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Rotary Table Problem: Divide a circle into this number of segments/divisions: Answer: (Convert circle segments/divisions:to degrees) Decimal Degrees 6.792 Whole Degrees 6 Whole minutes 47 Seconds 32.830 Radians 0.05927533 Use these figures on rotary/indexing table.

IMPORTANT =========


This spreadsheet has been protected t the protected cells, I recommend that y Click on TOOLS - UNPROTECT SHEE letters. I strongly recommend that you TOOLS - PROTECT SHEET and re

ROTARY TABLE CALCULATOR ========================

Use the rotary table calculator at left to divided into any number of equally size

Geometrically speaking, the calculator decimal degrees, degrees, minutes & s

Example: Divide a circle into 26 equal Answer: Each segment is: 13.646 decimal degrees 13 degrees, 50 minutes, 46.154 secon 0.12083 radians

A rotary table can be employed as a di calculator). This works best when the s However, when segments involve fract to each successive position. In such ca

Table 1: Circle segments that have wh ---------------------------------------------------Segments: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Degrees: 360 180 120 90 72 60

eadsheet has been protected to prevent accidental corruption of formulae. If you need to change any of ected cells, I recommend that you first make a copy of the calculator and store the copy in a safe place. UNPROTECT SHEET. When prompted for a password type in the word "OPEN" using capital I strongly recommend that you reinstate the protection once you have completed your eding. Click on PROTECT SHEET and re-enter the password.

Y TABLE CALCULATOR ==================

rotary table calculator at left to determine the incremental angle of table rotation when a circle is to be nto any number of equally sized segments.

rically speaking, the calculator gives the number of degrees included in each segment expressed as degrees, degrees, minutes & seconds and radians.

e: Divide a circle into 26 equal segments. Each segment is: decimal degrees ees, 50 minutes, 46.154 seconds

table can be employed as a dividing head provided you carry out the angular mathematics (using the or). This works best when the segments are whole degree fractions of the circle (see table below). r, when segments involve fractions of a degree it becomes easy to introduce errors when rotating the table successive position. In such cases it is preferable to use a dividing head.

Circle segments that have whole numbers of degrees. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ts: 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 15 18 20 24 30 36 45 60 72 90 120 180. s: 360 180 120 90 72 60 45 40 36 30 24 20 18 15 12 10 8 6 5 4 3 2

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