Transition Focused Behavior Intervention Plan Esde 477

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Transition Focused Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) Post-Secondary Goals: Alex will attend auto mechanics school after graduation from high school. Education/ training: Alex will take auto shop and applied technology as elective courses in high

Career: Alex will be an auto mechanic after graduation from auto mechanic school. Independent Living: After obtaining a job as an auto mechanic, Alex will live in an apartment
independently or with a roommate, along with his pet poodle.

Behaviors Skills needed to meet Post-Secondary Goals: Communication skills training, Time Management, Money
management and Anger management.

Prior behavior strategies and results: Chunking work into smaller manageable parts with frequent consistent
breaks successfulness is to be determined.

Problem Behavior (specific): Off task behaviors (example butt out of seat), not participating in class,
frequently talking with peers during instruction, drawing on desk, calling peers names that are inappropriate.

Antecedents/setting events (e.g., triggers) for problem behaviors: When asked to do a non-preferred task or activity
especially reading, writing, and math independently or with peers.

Consequences for problem behaviors: Provide choices, offer assistance, redirect his behavior, teacher
ignores the behavior, provides 1:1 attention to discuss his refusal to work, maybe being offered a 5 minute break with timer. When the problem behavior is most likely to occur: During non-preferred activity, specifically during math, reading, and writing.

When the problem behavior is least likely to occur: Behaviors are least likely to occur during lunch, science,
social studies and when during experiences or working on cars and hands on activities.

Function of the behavior (perceived): Attempt to escape a non-preferred activity.

Setting Event and Antecedent Strategies

(To reduce the impact of setting events and the likelihood that the behavior will reduce)

Instructional Strategies
(To teach the students new skills. Indicate where instruction will occur and how this will be generalized to the community settings frequented by the student)

Consequent-based Interventions
(What will the consequences be if the student chooses to engage in the undesirable behavior? Consider the students post-school outcomes when determining these)

Replacement Behaviors
(What effective & efficient behaviors will be taught to the student to replace the undesirable behavior(s)? Link to post-school outcomes)

Encourage Alex to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night with help from his mom Eating breakfast Daily morning check-in w/counselor

Directly taught self-advocacy skills such as how to ask for more time, calming skills etc. Taught how to use a planner to increase organizational skills. These strategies will be taught by trained staff member.

Non-compliant Involve Alex into the decision process. Example: Work done in class- alone at lunch Verbal Inclusive time-out

Chunk work tasks with short frequent breaks (e.g. three 5 minute breaks within a 90 minute work period) Directly teaching Alex to self-talk before responding to others.

Behavior Supports
What specific supports does the student need to be successful in a variety of environments including school, work, community and home. Mentor at job Job coach Positive verbal praise for appropriate behavior seen Provided with oppurtunities to speak with a person at the job/school site to seek assistance or advice

Community Agency Contacts

Who needs to be involved with the plan and what is their role in teaching new skills to the student?

Monitoring the Behavior Plan

Indicate how the students progress be monitored during the implementation period

Indicate how the team will ensure the plan is implemented as designed (i.e., with fidelity)

Mom Uncle Ned School Psychologist Counselor Job coach/mentor Bus driver

Off task behavior will be measured through event/duration recording of his behavior. Pocket checklist of strategies Alex has been taught to use during certain setting and situations.

Progress report Changes will be discussed with mom, Alex and the school team at least once per month.

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