an association between the specified level of the device and the specified variable. During the execution of a program, Axcess continually updates the variable to contain the value of the level with which it is associated. Since this association only needs to be done once, CREATE_LEVEL is only allowed to appear in the DEFINE_START section of a program. When using CREATE_LEVEL, Axcess is continually keeping the variable value updated. A total of 8 levels are available. Muted levels contain a variable of 0. Maximum level available is 255. SEND_LEVEL Sends a value to a specific level of a specific Axcess device. Syntax:

SEND_LEVEL device, level number, variable

Level Keywords

Level Keywords Continued


AMX Programmer I & II



All level connections are listed underneath the DEFINE_CONNECT_LEVEL header. Syntax:

DEFINE_CONNECT_LEVEL (device 1, level number 1, device 2,level number 2, ... )

The section inside the parentheses represents a single connection. All levels listed in the connection will follow each other. If any one level changes, all others will change to match it. Any number of levels may be supported per connection, and there is no limit to the number of connections. The best location for this definition section is immediately following the DEFINE_VARIABLE section. COMBINE_LEVELS This keyword connects a single device-level array (DEVLEV[ ]) to a DEVLEV array. Any element in a DEVLEV array appears to come from the virtual device-level representing the group, and output to any element in a DEVLEV array is directed to all elements in the group. COMBINE_LEVELS Parameters: VDLSET: Virtual device-level sets; each element represents one device-level combine group. DLSETS: Device-level sets containing the device-level pairs to combine. Corresponding elements in each set are combined with the corresponding element in the virtual device-level array. UNCOMBINE_LEVELS This keyword undoes the effect of COMBINE_LEVELS. All combines related to the specified virtual device-level are disabled. SLONG UNCOMBINE_LEVELS VDL Parameters: VDL: The virtual device-channel passed to COMBINE_LEVELS Result: 0: Operation was successful -1: Invalid virtual device-level Result = COMBINE_LEVELS VDL, DLSetResult = UNCOMBINE_LEVELS VDL (DEVLEV VDLSET, DEVLEV[ ] DLSETS)

AMX Programmer I & II



Creating Levels
Most AMX devices have up to eight levels which can contain values from to 255.
A few devices have level ranges larger than to 255, but the programming principles and examples in this section still apply.

Level values can be stored in a variable for later use. To read a level from an AMX device that supports levels, use the keyword CREATE_LEVEL. Here is the syntax:

CREATE_LEVEL requires three parameters: The device from which to read the level. Which level of the device to read (some devices have many different levels). The variable in which to store the level.

This keyword creates an association between the specified level of the device and the specified variable. Your program will continually update the variable to contain the value of the level with which it is associated during its execution. Since this association only needs to occur once, this keyword is only allowed to appear in the DEFINE_START section of your program.
Using LEVEL_EVENTS bypasses the CREATE_LEVEL process.


AMX Programmer I & II


Using Levels
Reading Levels
When a level is associated with a variable using CREATE_LEVEL, the Master continually keeps the variable updated with the value of that level. As the user ramps the volume level up, the value in VOL_LEVEL increases. When the volume is ramped up to the maximum, VOL_LEVEL will contain 255, and when the volume is muted, the variable will contain . AXlink devices have up to 8 levels per device, and their values typically range from 0 to 255 (8 bit resolution) Some Input levels range from 0 to 1024 (10 bit resolution) NetLinx devices can have more levels and greater data ranges A Preset is a level saved for later retrieval. When presets are recalled, the level returns to the preset value. Presets are generally recalled using a SEND_COMMAND. Making a Preset An example would be giving a Volume Preset button a dual role.

Result of this program: If the button is pressed for less than two seconds, it sends a command to the volume card. The SEND_COMMAND sets the level of the card to the previously saved level in VOL_PRESET. If the button is held two seconds, the current level is stored in the VOL_PRESET variable.

AMX Programmer I & II



Using Bargraphs
The SEND_LEVEL keyword is used to update a level in a device. To continuously display the current level of the volume card on the Touch Panel's bargraph, use the SEND_LEVEL keyword. Here is the syntax:
SEND_LEVEL device, level number, value

Assume your bargraph display on the Touch Panel has level number 1. To keep the display updated continually, add the following line to a LEVEL_EVENT in a NetLinx program:

This code makes sure that the bargraph always reflects the value of level number 1 of the volume card. As the volume ramps up, VOL_LEVEL increases and the bargraph fills. As the volume ramps down, VOL_LEVEL decreases and the level indicated on the bargraph also decreases. Since both volume levels are ramping together, you only have to track one of them for the bargraph.

FIG. 3 G4 Touch Panel with a volume bargraph.

A unique feature of Touch Panels is to assign an active property to a bargraph so you can touch and slide it to raise or lower the level. The level tracks the movement of your finger. However, to do this you must set up a connection between the bargraph and the volume level. This is the function of the DEFINE_CONNECT_LEVEL keyword.

DEFINE_CONNECT_LEVEL is not a keyword used inside mainline, but a definition section, like DEFINE_DEVICE or DEFINE_START. The best location to place it is immediately following the DEFINE_VARIABLE section. Underneath the DEFINE_CONNECT_LEVEL header is where all level connections are listed. Here is how DEFINE_CONNECT_LEVEL is used: Example:
(virtual device, vitual level,device 1,level number 1,device 2,level number 2,...etc.)

COMBINE_LEVEL and UNCOMBINE_LEVEL work similarly and will be covered in more detail in AMX Programmer II.


AMX Programmer I & II


The section inside the parentheses represents a single connection. All levels listed in the connection will follow each other. If any one level changes, all others in the connection will change to match. Any number of levels may be supported per connection, and there is no limit to the number of connections.

Here is how you would use DEFINE_CONNECT_LEVEL in a program to connect the Touch Panel bargraph to the Axcess volume card levels:

This connects level number 1 on the Touch Panel (the bargraph) and levels 1 and 2 on the volume card. The reason that two levels on the volume card are included is because Axcess volume control cards have two levels: the left audio channel and the right audio channel. These connections are a two-way street: anytime the bargraph is changed, both volume levels will follow, and anytime a volume level is changed (for example, by the volume control buttons on the Touch Panel), the bargraph will automatically follow. When using DEFINE_CONNECT_LEVEL, it is not necessary to use the SEND_LEVEL keyword in your program, since the connection takes care of updating the bargraph.

This keyword defines a LEVEL_EVENT handler. This type of handler is triggered by a level change on a particular device. It can only be used in the DEFINE_EVENT section of the program. The level object is available to the LEVEL_EVENT handler as a local variable. This eliminates having to constantly evaluate a level against a previous value. The format for the LEVEL_EVENT is as follows:
LEVEL_EVENT[<device>,<level>] { //LEVEL_EVENT handler }

What information might be associated with the level of volume device changing? The value of the volume level The device, port, and system of the volume device that had its level changed Which level on the device changed

Please see the Appendix - Embedded Event Data Objects on page 223 for more information on LEVEL_EVENTS.

AMX Programmer I & II




LEVEL.VALUE is an embedded object value in the LEVEL_EVENT statement. A complete listing of these objects is available for each event handler in the NetLinx Programming Language Instruction Manual. The LEVEL.VALUE object eliminates the need to create a level for the TEMP device.


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Code Examples:


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AMX Programmer I & II

Strings & Buffers

Strings & Buffers

Lesson Topics:

SEND_COMMAND / SEND_STRING Arrays Arrays As Strings String Literals String Expressions ASCII Codes DATA_EVENT/ DATA.TEXT Buffers Buffer Keywords Array & String Manipulation Keywords

Two main keywords will be used extensively with arrays and strings. The primary difference between them is the intended destination device. SEND_COMMAND

Sends device-specific commands to an AMX device.

SEND_COMMAND device, 'card command'


Passes a command string through the AMX device to an external piece of equipment.
SEND_STRING device, 'string'

Arrays are the most common way of combining a number of data items into a single unit. An array is a collection of variables that are of the same data type, and are referenced by the same Identifier. Each item in an array is called an Element. All Elements in the array are referenced by the name of the array and by an index number corresponding to their position in the array. NetLinx enhances the handling of arrays. Arrays can be of any data type (CHAR, INTEGER, FLOAT, SIGNED, LONG, etc.) Arrays can have up to 5 dimensions You can define arrays of structures, initialize arrays within the DEFINE_VARIABLE or DEFINE_START section, and define arrays as constants.

AMX Programmer I & II


Strings & Buffers

All arrays discussed to this point have a range of values in each element of to 255 and are classified as character arrays. (See ASCII Table for character values.) The range of values in a single variable is to 255, and when a value greater than 255 is assigned to an array element, the number is truncated above 255. For example, if the number 500 is assigned to an element in an array, the actual number that is assigned is 244. The easiest way to find the actual number is to subtract 256 from the number until the number is less than 256 (in this example, 500 - 256 = 244).

To create an array in which each element can contain values greater than 255, use an integer array. An integer array is just like a character array, except each element can hold values from to 65,535.

To declare an integer array, place the keyword INTEGER in front of the array definition in the DEFINE_VARIABLE section. If you want your CAM_PRESETS array to be an integer array, you would include the keyword INTEGER before the array identifier:

This declares an integer array with six elements; each element can hold values from to 65,535. The contents of an integer array are often referenced by an element number. Example:
CAM_PRESETS[2] = 128

There are certain limitations of integer arrays. If an integer array is loaded into a CHAR array, values above 255 are truncated. For example:

This also happens if an integer array is sent to a device using the keywords SEND_STRING or SEND_COMMAND. There is no problem, however, in assigning a string array to an integer array. An integer array takes up twice as much memory than would a string array of the same storage capacity. If your array is only going to hold alphanumeric values, it is not necessary to make it an integer array.
STR = "12345,256,1525" //WOULD BE TRUNCATED TO "251,0,254"


AMX Programmer I & II

Strings & Buffers

Multi-Dimensional Arrays
Any of the single dimension array types listed above can be used to define an array of ndimensions. A 2-dimensional array is simply a collection of 1-dimensional arrays; a 3-dimensional array is a collection of 2-dimensional arrays, and so forth. Here's an example:
INTEGER Num1D[10] INTEGER Num2D[5][10] INTEGER Num3D[2][5][10] // [Column] // [Row][Column] // [Table][Row][Column]

One way to view these arrays is to think of Num2D as being a collection of five Num1D's and Num3D as being a collection of two Num2D's. When referencing elements of the above arrays:
Num1D[1] Num2D[1] Num2D[1][1] Num3D[1] Num3D[1][1] Num3D[1][1][1] refers refers refers refers refers refers to to to to to to the the the the the the 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st element row element of the 1st row table row of the 1st table element of the 1st row of the 1st table

The following operations are legal:

Num2D[2] = Num1D Num2D[5][5] = Num1D[5] Num3D[2] = Num2D Num3D[2][1] = Num1D Num3D[2][1][1] = Num1D[1]

LENGTH_ARRAY and MAX_LENGTH_ARRAY are used to determine the effective and maximum

lengths of multidimensional arrays as shown in the following examples:

INTEGER Len INTEGER My3DArray[5][3][4] Len = MAX_LENGTH_ARRAY(My3Darray) // Len = 5 Len = MAX_LENGTH_ARRAY(My3Darray[1]) // Len = 3 Len = MAX_LENGTH_ARRAY(My3Darray[1][1]) // Len = 4 INTEGER Len INTEGER My3DArray[5][3][4] = { { {1,2,3,4}, {5,6,7,8}, {9,10,11} }, { {13,14} } } Len = LENGTH_ARRAY(My3Darray) (* Len = 2, number of tables *) Len = LENGTH_ARRAY(My3Darray[2]) (* Len = 1, number of rows in table 2 *) Len = LENGTH_ARRAY(My3Darray[1][3]) (* Len = 3, number of columns in table 1, row 3 *)

AMX Programmer I & II


Strings & Buffers

Arrays as Strings
There are two ways of referencing array data in AMX programs. Each element can be referenced as an individual value; or, each array can be referenced as a group of characters. An entire array can be accessed as one unit. If you refer to an array without specifying an index value, the contents of the entire array is referenced as a string, as shown in the following example:

This small section of code will send a string to the specified DEVICE: 'TEST ONE'. We assigned a string expression to S1 and then sent it to the device; the entire string expression was sent.

Suppose that during power-up of an AMX Control System you want to set all the presets to default values. You could do this by assigning values to each individual element in the CAM_PRESETS array. It is recommended, however, to use a string expression to set all six at once, as shown below:
DEFINE_VARIABLE CAM_PRESETS[6] DEFINE_START CAM_PRESETS = ",3,9,128,191,255" //set all preset values at power-up

This approach requires only one executable line of code instead of 6.


In many cases you may need to transfer a series of data values at once. You can do this by using strings and string expressions. A string is a set of values grouped together with single and/or double quotes. Strings enclosed in single quotes are called string literals. Examples of strings include names and the actual command portion of SEND_COMMAND statements.

String keywords (i.e. FIND_STRING, REMOVE_STRING, MID_STRING, etc.) do not work on integer arrays.


AMX Programmer I & II

Strings & Buffers

Sending Strings
To send a string to the outside world, use the SEND_STRING keyword. This tells the processor to send the string through the AMX port to the OEM device. The syntax is:
SEND_STRING device,<string, variable, or string expression>

The first value after the SEND_STRING keyword is the device number or identifier to which you wish to send the string. Following that is a comma, then the string, variable (which can be either a normal variable or an array), or string expression you wish to send. When an array variable is specified, the number of transmitted array characters is determined by the array length value. Set the length value for the array with the SET_LENGTH_STRING function.

For example, if you need to send the TEMP array to a card named RS232, you would write the following line:

String literals and string expressions can also be sent using SEND_STRING. For example:

Sends the entire set of characters enclosed in the single quotes, from left to right, to the device named RS232.

This statement first builds the string expression using a string literal, followed by the characters stored in TEMP (defined by its length value), and then two numbers (expressed here in hexadecimal). The hexadecimal numbers in the example represent the codes for carriage return and line feed, respectively.

String Lengths
Every array declared in the DEFINE_VARIABLE section has a string length value associated with it. The string length of an array has an internal value set for arrays by string assignment operations. This number is different than the storage capacity declared in the DEFINE_VARIABLE section. You can get the length value of an array by using the LENGTH_STRING function. For example:

Here are examples of some assignments, and what the above line of code would return to the variable length in each case:
PRESETS = 'FOUR' PRESETS = 'ONE' PRESETS = "12,5,'123'" PRESETS = "PLAY,5,,'NO',X" //LENGTH = 4 //LENGTH = 3 //LENGTH = 5 //LENGTH = 9

Until data is loaded into the array, it has the length = .

The length of a string array cannot exceed the number of storage locations allocated to it in the DEFINE_VARIABLE section. For example, if the string GOODBYE is placed in the CAM_PRESETS variable, the array will only contain the string GOODBY, dropping the final E because CAM_PRESETS was defined to hold a maximum of six locations. The length of CAM_PRESETS would also be set to 6. If you attempt to assign an array that exceeds the storage allocations, the system will generate a run time error message: BAD SET LENGTH.

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Strings & Buffers

When string literals and string expressions are assigned, the length of the string array is automatically set to the length of the string literal or string expression being assigned to it. However, assigning values to individual elements of an array does not affect the length value of the array. For instance, if the letters W, O, R, and D are assigned individually to elements of CAM_PRESETS, as shown below, the length will not change; if the length was previously 3, it will still be 3.
PRESETS[1] = 'W' PRESETS[2] = 'O' PRESETS[3] = 'R' PRESETS[4] = 'D'

The SET_LENGTH string keyword explicitly sets the string length value of an array variable. For instance, to set the length value of CAM_PRESETS to 4, you would use the statement:

String lengths play an important role in the handling of strings. The following string expression contains an array:

As the string is constructed from this expression, the number of characters it adds from NEW_STRING will equal the TEMP string's length value. If TEMP contains 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, but its string length value is 3, the resulting string from the above string expression will look like the following example:
TEMP[1] = 1 TEMP[2] = 2 TEMP[3] = 3 TEMP[4] = 4 TEMP[5] = 5 TEMP[6] = 6 SET_LENGTH_STRING(TEMP,3) NEW_STRING = "5,TEMP,'GO'" //NEW_STRING now equals "5,1,2,3,'G','O'"

The array string length is important to many string operations. This value determines how much of the string is used when the entire array is referenced. Knowing this will prevent subtle errors in your code. For instance, if you assign values to individual elements in an array, and then assign that array to another, nothing is copied. For example:


AMX Programmer I & II

Strings & Buffers

The contents of the array CAM_PRESETS, after this code is executed, depend on the length value of the TEMP variable. If this were the entire program, TEMP would have a default length of , so nothing would be copied into CAM_PRESETS. To assure that CAM_PRESETS holds a copy of TEMP, you would first need to set the length value of the TEMP array with this line inserted before the copy statement:

The line above, when executed with the previous code example, renders the following result:

After this, the length value of TEMP is 6; so, the first 6 locations of TEMP will be used in all cases where you refer to the entire array.

String Literals
Single quotes can only enclose values ranging from decimal 32 (the space character) to decimal 126 (the tilde character '~'). (See ASCII Code Chart section on page 142 for details.) These string literals are constant values that are set at compile time. Once loaded into the Central Controller, these strings cannot be changed, except when a new program is loaded into the Central Controller.
An index value is not given when strings are assigned to arrays. The first letter is automatically placed into the first storage location; the second letter is placed into the second storage location, and so on.

Here is an example of a string literal assigned to an array:


When the program processes this assignment, it places the F (ASCII value 70) in location 1 of PRESETS, O (ASCII value 79) in location 2, and so on, as shown in FIG. 1. String FOUR is placed in the array PRESETS.

FIG. 1 The string FOUR is assigned to the array PRESETS

As previously illustrated, the length of PRESETS is 4.

AMX Programmer I & II


Strings & Buffers

String Expressions
Single and double quotes are interpreted in two different ways. Single quotes enclose string literals, double quotes enclose string expressions. A string expression combines several types of data into a single string. It can contain any ASCII value ( to 255), variables, string literals, and arrays. The difference between a string literal and the string expression is that the string expression is built at run time instead of compile time. As a string expression is processed, each member of the expression is evaluated from left to right; the result is a complete string. For example:
DEFINE_PROGRAM TEMP = "SCREEN_UP,5,,'NO',X" A string expression cannot contain another string expression; i.e., a set of double quotes cannot enclose another set of double quotes.

Assuming that SCREEN_UP is a constant with the value of 1, and X with the value of 10, the string expression is evaluated as a string with values: 1, 5, , 'N', 'O', 1, as shown in FIG. 2. Since the expression is evaluated at run time, whatever value is in the variable X when the expression is evaluated is what is placed into the result.

FIG. 2 A string expression is assigned to the array TEMP.


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Strings & Buffers

A string is broken up into single letters when placed into a string array. Each storage space returns the letter it is holding when referenced. For the following example, assume that TEMP[3] holds the letter R. There are actually three ways you can reference this array location, shown in this example using IF statements:
DEFINE_PROGRAM IF (TEMP[3] = 'R') { SEND_STRING ,"'TEMP[3] IS EQUAL TO "R"',$D,$A" } IF (TEMP[3] = $52) { SEND_STRING ,"'TEMP[3] IS EQUAL TO "R"',$D,$A" } IF (TEMP[3] = 82) { SEND_STRING ,"'TEMP[3] IS EQUAL TO "R"',$D,$A" }

The letter R has an ASCII value of 82 decimal, which is equivalent to 52 in hexadecimal. In the AMX programming language, hexadecimal numbers begin with a dollar sign ($). Therefore, the 2nd IF statement above shows $52, a hexadecimal number. To the processor, all three of these values are identical.

All three methods (letters, decimal equivalents codes, and hexadecimal values) can be used interchangeably. Use whichever method is easiest for the task at hand.

AMX Programmer I & II


Strings & Buffers

ASCII Code Chart

The table lists the hexadecimal values for all ASCII characters.


AMX Programmer I & II

Strings & Buffers

Conversion keywords
The following keywords automatically set the length value of the resulting string. Conversion Keywords
ATOI ATOI stands for "ASCII to integer". It takes a string literal, string expression, or array as a parameter, and returns a single integer as the result. Example:

DEFINE_CONSTANT STR1 = '456' STR2 = 'YES789GO19' DEFINE_PROGRAM NUM = ATOI('123') NUM = ATOI(STR1) NUM = ATOI(STR2) (* NUM = 123 *) (* NUM = 456 *) (* NUM = 789 *)

If the string contains all non-numeric characters (such as HELLO), ATOI returns the integer . However, if there are any numeric characters embedded in the string, ATOI returns the first complete set it comes upon, as is the case with STR2 above. Notice that only the first set of numbers from STR2 is returned. ITOA ITOA stands for "integer to ASCII". It creates a string that represents the decimal value of a number. Example:


The comment after each statement shows the value of the array STR after each assignment. The length value of STR is set to 3 in each case. ITOHEX ITOHEX stands for "integer to hexadecimal". It works in the same manner as ITOA, except that the integer is transformed into a hexadecimal ASCII string. If you substitute the ITOA keywords in the previous example with ITOHEX keywords, this would be the result:


(* STR = '7B' *) (* STR = '1C8' *) (* STR = '315' *)

Notice there are no dollar signs ($) in the results. This is because the dollar sign indicates a numerical value expressed in hexadecimal, and is only used when telling Axcess that a number is hexadecimal.

Conversion Keywords Continued

AMX Programmer I & II


Strings & Buffers


This function converts a character representation of a number to a signed 32-bit integer. SLONG ATOL (CHAR STRING[ ]) Parameters: STRING: A string containing the character representation of the integer. The result is a 32-bit signed integer representing the converted string. Any nonnumeric characters in the string are ignored. ATOL returns the value representing the first complete set of characters that represents an integer. Valid characters are "0" through "9" and the sign designators "+" and "-". If no valid characters are found, zero is returned as a result. Num = ATOL('Value = -128000') // Num = -128000


This function converts a character representation of a number to a 64-bit floating-point value. It recognizes a character representation of a signed integer or floating-point number (with or without exponent). FLOAT ATOF (CHAR STRING[ ]) Parameters: STRING: An input string containing the character representation of the floating-point number. The result is a 64-bit floating-point number representing the converted string. Any non-numeric characters in the string are ignored. ATOF returns the value representing the first complete set of characters that represents a floating-point value. Valid characters are "0" through "9", ".", the sign designators ("+" and "-"), and the exponent ("e" or "E"). If no valid characters are found, zero is returned as a result. Num = ATOF('The total = -1.25e-3')// Num = -0.00125


This function converts a 64-bit floating-point value to an ASCII string containing the decimal representation of the number. CHAR[ ] FTOA (DOUBLE Num, INTEGER nDigits) Parameters: Num: 64-bit floating-point number to convert to a decimal string. nDigits: Maximum number of digits to use to represent the number. If nDigits is not large enough to represent the number, exponential notation is used. At least two digits will always be used regardless of the value of nDigits. The result is a character string that contains the decimal representation of the specified floating-point number. The character representation will use exponents if necessary. STRING = FTOA(123.4, 4)// STRING = '123.4'STRING = FTOA(123.4, 3)// STRING = '1.23e2'STRING = FTOA(123.4, 2) // STRING = '1.2e2'


This function converts an ASCII string containing the hexadecimal representation of a number to an unsigned 32-bit integer. LONG HEXTOI (CHAR STRING[ ]) Parameters: STRING: Hexadecimal formatted string to be converted to an integer The result is a 32-bit unsigned integer representing the converted string. Any nonhexadecimal characters in the string are ignored. HEXTOI returns a value representing the first complete set of characters that represents an integer. Valid characters are "0" through "9", "A" through "F" and "a" through "f". If no valid characters are found, zero is returned as a result. Num = HEXTOI('126EC') // Num = 75500


AMX Programmer I & II

Strings & Buffers

This keyword defines a data event handler. This type of handler processes COMMAND, STRING, ONLINE, OFFLINE and ONERROR events. It can only be used in the DEFINE_EVENT section of the program. DATA_EVENTs provide some interesting capabilities in a NetLinx system. At first glance, DATA_EVENT seems to be concerned with receiving strings of data either from a serial data device such as an NXC-COM2 card or an interface device such as a touch panel. While this is a valid function, DATA_EVENT has many more capabilities and work with many devices. Here is the structure for a DATA_EVENT:
DATA_EVENT [<device>] { COMMAND: { //command data event handler } STRING: { //string data event handler } ONLINE: { //online data event handler } OFFLINE: { //offline data event handler } ONERROR: { //error data event handler } }

NetLinx is able to process data received by a DATA_EVENT in real time. When data is received, it enters the message queue and triggers a DATA_EVENT. If a buffer has been created for the device, the data is placed within the buffer and can then be used by either the DATA_EVENT or mainline. The data can be evaluated in two ways. The actual string that is received by the message queue can be evaluated using the DATA.TEXT object within the event. The string in DATA.TEXT is also added to the end of the devices buffer. This becomes a factor when receiving large strings or when receiving strings with an embedded string length or start and end characters. The DATA_EVENT can then evaluate the buffer to see if the entire string has been received before processing it. However, the evaluation is done immediately upon receipt of another chunk of data, and is only done when data is received. For example, DATA.TEXT may equal {over the lazy brown dog,ETX} and the DATA_BUFFER[500] might equal {STX,The quick grey fox jumps over the lazy brown dog,ETX}. By evaluating the buffer value, you can evaluate the entire string at once.

AMX Programmer I & II


Strings & Buffers

Two other important aspects of the DATA_EVENT are the ONLINE and OFFLINE event handlers. ONLINE and OFFLINE events are triggered when the master recognizes a device has come on the bus or has dropped off the bus.

In NetLinx all device initializations and offline warnings are handled through the DATA_EVENT. Since every device triggers an ONLINE event when the master is reset, this not only ensures that the device will be initialized on startup but also insures that the device will be initialized anytime the device comes online. The DATA_EVENT is also evaluated on an as needed basis, rather than on each pass through mainline. NetLinx Data Event:

Each event handler contains several imbedded data objects, which pass data values into the event handler code. A complete listing of these objects is available for each event handler in the NetLinx Programming Language Instruction Manual.

Please see the Appendix - Embedded Event Data Objects on page 223 for more information on this Event.


AMX Programmer I & II

Strings & Buffers

One of the most powerful features of AMX devices is their ability to send and receive any combination of values using RS-232, RS-422, RS-485, PA-422, MIDI, and a variety of other formats. You have the ability to construct any combination of numbers and characters with the string expression and send it to an external device. In addition, you can receive strings from external devices and interpret them to obtain useful information. The received strings are temporarily stored in Buffers. A Buffer is an array variable that is associated with a particular device that stores information sent by the device. Buffer Keywords:


Receiving Strings
Receiving strings requires several more steps than sending strings. You must first create a buffer to receive strings from a device. A buffer is an array variable associated with a particular device for the purpose of storing information received from the device.

Creating Buffers
To create a buffer, use the CREATE_BUFFER keyword to create a link between the device and the destination array. This keyword can only appear in the DEFINE_START section of your program; the syntax is:
CREATE_BUFFER device, array

CREATE_BUFFER can only be used in the DEFINE_START section.

The CREATE_BUFFER keyword directs the processor to place any data received from the specified device into the specified array. When the bytes are placed into the array, it increments the length value for the array and then places the bytes into the array at the current end of the array. See FIG. 3 for a pictorial explanation.

Even though the array is acting as a buffer, it is still an array and can be treated as one. You can still access the individual locations, send it to a device, assign it to other arrays, assign other arrays to it and use the array manipulation keywords,

AMX Programmer I & II


Strings & Buffers

FIG. 3 When data comes in from a device, it goes into the spot determined by the length value of the array. Here, the length value was 3. So the 'Y' is put into location 4, and the length value is incremented to 4.

Using DATA_EVENTs accomplishes the same thing.

Storing Characters
When a device sends string information to the Central Controller, the Central Controller places the incoming information into the buffer created for that device, and updates the buffer's length value. These actions are executed after the Central Controller has passed through mainline. Since all data going in and out of these devices is serial, each byte is handled one at a time.

NetLinx drops characters that exceed the array length (FIG. 4).

FIG. 4 In NetLinx, inserting a character into a full Buffer causes the first character to be dropped.

Because of this condition it is EXTREMELY important to properly size and clear your buffers after use.


AMX Programmer I & II

Strings & Buffers

Retrieving Characters
Use the keyword GET_BUFFER_CHAR to retrieve characters. This keyword has a two-part operation: First, it retrieves the first character in the buffer for your own utilization. This creates the same effect as if you retrieved the first storage location of a normal string array. Second, it removes that character from the buffer, causing all the other characters to shift up one place. The second character is now the first, the third is now the second, and so on. Here is the syntax:
string = GET_BUFFER_CHAR (array)

The parameter passed to GET_BUFFER_CHAR must be an array, but does not need to be a buffer. Remember that all buffers are arrays, but not all arrays are buffers. The statement will operate identically in either case. The result must be a simple variable (not an array), because only one character will be returned. These examples show how to create an array called SWT_BUFFER with a capacity of a hundred characters, and how to make it a buffer associated with a device named SWT.

Now all string data sent to the Central Controller from the device SWT will go into the array SWT_BUFFER. Getting the data out of the buffer as soon as it enters is usually a two-step process, as shown in this example:

These two lines of code are actually one IF statement. The condition of the IF is the result of the LENGTH_STRING keyword. If there are not any characters in the buffer (the length value of SWT_BUFFER is ), then the central controller will skip the second part of the statement.

AMX Programmer I & II


Strings & Buffers

The second part, which will be executed if there is one or more characters in SWT_BUFFER, retrieves the first character in SWT_BUFFER, and places it into the variable TEMP_CHAR, as shown in FIG. 5

FIG. 5 Getting the next character out of a buffer with GET_BUFFER _CHAR.

Characters should be continuously retrieved and removed from the buffer so that incoming strings have enough spaces to enter completely. Be sure to place a GET_BUFFER_CHAR statement in a position to do this. Remember, mainline is constantly running through the main program, and will execute the GET_BUFFER_CHAR statement as long as it is in its path of execution.

To get the data of the SWT_BUFFER using REMOVE_STRING, use the following code:

The code on the previous page is similar and has the same effect as the previous code. The IF condition is looking to see if SWT_BUFFER has any characters in it with a FIND_STRING and then it looks to see if the string contains either a 'T' or a '.'. Once these two conditions are met, we attempt to remove a 'T' from the buffer. If that attempt fails, then the length of TRASH will be . Only then will it attempt to remove the '.' since it did not find a 'T'. The REMOVE_STRING will remove all characters up to and including the 'T' or the '.'. So if the SWT_BUFFER contained a 'CI1O1T', then after the line of code:


AMX Programmer I & II

Strings & Buffers

Uppercase vs. Lowercase

When using FIND_STRING and REMOVE_STRING, or when comparing two string values, it is important to remember that these operations are case sensitive. Uppercase and lowercase values are not evaluated the same. As you recall, the compiler is not case sensitive when it comes to keywords and identifiers. However, the compiler is case sensitive when it comes to values inside single quotes (string literals). Here are some examples:
DEFINE_PROGRAM Identifier_1 = 'Fred' Identifier_2 = 'FRED' if (IDENTIFIER_1 = IDENTIFIER_2) { //This will not be true because 'Fred' and 'FRED' are not the same. } When programming, you may use whatever capitalizing scheme you wish. As a standard at AMX, we capitalize all keywords and identifiers in the program.

Notice that the string literals FRED and Fred are not the same. However, in the case of identifiers Identifier_1 and Identifier_2, the program does not differentiate based on the case of the letters in the identifier name. Also, notice that in this example the keyword "if" is not capitalized, making no difference to the compiler. Setting Uppercase and Lowercase In a string literal, the lowercase letter 'a' is not the same as the uppercase letter 'A' Each has its own decimal ASCII code (the code for 'a' is 97, 'A' is 65). This could become problematic when, for example, your program compares the incoming string ABC against another, as shown below:
IF (ABC = 'YES') { //statement(s) }

If the incoming string is 'YES', there is no problem. The statements are executed as normal. However, if ABC equals 'Yes', since 'YES' and 'Yes' do not have the same decimal ASCII value, the statements below the IF statement would not be executed.

The solution is to change all incoming strings to either uppercase or lowercase. The keywords that do this are UPPER_STRING and LOWER_STRING. For example, the following statement can be added before the preceding program:

The IF statement can now compare ABC2 against 'YES', providing that the IF statement reads IF (ABC2 = 'YES'). The string 'Yes' is accepted since it has been converted into uppercase. Conversely, LOWER_STRING converts a string into lowercase.

AMX Programmer I & II


Strings & Buffers

Buffer Keywords
The AMX Buffer keywords are described below: Buffer Keywords
CLEAR_BUFFER Clears a buffer. This keyword effectively sets the length of the buffer to zero, so that subsequent GET_BUFFER_CHAR statements will not return anything. Using CLEAR_BUFFER is preferable to other methods, such as assigning a null string to the buffer, or using SET_LENGTH_STRING. The CLEAR_BUFFER keyword actually compiles into smaller code and executes faster than the other methods, plus it is clearer to the reader as to what the programmer is trying to accomplish. This keyword can only appear in the DEFINE_START section of your program, and has the following syntax: CREATE_BUFFER device, array CREATE_BUFFER places any strings received from the specified device into the specified array. When the byte is placed into the array, the length value is incremented for the array and then placed at the end of the array. In Axcess, when the array is full, all bytes in the array are shifted to make room for the new byte at the end. In NetLinx, overflow bytes are dropped. Though the array is acting as a buffer, it is still an array and can be treated as one. You can access its individual locations, send it to a device, assign it to other arrays, assign other arrays to it, and use keywords to manipulate the array. GET_BUFFER_CHAR This keyword is used to remove characters from a buffer. It has a two-part operation: First, it retrieves the first character in the buffer for your own utilization. This creates the same effect as if you retrieved the first storage location of a normal string array. Second, it removes that character from the buffer, causing all the other characters to shift up one place. The second character is now the first, the third is now the second, and so on. Here is the syntax: result = GET_BUFFER_CHAR (array) The parameter passed to GET_BUFFER_CHAR must be an array, but does not need to be a buffer. The keyword will operate identically in either case. Only one byte (character) will be returned, and this value can be assigned to a variable, array, or a cell in an array.

CREATE_BUFFER Use the CREATE_BUFFER keyword to create a buffer.


AMX Programmer I & II

Strings & Buffers

Array & String Manipulation Keywords

The following keywords allow you to manipulate arrays and retrieve certain portions of an array: Array & String Manipulation Keywords
LEFT_STRING LEFT_STRING returns a string containing the number of characters specified starting at the beginning of the string. For this keyword, you must specify two parameters: the string or array you are referencing and the number of characters you need. Example:


After execution of this line, the array STR will contain the first 3 characters of the array PRESETS. If PRESETS contains the string 'HELLO', then STR will contain 'HEL.' Also, the length value of STR will be set to 3. RIGHT_STRING This keyword requires the same parameters as LEFT_STRING. However, RIGHT_STRING begins reading at the end of the string array for the specified amount of characters. Example:


Assuming PRESETS still contains 'HELLO', replacing LEFT_STRING in the previous example with RIGHT_STRING will assign the string 'LLO' to STR. This keyword also will set the length value of the array receiving the result. MID_STRING This keyword returns the specified amount of characters starting at a specified location in the source string. Three parameters, rather than two, are needed for its operation: the string to reference, the position at which to start, and the number of characters to return. Example:


This line tells Axcess: "Place three characters from the array PRESETS, starting at location 2 and moving to the right, into the array variable STR." If PRESETS contains 'HELLO', this line will assign 'ELL' to the array STR. This keyword also will set the length value of the array receiving the result. FIND_STRING This keyword will search through a string for a specified sequence of characters. When a duplication of the sequence is found, it returns the beginning position of that sequence. The keywords explained previously are helpful when you know where certain parts of strings are located within a string array. However, there will be times when you don't know where certain parts of strings are located. In these cases, the FIND_STRING keyword is used. For example, if you don't know the exact contents of the TEMP array, but you want to find out if it contains the string LO, (assuming that TEMP contains HELLO) the following line is executed. Example:

When Axcess executes this statement, it will search the array TEMP from the beginning, looking for the string LO. If Axcess finds the substring, it returns the starting position of the substring in the TEMP array: in this case, 4. The third parameter (in this example, 1) tells Axcess where (in the string) to start the search.

Array & String Manipulation Keywords (Cont.)

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Strings & Buffers


The REMOVE_STRING keyword is similar to the FIND_STRING keyword. However, when Axcess finds the sequence it is looking for, it extracts every character up to and including the sequence, starting from the number in the third parameter. All other characters move up to fill in the space. Example:

After the last line is executed, DEST will contain THIS, and SOURCE will contain IS A TEST. Notice that after the removal, the first location of the array SOURCE contains a space. This is because REMOVE_STRING removed all characters from the beginning of SOURCE up to and including the string IS. It did not remove the space following the string IS in SOURCE. Also notice that the first occurrence of IS is embedded in the word THIS. The length values of both arrays are set according to the results of the operation. In this case, the length value of SOURCE is set to 4; DEST is set to 10. In FIND_STRING, each of the first two parameters can be a string literal, a string expression, or an array. However, in the case of REMOVE_STRING, having anything except an array as the first parameter is illogical because Axcess cannot remove part of a string literal or string expression, only an array variable. This is because string literals are constant values and string expressions may contain constant values. Once loaded into the Central Controller, constant values cannot be changed, as shown in the following examples:



STR = REMOVE_STRING("2,'HELLO',1,13",'HELLO',1) (* NO *)
REMOVE_STRING changes the first parameter after it removes whatever characters it needs. Only variables can be changed at run time. Supply the starting position of the search as the third parameter for both FIND_STRING and REMOVE_STRING. LENGTH_STRING Returns the current length value of an array. This number is different from the storage capacity of an array, which is defined in the DEFINE_VARIABLE section. The length value of an array is used by several of the Axcess string operation keywords; this value can change during program execution. Syntax:

result = LENGTH_STRING (string array)

SET_LENGTH_STRING Sets the length value of an array to a specified value. The length value of an array is used by several of the string operation keywords. Syntax:

SET_LENGTH_STRING (string array, new length)


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Strings & Buffers

Code Examples:
This example illustrates CREATE_BUFFER, Sending text to the touch panel and clearing buffers. A buffer can be declared volatile since it's contents are not required after the system is shutdown. The device will report it's new status in response to the next command. Buffers DEFINE_VARIABLE Volatile CHAR strAP800_BUFF[255] INTEGER nLEN DEFINE_START CREATE_BUFFER strAP800, straAP800_BUFF DEFINE_PROGRAM IF (FIND_STRING(strAP800_BUFF,"13",1)) { SEND_COMMAND dvTP,"'@TXT',1,strAP800_BUFF" SEND_STRING 0,"'RESPONSE IS ',strAP800_BUFF" strAP800_BUFF = REMOVE_STRING(strAP800_BUFF,"13",1) nLEN = LENGTH_STRING(strAP800_BUFF) SET_LENGTH_STRING(strAP800_BUFF,nLEN-1) nMUTEFB = ATOI(RIGHT_STRING(strAP800_BUFF,1)) CLEAR_BUFFER strAP800_BUFF strAP800_BUFF = '' } //CLEAR IT OUT (SETS INDEX POINTER TO 0) //ALTERNATE METHOD TO CLEAR


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Strings & Buffers


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Lesson Topics

While Loops For Loops

While Loops
The WHILE family of keywords allow the program to loop through a certain section of a program until a condition becomes false. If the condition is false, NetLinx skips the statements immediately following the WHILE. If the condition is true, NetLinx executes the statements, and rechecks the WHILE's conditional expression. If the condition is still true, the statements are executed again. This sequence continues until the condition is evaluated as false.
WHILE (<conditional expression>) { //conditional statements }

In NetLinx, statements are executed repeatedly while the conditional expression evaluates to true. The condition is tested before each pass through the conditional statements. While Keywords
This keyword executes its statement block as long as its associated condition evaluates to true. The condition is evaluated before the first pass through the statements. Therefore, if the conditional expression is never true the conditional statements will never be executed. WHILE (<conditional expression>) { (* conditional statements *) } This keyword is the same as a WHILE statement except that input messages are retrieved after each pass to allow the LONG_WHILE statements to process the input. LONG_WHILE (<conditional expression>){(* conditional statements *)} This keyword is obsolete in the new NetLinx system. The compiler will treat it as a WHILE keyword.




AMX recommends avoiding the use of WHILE Loops. Incorrect usage of a WHILE Loop can cause a program to get stuck in the loop.

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FOR Loops
FOR loops are an alternative looping procedure to traditional loops. Functionally they do the same thing, but FOR loops are more readable. FOR loops, like WHILE loops, do not process input changes from the message buffer.

FOR Loop Structure

The FOR loop structure allows you to define initialization statements; statements to execute after each pass through the loop and a condition to test after each pass. If the condition evaluates to true, another pass is made. Otherwise, the loop is terminated. The syntax of the FOR loop is as follows:
FOR (<INITIAL>; <condition>; <after pass>) { //loop statements }

<INITIAL> One or more statements that are executed one time before any FOR loop statements are executed. Each statement must be separated with a comma; this is typically a FOR loop index initialization statement. A condition whose value is computed before each pass. If the condition evaluates to TRUE, the FOR loop statements are executed. If the condition evaluates to FALSE, the loop is terminated. One or more statements that are executed after each pass through the statements. Each statement must be separated with a comma. This is typically a statement that increments the FOR loop index.


<after pass>

The <initialization expression> contains one or more statements that are executed one time before any FOR loop statements are executed. Each statement must be separated by a comma (,). The <test expression> is the condition for which the loop is evaluated before each pass. If the condition evaluates TRUE, the FOR loop statements execute. If the condition evaluates FALSE, the loop terminates. The <incremental expression> contains one or more statements that are executed after each pass through the loop statements. Each statement is separated by a comma (,).

In NetLinx you can write the same loop with a FOR statement and clarify how the loop operates:
FOR (COUNT=0 ; COUNT<10 ; COUNT++) { //loop statements }

By defining the loop like this, you clearly see both how the loop is initialized and how the loop is incremented. If you forget to initialize the WHILE loop or forget to initialize the counter, you dont get any errors. The FOR loop helps to insure proper structure.


AMX Programmer I & II

TPDesign4 & G4 Web Control

TPDesign4 & G4 Web Control

Lesson Topics

Introduction to TPDesign4 Transfer and Upload File from TPD4 Use Web Control with G4 Panels

Introduction to TPDesign4
TPDesing4 is a proprietary software program designed by AMX to create touch panel pages. The following chart gives an overview of the features of TPD4. TPDesign4 Features
Supports AMX G4 graphics 24-bit color palette with 256 levels of transparency More than 40 families of button borders each including multiple sizes Directly utilizes Windows TrueType Fonts Imports graphics in multiple formats Undo/Redo functionality Multi-State buttons Button animation Dynamic Images Computer Control

In TPDesign4, all file transfer operations are routed through the NetLinx Master to which the target/source touch panels are connected. You will never actually connect directly to the panels. There are two types of file transfer operations in TPDesign4 (both accessible via the Transfer menu): Send To Panel: Sends your TPDesign4 project file to a specified NetLinx Master. Receive From Panel: Receives your TPDesign4 project file from a NetLinx Master. Connections are maintained separate from the transfer itself, so they do not need to be established/ dropped each time a transfer is performed. Use the Connect dialog to define and save one or more connection settings.

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TPDesign4 & G4 Web Control

Connecting to a NetLinx Master

Typically, file transfer operations are routed through the NetLinx Master to which the panels are connected, as opposed to connecting directly to the panels. Therefore, in order to transfer touch panel files for use on G4-compatible panels, you will first establish communication between the PC running TPDesign4 and the NetLinx Master to which the target panels are connected.

The Connect dialog allows you to set up communications, and save multiple connection configurations for easy access. Select Transfer > Connect to access this dialog. There are three possible ways to connect to a NetLinx Master: TCP/IP, Serial or Modem:

Connecting to a NetLinx Master via TCP/IP

1. 2. 3. Select Transfer > Connect to open the Connect dialog. In the Connect dialog, click New to establish a new connection. The invokes the Connection Settings dialog. In the Connection Settings dialog, enter a unique name for the connection configuration that are you setting up (in the Name field). This allows you to recall the configuration you specify later, without having to re-configure. Select TCP/IP from the Transport drop-down list. Enter the IP address of the target NetLinx Master in the IP Address/DNS Name field. The IP Port should always be set to 1319 (default). Do not change this number. Click OK to save these settings and return to the Connect dialog. Press the Connect button to establish the connection.

4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Connecting to a NetLinx Master via Serial Port

1. 2. 3. Select Transfer > Connect to open the Connect dialog. In the Connect dialog, click New to establish a new connection. The invokes the Connection Settings dialog. In the Connection Settings dialog, enter a unique name for the connection configuration that are you setting up (in the Name field). This allows you to recall the configuration you specify later, without having to re-configure. Select Serial from the Transport drop-down list. Configure the Settings parameters (COM Port, Data Bits, Parity, Baud Rate, Stop Bits and Flow control) as needed. Click OK to save these settings and return to the Connect dialog. Press the Connect button to establish the connection.

4. 5. 6. 7.


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TPDesign4 & G4 Web Control

Connecting to a NetLinx Master via Modem

1. 2. In the Connect dialog, click New to establish a new connection. The invokes the Connection Settings dialog. In the Connection Settings dialog, enter a unique name for the connection configuration that are you setting up (in the Name field). This allows you to recall the configuration you specify later, without having to re-configure. Select Modem from the Transport drop-down list. Configure the Settings parameters (COM Port, Data Bits, Parity, Baud Rate, Stop Bits, Flow control and Phone #) as needed. Click OK to save these settings and return to the Connect dialog. Press the Connect button to establish the connection.

3. 4. 5. 6.

Transferring Touch Panel Files to/from a NetLinx Master

Use the File > Send To Panel option to connect to a Master and download a panel file to a compatible G4 touch panel on that Master's bus.

Use the File > Receive From Panel option to connect to a Master and upload a panel file from a compatible G4 touch panel on that Master's bus. There are three ways to connect and transfer Panel files: TCP/IP, Serial and Modem.
To transfer to a G4 panel, verify that the NetLinx Master Firmware is build 85 or later. Verify the TPDesign4 program being used is Version 1.01 or higher. Earlier versions of the firmware and TPD4 software are incompatible with G4 panels.

Panel File Transfers via TCP/IP

In TPDesign4, file transfer operations are typically routed through the Master to which the target/ source touch panels are connected. To use a TCP/IP as the transport type: 1. 1. Select Transfer > Send to Panel or Receive From Panel. If you are not already connected to the Master, the Connect dialog is invoked. If you have already established a TCP/IP communication configuration, select it from the dropdown list. Otherwise, create and save a serial communication configuration via the Connection Settings dialog: a. In the Name field, enter a name for this communication configuration. This is the name that will appear in the drop-down list of the Connect dialog. b. Select TCP/IP from the Transport drop-down list. c. Configure the TCP/IP connection (IP Address/DNS Name of the target/source device). d. The IP Port should always be set to 1319 (default). Do not change this number. e. Click OK to save the configuration and close the Connection Settings dialog 2. 3. Click Connect in the Connect dialog to establish the TCP/IP connection. Once communication is established, either the Send To Panel or Receive From Panel dialog is invoked (depending on wether you selected Send to Panel or Receive From Panel from the Transfer menu), displaying an online device tree, indicating all devices connected to the

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TPDesign4 & G4 Web Control

Master that are currently online (according to the Filter setting). The online device tree lists the online devices by System #, Device #, Description, (firmware) Version, and Manufacturer.
To refresh the Online Devices Tree, disconnect and reconnect via the commands in the Transfer menu.


Use the Options checkboxes in the Send to Panel or Receive From Panel dialog to enable/ disable the following transfer options:

Smart transfer (updated panel files only): Select to utilize the Smart Transfer feature, which reduces the transfer time by only replacing those panel files that have been updated (relative to the files already loaded in the panel). Any bitmaps, sound files and fonts that all already resident on the target panel, or in your panel file on your PC (for uploads) are not included in the transfer. Normal transfer (all panel files): This option sends all panel files. Full clean transfer (all panel & system graphic files): Select this option to automatically wipe out any existing project files resident in the target panel before loading the new panel file.

If you are simply sending a panel file to a panel, you don't need to use the Full Clean option, since any existing panel files on the target panel will be wiped out anyway. The Full Clean option adds considerable time to the transfer, since it involves sending many more files, and is not necessary in most cases.

Open received panel (uploads only): Select this option to automatically open the panel file once it is received. Clear from status queue when complete: This option (enabled by default) clears each transfer from the Transfer Status Window when complete.


Click Send or Receive to begin the transfer.

If you encounter a transfer error, verify the IP Address, Panel ID, and connection status of both NetLinx Master and Modero panel.

Panel File Transfers via Serial Port

In TPDesign4, file transfer operations are typically routed through the Master to which the target/ source touch panels are connected. To use a Modem as the transport type: 1. 1. Select Transfer > Send to Panel or Receive From Panel. If you are not already connected to the Master, the Connect dialog is invoked. If you have already established a serial communication configuration, select it from the dropdown list. Otherwise, create and save a serial communication configuration via the Connection Settings dialog: a. In the Name field, enter a name for this communication configuration. This is the name that will appear in the drop-down list of the Connect dialog. b. Select Serial from the Transport drop-down list. c. Configure the selected serial (COM port) connection (Baud Rate, Data Bits, Parity, Stop Bits and Flow Control).


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TPDesign4 & G4 Web Control

The suggested settings are:

Baud Rate Data Bits Parity Stop Bits Flow Control 38400 8 none 1 none

These settings must match those of the selected COM port.

d. Click OK to save the configuration and close the Connection Settings dialog 2. 3. Click Connect in the Connect dialog to establish the serial connection. Once communication is established, either the Send To Panel or Receive From Panel dialog is invoked (depending on wether you selected Send to Panel or Receive From Panel from the Transfer menu), displaying an online device tree, indicating all devices connected to the Master that are currently online (according to the Filter setting). The online device tree lists the online devices by System #, Device #, Description, (firmware) Version, and Manufacturer.

To refresh the Online Devices Tree, disconnect and reconnect via the commands in the Transfer menu.


Use the Options checkboxes in the Send to Panel or Receive From Panel dialog to enable/ disable the following transfer options:

Smart transfer (updated panel files only): Select to utilize the Smart Transfer feature, which reduces the transfer time by only replacing those panel files that have been updated (relative to the files already loaded in the panel). Any bitmaps, sound files and fonts that all already resident on the target panel, or in your panel file on your PC (for uploads) are not included in the transfer. Normal transfer (all panel files): This option sends all panel files. Full clean transfer (all panel & system graphic files): Select this option to automatically wipe out any existing project files resident in the target panel before loading the new panel file.

If you are simply sending a panel file to a panel, you don't need to use the Full Clean option, since any existing panel files on the target panel will be wiped out anyway. The Full Clean option adds considerable time to the transfer, since it involves sending many more files, and is not necessary in most cases.

Open received panel (uploads only): Select this option to automatically open the panel file once it is received. Clear from status queue when complete: This option (enabled by default) clears each transfer from the Transfer Status Window when complete.


Click Send or Receive to begin the transfer.

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TPDesign4 & G4 Web Control

Panel File Transfers via Modem

In TPDesign4, file transfer operations are typically routed through the Master to which the target/ source touch panels are connected. To use a Modem as the transport type: 1. 1. Select Transfer > Send to Panel or Receive From Panel. If you are not already connected to the Master, the Connect dialog is invoked. If you have already established a modem communication configuration, select it from the dropdown list. Otherwise, create and save a modem communication configuration via the Connection Settings dialog: a. In the Name field, enter a name for this communication configuration. This is the name that will appear in the drop-down list of the Connect dialog. b. Select Modem from the Transport drop-down list. c. Configure the selected modem connection (Baud Rate, Data Bits, Parity, Stop Bits, Flow Control and Phone Number). The suggested settings are:
Baud Rate Data Bits Parity Stop Bits Flow Control Phone Number 38400 8 none 1 none Enter the telephone number of the target Master.

These settings must match those of the Modem.

d. Click OK to save the configuration and close the Connection Settings dialog 2. 3. Click Connect in the Connect dialog to establish the modem connection. Once communication is established, either the Send To Panel or Receive From Panel dialog is invoked (depending on wether you selected Send to Panel or Receive From Panel from the Transfer menu), displaying an online device tree, indicating all devices connected to the Master that are currently online (according to the Filter setting). The online device tree lists the online devices by System #, Device #, Description, (firmware) Version, and Manufacturer.

To refresh the Online Devices Tree, disconnect and reconnect via the commands in the Transfer menu.


Use the Options checkboxes in the Send to Panel or Receive From Panel dialog to enable/ disable the following transfer options:

Smart transfer (updated panel files only): Select to utilize the Smart Transfer feature, which reduces the transfer time by only replacing those panel files that have been updated (relative to the files already loaded in the panel). Any bitmaps, sound files and fonts that all already resident on the target panel, or in your panel file on your PC (for uploads) are not included in the transfer. Normal transfer (all panel files): This option sends all panel files.


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TPDesign4 & G4 Web Control

Full clean transfer (all panel & system graphic files): Select this option to automatically wipe out any existing project files resident in the target panel before loading the new panel file.

If you are simply sending a panel file to a panel, you don't need to use the Full Clean option, since any existing panel files on the target panel will be wiped out anyway. The Full Clean option adds considerable time to the transfer, since it involves sending many more files, and is not necessary in most cases.

Open received panel (uploads only): Select this option to automatically open the panel file once it is received. Clear from status queue when complete: This option (enabled by default) clears each transfer from the Transfer Status Window when complete.


Click Send or Receive to begin the transfer.

Modem transfer is the slowest method of transferring TPD4 panel files to the target device. This method can range in speed but on average communicates at 3 Kbps.

Virtual NetLinx Master TCP/IP Transfers

TPDesign4 v2.1 supports direct connection to G4 panels (via TCP/IP), for situations where the target panel is not connected to a NetLinx Master. In this situation, you can use your PC's Ethernet connection to connect directly to the panel, using your PC as a Virtual NetLinx Master. This feature is primarily intended for use by graphic designers, to allow them to create panel files and then test them on a panel without necessarily having access to a Master.

There are three basic steps to Masterless TCP/IP file transfers: 1. 2. 3. Configure the touch panel for Masterless TCP/IP transfers Configure TPDesign4 for Masterless TCP/IP transfers Transfer the Files Using a Virtual NetLinx Master TCP/IP connection

Configuring TPDesign4 for Virtual NetLinx Master TCP/IP Transfers

1. 2. 3. 4. Select Transfer > Connect to open the Connect dialog (or click the toolbar button). Select [Virtual NetLinx Master] from the Connection drop-down list. Click the Properties button to access the Virtual NetLinx Master Properties dialog, which displays the Host Name and IP address for your PC. Write down the IP address. a. Enter this IP address as the Master's URL/IP on the System Connection Setup page on the touch panel. b. Once you have entered the IP address of the PC (acting as a Virtual NetLinx Master), press the Reboot button on the System Connection Setup page to reboot the panel. 5. Select Transfer > Send to Panel to open the Send To Panel dialog. The panel should appear in the list of Online Devices. Once you can see the panel online, you may transfer panel files without the need for an intermediate NetLinx master.

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TPDesign4 & G4 Web Control


To receive files from the panel, select Transfer > Receive From Panel.

Allow several seconds after the panel is rebooted for it to appear in the Online Device list in the Send To Panel or Receive From Panel dialogs.

Powering Up and Connecting the Panel

1. 2. 3. Verify that an Ethernet cable is connected from either the rear (NXT models) or side (NXD models) of the panel to a valid Ethernet Hub. Connect the terminal end of the PSN6.5 power cable to the 12 VDC power connector on the rear/side of the touch panel. Verify the green Ethernet LED (from the rear Ethernet port) is illuminated (to indicate a proper connection).

Configuring the Touch Panel for Virtual NetLinx Master TCP/IP Transfers
If it is not already powered up and connected, apply power to the touch panel and verify that it is connected to the LAN via the TCP/IP connector on the rear (or side) of the panel (G4 panels only).

To configure the panel for Virtual NetLinx Master transfers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Press and hold the grey Front Setup Access button (below the touch screen) for 3 seconds to access the Setup page. Press the Protected Setup button to access the Protected Setup page. Use the on-screen keyboard to enter the password (the default password is 1988). Press the System Connection button to access the System Connection Setup page. Select Ethernet as the Master Connection. Select URL as the Connection Mode. Set the System Number to 0 (zero). Select the Master URL / IP input box and enter the IP address of your PC (displayed in the Virtual NetLinx Master Properties dialog). Press the Back button to return to the Protected Setup page and press the Reboot button to reboot the panel.

10. After several seconds, the panel should appear in the online device tree, listed as Virtual NetLinx Master. Once you can see the device online, you may transfer panel files to and from the G4 device without the need for an intermediate NetLinx master.


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TPDesign4 & G4 Web Control

Transferring Files Using a Virtual NetLinx Master TCP/IP Connection

Once you have configured both the touch panel and TPDesign4 for Masterless TCP/IP Transfers, you are ready to transfer files to/from the panel without the need for an intermediate master: Sending Files To the Panel 1. 2. 3. Select Transfer > Send to Panel to open the Send to Panel dialog. Select any Options (Smart Transfer, Normal Transfer or Full Clean) as desired. Click the Send button to initiate the transfer. The progress of the transfer is indicated in the Status column of the Transfer Status Window.

Receiving Files From The Panel 1. 2. 3. Select Transfer > Receive from Panel to open the Receive from Panel dialog. Select any Options (Smart Transfer, Normal Transfer or Full Clean) as desired. Click the Receive button to initiate the transfer. The progress of the transfer is indicated in the Status column of the Transfer Status Window.

Virtual NetLinx Master USB Transfers

TPDesign4 v2.2 (or higher) supports direct connection to G4 panels via USB (in addition to TCP/ IP): Configuring the Touch Panel for Virtual NetLinx Master USB Transfers If it is not already powered up and connected, apply power to the touch panel and verify that it is connected to the PC via the USB connector on the rear (or side) of the panel (G4 panels only). To configure the panel for Virtual NetLinx Master transfers via USB: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Disconnect USB Cable. Press and hold the grey Front Setup Access button (below the touch screen) for 3 seconds to access the Setup page. Press the Protected Setup button to access the Protected Setup page. Use the on-screen keyboard to enter the password (the default password is 1988). Press the System Connection button to access the System Connection Setup page. Select USB as the Master Connection. Press the Back button to return to the Protected Setup page and press the Reboot button to reboot the panel. NOW, connect USB Cable. After several seconds, the panel should appear in the online device tree, listed as Virtual NetLinx Master. Once you can see the device online, you may transfer panel files to and from the G4 device without the need for an intermediate NetLinx Master.

See Tech Note 608, USB connection to Work on MVP or CV7 Panels for more detailed information on this topic.

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TPDesign4 & G4 Web Control

Configuring TPDesign4 for Virtual NetLinx Master USB Transfers 1. 2. 3. Select Transfer > Connect to open the Connect dialog (or click the toolbar button). Select [Virtual NetLinx Master] from the Connection drop-down list. Select Transfer > Send to Panel to open the Send To Panel dialog. The panel should appear in the list of Online Devices. Once you can see the panel online, you may transfer panel files without the need for an intermediate NetLinx master. To receive files from the panel, select Transfer > Receive From Panel.

Allow several seconds after the panel is rebooted for it to appear in the Online Device list in the Send To Panel or Receive From Panel dialogs.

Transferring Files Using a Virtual NetLinx Master USB Connection

Once you have configured both the touch panel and TPDesign4 for Masterless USB Transfers, you are ready to transfer files to/from the panel without the need for an intermediate master: Sending Files To the Panel 1. 2. 3. Select Transfer > Send to Panel to open the Send to Panel dialog. Select any Options (Smart Transfer, Normal Transfer or Full Clean) as desired. Click the Send button to initiate the transfer. The progress of the transfer is indicated in the Status column of the Transfer Status Window.

Receiving Files From The Panel 1. 2. 3. Select Transfer > Receive from Panel to open the Receive from Panel dialog. Select any Options (Smart Transfer, Normal Transfer or Full Clean) as desired. Click the Receive button to initiate the transfer. The progress of the transfer is indicated in the Status column of the Transfer Status Window.

Transfer Status Window

The Send To Panel and Receive From Panel dialogs place the requested transfer into a queue, the status of which is displayed in the Transfer Status window, which may be docked/undocked from the main application window. This window displays the following data for each transfer: Status: The status bars indicate the progress of each file in the transfer, and the overall status of the transfer. Device: This column gives the Device # and a description of the target/source device. Project: This column indicates the name of the Project the files belong to.


AMX Programmer I & II

TPDesign4 & G4 Web Control

Using G4 Web Control to Interact with a G4 Panel

The G4 Web Control feature allows you to use a computer to interact with a G4 enabled panel via the web. This feature works in tandem with the new browser-capable NetLinx Security firmware update (build 130 or higher).
Verify your NetLinx Master (ME260 or NI-Series) has been installed with the latest firmware KIT file from Refer to your NetLinx Master Instruction Manual for more detailed information on the use of the new web-based NetLinx Security.

Modero Setup and System Connection

1. Press and hold the two lower buttons on both sides of the display for 3 seconds for MVPs and press the button at the bottom of the panel for 3 seconds for the other Modero panels to open the Setup page (FIG. 1).

Default setting is zero Displays the connection type used on the panel for communication (detected only after the panel is rebooted)

FIG. 1 Setup page

2. 3.

Press the Protected Setup button (located on the lower-left of the panel page) to begin opening the Protected Setup page and display an on-screen keypad. Enter 1988 into the Keypads password field and press Done when finished.

Clearing Password #5, initially from the Passwords page, removes any future need for entering the factory default password before accessing the Protected Setup page.

4. 5.

Press the blue Device Number field to open the Device Number keypad (FIG. 2). Enter a Device Number for the panel into the Device Number Keypad. The default is 10001 and the range is from 1 - 32000.

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TPDesign4 & G4 Web Control

FIG. 2 G4 Web Control Page

When using multiple panels within a NetLinx System, remember to assign unique Device Number values to each Modero panel so that all assigned panels appear in the System listing for the target Master.

6. 7.

Press the Web Control Name field to open the Web Name keyboard. From the Web Name keyboard, enter a unique alpha-numeric string to identify this panel. This information is used by the NetLinx Security Web Server to display on-screen links to the panel. The on-screen links uses the IP Address of the panel and not the name for communication (FIG. 3).

FIG. 3 Sample relationship between G4 WebControl and NetLinx Security-WebControl tab

8. 9.

Press Done after you are finished assigning the alpha-numeric string for the Web Control name. Press the Web Control Password field to open the Web Password keyboard.

10. From the Web Password keyboard, enter a unique alpha-numeric string to be assigned as the G4 Authentication session password associated with VNC web access of this panel. 11. Press Done after you are finished assigning the alpha-numeric string for the Web Control password. 12. Press the Web Control Port field to open the Web Port Number keypad.


AMX Programmer I & II

TPDesign4 & G4 Web Control

13. Within the keypad, enter a unique numeric value to be assigned to the port the VNC Web Server is running on. 14. Press Done to close the keypad, assign the number, and return to the Protected Setup page. 15. Press the on-screen Reboot button to restart the panel and incorporate any changes. 16. Press Done when you are finished entering the value. The remaining fields within the G4 Web Control Settings section of this page are read-only and cannot be altered. 17. Press the Up/Down arrows on either sides of the G4 Web Control Timeout field to increase or decrease the amount of time the panel can remain idle (no cursor movements) before the session is closed and the user is disconnected. 18. Press the Protected Setup button to open the Protected Setup page. 19. Press the on-screen Reboot button to reboot the panel and save your changes.

AMX Programmer I & II


TPDesign4 & G4 Web Control


AMX Programmer I & II

Multi-Dimensional Arrays, Structures, & Data Sets

Multi-Dimensional Arrays, Structures, & Data Sets

Lesson Topics

Multi-Dimensional Arrays Data Structures Assigning Values to Arrays and Structures Data Sets

Multi-Dimensional Arrays
NetLinx has the ability to store up to 5-dimensional arrays. Multi-dimensional arrays give us the ability to store groups of similar data.

It is a good idea to limit the scale of arrays to two-dimensional or three-dimensional arrays, because of the complexity of documenting the arrays and clarifying the use of the array in the code.

Since each dimension in multi-dimensional array to contain 65,535 elements, it is important to know how much memory is allocated to an array. A character array defined with five dimensions each containing only 64 elements that array will occupy 1,073,741,824 bytes or 1 giga-byte of memory! More memory than is currently available in the NetLinx system.

Multi-dimensional arrays are also limited to only one data type, and may not be the right type of tool for the job.

This will define a character array that can hold up to 25 elements (characters). This array can store one song title.

This defines a two dimensional character array that can hold 12 sets of 25 elements (characters). This array can store twelve song titles each with 25 characters.

AMX Programmer I & II


Multi-Dimensional Arrays, Structures, & Data Sets

This defines a three dimensional character array that can hold 300 groups of 12 sets of 25 elements (characters). This array can store three hundred list with twelve song titles each with 25 characters.

This defines a four dimensional character array that can hold four divisions each containing 300 groups of 12 sets of 25 elements (characters). This array can store 1200 lists with twelve song titles each with 25 characters.

This defines a five dimensional character array that can hold twenty sets each containing four divisions of 300 groups of 12 sets of 25 elements (characters). This array can store four divisions of 1200 lists with twelve song titles each with 25 characters.
DEFINE_VARIABLES CHAR CD_LIST [20][4][300][12][25]

Now that an array to store song titles has been defined, how much memory will be allocated to this variable? 1 byte *25*12*300*4*20 = 7,200,000 bytes

Data Structures
NetLinx has the ability to define Structures within the NetLinx program. Structures define a new data type, which contains a group or set of member variables. The members define the data contained in the structure and describe the function of the data in the structure.

The Structure is defined within the DEFINE_TYPE section of the NetLinx Program. A structure is defined in the following format:
DEFINE_TYPE STRUCTURE struct_tag { data_type1 member1 data_type2 member2 . . data_type_n member_n }

struct_tag is a unique identifier given to the structure data_type_n is any NetLinx data type or previously defined structure member_n is an identifier unique to the structure and can be defined as a single variable

or an array


AMX Programmer I & II

Multi-Dimensional Arrays, Structures, & Data Sets

The definition of the structure only outlines the template for the data type. The definition of the structure does not actually reserve any memory.

Using Structures
The first step to creating a Structure is to list the data that is required: Using the CD collection as an example:


This information will occupy 29 bytes of data for each item.


Now that the Structure has been defined as a new data type, you must define a variable. The variable can be defined as a single variable or an multi-dimensional array.
DEFINE_VARIABLE struct_tag struct_variable1 struct_tag struct_array1[3][5] Where: struct_tag is the structure defined in DEFINE_TYPE struct_variable1 is a unique identifier for a single instance of the structure struct_array1[3][5] is a two-dimensional array of the structure


The individual member of the structure can be accessed using the dot operator. For example we can assign values to member1 of the structures above using the following statements:
struct_variable1.member1 = value struct_array1[2][2].member1 = value

Using the dot operator, the members of the structure can be used anywhere a variable of the same data type would be used.

To assign data to a structure variable is slightly different than to an intrinsic variable type. You must reference the variable name and the element of the structure desired. Assigning data to a structure variable array is similar but also includes the array index. For example:

AMX Programmer I & II


Multi-Dimensional Arrays, Structures, & Data Sets

BUT_SERIOUSLY[1].TITLE=Hang In Long Enough BUT_SERIOUSLY[2].TITLE=Thats Just The Way It Is

One of the features of NetLinx structures is the ability to use a previously defined Structure in another Structure. For Example:

SONGS was defined as a new data type previously. This structure uses an array of the data type SONGS to list the songs of a CD. The total amount of space that would be allocated to this data type is 487 bytes.

Now that another Structure has been defined as another new data type, it can also be used in the DEFINE_VARIABLES section.

The variable array CD_LIST occupies 146,100 bytes.

Assigning data to this new structure variable array is similar but also includes the elements of the embedded structure. For example:
CD_LIST[1].CD_TITLE=But Seriously CD_LIST[1].TRACK[1].MIN=8 CD_LIST[1].TRACK[1].SEC=51 CD_LIST[1].TRACK[1].TITLE=Hang In Long Enough CD_LIST[1].TRACK[2].TITLE=Thats Just The Way It Is CD_LIST[1].REL_YEAR=1987 CD_LIST[1].GENRE=POP


AMX Programmer I & II

Multi-Dimensional Arrays, Structures, & Data Sets

Assigning Values to Multi-dimensional Arrays and Structures

There are a couple things to be aware of when assigning values to arrays and structures: 1. (non-structure) Arrays can be initialized in the DEFINE_VARIABLE section. Arrays with data types other than CHAR and WIDECHAR are initialized inside curly braces, {}, instead of double quotes, " ". Arrays can be declared and initialized as an unsized array using empty square braces, []. The array is initialized to the assigned values, and the maximum length of the array is set to the number of values used in the initialization. The array above is initialized to a 5 element array containing the values 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50. 3. 4. User defined Structures can not be initialized inside the DEFINE_VARIABLE section. Elements of multi-dimensional arrays can only be assigned individually outside the DEFINE_VARIABLE section.


INTEGER array1[] = {10,20,30,40,50}

array1[3][2] = 15 array1[3] = {10,15,20}


The members of structures can only be assigned individually, except when the member is a CHAR array or string, outside the DEFINE_VARIABLE section.

struct_variable.member1 = 14 struct_variable.member2 = hello struct_variable = {14, hello}

6. 7.

Arrays with the same data type, number of dimensions and number of elements can be directly assigned to each other. Structures with the same structure type can be directly assigned to each other.

Data Sets
NetLinx predefines several structures that are designed to work with NetLinx device numbers, channels, and levels. Data sets allow you to group and in essence, combine certain elements of NetLinx devices. There are three data set structures supported by NetLinx: DEV (Device Sets), DEVCHAN (Device-Channel Sets), and DEVLEV (Device-Level Sets). You have already seen the structure DEV structure in the DEFINE_DEVICE section. the structure DEV in the DEFINE_TYPE section it would look like this:

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Multi-Dimensional Arrays, Structures, & Data Sets

Devices can also be grouped to allow functions or commands to be issued to the group. NetLinx includes a built-in Structure called a DEV which contains integers for the device number, port number and system number.

The actual instancing of the structure is unique to the DEV structure because you separate the individual structures elements with colons instead of enclosing the structure with braces and separating the elements with commas.

An array of devices can be created:


These arrays can be used anywhere a device can be used.


Similar to DEV sets, pairs of device,channels can be grouped. DEVCHAN is a built-in structure which contains the DEV structure and an integer to represent a channel. An array of device,channel pairs can be created:

These arrays can be used anywhere a device,channel pair can be used:


Once a Structure is defined that Structure can be used in another Structure. This is done in the DEVCHAN and DEVLEV Structures.


AMX Programmer I & II

Multi-Dimensional Arrays, Structures, & Data Sets

DEVCHAN and DEVLEV Structures are initialized in the same way as other NetLinx structures. For example using DEVCHAN we can create a group of buttons on a user interface that are used for similar functions:
DEVCHAN SWT_INPUTS[4]= { {dvTP,41}, {dvTP,42}, {dvTP,43}, {dvTP,44} }

This can enable the use of a group of device channel or device level sets as the parameter to an event. DEVLEV is another built-in structure, similar to DEVCHAN, that contains the DEV structure and an integer referring to a level. Using DEVLEV device,level pairs can be grouped.

AMX Programmer I & II


Multi-Dimensional Arrays, Structures, & Data Sets


AMX Programmer I & II

Combining Devices

Combining Devices
Lesson Topics

DEFINE_COMBINE in NetLinx Combining and Uncombing Devices Web Control

This definition section allows the combination of functionally identical devices, such as identically programmed Touch Panels and Softwire Panels. When the program references one of these devices, all other combined devices in the set are also referenced. The Master recognizes all devices in the combine list as the first device listed. This will cause any button pushed on any of the touch panels to respond as if that button was pushed on the first touch panel. Operations are programmed to the first device in the combine list. The set of devices, called a combine list, must be enclosed in parentheses. For example:

NetLinx provides several new methods for combining the functionality of devices. You can combine functionality within mainline by stacking push and release statements. Stacking pushes allows you the flexibility to conditionally change what elements of the program share functionality, but the program can be more difficult to maintain over time than if the panels were combined using DEFINE_COMBINE.

Virtual Devices
NetLinx uses Virtual Devices. Virtual Devices carry a device number ranging from 32,768 to 36,863, a port number of 1, and a system number of 0.
A Virtual Device must be in position 1. (see example above)

Virtual Devices are devices that cannot be taken off the bus. By listing a virtual device as the first device in a DEFINE_COMBINE statement or as the first device in a COMBINE_DEVICES, the abnormalities seen in Axcess DEFINE_COMBINE statements are eliminated.

AMX Programmer I & II


Combining Devices

Combining and Uncombining Devices

NetLinx still recognizes the DEFINE_COMBINE section. However, once the DEFINE_COMBINE section has been compiled it remains static. NetLinx introduces two functions: COMBINE_DEVICES and UNCOMBINE_DEVICES. COMBINE_DEVICES and UNCOMBINE_DEVICES dynamically change the devices combined together. When devices are combined the combine list and DEV set lists are reevaluated and updated during run time.

COMBINE_DEVICES and UNCOMBINE_DEVICES are used as stand-alone statements in an event or mainline or in assignment statements. COMBINE_DEVICES and UNCOMBINE_DEVICES will return a value of 0 or 1 depending on the success or failure of the operation. The first device in a COMBINE_DEVICES statement should be a Virtual Device. The devices, listed after the virtual device, are either a list of individual device numbers, DEV sets or any combination of devices and DEV sets. The UNCOMBINE_DEVICES statement requires only the first device in the COMBINE_DEVICES list, which should be a Virtual Device. The format for COMBINE_DEVICES and UNCOMBINE_DEVICES is:
COMBINE_DEVICES (<virtual device>, <device1>, <device2>) UNCOMBINE_DEVICES (<virtual device>)

Devices combined with COMBINE_DEVICES respond like devices combined using the DEFINE_COMBINE section. The central controller recognizes any input from the devices in the combine list as the first device in the list.


AMX Programmer I & II

Bitwise Operations

Bitwise Operations
Lesson Topics

Bitwise Operators


Bitwise operators perform the same logical operations mentioned earlier, but on a bit-by-bit basis. These operators are BAND, BOR, BXOR, and BNOT. They are similar to logical operators. For example, the keyword BAND performs a logical AND operation between two bytes on a bit-by-bit basis. Instead of producing a true or false result, bitwise operations form a new byte. For example:
X = $A1 BAND $8A

The variable X now equals $8 (see FIG. 1). The AND operation is applied to the first bit of each value (1 and 1), setting the first bit of the result to 1. This is done again for each bit of the values, producing a new byte.

1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 And 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0

$A1 $8A

The result is true, w hich has a value of 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $80

FIG. 1 BAND applies the logical operator And on a bit-by-bit basis. Since both bits are true in the first location, the resulting bit is also true.

Operators in that perform bit-by-bit logical operations on one byte or between two bytes. They are similar to logical operators. For example, the keyword BAND performs a logical AND operation between two bytes on a bit-by-bit basis. These operators are: BAND, BOR, BXOR, BNOT, RSHIFT, and LSHIFT.

AMX Programmer I & II


Bitwise Operations

BAND - Bitwise AND

Uses BAND keyword or & symbol Compares the individual bits of two bytes...returns a byte result

$92 BAND $02 = $02

1 0 0 1

0 0 1 0

BAND 0 0 0 0 = 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0

BOR - Bitwise OR
Uses BOR keyword or | Compares the individual bits of two bytes returns a byte result

$92 BOR $02 = $92

1 0 0 1

0 0 1 0

BOR 0 0 0 0 = 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0


AMX Programmer I & II

Bitwise Operations

BXOR - Bitwise Exclusive OR

Uses BXOR keyword or ^ symbol Compares the individual bits of two bytes returns a byte result

$92 BXOR $02 = $90

1 0 0 1

0 0 1 0

BXOR 0 0 0 0 = 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

BNOT - Bitwise NOT

Uses BNOT keyword or ~ symbol Compares the individual bits of two bytes returns a byte result

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Bitwise Operations

RSHIFT - Right Shift

Uses RSHIFT keyword or >> symbol Moves bit values to the right

FIG. 2 Decreases values by a factor of 2

FIG. 3 Decreases value by a factor of 4


AMX Programmer I & II

Bitwise Operations

LSHIFT - Left Shift

Uses LSHIFT keyword or << symbol Moves bit values to the left

FIG. 4 Increases value by a factor of 2

FIG. 5 Increases value by a factor of 4

AMX Programmer I & II


Bitwise Operations

Assignment Operators
The assignment operators may appear only once in a single NetLinx statement. Assignment Operators
Operator = ++ -Function Assignment Increment by 1 Decrement by 1

The following rules apply to the use of assignment operators: The "=" operator may be used to assign

Expressions to intrinsic type variables (see Data Types) Arrays to other array of matching size and type Structures to other structures of the same type

The "++" and "--" operators are statements, and cannot appear within expressions. For example:
FOR (I=1; I<10; I++) I = j++; // Legal // Illegal

Operator Precedence
The table below shows the inherent precedence assigned to the operators. As noted in the chart, the NOT (!) operator has the highest precedence in NetLinx systems. Operator Precedence
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 < <= * + > >= & && | || Operators ! ~ / % = == <> ^ ^^ << >> Associability Left To Right Left To Right Left To Right Left To Right Left To Right Left To Right Left To Right


AMX Programmer I & II

TCP/IP Communication

TCP/IP Communication
Lesson Topics

IP Communication Server Programming Client Programming

IP Communication
Clients and servers communicate via Internet Protocol (IP) using either a connection-oriented or connection less protocol.

Connection-oriented input/output (I/O) channels require a connection or virtual circuit to be established between the client and server before data can be transmitted or received. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is the transport protocol typically used for connection-oriented I/O. With TCP, delivery of the data is guaranteed.

With a connection less I/O, a connection is not established between the client and server before data is exchanged. Instead, the identity of the client and server is established each time data is sent or received. This type of communication is usually recommended for applications that transfer only small amounts of data. User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is the transport protocol used for connection less I/O. With UDP, delivery of the data is not guaranteed.

Both the client and the server must be able to identify incoming and outgoing data for a particular conversation. To achieve this, each application assigns a unique number to the conversation. This number is the local port number. A local port is not a physical port but rather a virtual port on the NetLinx Master that identifies the source or destination for data exchanged during the conversation. Local ports are specific to either the client or the server; they need not match across applications.

The application assigns the number for the local port - as opposed to letting the system assign it (for instance, as the return value for IP_CLIENT_OPEN or IP_SERVER_OPEN) - to satisfy the static nature of DEFINE_EVENT handlers. All event handlers must specify a device, port, and system to identify the events' source. This device information must be constant; that is, it cannot change at run-time. A constant IP device specification can be defined using a local port number. For example:
Device Number = 0 Port = LocalPort System = 0 The master The local port number This system (where the application is running)

AMX Programmer I & II


TCP/IP Communication

A NetLinx Master can maintain up to 200 simultaneous TCP/IP connections. This includes connections to NetLinx Studio, NetLinx Diagnostics, Internet Inside Applications, URL List entries, and Ethernet devices such as the TPI4 and Modero panels.

A range of numbers is reserved for local port numbers to make sure that this IP device-naming convention does not interfere with future naming schemes. The program can only assign local port numbers at or above the value of the keyword, FIRST_LOCAL_PORT. All port numbers below FIRST_LOCAL_PORT are reserved for future use. For example:

Server Programming
Listening for Client Requests
A client gains access to a service by sending a request to the server specifying the port assigned to the service. For the request to be acknowledged, the server must be listening on that port. To do this, the server calls IP_SERVER_OPEN. This opens the port and allows the server to listen for requests from client applications.

IP_SERVER_OPEN requires the caller to supply a local port number. This local port number is a virtual port as opposed to an actual physical port on the server. When TCP is the transport protocol, the local port represents a single client connection on the server's physical port. When UDP is the transport protocol, it represents a single point where all client requests on the associated port are routed. Review of Requirements:

An assigned port on the Master IP Port number of the application TCP or UDP to be specified

The local port number is the key to identifying data sent to or received from a client application. A local port number may not be used in another call to IP_SERVER_OPEN until IP_SERVER_CLOSE is called for that port number. The syntax:
IP_SERVER_OPEN(LocalPort, ServerPort, Protocol)

Parameters: LocalPort: The local port number to open. This port number must be passed to IP_CLIENT_CLOSE to close the conversation. ServerPort: The port number on the server identifies the program or service the client is requesting. Protocol: The transport protocol to use (1 = TCP, 2 = UDP). If this parameter is not specified, TCP (1) is assumed.


AMX Programmer I & II

TCP/IP Communication

Multiple Client Connections

With connection-oriented I/O (TCP), more than one client could request a connection with the server at the same time. Support for multiple client connections applies only to connection-oriented I/O, that is, TCP protocol. Opening multiple ports using UDP as the protocol serves no purpose. In that case, any additional open commands will fail.

To support concurrent requests, the server must call IP_SERVER_OPEN once for each simultaneous connection allowed. For example:
IP_SERVER_OPEN (First_Local_Port, 10510, 1) IP_SERVER_OPEN (First_Local_Port+1, 10510, 1) IP_SERVER_OPEN (First_Local_Port+2, 10510, 1)

This allows three simultaneous connections on port 10510. Note that each call to IP_SERVER_OPEN uses a different local port number.

Closing a Local Port

To close a local port, the server application must call IP_SERVER_CLOSE. Once that is called, no I/O can be handled using the specified local port. The syntax:

Parameters: LocalPort: The local port number to close

Connection-oriented Notifications
The server receives the following notifications when a client connects or disconnects. The protocol in this case must be TCP.
DATA_EVENT[0:LocalPort:0] { ONLINE: { // client has connected } OFFLINE: { // client has disconnected } }

where Device is (or contains as part of an array) the device representing the conversation (0:LocalPort:0).

AMX Programmer I & II


TCP/IP Communication

Receiving Data
To receive data from a client, use a DATA event handler or a buffer created with CREATE_BUFFER or CREATE_MULTI_BUFFER. If an event handler is used, the data is located in the Text field of the DATA object. The syntax:
DATA_EVENT[0:LocalPort:0] { STRING: { // process incoming string (Data.Text) } }

where Device is (or contains as part of an array) the device representing the conversation (0:LocalPort:0).

Sending Data
To send data to the client, use the SEND_STRING command.
SEND_STRING 0:LocalPort:0, '<string>'

The device specification (0:LocalPort:0) is interpreted as follows: Device Number: 0: The master Port: LocalPort: The local port number System: 0: This system (the client)

NetLinx can send and receive multi-cast UDP messages. To send a multi-cast UDP message, all you need to do is specify a multi-cast address and port in the IP_CLIENT_OPEN function such as the following:
IP_CLIENT_OPEN (dvIPClient.Port,'',1900,2)

To receive multi-cast UDP messages, you must call the IP_MC_SERVER_OPEN function:
IP_MC_SERVER_OPEN (dvIPServer,'',1900)

The NetLinx master will join the multi-cast session and allow you to receive and transmit UDP multi-cast messages.


AMX Programmer I & II

TCP/IP Communication

Client Programming
Initiating a Conversation
To initiate a conversation with a server, the client must use the IP_CLIENT_OPEN command and supply either the IP address or domain name of the server and a port number for the requested service. The client must also specify a local port number to use for sending and receiving data. This number represents a virtual port on the client machine; it is not the actual port number used to create the client-end socket. A local port number may not be used in another call to IP_CLIENT_OPEN until IP_CLIENT_CLOSE is called for that port number. Review of Requirements:

An assigned port on the Master IP Address or URL of the device or application IP Port number of the application TCP or UDP to be specified

The syntax is shown below:

IP_Client_Open(LocalPort, ServerAddress, ServerPort, Protocol)

Parameters: LocalPort: A user-defined, non-zero integer value representing the virtual port on the client machine that will be used for this conversation. This port number must be passed to IP_CLIENT_CLOSE to close the conversation. ServerAddress: A string containing either the IP address (in dotted-quad-notation) or the domain name of the server to connect to. ServerPort: The port number on the server that identifies the program or service the client is requesting. Protocol: The transport protocol to use (1 = TCP, 2 = UDP). If this parameter is not specified, TCP (1) is assumed.

Terminating a Conversation
To terminate a conversation you must use the IP_CLIENT_CLOSE command and pass the number of the local port used for the conversation. The syntax:

Parameters: LocalPort: A user-defined, non-zero integer value representing the virtual port on the client machine that will be used for this conversation

AMX Programmer I & II


TCP/IP Communication

Sending Data
To send data to the server, use the SEND_STRING command.
SEND_STRING 0:LocalPort:0, '<string>'

The device specification (0:LocalPort:0) is interpreted as follows: Device Number: 0: The master Port: LocalPort: The local port number System: 0: This system (the client)

Receiving Data
To receive data from the server use a DATA event handler or a buffer created with CREATE_BUFFER or CREATE_MULTI_BUFFER. If an event handler is used, the data is located in the Text field of the DATA object. The syntax is shown below:
Data[0:LocalPort:0] { STRING: { // process incoming string (Data.Text) } }

Parameters: Device: Is (or contains as part of an array) the device representing the conversation (0:LocalPort:0)

Example IP Code
PROGRAM_NAME='IPExample' (***********************************************************) (* DEVICE NUMBER DEFINITIONS GO BELOW *) (***********************************************************) DEFINE_DEVICE dvIPServer dvIPClient (* DEFINE_CONSTANT TCP_IP nIPPort (* DEFINE_VARIABLE = 1 = 8000 VARIABLE DEFINITIONS GO BELOW *) = 0:2:0 = 0:3:0 CONSTANT DEFINITIONS GO BELOW *)

(***********************************************************) (***********************************************************)

(***********************************************************) (***********************************************************)


AMX Programmer I & II

TCP/IP Communication


(* .Flags (* .HostName (* .IPAddress (* .SubnetMask (* .Gateway

*) *) *) *) *) *)

(***********************************************************) (* DEFINE_START (* Get My IP Address *) GET_IP_ADDRESS(0:0:0,MyIPAddress) (* Open The Server *) IP_SERVER_OPEN(dvIPServer.Port,nIPPort,TCP_IP) (* Open The Client *) IP_CLIENT_OPEN(dvIPClient.Port,MyIPAddress.IPAddress,nIPPort,TCP_IP) (***********************************************************) (* THE EVENTS GOES BELOW *) (***********************************************************) DEFINE_EVENT (* Server Data Handler *) DATA_EVENT[dvIPServer] { ONERROR: { SEND_STRING 0,"'error: server=',ITOA(Data.Number)" } ONLINE: { SEND_STRING 0,"'online: server'" } OFFLINE: { SEND_STRING 0,"'offline: server'" } STRING: { SEND_STRING 0,"'string: client=',Data.Text" IF (FIND_STRING(Data.Text,'ping',1)) SEND_STRING 0:2:0,"'pong',13" } } (* Client Data Handler *) STARTUP CODE GOES BELOW (***********************************************************)

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TCP/IP Communication

DATA_EVENT[dvIPClient] { ONERROR: { SEND_STRING 0,"'error: client=',ITOA(Data.Number)" } ONLINE: { SEND_STRING 0,"'online: client'" } OFFLINE: { SEND_STRING 0,"'offline: client'" } STRING: { SEND_STRING 0,"'string: client=',Data.Text" } } (***********************************************************) (* DEFINE_PROGRAM (* Send Ping To Server *) WAIT 50 SEND_STRING dvIPClient,"'ping',13" THE ACTUAL PROGRAM GOES BELOW *) (***********************************************************)

(***********************************************************) (* (* END OF PROGRAM DO NOT PUT ANY CODE BELOW THIS COMMENT *) *)



AMX Programmer I & II


Lesson Topics

Timeline Functions Timeline Keywords Timeline Event

Timelines were originally developed as an improved method for writing show control programs. Timelines are now becoming the preferred method for writing any timed event or repeating sequence.

Timeline Functions
The NetLinx timeline functions provide a mechanism for triggering events based upon a sequence of times. The sequence of times is passed into the timeline functions as an array of LONG values with each value representing a time period (in milliseconds) that is either relative to the start time of the timeline or to the previously triggered event. WAIT (0.01 Second increments) Timers (0.1 Second increments)


TIME (1 Second increments)

Time of day function

Timelines (1 ms increments)
Timelines introduce the capability to dynamically set up a timed sequence, provide the user with a mechanism to modify the sequence, and allow the user to create, delete, and modify sequences.

The old way of programming timed sequences was to cascade or nest WAITs. Using nested WAITs hard-coded the timed sequence so the only way to modify the timing was to modify the NetLinx program, recompile, and download. NetLinx is more accurate

Accurate to 10ms. Timelines are measured in 1ms units. Waits are measured in 10ms units (0.01s) Not affected by mainline if events are used.

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Timelines make adding, deleting and editing the sequence much simpler for the programmer. Timeline functions and debugging allow the timings to be modified without the modify/ compile/ download cycle because the array of times may be modified via NetLinx debugging. Once the timings have been tweaked, the changes can be incorporated in the NetLinx program.

Timelines can operate in two modes: Absolute and Relative. In Absolute Timelines, every event time is based upon the start of the timeline. In Relative Timelines, every event time is based upon the occurrence of the last event.

Creating a Timeline
When creating a Timeline you need to list the sequence of events that include: Order of the sequence. Duration of each event. Interdependence of events.

If one event cant start before another one finishes make sure to note that.

Then, you will want to draw your timeline. Next, you will want to convert the information from the drawing to a list of times. Time can be specified as absolute or relative: Absolute
LONG TIMES[]={0,200,500,12000,27000,45000}

LONG TIMES[]={0,200,300,11500,15000,18000}

How long can a timeline run? Absolute timeline can run for more than 49 days without repeating! Relative timelines can run for more than 8900 years without repeating!


AMX Programmer I & II


Timeline Keywords
Timelines are created and begin when the TIMELINE_CREATE command is executed.
TIMELINE_CREATE ( id, tl_array[], count, tl_mode, tl_repeat )

id is unique constant that is used to reference the timeline tl_array is a single dimensional LONG array of the timeline times count is the number of events to be run in the timeline. Typically count is equal to the

length of the tl_array.


keywords to designate an absolute or relative timeline.

tl_repeat uses either the TIMELINE_REPEAT or TIMELINE_ONCE keywords to

designate a looping timeline or a single occurrence timeline.

TIMELINE_CREATE requires five parameters: Id

A constant to identify the timeline

Times Array

An array of LONG INTEGER values representing when the events should begin.


An INTEGER indicating the number of elements in the Times Array


Two keywords are provided to indicate the type of values in the Times Array:



Two keywords are provided:


AMX Programmer I & II



Timelines can be stopped with the TIMELINE_KILL command. When a timeline is killed, it is no longer running and no longer active.

Timelines can be paused and restarted using the TIMELINE_PAUSE and TIMELINE_RESTART commands. Pausing a timeline keeps the timeline active and maintains the current location within the timeline sequence, similar to pausing a VCR or DVD.

Anytime the TIMELINE_CREATE command is executed the tl_array values are reread. Since tl_array is a variable, values can easily be adjusted and updated. tl_array values can also be adjusted and updated dynamically while the timeline is active and running using the TIMELINE_RELOAD command. If the timeline is currently running when the command is issued the new array of times takes affect immediately. The next matching time from the new time array triggers the next TIMELINE_EVENT.

TIMELINE_RELOAD ( id, tl_array[], count )

TIMELINE_RELOAD cannot change the mode of the timeline or the repeat status. TIMELINE_RELOAD can adjust the tl_array times and the number of events in the timeline. There are several commands that will return the status of a timeline outside the context of an array event.

TIMELINE_ACTIVE will return a value of 1 if the timeline is currently running and a value of 0 if the timeline is currently stopped.

TIMELINE_GET returns the current timer value. TIMELINE_GET returns an absolute time value based upon the start of the timeline, and returns a LONG value in milliseconds.

TIMELINE_SET changes the value of the timer. Like TIMELINE_GET, TIMELINE_SET is an absolute time and is a LONG value based upon the start of the timeline.
TIMELINE_SET( id, value )


AMX Programmer I & II


Timeline Keywords
TIMELINE_ACTIVE This function is used to determine if a timeline has been created. If the timeline does not exist (i.e. TIMELINE_CREATE has not been called) this function returns zero. INTEGER TIMELINE_ACTIVE(LONG Id) Parameters: Id: A user defined value that uniquely identifies this timeline. Each timeline must be assigned a unique identifier starting with number one. Returns: 0: Not created Non-zero: The timeline has been created IF(TIMELINE_ACTIVE(TL1)) // if timeline 1 is running{// do something} TIMELINE_CREATE Creates an initial timeline and specifies the attributes of the timeline. INTEGER TIMELINE_CREATE(LONG Id, LONG Times[ ],LONG Length, LONG Relative, LONG Repeat) Parameters: Id: A user defined value that uniquely identifies this timeline. Each timeline must be assigned a unique identifier starting with number one. Times: An array of times where each time specifies when a TIMELINE_EVENT will be triggered. The times in the array may be relative to each other or relative to the start of the timeline depending upon the Relative parameter. For an absolute timeline it is NOT necessary for the times in the array to be sorted in any particular order (the NetLinx master does this internally for you). The NetLinx master makes an internal copy of the values in the array allowing the user to modify the passed in array as desired without affecting the operation of the timeline. Length: The count of times in the Times array. Relative: Indicates whether the Times array contains relative times or absolute times. Relative indicates the each time given is relative to the last event time (i.e. the time delay in between the triggered events). Absolute indicates that each time given is absolute with respect to the start of the timeline. Repeat: Indicates whether the timeline should automatically start over again when Length events have been triggered. TIMELINE_EVENT These events are generated when a timeline's internal timer is equal to one of the specified times in the times array. The TIMELINE_EVENT must be placed in the DEFINE_EVENT section of the program. TIMELINE_EVENT[timelineID] See the TIMELINE_CREATE function for a more detailed description.

Timeline Keywords (Cont.)

AMX Programmer I & II




This function returns the value of the specified timeline's timer. The timer indicates the number of milliseconds that have passed since the timeline started. If the timeline is paused the timer is also paused and subsequent calls to TIMELINE_GET will return the same value. LONG TIMELINE_GET (LONG Id) Parameters: Id: A user defined value that uniquely identifies this timeline. Each timeline must be assigned a unique identifier starting with number one. This function returns the specified timeline's internal timer. The timer value represents the number of milliseconds that have passed since the timeline started. TIMELINE_SET (TL1,TIMELINE_GET (TL1)+1000) // jump ahead 1 second


This function is used to terminate a timeline. Any further references to the specified timeline ID are invalid. INTEGER TIMELINE_KILL(LONG Id) Parameters: Id: A user defined value that uniquely identifies this timeline. Each timeline must be assigned a unique identifier starting with number one. Result: 0: Successful 1: Specified timeline ID invalid TIMELINE_KILL(TL1) // permanently destroy the timeline


This function is used to suspend the execution of a timeline. It may be restarted from where it left off with the TIMELINE_RESTART function. INTEGER TIMELINE_PAUSE(LONG Id) Parameters: Id: A user defined value that uniquely identifies this timeline. Each timeline must be assigned a unique identifier starting with number one. Result: 0: Successful 1: Specified timeline ID invalid TIMELINE_PAUSE(TL1) // momentarily suspend the timeline

Timeline Keywords (Cont.)


AMX Programmer I & II



This function is used to change the array times of a timeline. The new array of times takes affect immediately even if the timeline is currently executing. If the timeline is executing when this function is called the timeline continues to execute and the next matching time from the new array triggers an event. INTEGER TIMELINE_RELOAD(LONG Id, LONG Times[],LONG Length) Parameters: Id: A user defined value that uniquely identifies this timeline. Each timeline must be assigned a unique identifier starting with number one. Times: An array of times where each time specifies when a TIMELINE_EVENT will be triggered. The times in the array must utilize the same time base (TIMELINE_RELATIVE or TIMELINE_ABSOLUTE) as determined by the original call to TIMELINE_CREATE. The NetLinx master makes an internal copy of the values in the array allowing the user to modify the passed in array as desired without affecting the operation of the timeline. Length: The count of times in the Times array. Result: 0: Successful 1: Timeline ID already in use 2: Specified array is not an array of LONGs 3: Specified length is greater than the length of the passed array 4: Out of memory TimeArray[1] = 1000TimeArray[2] = 1500TimeArray[3] = 2000TIMELINE_RELOAD(TL1,TimeArray,3) // Modify the timeline


This function is used to continue execution of a timeline that was suspended with TIMELINE_PAUSE. INTEGER TIMELINE_RESTART(LONG Id) Parameters: Id: A user defined value that uniquely identifies this timeline. Each timeline must be assigned a unique identifier starting with number one. Result: 0: Successful 1: Specified timeline ID invalid TIMELINE_RESTART(TL1) // continue the timeline


This function is used to modify the current timer value of a timeline. The timeline's timer is immediately set to the new value regardless of whether the timeline is executing or not. INTEGER TIMELINE_SET (LONG Id, LONG Timer) Parameters: Id: A user defined value that uniquely identifies this timeline. Each timeline must be assigned a unique identifier starting with number one. Timer: The new value for the timeline's internal timer. Result: 0: Successful 1: Specified timeline ID invalid 2: Specified timer value out of range TIMELINE_SET (TL1,0) // start it over again

AMX Programmer I & II



Timelines are represented by the illustration in (FIG. 6). When the TIMELINE_CREATE function is executed, the timeline starts at zero and begins counting. When the timer value equals a value in the TIMES array, a TIMELINE_EVENT is triggered. Within the timeline event, a TIMELINE structure is available to get information about the specific time from the TIMES array that generated the event. When a relative timeline is created, the NetLinx Master converts the provided relative times into absolute times that are stored internally.

Time 0


2000 3000 4000 Time (1mS resolution) 2 3 4


Timeline.Sequence =

FIG. 6 Timeline representation

The format for TIMELINE_EVENT is shown below.


TIMELINE_EVENT does not have any subevents or clauses. The events within TIMELINE_EVENT can be tracked using the data objects present within the event.

The TIMELINE structure contains the following members:

STRUCTURE TIMELINE { INTEGER INTEGER LONG INTEGER LONG } ID SEQUENCE TIME RELATIVE REPETITION //user supplied ID //index in Times array //time since start of timeline //0=absolute 1=relative //# of loops for repeating timeline


AMX Programmer I & II


Each TIMELINE data member is defined as follows:

ID SEQUENCE The ID that the user assigned to the timeline in the TIMELINE_CREATE function. The index of the time in the Times array that was passed to the TIMELINE_CREATE function. The SEQUENCE data member is used to determine what action to take for the event and is normally decoded with a SWITCH/CASE structure (as shown in the example). The amount of time that has elapsed since the timeline started. For repeating timelines, the TIME and REPETITION data members can be used to calculate the total amount of time it has been running. If the timeline is operating in relative mode, this data member is equal to TIMELINE_RELATIVE. If the timeline is absolute, it is equal to TIMELINE_ABSOLUTE. If the timeline was created with TIMELINE_REPEAT, this data member holds the number of times the timeline has been executed. REPETITION contains zero for the first pass through the timeline. Thus, the calculation to determine the total amount of time the timeline has been running is simply: TIMELINE.TIME * TIMELINE.REPETITION.


0 1 2 3 4 Successful Timeline ID already in use Specified array is not an array of LONGs Specified length is greater than the length of the passed array Out of memory

DEFINE_VARIABLE LONG TimeArray[100] DEFINE_CONSTANT TL1 = 1 TL2 = 2 DEFINE_EVENT TIMELINE_EVENT[TL1] // capture all events for Timeline 1 { switch(Timeline.Sequence) // which time was it? { case 1: { SEND_COMMAND dvPanel,"'TEXT1-1 1'" } case 2: { SEND_COMMAND dvPanel,"'TEXT1-1 2'" } case 3: { SEND_COMMAND dvPanel,"'TEXT1-1 3'" } case 4: { SEND_COMMAND dvPanel,"'TEXT1-1 4'" } case 5: { SEND_COMMAND dvPanel,"'TEXT1-1 5'" } } } TIMELINE_EVENT[TL2] { switch(Timeline.Sequence) { case 1: { SEND_COMMAND dvPanel,"'TEXT2-2 1'" } case 2: { SEND_COMMAND dvPanel,"'TEXT2-2 2'" } case 3: { SEND_COMMAND dvPanel,"'TEXT2-2 3'" } case 4: { SEND_COMMAND dvPanel,"'TEXT2-2 4'" } case 5: { SEND_COMMAND dvPanel,"'TEXT2-2 5'" } } } DEFINE_PROGRAM PUSH[dvPanel,1] Continued

AMX Programmer I & II



{ TimeArray[1] = 1000 TimeArray[2] = 2000 TimeArray[3] = 3000 TimeArray[4] = 4000 TimeArray[5] = 5000 TIMELINE_CREATE(TL1, TimeArray, 5, TIMELINE_ABSOLUTE, TIMELINE_REPEAT) } PUSH[dvPanel,2] { TimeArray[1] = 1000 TimeArray[2] = 1000 TimeArray[3] = 1000 TimeArray[4] = 1000 TimeArray[5] = 1000 TIMELINE_CREATE(TL2, TimeArray, 5, TIMELINE_RELATIVE, TIMELINE_ONCE) }

The example above creates two timelines (TL1 and TL2) that trigger events at the same rate (once per second).
TL1 uses TIMELINE_ABSOLUTE to specify that the times in TimeArray are absolute

with respect to the start of the timeline. Since TL1 specifies the TIMELINE_REPEAT, it is also repeating and will generate a TIMELINE_EVENT every second iterating through all five times in a round-robin fashion: 1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3, and so on.
TL2 uses TIMELINE_RELATIVE to specify that the times in TimeArray are relative to

each other (i.e. each events occurs 1000 milliseconds after the previous). Since TL2 specifies the TIMELINE_ONCE parameter, it will execute the entire timeline once, then stop: 1,2,3,4,5.


AMX Programmer I & II

Master to Master

Master to Master
Lesson Topics

Master Routing Design Considerations and Constraints

The functionality of master-to-master (M2M) includes several new features including master routing and intersystem control. Master routing supports the ability to route messages to any other master or device and is the foundation of all M2M functionality. Intersystem control allows a master, or its NetLinx program, to control and get status of any other device (or master) that is connected to any other master.

FIG. 1 depicts a typical system of two interconnected NetLinx Control Systems with several devices connected to each one. The top portion of the illustration shows the physical connections and the devices represented. The bottom portion shows the logical connections that have been assigned.
Physical Connections Ethernet Infrastructure

10/100Mb Ethernet

NetLinx Master System #1

10/100Mb Ethernet

NetLinx Master System #7

NetLinx Studio
ICSNet AXlink 10/100Mb Ethernet AXlink ICSNet

NetLinx Cardcage S=1 D=1-12

AXlink Touchpanel S=1 D=128 System #1

TPI4 S=1 D=1024

S=7 D=32002

Axcent3 S=7 D=2-16 System #7

NXC-IRS4 S=7 D=24

Logical Connections NetLinx Master System #1 NetLinx Master System #7

NetLinx Studio NetLinx Cardcage S=1 D=1-12 AXlink Touchpanel S=1 D=128 System #1

TPI4 S=1 D=1024

S=7 D=32002

Axcent3 S=7 D=2-16 System #7

NXC-IRS4 S=7 D=24

FIG. 1 Physical and logical connections

AMX Installer


Master to Master

Master Routing
The implementation of master routing primarily involves the communication of routing tables between masters. Routing tables are exchanged between masters upon their initial connection and updates to the routing tables are exchanged as the connections change.

NetLinx masters do not automatically connect to other NetLinx masters by virtue of being on the same network. The URL List of the NetLinx master is used to force the master to initiate a TCP connection to the specified URL/IP address. Therefore, the first step in assembling an M2M system is to setup the URL in at least one of the masters to point to the other master. For example, in FIG. 1 NetLinx Master System #1 could have its URL set with a single entry that contains the IP address of the NetLinx Master System #7.

Note that any TCP/IP device, including NetLinx masters, which utilize DHCP to obtain its TCP/IP configuration are subject to having their IP address change at any time. Therefore, NetLinx masters IP address must be static unless the network supports Dynamic DNS AND a DHCP server capable of updating the DNS tables on behalf of the DHCP client. If Dynamic DNS/DHCP server are available then the NetLinx masters host name may be used in the URL list. As of this writing, the author is aware that only Windows 2000s DNS server/DHCP servers support the required dynamic capabilities.

Once the systems are connected to each other they exchange routing information such that each master will learn about all the masters connected to the other. Consider the following system of interconnected NetLinx masters:

FIG. 2 Interconnected NetLinx Masters

The arrows depict the direction of the initiated connection. For example System #1 initiated the connection to System #2 by having the IP address of System #2 in its URL List.


AMX Installer

Master to Master

As a diagnostic aid, the "show route" command can be issued from a telnet session to show how masters are connected to each other.
>show route Route Data: System Route Metric PhyAddress -------------------------------1 2 3 4 -> 5 106 111 2 2 2 4 5 106 106 2 1 2 1 0 1 2 TCP Socket=18 IP= Index=3 TCP Socket=18 IP= Index=3 TCP Socket=18 IP= Index=3 TCP Socket=16 IP= Index=1 AXlink TCP Socket=19 IP= Index=2 TCP Socket=19 IP= Index=2

The "->" to the left of system number 5 indicates that system number 5 is the local system (i.e. the system that the telnet session is connected to). The System column lists all of the systems that are in the masters routing table. The Route column indicates which system number packets are to be routed to in order to get to the destination. For example, to send a message from system #5 to system #1 the message must be sent to/through system #2. You can see this visually in Illustration 2 or by examining the Route entry for System #1 in the "show route" table.

The Metric column indicates the number of system masters that the message must transverse in order to get to its destination. In FIG. 2, the metric is 2 because the message must enter system #2, then system #1. Note that a metric of 16 indicates a "dead" route (i.e. a "dead" route is a route that used to exist but is no longer valid). Further, since the maximum usable metric is 15 there is a limit of 16 masters in the width plus height of the master topology (see section 2.1.1 Design Considerations and Constraints).

The PhyAddress column indicates the internal connection parameters used by the master to maintain the connection information.

The end result of all this routing and connection data is that any device or master can communicate with any other device or master regardless of the physical connection of the device. Note that masters may only be "connected" to each other via Ethernet/TCP/IP. As an example (using FIG. 1), NetLinx Studio is running on a PC that is connected to System #7 as device number 32002. The routing capabilities of the NetLinx master allow NetLinx Studio to download IR codes to the NXCIRS4 (S=7 D=24), download a master firmware upgrades to NetLinx master #1, and download new touch panel pages to the touch panel on master #1. All of this is possible simply by having NetLinx Studio connected to a NetLinx master with M2M firmware.

AMX Installer


Master to Master

Design Considerations and Constraints

The routing metric limit of 15 usable hops imposes some constraints on the logical topology of the interconnected NetLinx masters. While the limit of 15 hops may seem very limiting especially if a linear connection is created, this is not really the case if you carefully architect the topology.

When determining the interconnection topology of many NetLinx masters, special consideration should be made to have masters that communicate much information with each other to connect to each other. Thus if you have two systems that share devices, control, or information they should be side-by-side in the topology and not at opposite ends of the connection matrix where each message is forced to pass through several NetLinx masters. FIG. 3 displays 20 systems connected in a linear fashion. Unfortunately for this design, if the program in Master 1 needed to control a device on Master 17, the message would be discarded by Master 16 since the message would have traversed through 15 masters thus exceeding the 15 hop limit.










M 10

M 20

M 19

M 18

M 17

M 16

M 15

M 14

M 13

M 12

M 11

FIG. 3 Interconnection Topology

The 15 hop limit can easily be remedied by adding a connection between Master 1 and Master 20 (adding an entry for one master in the URL list of the other).










M 10

M 20

M 19

M 18

M 17

M 16

M 15

M 14

M 13

M 12

M 11

FIG. 4 Interconnection Topology with a connection between Master 1 and Master 20

On the following page an example of radial topology is shown (FIG. 5). This indicates how more than 64,000 masters can be connected using only 40 entries in each URL list and limiting the number of hops between any Master to 6 or less.


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AMX Installer

FIG. 5 Radial Connection Topology

Master 1,642
62,319 Systems 40 Systems

Master 1,682

Master 64,001
40 Systems

Master 64,041

Master 43
40 Systems

Master 83

1,518 Systems

Master 1,601
40 Systems

Master 1,641

Master 2
40 Systems

Master 42

Each system has 40 systems connected to it. In 6 hops or less any master can communicate to any other master.
Master 1

Master to Master


Master to Master

General Master-to-Master Issues

When multiple masters exist within a large NetLinx installation, the significance of the System number component cannot be over emphasized. Out of habit, it is easy to ignore the system field within NetLinx Studio because its value has not meant anything in the past.

When NetLinx Studio connects to a single master, yet allows the user to access all other system masters, some confusion will occur. Therefore, it is a good idea to document each system's, number and the topology of the interconnections.


AMX Installer

Review Sheet - Basics of Control

What is a Control System?
A Control System is a special purpose computer that has been designed and programmed to communicate with many different types of equipment and provide a simple and intuitive interface for the system users.

Types of Control Systems

Control systems can communicate with one master or multiple masters. The ability to have one or more masters gives the designer flexibility to design the most appropriate system for the application.

The 4 Cs
The 4 C's of control are the Control Destination, Control Link, Control Port, and Control Function. All four parts must be present for a Control System to function properly.

Determining Control System Needs

What equipment needs to be controlled? Is it in the best interest of the customer to control the equipment? Can the equipment be controlled through remote control? What functions of the equipment do you want to control?

Goals of a Control System

A Control System should provide three primary functions: Integrate, Automate, and Simplify. Integrate - a Control System integrates all of the control into a convenient package or packages Automate - the equipment functions to allow for multiple actions with fewer steps Simplify - any user should be able to operate the system without extensive training and without knowing how to operate each individual piece of equipment

Types of Control
Contact closure IR and wired serial RF Volume Voltage Serial (RS232-422-485) Miscellaneous types Contact Closure Contact closures are an on-off switch in an electrical circuit. Momentary- the relay only closes for a moment then goes back to the open position Latching- the relay remains in either a closed or an open position Discrete - multiple relays are incorporated together for unique functions Toggle - one relay performs multiple functions

Parts of a Control System

A control system is used to integrate multiple Audio/ Visual (AV) devices into an easily controlled system. The control system is made up of three basic categories: Central Controller User Interface Equipment Interfaces

Review Sheet - Basics of Control


IR Infrared remote control generates light pulses in specific patterns unique to each device. The optical range is 30-40 feet from the controlled device. Wired IR Communicates by sending pulses through a wire in specific patterns unique to each device RF In an AMX control system RF (Radio Frequency) is used for communications between user interfaces and a control system. Frequencies for transmitter/receiver pairs are preset at the factory. Radio codes can be selected by the installer in the field. Volume Volume control occurs by placing a variable resistance on the incoming signal by either increasing or decreasing the amount of signal going to the device. Voltage (Analog) For Voltage control, the control system generates a voltage between a high end and low set points to control the movement or level of a device. Serial Definitions (Digital) Serial Control - two-way communication between the Control System and the Control Destination Single-ended Serial - connects only one transmitter to one receiver Broadcast - allows one transmitter to send messages to multiple receivers at the same time. Multi-drop - allows more than one transmitter and receiver to share the same physical wires simultaneously without interfering with each other's messages. Full Duplex - sends and receives data at the same time and requires separate wires for receiving and transmitting data.

Half Duplex - can only send or receive data at one time. Handshaking - ensures that the receiving device is ready to receive the data before the data gets sent. Baud Rate - the number of bytes per second that are transferred across an interface. Parity - is used to detect data corruption that may occur during transmission. Start and Stop Bits - identify the beginning and ending of a data word. Word Length - data can be sent in 5,6,7, or 8 bit increments. Serial (RS232/RS422/RS485) RS232 - connects only one transmitter and receiver (single-ended). Maximum run length of 50 feet RS422 - serial digital interface standard that uses a balanced data signal (reduces interference) to allow long runs with no perceived degradation of signal quality (single-ended or multi-drop). Maximum run length of 4000 feet RS485 - uses a balanced data signal to reduce interference, which allows long runs with no perceived degradation of signal quality (multi-drop). Maximum run length of 4000 feet Miscellaneous Types of Control MIDI - provides a standardized and efficient means of conveying musical performance information as electronic data DMX512 - lighting system control protocol X10 - modulated data signal on a 110 VAC power circuit DTMF - telephone keypad signaling tones in which each key produces a slightly different signal


Review Sheet - Basics of Control

Review Sheet - Product

Control System Components
User Interfaces, Central Controllers, Control Interfaces, and Accessories are Control System components.

Central Controllers
The Central Controller is a shell, which contains the Master Processor and Device Controllers. The Central Controller can come in several forms including a CardFrame, NXI, or the NI series. Master Processor The Master Processor, sometimes referred to as the brain of the system, is the programming memory and network manager for the entire system. It recognizes what button the user pushes then triggers the requested event. It can also provide the security for a Control System. Hubs

User Interface
The user interfaces are the components of the Control System that allow people to interact with the control system.

Panel Sizes Touch panels come in many different sizes to help make your control system have the look and function you want and need. The sizes that the AMX touch panels come in are:
4" 6" 7" 7.5" 8.4" 12" 15" 17"

To assist the Master Processor manage the control networks AMX has developed several network Hub Cards. These Hub Cards extend the distance or number of network connections of the Master Processor. The Hub Cards can be installed in NetLinx CardFrames, NXIs, or in NXS-MHS (NetLinx Master/ Hub Module).

Device Controllers
Device Controllers act as a bridge that allows AMX control technology to interact with virtually any device or system. It receives a signal, translates the command, and then directs it to the appropriate device. Device controllers are Control Cards for the CardFrame or control ports on the Integrated Controllers.

Displays There are many different types of displays which include various options for colors, audio, video, etc.
Color Passive Color Active Color Graphic Color Video NXP-TPI/4 G3 G4

Panel Packages Different packages are available depending on where the display is needed.
Table Top Rack Mount Touch Panel Monitor ViewPoint Flush Mount

How to Find Product Specs

Online product catalog Hard copy of product catalog Technical publication manuals

Review Sheet - Product


Accessories are devices that support the control system. Some examples include: Power Supplies Sensors
Power Current Sensor Dual Power Current Sensor Video Sync Sensor Room Temp Sensor TV Sensor

Software Solutions
MeetingManager is a meeting room management and monitoring software package PictureFrame allows you to transform any of the Modero panels into dynamic digital photo albums Platinum Series Solutions are a series of integration solutions perfect for controlling Presentation Rooms, Entertainment, and Education G4 Web Control allows an AMX G4 User Interface to be remotely controlled by any computer on the control network G4 Computer Control gives you full access to any computer from an AMX Touch Panel Internet Inside Applications combine the dynamics of NetLinx with the features of the World Wide Web

Power Controllers - PCI, PC2 Equipment Protection

Uninterruptible Power Supply Node Surge Protector Multi-Port

Surge Protection

System Tools
STS IRIS Ethernet Crossover Adapter Programming Cables Rack Kits

Hardware Solutions
MAX Integrated Content Servers designed to store, manage, instantly locate and play audio and video. Consists of Integrated Music Server, Backup Storage Module, Multi-Media Server, and Audio/Video Module. Lighting AMX offers two solutions for lighting needs; Radia and Lutron. Radia is more often used as the solution for commercial applications, while Lutron provides an ideal solution for Residential needs. Volume Control Device Controller in the form of a card that provides 4 line-level audio volume channels. Camera Control AMX offers camera controllers in the form of the PosiTrack Pilot and camera positioning controllers such as the PosiTrack pan/tilt heads. Temperature Control The ViewStat Communicating Thermostat offers complete digital thermostat functionality, including the ability to schedule automatic temperature adjustments throughout the day, control relative humidity levels and power outage protection. Switchers AMX offers a video switcher, the PLH-VS8 which is an 8X8 Composite Video Switch with 8 VSS inputs. Audio AMX also has an audio switcher, the PLB-AS8 that routes eight stereo line-level audio inputs to eight stereo line-level outputs.


Review Sheet - Product

Review Sheet - Intro to Networking

AMX networks only support 10/100BaseT Ethernet configurations.
NetLinx does not support other network configurations, like Token Ring or 10Base2 Ethernet. If your company is not Category 5 certified, we strongly recommend certification of your installers or the contracting of a Category 5 certified company.

AMX communicates with the TCP/IP protocol.

NetLinx will not communicate on networks running IPX/SPX or NetBEUI protocols.

There are two main types of addresss; MAC and IP. A MAC (Media Access Control) address is a unique hardware number. This address is physical. The second type of address is virtual, this the IP address (Internet Protocol). An IP address is a unique identifier for a host connection on an IP network. . IP Address: PHYSICAL LOGICAL ADDRESS ADDRESS MAC Address: 00-60-9F-10-05-D3

Ethernet is the most widely installed local area network technology. The most commonly installed Ethernet systems are called 10BaseT or 100BaseT and provide transmission speeds up to 10 or 100 Mbps. Your actual speed will be determined by the amount of traffic on the network. AMX uses 10/100BaseT Ethernet running TCP/IP to connect NetLinx systems to other NetLinx systems or other Ethernet controlled devices.

There are two ways to assign an address to a device, static and dynamic. A static address is a permanent address. Dynamic addresses are temporary and are assigned by using the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol also referred to as DHCP. A process called subnetting divides the single IP address of the main network into multiple addresses for the subnet. DNS enables Internet clients and hosts to refer to one another using human-readable names like, rather than IP addresses like

What does 10/100BaseT Ethernet tell us about the network? The network topology - either star or hybridstar network The required cable rating - 10/100BaseT networks will typically require CAT5 Unshielded Twisted Pair cable (UTP) The type of connectors - RJ45 The speed of the network - 10/100 Mbps The signal type - Baseband signal The type of cabling - twisted-pair

CAT5 Currently CAT5 cable is the minimum standard for AMX network implementation. It has a nominal impedance of 100 ohms.

TCP/IP Suite Protocol

For computers to share information and resources, they need similar physical connections and similar

Review Sheet - Intro to Networking


communication standards. These communication standards are called protocols.

Ping - lets you verify that a particular IP address exists and can accept requests Tracert - records the route through the Internet between your computer and a specified destination IPConfig- used to view TCP/IP configuration of your computer

Physical Parts of a Network

The presentation/application layer contains the actual applications for transferring the data. File transfer and maintenance (File Transfer Protocol or FTP) Data terminal (Telnet) Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) E-mail (Simple Main Transfer Protocol SMTP) The host-to-host protocols are responsible for breaking up the data sequencing and rebuilding the data when received. TCP - reliable connection-oriented UDP - broadcast connectionless TCP/IP Port Numbers Port 21 23 80 1319 Protocol File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Telnet Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) NetLinx Hub - a basic networking device that connects multiple computers and/or devices together where data arrives from one or more directions and is forwarded out in one or more other directions Switch - connects several parts of a network together and channels incoming data from any of its multiple input ports to the specific output port that will take the data toward its intended destination Router - a sophisticated type of switch that can connect different types of networks

Gateway - a hardware and software combination that connects a network to an unrelated network. Firewall protects the resources of a private network from users coming from other networks TCP/IP Utilities To test the IP connectivity when using TCP/IP on the network there are several utilities to help you do this:


Review Sheet - Intro to Networking

Review Sheet - Control Networks

NetLinx systems communicate using four communication networks: AXlink, ICSNet, ICSHub, and 10/100BaseT Ethernet. Each network has a unique purpose and unique characteristics.

AXlink is a proprietary communication protocol designed by AMX. All Axcess devices are connected with AXlink. AXlink can connect up to 255 devices provides data at 20 Kbps the total cable length within an AMX system is 3,000 feet or 914 meters AXlink Cabling Specifications AXlink can use a variety of wire gauges and standards and can be wired in series or parallel.

Control vs. Data Networks

Dedicated control networks include AXlink, ICSNet, and ICSHub. reasonable speed, small-packet design for maximum throughput of control functions deterministic - guaranteed timing does not require an IP Address all devices designed for control ICSNet and ICSHub can use most existing infrastructure wiring Ethernet is a data network. ubiquitous - Ethernet is everywhere high Speed - high throughput designed for large packets non-deterministic - no timing guarantees requires IP Address Pin 1

AXlink wired in Parallel

AXlink wired in Series

AXlink Pinout Information Ground


3 4

AXP Power (12VDC)- optional

ICSNet is used to distribute communications between the NetLinx Master and other NetLinx and Landmark devices. The key difference between ICSNet and ICSHub is that ICSNet will provide power to connected devices. ICSNet connects up to 32,000 devices to the NetLinx master provides data at 625 Kbps provides 12 VDC

Review Sheet - Control Networks


power to remote ICSNet devices supports up to 500ma loads per cable run total cable run length of 1000 feet or 300 meters from the NetLinx Master or Net Hub ICSNet Cabling Specifications Unlike ICSHub, ICSNet is not considered directional, so you can plug in ICSNet from any ICSNet port to any other ICSNet port. category 5 (or greater) cabling and RJ45 connectors should be wired to the EIA/TIA 568B standard all runs must be terminated ICSNet Pinout Information Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Transmit + Transmit Not used Ground 12 VDC Not Used Receive Receive +

ICSHub Cabling Specifications ICSHub is directional, ICSHub Out must be connected to an ICSHub In port on another device. category 5 (or greater) cabling and RJ45 connectors should be wired to the EIA/TIA 568B standard correct pairing must be observed

10/100Base T Ethernet is a widely used computer networking standard. 10/100 BaseT Ethernet provides an economical and flexible medium for Local Area networks (LANs). Ethernet... communicates at 10Mpbs or 100 Mbps does not carry power the total cable length within an AMX system is 328 feet or 100 meters Ethernet Cabling Specifications Ethernet networks typically use Category 5 cabling and are terminated using RJ-45 connectors. Changes in the layout of cabling can effect the overall performance of the client's network. NetLinx uses the TCP/IP suite of protocols. The client's IT department must be consulted for network addressing information. You will also need to make arrangements through the IT department if the NetLinx system needs to be accessed from outside the local area network.

The ICSHub network is used to connect a NetLinx Master to NetLinx Hub devices and connects hubs to hubs. ICSHub, unlike ICSNet, does not provide power to connected devices. ICSHub provides data at 625 Kbps requires a local power supply ICSHub is regenerated at each NetLinx Hub card for a maximum of 1000 feet or 300 meters between each hub.


Review Sheet - Control Networks

Appendix - Keywords

Appendix - Keywords
This is a list of all AMX programming keywords.

AMX Programmer I & II


Appendix - Keywords






AMX Programmer I & II

Appendix - Embedded Event Data Objects

Appendix - Embedded Event Data Objects

Property Name

Data Type

[device,channel] Device (d:p:s) Device Number Device Port Number Device System Number (not zero) Channel Number Current Hold Time (milliseconds) Source device of button event Source device number Source device port Source device system. If the event handler is specified using an array for DEV,CHANNEL, or a DEVCHAN array, GET_LAST can determine which index in the array caused the event to run.


Property Name

Data Type

Device (d:p:s) Device Number Device Port Number Device System Number (not zero) Channel Number Source Device of Channel Event Source Device Number Source Device Port Source Device System. If the event handler is specified using an array for DEV, CHANNEL, or a DEVCHAN array, GET_LAST can be used to determine which index in the array caused the event to run.

DATA_EVENT Data Objects

Property Name
Data.Device Data.Device.Number Data.Device.Port Data.Device.System Data.Number Data.SourceDev Data.SourceDev.Number Data.SourceDev.Port Data.SourceDev.System DATA.SOURCEIP DATA.TEXT

Data Type

Device (d:p:s) Device Number Device Port Number Device System Number (not zero) Event Number Source Device of Data Event Source Device Number Source Device Port Source Device System Text associated with IP address Text associated with the event


AMX Programmer I & II


Appendix - Embedded Event Data Objects

LEVEL_EVENT Data Objects

Property Name

Data Type

[device,channel] Device (d:p:s) Device Number Device Port Number Device System Number (not zero) Level Number Level Value Source Device of Level Event Source Device Number Source Device Port Source Device System


Property Name

Data Type

ID of Timeline Indexed Sequence of Event Time the event occurred Set if the timeline is relative Number of times the timeline has repeated (starting at 0)


AMX Programmer I & II

Appendix - IR Functions

Appendix - IR Functions
Hand Control IR Functions - Standard Order
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

play > stop [ ] pause I I or still ffwd >> rewind <<

22 23 24 25 26

channel up or + channel down or volume up or + volume down or mute on (power typically) Discrete ON off (power typically) Discrete OFF TV/Video or TV/VCR or TV/LDP (one button source selection) TV Video1, LineA, VCR1, VDP, or input + Video2, Line B, VCR2, or input Video3 RGB1 or Tape1 RGB2 or Tape2 CD tuner phono aux AM/FM play < (play reverse) A/B

search fwd >>I (AMS music 27 search fwd for CD) search rev I<< (AMS music search fwd for CD) record 28 29

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

power or on/off 0 or 10 1 (channel digits or tracks for CD) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 +10 (for CD players typically) enter (used in conjunction with numbers typically)

30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

AMX Programmer I & II


Appendix - IR Functions


AMX Programmer I & II

Appendix: ASCII Code Chart

Appendix: ASCII Code Chart

The table lists the hexadecimal values for all ASCII characters.

AMX Programmer I & II


Appendix: ASCII Code Chart


AMX Programmer I & II

Appendix - NetLinx Security

Appendix - NetLinx Security

NetLinx Security Overview
NetLinx Masters (installed with firmware build 130 or higher) incorporate new built-in security and SSL certificate verification capabilities. By using both SSL certificate verification and secured HTTP access, this new NetLinx firmware provides users with a more convenient web-based method of securing both the Master and the incoming and outgoing information.

Terminal setup and security configuration is still valid and supported in the new build of NetLinx Master firmware. New Terminal security features include the use of two new commands: ssl security enable and ssl security disable.

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a protocol that works by encrypting data that is transferred over the SSL connection. URLs that require an SSL connection begin with https: instead of http: in the browsers Address field. These security capabilities are configured to function via a web session within your browser.
After the installation of build 130 or higher to your Master, Telnet security configuration access is disabled. This new build migrates the NetLinx Master security setup from a TELNET environment to a web-based application.

The new NetLinx Web Server used to power the Master security and SSL certificate features on AMX Masters, not only provides user name/password security for the target Master, but also a new level of secure encryption through the use of a unique server certificate.

The first layer of security for the Master is an on-screen HTTP user name and password field that prompts a user to provide correct security information before gaining access to a target Master. The second layer of protection is an SSL Certificate (specifically identifying the target Master) that can either be requested or self-generated. This certificate is then installed onto the target Master and added to the trusted site certificate listing within the computers Internet browser.

AMX Programmer I & II


Appendix - NetLinx Security

NetLinx Security Features

Always use the Program port when entering potentially sensitive security information. The Telnet server interface exposes this security information to the network in clear text format, which would be rather easy to intercept by an unauthorized client. By using the Program port, there is some level of security during the configuration of the database, due to the physical proximity of the user to the system.

NetLinx Security web browser and feature support The following table describes the web browsers (associated to each operating system) recommended for use with the new NetLinx Security features on the NXC-ME260. Supported Browser and Feature Compatibility
OS Platform Windows Recommended Browser Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher Safari - (see note below) Mozilla NetLinx Security Feature support Yes G3 Web Panel Control support Yes Sun Java must be installed Yes Yes - (see note below) Yes No G4 Web Panel Control support Yes

MAC Linux

When using Safari on a MAC machine, certificates must be externally requested from the Server Certificates page. Self-generated certificates do not allow access back to the target Master and will display an invalid certificate message.

Firmware Security Features

Master Security Telnet Security Terminal (RS232 Program port) security HTTP (Web Server) Security FTP Security SSL Certificate Encryption and Identification Technology
Installation of this new SSL functionality onto your Master will cause security setup via Telnet to be disabled. Although Telnet security configuration access can no longer be used with the Master, a Terminal connection (using HyperTerminal) can still be established using the Masters RS232 Program port.

The migration from a Telnet session to the use of an HTTP web browser allows a user to fully utilize the latest SSL encryption features available within the newest release of NetLinx Master firmware.

NetLinx Security Terms

The following table lists those commonly used NetLinx Security terms: NetLinx Security Terms


AMX Programmer I & II

Appendix - NetLinx Security

User Administrator

A user is a single potential client of the NetLinx Master. An administrator has privileges to modify existing NetLinx Master access groups, users, and their rights. The administrator can also assign NetLinx communication access rights for different users or groups (ex: Telnet and HTTP access) and configure the SSL server certificate. A group is a logical collection of users. Note that any properties possessed by groups (ex: access rights, directory associations, etc.) are inherited by all of the members of the group. A user name is a valid character string (4 - 20 alpha-numeric characters) defining the user. This string is case sensitive. Each user name must be unique. A group name is a valid character string (4 - 20 alpha-numeric characters) defining the group. This string is case sensitive. Each group name must be unique. A password is a valid character string (4 - 20 alpha-numeric characters) to supplement the user name in defining the potential client. This string is also case sensitive. Each of the NetLinx Master features has security procedures defined for them. The access right for a particular feature determines if the user or group will have access to the feature. A Directory Association is a path that defines the directories or files a particular user or group can access via the Web Server on the NetLinx Master. This character string can range from 1 to 128 alpha-numeric characters. This string is case sensitive. This is the path to the file or directory you want to grant access.


User name Group name Password

Access Rights

Directory Associations

Accessing the NetLinx Master via its IP Address

Once the Masters IP Address has been set through NetLinx Studio (version 2.1 or higher): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Launch your web browser. Enter the IP Address of the target Master (ex: into the web browsers Address field. Press the Enter key on your keyboard to begin the communication process between the target Master and your PC. Click OK to accept the AMX SSL certificate (if SSL is enabled). The first tab displayed within your open browser window is WebControl.

AMX Programmer I & II


Appendix - NetLinx Security

WebControl Tab
This tab (FIG. 1) displays links to both G3 web panel pages downloaded to the target Master and G4 panels running the latest G4 Web Control feature.

Application tabs G3 panel G4 panel Compatible devices field

Communication compression options

FIG. 1 WebControl Tab (populated with panels)

G3 panel pages accessed through the WebControl tab are virtual pages created by a user in TPDesign3 and then downloaded to the target Master. Interaction with these pages are not reflected on an actual G3 panel unless you use specific programming commands that link these virtual pages with their real G3 panel counterparts.

The following table lists the WebControl tab features that an administrator or other authorized user can select from: WebControl Tab Features
Feature Description This area displays: Compatible Devices Field Links to G3 user designed web panels (containing an index.htm page) that are installed on the NetLinx Master. G4 icons (with associated links) if a G4 panel running Web Control is communicating with the target Master. Allows you to choose from among two compression options: These compression settings are most useful when working over a bandwidth-restricted network or over the Internet. Use Compression allows the user to specify that the transmitted data packets be compressed. This speeds up the visual responses from the panel by minimizing the size of the information relayed through the web and onto the PC screen. Use Low Color allows the user to specify the number of colors used to display the image from the panel be reduced. By reducing the numbers of colors used to display the panel page on the PC, the size of the information is reduced, and the response delay is decreased.

Communication Compression Options


AMX Programmer I & II

Appendix - NetLinx Security

Default Security Configuration

By default, the NetLinx Master will create the following accounts, access rights, directory associations, and security options: Default Security Configuration
Account 1 User name: administrator Password: password Group: administrator Rights: All Directory Association: /* Account 2 User name: NetLinx Password: password Group: none Rights: FTP Access Directory Association: none Group 1 Group: administrator Rights: All Directory Association: /*

Security Options:

FTP Security - Enabled Admin Change Password Security - Enabled All other options - Disabled

SSL security is disabled by default. If the user/group is given FTP access rights by the administrator, all directories can become accessible (read/write/modify).

The administrator user account cannot be deleted or modified with the exception of its password. Only a user with "Change Admin Password Access" rights can change the administrator password. The NetLinx user account is created to be compatible with previous NetLinx Master firmware versions. This account is initially created by default and can later be deleted or modified. The administrator group account cannot be deleted or modified. The FTP Security and Admin Change Password Security are always enabled and cannot be disabled.
Internet Explorer is used for the purposes of these instructions. Refer to the Table , Supported Browser and Feature Compatibility, on page 230 for browser and OS compatibility information.

AMX Programmer I & II


Appendix - NetLinx Security

Security Tab
NetLinx system security allows you to define access rights for users or groups. The Enable/Disable Security features (FIG. 2) are only displayed after the left Enable Security link is selected.

Security tab features NetLinx Master security options

SSL encryption (enable/disable) option

FIG. 2 Security Tab - Enable/Disable Security

The following table lists the NetLinx System Security Enable or Disable options that an administrator or other authorized user can grant or deny access to: Security Tab Features
Feature System section Description Provides an authorized user with the ability to alter the current security options assigned to the target Master. Provides an authorized user with the ability to alter group properties such as creating a group, modifying an existing groups rights, and define the files/directories accessible by a particular group. Any properties possessed by a group (access rights/directory associations, etc.) are inherited by all members of that group. Users section Provides an authorized user with the ability to alter user properties such as creating a user, modifying an existing users communication rights, and defining the files/directories accessible by a particular user. Allows an authorized user to select the method for SSL certificate generation and implementation on the target Master. SSL Certificate section A certificate can be self generated, requested, or regenerated. Once a certificate has been installed onto a target Master, that certificate remains there until it is either replaced or regenerated.

Groups section


AMX Programmer I & II

Appendix - NetLinx Security

Security tab - Enable Security page

It is recommended that enabling the Master Security option be done after the groups, users, and passwords have been setup. If not, when the user accesses the Master from within another session, the default administrator user names and password are used for access.

The Enable Security link toggles the appearance of the NetLinx Master security options. Security System Features
Feature Description This option allows an authorized user the ability to grant/deny access to the security configuration commands of the on-board Master. Only those users with security access rights granted will have access to the security configuration commands. Master Security Configuration These are global options that enable or disable the rights given to both users and groups. Ex: If you would want to disable Telnet Security for all users, you would access this tab and uncheck the Telnet Access option to disable Telnet security for the entire Master. Terminal (RS232) Security This selection enables or disables Terminal Security (through the RS232 Program port). If Terminal Security is enabled, a user must have sufficient access rights to login to a Terminal session. This selection enables or disables Web Server access. If Security is enabled, a user must have sufficient access rights to browse to the NetLinx Master with a Web Browser. Enabling this field prompts the user (upon their return) to submit a valid user name and password. Telnet Access This selection enables or disables Telnet Security. If Telnet Security is enabled, a user must have sufficient access rights to login to a Telnet session. This selection enables or disables the ability of a group to alter the Security Configuration settings. If Security Configuration Security is enabled, a user/group must have sufficient access rights to access the Main Security Menu. This option allows an administrator the ability to enable or disable the SSL feature on the Master. This field will not be enabled until after the initial self-generated certificate has been installed onto the Master. This configures the Master for secure communication. This security is necessary before installing any encrypted CA server certificates. If the self-generated SSL certificate has been installed on the Master, the user is prompted with a Security Alert popup that informs them of possible conflicts between the Masters certificate and those registered through the web browser as valid and secure. Press OK to accept any changes made within this tab and incorporate the information into the target Master. Press Cancel to void any changes made within this tab, exits without making changes to the target Master, and blanks-out the Security tab.

HTTP Access

Security Config Access

SSL Enable


You must first enable the Master Security selection and then click OK before altering any settings. Click OK again after making alterations to any of these features (such as Terminal, HTTP, and Telnet access) and save these changes to the target Master.

AMX Programmer I & II


Appendix - NetLinx Security

Security tab - Add Group page The Groups > Add Group link allows an authorized user to add a group account (FIG. 3) and then assign that groups current Master access rights.

FIG. 3 Security Tab - Add Group

Add Group Entries

Feature Group Name Description A valid character string defining the name of the group (4 - 20 alpha-numeric characters). The string is case sensitive and must be unique. Terminal (RS232) Access This selection enables or disables Terminal (RS232 Program port) Security Access for the target group. This selection enables or disables the groups right to change the administrators user passwords. Note: Once the Administrators password has been changed, the default password can no longer be used to gain access. This selection enables or disables FTP Access for the target group. This selection enables or disables Web Server access for the target group. This selection enables or disables Telnet Security access for the target group. This selection enables or disables the ability of a group to alter the Security Configuration settings. Press OK to accept any changes made within this tab and incorporate the information into the target Master. OK/Cancel Press Cancel to void any changes made within this tab, disables the security configuration session, voids any changes made to the Master, and returns you to the empty Security tab.

Admin Change Password Access

FTP Access HTTP Access Telnet Access Security Config Access


AMX Programmer I & II

Appendix - NetLinx Security

Security tab - Modify Group page The Groups > Modify Group link allows an authorized user to select from a listing of available groups (FIG. 4) and then modify the access rights for the selected group.

FIG. 4 Security Tab - Modify Group

Modify Group Entries

Feature Description Provides a drop-down listing of the available groups. Initially, administrator is listed as a default group. Thereafter, the last group accessed is then always shown. Select New Group As more groups are added through the Add Group section of the Security tab; those groups appear within the drop-down selection. The checkbox for each access right is populated when a new group is selected. Terminal (RS232) Access This selection enables or disables Terminal Security Access (through the RS232 Program port) for the selected group. This selection enables or disables the groups right to change the administrators user passwords. Note: Once the Administrators password has been changed, the default password can no longer be used to gain access. This selection enables or disables FTP Access for the selected group. This selection enables or disables Web Server access for the selected group. This selection enables or disables Telnet Security for the selected group. This selection enables or disables the ability of a group to alter the Security Configuration settings. Press OK to accept any changes made within this tab and incorporate the information into the target Master. OK/Cancel/Delete Press Cancel to void any changes made within this tab, disables the security configuration session, voids any changes made to the Master, and returns you to the empty Security tab. Press Delete to remove the selected group from the list of authorized groups on the Master.

Admin Change Password Access

FTP Access HTTP Access Telnet Access Security Config Access

AMX Programmer I & II


Appendix - NetLinx Security

Security tab - Group Directory Associations page The Groups > Directory Associations link allows an authorized user to view current directory associations assigned to the selected group, add paths for new directory associations, and delete any previously configured directory associations (FIG. 5).

Directory pathanmes present on the target Master

FIG. 5 Security Tab - Group Directory Associations

A Directory Association is a path that defines the directories and files a particular user or group can access via the Web Server on the NetLinx Master. This character string can range from 1 to 128 alpha-numeric characters. This string is case sensitive. This is the path to the file or directory to which you want to grant access.

A single '/' is sufficient to grant access to all files and directories in the user directory and subdirectory. The '/*' wildcard can also be added to enable access to all files. All entries should start with a '/'.

Here are some examples of valid entries: Valid Directory Association Entries
Path / /* Description Enables access to the all files within the users main directory and subdirectories. Enables access to the all files within the users main directory and subdirectories. If user1 is a file in the user directory, only the file is granted access. If user1 is a subdirectory of the user directory, all files in the user1 and its sub-directories are granted access. user1 is a subdirectory of the user directory. All files in the user1 and its sub-directories are granted access. /Room1/iWebControlPages is a subdirectory and all files and its subdirectories are granted access.


/user1/ /Room1/iWebControlPages/*


AMX Programmer I & II

Appendix - NetLinx Security

By default, all accounts that enable HTTP Access are given a '/*' Directory Association if no other Directory Association has been assigned to the account. Group Directory Association Entries
Feature Description Provides a drop-down listing of the available groups. Initially, administrator is listed as a default group. Thereafter, the last group accessed is then always shown. Select New Group As more groups are added through the Add Group section of the Security tab; those groups appear within the drop-down selection. The checkbox alongside each access right is populated when a new group is selected. This field displays all existing directories currently on the target Master. Add Association These folders can consist of G3 HTML project folders, data file folders, etc. These folders are located beneath the User directory on the Master. This field is used to specify the path for the file or directory granted for access and then assigned to the selected group. Adding Association Clicking on a folder within the Add Association area populates the Adding Association association field with the folders path. The directory path can also manually be entered. Press Add to accept the new path and assign it to the selected group. Press Cancel to void any path changes. This drop-down listing displays any current directory associations assigned to the group and prompts you to select the association you want to delete. Delete/Select Association Press Delete to remove the currently selected directory association and save those changes to the group profile. Press Cancel to void any association changes.

Security tab - Add User page

The Users > Add User link allows an authorized user to add a user account (FIG. 6) and then assign that users current access rights.

FIG. 6 Security Tab - Add User

Add User Entries

AMX Programmer I & II


Appendix - NetLinx Security

Feature User ID (user name)

Description A valid character string defining the name of the user (4 - 20 alpha-numeric characters). The string is case sensitive and must be unique. Provides a drop-down listing of the available groups. Any properties possessed by groups (ex: access rights, directory associations, etc.) are inherited by users assigned to a particular group. This selection enables or disables Terminal Security Access (through the RS232 Program port) for the target user. This selection enables or disables the users right to change the administrators user passwords. Note: Once the Administrators password has been changed, the default password can no longer be used to gain access. This selection enables or disables FTP Access for the target user. This selection enables or disables Web Server access for the target user. This selection enables or disables Telnet Security access for the target user. This selection enables or disables the ability of a user to alter the Security Configuration settings. Enter a password for the new user. A user password is a valid character string (4 - 20 alpha-numeric characters) that is used to supplement the user name/ID in defining the potential client. The string is case sensitive and must be unique. Press OK to accept any changes made within this tab and incorporate the information into the target Master.


Terminal (RS232) Access

Admin Change Password Access

FTP Access HTTP Access Telnet Access Security Config Access



Press Cancel to void any changes made within this tab, disables the security configuration session, voids any changes made to the Master, and returns you to the empty Security tab.

Security tab - Modify User page The Users > Modify User link allows an authorized user to select from a listing of available users (FIG. 7) and then modify the Masters access rights for the selected user.

Group Rights are greyed-out and are read-only from within Modify User.

The Group Rights column will appear greyed-out when viewed within the Mozilla browser on a Linux machine.

FIG. 7 Security Tab - Modify User

Modify User Entries

Feature Description


AMX Programmer I & II

Appendix - NetLinx Security

Provides a drop-down selection listing of the available users. Initially, administrator and NetLinx are listed as a default users. The administrator has ALL available group and User access rights. The NetLinx user has only FTP user rights and no pre-assigned group rights. Thereafter, the last user accessed is then always shown. As more users are added through the Add User section of the Security tab; those users appear within the drop-down selection (along with checkmarks alongside their selected user access rights). Provides a drop-down selection listing of the available groups. Select New Group As more groups are added through the Add Group section of the Security tab; those groups appear within the drop-down selection (along with their directory associations). Any properties possessed by groups (ex: access rights, directory associations, etc.) are inherited by users assigned to a particular group. Terminal (RS232) Access This selection enables or disables Terminal access (through the RS232 Program port) for the selected user. This selection enables or disables the users right to change the administrators user passwords. Note: Once the administrators password has been changed, the default password can no longer be used to gain access. This selection enables or disables FTP Access for the selected user. This selection enables or disables Web Server access for the selected user. This selection enables or disables Telnet access for the selected user. This selection enables or disables the ability of a user to alter the Security Configuration settings. Enter a new password assigned to the selected user. A user password is a valid character string (4 - 20 alpha-numeric characters). The string is case sensitive and must be unique. If this field is left blank the current password is left unchanged. If a new alpha-numeric string is entered, it becomes incorporated as the new password after pressing the OK button. Press OK to accept any changes made within this tab and incorporate the information into the target Master. OK/Cancel/Delete Press Cancel to void any changes made within this tab, disables the security configuration session, voids any changes made to the Master, and returns you to the empty Security tab. Press Delete to remove the selected user from the list of authorized users on the Master.

Select User

Admin Change Password Access

FTP Access HTTP Access Telnet Access Security Config Access


AMX Programmer I & II


Appendix - NetLinx Security

Security tab - User Directory Associations page The Users > Directory Associations link allows an authorized user to view current directory associations assigned to the selected user, add paths for new directory associations, and delete any previously configured directory associations (FIG. 8).

Directory pathnames present on the target Master

FIG. 8 Security Tab - Group Directory Associations

A Directory Association is a path that defines the directories and/or files a particular user or group can access via the Web Server on the NetLinx Master. This character string can range from 1 to 128 alpha-numeric characters. This string is case sensitive. This is the path to the file or directory to which you want to grant access.

A single '/' is sufficient to grant access to all files and directories in the user directory and it's subdirectory. The '/*' wildcard can also be added to enable access to all files. All entries should start with a '/'. Here are some examples of valid entries: Valid Directory Association Entries
Path / /* /user1 Description Enables access to the user directory and all files and subdirectories in that user directory. Enables access to the user directory and all files and subdirectories in that user directory. If user1 is a file in the user directory, only the file is granted access. If user1 is a subdirectory of the user directory, all files in the user1 and its sub-directories are granted access. user1 is a subdirectory of the user directory. All files in the user1 and its sub-directories are granted access. /Room1/iWebControlPages is a subdirectory and all files and its subdirectories are granted access.

/user1/ /Room1/iWebControlPages/*


AMX Programmer I & II

Appendix - NetLinx Security

By default, all accounts that enable HTTP Access are given a '/*' Directory Association if no other Directory Association has been assigned to the account. User Directory Association Entries
Feature Description Provides a drop-down listing of the available users. Initially, administrator and NetLinx are listed as default users. Thereafter, the last user accessed is then always shown. Select User As more users are added through the Add Group section of the Security tab; those users appear within the drop-down selection. The checkbox alongside each access right is populated when a new user is selected. This field displays all existing directories currently on the target Master. Add Association These folders can consist of G3 HTML project folders, data file folders, etc. These folders are located beneath the User directory on the Master. This field is used to specify the path for the file or directory granted for access and then assigned to the selected user. Adding Association Clicking on a folder within the Add Association area populates the Adding Association association field with the folders path. Another field option is to manually enter the directory path. Press Add to accept the new path and assign it to the selected user. Press Cancel to void any path changes. This drop-down listing displays any current directory associations assigned to the user and prompts you to select the association you want to delete. Delete/Select Association Press Delete to remove the currently selected directory association and save those changes to the user profile. Press Cancel to void any path changes, disables the security configuration session, and returns you to a blank Security tab.

Security tab - SSL Server Certificate page A certificate is a cryptographically signed object that associates a public key and an identity. Certificates also include other information in extensions such as permissions and comments. A "CA" is short for Certification Authority and is an internal entity or trusted third party that issues, signs, revokes, and manages these digital certificates.
Before initially enabling the SSL feature on the Master, a self-generated certificate must first be installed. This initial installation allows users to then later install the different types of certificates (requested, self-generated, or regenerated).

AMX Programmer I & II


Appendix - NetLinx Security

The SSL > Server Certificate link (FIG. 9) allows an authorized user to display an installed certificate, create a certificate request, self-generate, and regenerate SSL Server Certificates.

FIG. 9 Security Tab - Server Certificate

Server Certificate Entries

Feature Description Provides a drop-down selection with three available public key lengths: 512, 1024, and 2048. Longer key lengths result in increased certificate processing times. A longer key length results in more secure certificates. The Common Name of the certificate MUST be the URL Domain Name used. Example: If the address used is, that must be the Common name and format used. Common Name The Common Name can not be an IP Address. If the server is internal, the Netbios name must be used. For every website using SSL that has a distinct DNS name, there must be a certificate installed. Each website (external or Internet) for SSL MUST also have a distinct IP Address. Organization Name Organizational Unit City/Location State/Province Country Name Name of your business or organization. This is an alpha-numeric string (1 - 50 characters in length). Name of the department using the certificate. This is an alpha-numeric string (1 - 50 characters in length). Name of the city where the certificate is used. This is an alpha-numeric string (1 - 50 characters in length). Name of the state or province where the certificate is used. This is an alpha-numeric string (1 - 50 characters in length). Provides a drop-down selection with a listing of currently selectable countries.

Bit Length


AMX Programmer I & II

Appendix - NetLinx Security

Server Certificate Entries (Cont.)

Action Provides a drop-down selection with a listing of available certificate options: Display Certificate - Populates the Server Certificate fields with the information from the certificate currently installed on the Master. This action is used only to display the information contained in the certificate on the target Master. Create Request - Takes the information entered into the previous fields and formats the certificate so it can be exported to the external Certificate Authority (CA) for later receipt of an SSL Certificate. This action is used to request a certificate from an external source. Self Generate Certificate - Takes the information entered into the previous fields and generates its own SSL Certificate. This action is used when no previous certificate has been installed on the target Master, or a self-signed certificate is desired. Regenerate Certificate - Takes the information entered into the previous fields and regenerates an SSL Certificate. This action changes the Master Key. This method of certificate generation is used to modify or recreate a previously existing certificate already on the Master. OK/Cancel/Delete Press OK to accept any changes made within this tab and incorporate the information into the target Master. Press Cancel to void any changes made within this tab, disable the security configuration session, void any changes made to the Master, and return you to the empty Security tab.

If a certificate has been purchased from an external CA and then installed onto a specific Master, DO NOT regenerate the certificate or alter its properties (ex: bit length, city, etc.). If the purchased certificate is regenerated, it becomes invalid.

A certificate consists of two different Keys: Master Key is generated by the Master and is incorporated into the text string sent to the CA during a certificate request. It is unique to a particular request made on a specific Master. Public Key is part of the text string that is returned from the CA as part of an approved SSL Server Certificate. This public key is based off the submitted Master key from the original request. Regenerating a previously requested and installed certificate invalidates that certificate because the Master Key has been changed.

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Appendix - NetLinx Security

Security tab - Export Certificate Request page The SSL > Export Certificate Request link opens an Export Certificate Request field (FIG. 10) where an authorized user can copy the raw text from a generated Certificate request into their clipboard and then send it to the CA.

FIG. 10 Security Tab - Export Certificate Request field

Security tab - Import Certificate page The SSL > Import Certificate link opens an Import Certificate field (FIG. 11) where an authorized user can paste the raw text from a CA issued Certificate.

FIG. 11 Security Tab - Import Certificate field

A CA server certificate can only be imported to a target Master only after both a self-generated certificate has been created and the SSL Enable feature has been selected on the Master. These actions configure the Master the secure communication necessary during the importing of the CA certificate.


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Appendix - NetLinx Security

System Tab
Displays the firmware version and log information for the NetLinx Master (FIG. 12).

FIG. 12 System Tab

Show Devices Tab

Displays the device values and firmware versions of devices connected to the current NetLinx Master System (FIG. 13).

FIG. 13 Show Devices tab

Network Tab
Provides a list of the DNS and URL associated with the NetLinx Master. The DNS List identifies the Domain Name servers that translates domain names for the Master into IP Addresses. The URL List identifies all URL entries within the Masters URL list.

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Appendix - NetLinx Security

SSL Certificate Procedures

Initially, a NetLinx Master is not equipped with any installed certificates. In order to prepare a Master for later use with CA (officially issued) server certificates, it is necessary to: First create a self-generated certificate which is automatically installed onto the Master. Secondly, enable the SSL feature from the Enable Security page. Enabling SSL security after the certificate has been self-generated insures that the target Master is utilizing a secure connection during the process of importing a CA server certificate over the web.

A self-generated certificate has lower security than an external CA generated certificate.

Self-Generating a SSL Server Certificate Request 1. 2. Click on the Security tab (FIG. 14). Refer to the Security tab - SSL Server Certificate page section on page 243 for more detailed descriptions on the security configuration options. Click the Server Certificate link (on the left of the browser window) to display the Security tab with the fields necessary for developing a new certificate.

FIG. 14 Security tab - showing the Server Certificate creation fields


Click the down arrow from the Bit length field to open a drop-down listing of available public key lengths. The three available public key lengths are: 512, 1024, and 2048. Higher selected key lengths result is increased certificate processing times. A larger the key length results in more secure certificates.


Enter the Domain Name. Example: If the address being used is, that must be the Common name and format used in the Common Name field. This string provides a unique name for the desired user. This domain name does not need to be resolvable URL Address when self-generating a certificate.


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Appendix - NetLinx Security

5. 6. 7. 8.

Enter the name of the business or organization into the Organization Name field. This is an alpha-numeric string (1 - 50 characters in length). Enter the name of the department using the certificate into the Organizational Unit field. This is an alpha-numeric string (1 - 50 characters in length). Enter the name of the city where the certificate will reside into the City/Location field. This is an alpha-numeric string (1 - 50 characters in length). Enter the name of the state or province where the certificate will reside into the State/Province field. This is an alpha-numeric string (1 - 50 characters in length). The city/province name must be fully spelled out. Click the down arrow from the Country Name field to open a drop-down listing of listing of currently selectable countries.


10. Click the down arrow from the Action field to open a drop-down listing of available certificate generation options. 11. Choose Self Generate Certificate from the drop-down list. When this request is submitted, the
certificate is generated and installed into the Master in one step.

12. Click OK to save the new encrypted certificate information to the Master or click Cancel to void any changes made within this tab and exit without making changes to the target Master.
ONLY use the Regenerate certificate option when you have Self Generated your own certificate. DO NOT regenerate an external CA-generated certificate.

13. Click the Security tab > Enable Security link to return to the Enable Security page. 14. Place a checkmark into the SSL Enable selection box to enable the SSL security feature on the target Master. Activating this option creates a secure connection to and from the target Master. It is recommended that a secure connection to the target Master be used when importing a CA server certificate. Creating a Request for a SSL Server Certificate 1. 2. 3. Click on the Security tab. Refer to the Security tab - SSL Server Certificate page section on page 243 for more detailed descriptions on the security configuration options. Click the Server Certificate link (on the left of the browser window) to display the Security tab with the fields necessary for generating a new certificate. Click the down arrow from the Bit length field to open a drop-down listing of available public key lengths. The three available public key lengths are: 512, 1024, and 2048. Higher selected key lengths result in increased certificate processing times. A longer key length results in more secure certificates. 4. Enter the used Domain Name. Example: If the address being used is, that must be the Common name and format used in the Common Name field. This string provides a unique name for the desired user.

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Appendix - NetLinx Security

This domain name must be associated to a resolvable URL Address when creating a request for a purchased certificate. The address does not need to be resolvable when obtaining a free certificate. 5. 6. 7. 8. Enter the name of the business or organization into the Organization Name field. This is an alpha-numeric string (1 - 50 characters in length). Enter the name of the department using the certificate into the Organizational Unit field. This is an alpha-numeric string (1 - 50 characters in length). Enter the name of the city where the certificate will reside into the City/Location field. This is an alpha-numeric string (1 - 50 characters in length). Enter the name of the state or province where the certificate will reside into the State/Province field. This is an alpha-numeric string (1 - 50 characters in length). The state/province name must be fully spelled out. Click the down arrow from the Country Name field to open a drop-down listing of listing of currently selectable countries.


10. Click the down arrow from the Action field to open a drop-down listing of available certificate generation options. 11. Choose Create Request from the drop-down list. 12. Click OK to accept the information entered into the above fields and generate a certificate file. Refer to the Security tab - Export Certificate Request page section on page 246. This refreshed the Server Certificate page and if the certificate request was successful, displays a "Certified request generated" message. 13. Click the Export Certificate Request link (on the left of the browser window) to display the certificate text file. 14. Place your cursor within the certificate text field. 15. Press the Ctrl + A keys simultaneously on your keyboard (this selects all the text within the field).
YOU MUST COPY ALL OF THE TEXT within this field, including the -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- and the -----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----. Without this text included in the CA submission, you will not receive a CA-approved certificate.

16. Press the Ctrl + C keys simultaneously on your keyboard (this takes the blue selected text within the field and copies it to your temporary memory/clipboard). 17. Paste this text into your e-mail document and then send that information to a CA with its accompanying certificate application.
When a certificate request is generated, you are creating a private key on the Master. YOU CAN NOT REQUEST ANOTHER CERTIFICATE UNTIL THE PREVIOUS REQUEST HAS BEEN FULFILLED. Doing so will void any information received from the previously requested certificate and it will be nonfunctional if you try to use it.

18. Once you have received the returned CA certificate, follow the procedures outlined in the following section to import the returned certificate, over a secure connection, to the target Master.


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Appendix - NetLinx Security

Importing a CA certificate to the Master over a secure SSL connection Before importing a CA server certificate, you must: First, have a self-generated certificate installed onto your target Master. Secondly, enable the SSL security feature from the Enable Security page, to establish a secure connection to the Master prior to importing the encrypted CA certificate. Refer to the Security tab - Enable Security page section on page 235 for more information about enabling SSL security. 1. Take the returned certificate (signed by the CA and encrypted with new information which makes it different from the text string that was previously sent) and copy it into your clipboard. Refer to the Security tab - Import Certificate page section on page 246. Click the Import Certificate link to open the empty Import Certificate window. Place your cursor within the empty window and paste the raw text data (in its entirety) into the field. Click OK to enter the new encrypted certificate information and save it to the Master or click Cancel to void any changes made within this tab and exit without making changes to the target Master.

2. 3. 4.

Once a certificate has been purchased from an external CA and then installed onto a specific Master, DO NOT regenerate the certificate or alter its properties (example: bit length, city, etc.).If the purchased certificate is regenerated, it becomes invalid.

A certificate consists of two different Keys: Master Key is generated by the Master and is incorporated into the text string sent to the CA during a certificate request. It is specific to a particular request made on a specific Master. Public Key is part of the text string that is returned from the CA as part of an approved SSL Server Certificate. This public key is based off the submitted Master key from the original request. Regenerating a previously requested and installed certificate, invalidates the previously purchased certificate because the Master Key has been changed. 5. Use the Display Certificate option to confirm that the new certificate was imported properly to the target Master.

Display SSL Server Certificate Information 1. Click on the Security tab (FIG. 14 on page 248). Refer to the Security tab - SSL Server Certificate page section on page 243 for more detailed descriptions on the security configuration options. Click the Server Certificate link (on the left of the browser window) to populate the Security tab.


By default, the Display Certificate Action is selected and these fields are populated with information from an installed certificate. If the Master does not have a previously installed certificate, these fields are blank.

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Appendix - NetLinx Security

3. 4. 5.

Click the down arrow from the Action field to open a drop-down listing of available certificate generation options. Choose Display Certificate from the drop-down list. Click OK to accept the action and populate the fields with the certificate information.

Regenerating an SSL Server Certificate Request 1. 2. Click on the Security tab. Refer to the Security tab - SSL Server Certificate page section on page 243 for more detailed descriptions on the security configuration options. Click the Server Certificate link (on the left of the browser window) to display the Security tab with the fields necessary for developing a new certificate.

This method of certificate generation is used to modify or recreate a previously existing certificate already on the Master. By default, if a certificate is already present on the target Master, the Display Certificate Action is selected and these fields are populated with information. EX: if the company has moved from Dallas to Houston, all of the information is reentered exactly except for the City.

3. 4. 5.

Enter any new or changed information into its respective field. Click the down arrow from the Action field to open a drop-down listing of available certificate generation options. Choose Regenerate Certificate from the drop-down list.

When this request is submitted, the certificate is generated and installed into the Master in one step.

6. 7.

Click OK to save the newly modified certificate information to the Master or click Cancel to void any changes made within this tab and exit without making changes to the target Master. Before exiting the Master and beginning another session: verify that all users have been assigned the correct rights, and are using the correct passwords. In the Enable Security window of the Security tab, verify that the Master Security and HTTP Access are enabled. Enabling HTTP Access will prompt users to enter pre-configured user names and passwords.


AMX Programmer I & II

Appendix - NetLinx Security

Common Steps for Requesting a Certificate from a CA

A certificate is a cryptographically signed object that associates a public key and an identity. Certificates also include other information in extensions such as permissions and comments. A "CA" is short for Certification Authority and is an internal entity or trusted third party that issues, signs, revokes, and manages these digital certificates. 1. Navigate to the Web Server Certificate HTML page on your CAs website. A Web Server certificate allows you to authenticate through a Web browser via SSL. In order to successfully verify other certificates it is also necessary to import the CA key into the Web Server. Refer to the Creating a Request for a SSL Server Certificate section on page 249. This is done as part of the process of receiving your Web Server certificate. Only a user with administrator privileges can request a server certificate. 2. 3. 4. Enter in the company information, such as: name, e-mail, address, state, and country. Agree to any licensing agreements and continue to the next part of the registration process. Enter the name of the server being used (this is the Master). The server name is the name as it shows up in the URL of the Master you are securing with this server certificate. For example, if the URL of the Master will be, then enter the server name as www.myNetLinx 5. Send the CA the text created by your certificate request through the Master. Refer to the Creating a Request for a SSL Server Certificate section on page 249 for the procedures necessary to generate the certificate text file. Place your cursor within the certificate text field of the Export Certificate window of the Security tab. Press the Ctrl + A keys simultaneously on your keyboard (this selects all the text within the field).

6. 7.

YOU MUST COPY ALL OF THE TEXT within this field, including the -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- and the -----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----. Without this text included in the CA submission, you will not receive CA approved certificate.

8. 9.

Press the Ctrl + C keys simultaneously on your keyboard (this takes the blue selected text within the field and copies it to your temporary memory/clipboard). Paste this text into the Submit Request field on the CAs Retrieve Certificate web page.

10. Choose to view the certificate response in raw DER format. 11. Note the Authorization Code and Reference Number (for use in the e-mail submission of the request). 12. Submit the request. 13. Paste this certificate text field (copied from steps 7 & 8 above) into your e-mail document and then send that information to a CA with its accompanying certificate application.

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Appendix - NetLinx Security

14. Complete the certificate installation procedures outlined in the Creating a Request for a SSL Server Certificate section on page 249.

What to do when a Certificate Expires

Self-generated certificates has a duration period of approximately 30 years. Most externally requested CA certificates are generally valid for a period of approximately 1 - 5 years.

The only way to avoid a CA certificate becoming invalid due to a time expiration is to request a new certificate from your current CA.

Refer to the Creating a Request for a SSL Server Certificate section on page 249 for more information on how to request an externally generated certificate.
For more information on setting up NetLinx Security settings and SSL Certificates please look to the NetLinx Integrated Controllers Instruction Manual in the NetLinx Security and Web Server section on


AMX Programmer I & II

Appendix - NetLinx Ethernet Information

Appendix - NetLinx Ethernet Information

This document covers the topic of the NetLinx master's (NXC-ME) use of Ethernet network interface. The purpose of this document is to provide information to network administrators, IT professionals, and persons installing and configuring a NetLinx master.

Ethernet Physical Interface

The Ethernet interface supports 10 and 100 Mbps for both full and half-duplex modes of operation and is compliant with the IEEE 802.3 100BASE-T specification. The unit, by default, enters autonegotiate mode, which automatically detects and configures itself for operation on the network to which it's connected. It is possible to force the mode of operation (10Mbps half, 10Mbps full, 100Mbps half, or 100Mbps full) via software configuration.

Protocol Stack
The NetLinx master's software runs a single protocol stack-the IP protocol. Of the IP protocol, both UDP and TCP are managed and utilized. The NetLinx master's IP address configuration may be either static or DHCP. The DHCP client conforms to RFC1541 with support for option 12 (Host name) of RFC1533. The inclusion of the Host Name option in the DHCP client allows DHCP servers that support updating dynamic DNS tables to add the NetLinx masters host name to the DNS.

Application Protocols
The NetLinx master implements the following protocols:

ICSP (port 1319 UDP/TCP)- The Internet Control System Protocol (ICSP) was developed by AMX to facilitate Control System communication and management. The ICSP protocol has been registered with the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority ( and should not conflict with any other protocol used on the network. ICSP is a peer-to-peer protocol used for both masterto-master and master-to-device communications. For maximum flexibility, the NetLinx master can be configured to utilize a different port than 1319 or disable ICSP over Ethernet completely from either Telnet or the Program Port located on the NetLinx master itself. Telnet (port 23 TCP) - The NetLinx telnet server provides a mechanism to configure and diagnose a NetLinx system. For maximum flexibility, the NetLinx master can be configured to utilize a different port than 23 or disable Telnet completely from either Telnet or the Program Port located on the NetLinx master itself. Once disabled, the only way to enable Telnet again is from the NetLinx master's program port. HTTP (port 80 TCP) - The master has a built-in web server that complies with the HTTP 1.0 specification and supports all of the required features of HTTP v1.1. FTP (port 21/20 TCP) - The built-in FTP server conforms to RFC959.

AMX Programmer I & II


Appendix - NetLinx Ethernet Information

Internet Inside (port 10500 TCP) - The Internet Inside feature of the NetLinx master uses, by default, port 10500 for the XML based communication protocol. This port is connected to by client web browser's JVM when Internet Inside control pages are retrieved from the NetLinx master's web server. For maximum flexibility, the NetLinx master can be configured to utilize a different port than 10500 or to disable Internet Inside completely.

Network Bandwidth Utilization

The following section is intended to provide information regarding the amount of Ethernet network bandwidth that a NetLinx master will utilize. The actual bandwidth used by the NetLinx master will vary depending upon the end application, number of ICSP Ethernet devices, amount of data generated by the controlled (end-point) device, etc.

The source of network packets may come from any of the application protocols mentioned in the previous section. HTTP, FTP, and Telnet protocols are well understood and the full implications, with respect to network utilization, of their usage are not covered by this document. However, they require interaction with a user and, therefore, their network utilization is very sporadic.

Regarding ICSP, the NetLinx master generates a UDP broadcast message of 60 bytes every five seconds. The following information pertains to a quiescent system, which has no "events" occurring. For every Ethernet ICSP device (including other NetLinx masters) that's connected TCP, there are two outbound messages and one response every five seconds. The outbound messages are 29 bytes and 60 bytes, while the inbound response is 40 bytes.

An "event" in NetLinx is defined as a button press on a user interface, a level value change, or other control message. By their nature, control messages are relatively short and infrequent. For example, a button press message is 33 bytes longfor each button press event there is a corresponding button release event that occurs (also 33 bytes long).

The following table shows the percentage of network bandwidth utilization for a 10Mbps network with a number of ICSP devices (or NetLinx masters) connected to a NetLinx master. Number of Devices (ICSP Over Ethernet)
1 2 3 10 50 100 1000

12 37.8 75.6 340.2 1852.2 3742.2 37762.2

% Approx. Utilization (10Mbps)

0.00% 0.00% 0.01% 0.03% 0.19% 0.37% 3.78%


AMX Programmer I & II

Appendix - NetLinx Ethernet Information

Internet Inside uses an XML representation of the ICSP data to facilitate Java client application communications with the master. The following information pertains to a quiescent system, which has no "events" occurring. For every Internet Inside device that's connected TCP, there is a single outbound message and one response message every five seconds. Both messages are approximately 500 bytes long. Additionally, the Java client sends a single message to the master that requires one response. These occur every ten seconds and each is approximately 500 bytes.

An "event" in NetLinx is defined as a button press on a user interface, a level value change, or other control message. For example, a button press message is approximately 500 bytes longfor each button press event there is a corresponding button release event that occurs (also ~500 bytes long). The following table shows the percentage of network bandwidth utilization for a 10Mbps network with a number of Internet Inside device connected to a NetLinx master. Number of Devices (ICSP Over Ethernet)
1 2 3 10 50 100 1000

300 600 900 3000 15000 30000 300000

% Approx. Utilization (10Mbps)

0.03% 0.06% 0.09% 0.30% 1.50% 3.00% 30.00%

AMX Programmer I & II


Appendix - NetLinx Ethernet Information


AMX Programmer I & II

Appendix - Troubleshooting

Appendix - Troubleshooting
The key to troubleshooting any problem including an AMX control system is a structured approach.

Explain the problem completely Switches and Settings should be checked Cables and Connectors should be checked Attributes should be verified Programming should be verified Equipment should be checked

You need to get as much detail as you can about the problem. When does happen? What makes the problem occur?

Switches and Settings

Make sure that all the switches and other settings on both the AMX system and the controlled device are set correctly. Do the communication settings match? Is the device address set correctly?

Cables and Connectors

Are the cables seated properly and firmly? Are all required wires connected in each connector? Is the cable wired correctly?

Make sure all properties are set correctly. Is the button set to the right type? Is it part of a Mutually Exclusive Group? Is the carrier and data type set correctly for an IR/Serial deice? Are the communication parameters set correctly on the NXI/ NI Series?

The program should never be the first solution to a problem if the system worked correctly previously. Does the programming do what the customer wants? Has the program been modified?

If everything else checks out okay then it could be a faulty piece of equipment. Verify that the device is working properly. Verify that the controlled device is working properly.
For FAQs and Tips you can go to the Technical Support page on

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Appendix - Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting Tools
Terminal Window
In the NetLinx Studio choose Tools > Terminal to open the Terminal Emulator window.

The Terminal Emulator window puts the Master Controller into terminal control mode. Anything that is typed on the screen exits through the Master communications port, and anything coming in from the communications port is displayed on your monitor. The Terminal Emulator window communicates directly with the Master Controller and can be used to debug RS-232-controlled devices. You cannot use the Terminal Emulator window while a communication port is in use for a file transfer operation. Type "ECHO ON" in the Terminal Emulator window display messages. To use the Terminal Emulator with NetLinx systems, you must be connected to the Master via the PROGRAM port. Otherwise, you can use Windows TelNet for terminal control of NetLinx systems via an Ethernet connection.

Ethernet Cable Troubleshooting

Look for the following things when troubleshooting Ethernets: With 10Base-T & 100Base-TX, make sure that the cable used has the correct number of twists to meet the data grade specifications. Electrical interference can be caused by tying the network cable together with monitor and power cords. Outside interference also can be caused by fluorescent lights, electric motors, and other electrical devices. Make sure that connectors are pinned properly and crimped tightly. Check the cable lengths to make sure that distance specifications are not exceeded. If excess shielding on coax cable is exposed, it may be grounding out the connector. Make sure that coax cables are not coiled tightly together. Check the grade of the cable being used. For thinnet, RG-58 A/U is required. Thick net cable must meet Ethernet specifications. If using a linear bus setup, make sure that the topology rules are followed. Check for missing terminator or terminators with improper impedance ratings. Make sure that all the component cables in a segment are connected together. A user who moves his workstation and removes the T-connector incorrectly can cause a broken segment.


AMX Programmer I & II

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