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CONCESSION CONTRACT FOR THE TRANSFER OF A HUMAN SOUL I, ________________________, do hereby transfer ownership of my immortal soul to Vailaau Vai

to be delivered upon my death. I relinquish unto him all rights and privileges to the soul with which I was born, for all time and eternity. I swear that, prior to this transaction, I had full and unrestricted rights to my soul and that no prior claim, easement, restriction, or covenant had been placed upon it. I fully understand the consequences of this act and I proceed willingly and cognizant of the irrevocable nature of this transaction. In attaching my signature to this document I do not automatically acknowledge the existence of the human soul. Nor does it attest to or preclude the signing party's observance as principium any deity, belief system, church, religion, sect, spirituality, contemporary or ancient mythology with membership in excess of 2 persons. It does, however, state that should such an emanation exist my soul is no longer my property. Should I assert the existence of an eternal paradise, referred to as heaven, and a realm of the eternally damned, heretofore referred to as hell, prove to be indubitable I thoroughly and without exaggeration or hesitation understand and accept that entrance into either unknown may be hindered to an unknown degree. If some other hereafter should require said emanation it has been satisfactorily explained that all interest accumulated during my ownership has been transferred with my signature. The conditions of transaction include the transference of Earthly matter from the buyer, one __________________, to _______________________ in the form of __________________. Before consignment of said soul occurs, the signature of the soul's owner on the bottom of this document and acceptance of this contract in spite of the dubious nature under strict contractual law is required. The act of printing and signing this contract is purely symbolic due to the relativity of a name amongst other factors. By printing and signing any name, phrase, word, symbol, marking, or otherwise, regardless of if you consider it your own, on the lines provided, you are bound by all terms and conditions present. Whatever is given, considered your own or otherwise, is symbolic of an agreement to be bound by this contract. No exceptions. By signing this contract, I affirm that said trade of goods is in no way a joke or false gesture by either party and shall not use the pretense of such an idea to void this contract. Each party is fully responsible for upholding their respective terms and agreements. I understand that this contract is irrevocable, effective eternally, and all transactions are final. There are no refunds or exchanges. I may not sell my soul a second time or to another party, be they human, divine, organic, electronic, mechanical, or any other form capable of buying, trading for, or in any way receiving ownership of my soul. Should I not have possession of my soul at the time of this transaction or I experience any successful instance of escaping compliance with any of the aforementioned

terms or conditions, I acknowledge that it shall result in a severe penalty. No exceptions. This punishment shall be a purgatory that is experienced directly after the time of my death, in which, I shall be subject to immeasurable mental and physical torment for a period of no less than double the age of the oldest star that has ever existed. This period of punishment, so as to not be a nuisance to any outside party, will be experienced instantaneously. When the time comes for to relinquish my soul, I shall do so punctually and without resistance. The destruction of this contract in the form of a copy or the original will in no way void terms or conditions of either party. Any attempt to destroy this document, defacement of this document or successful destruction of this document will have no bearing on the terms or conditions set. Due to the nature of this transaction, it is independent of any and all laws, ordinances, or other forms of regulation that may apply to either party due to their government, religious affiliation, or otherwise. Sworn and witnessed on this day, ____________________ Full Name: ___________________________________ X __________________________________________ Full Name: ___________________________________ X __________________________________________ Witnessed by: _________________________________ X __________________________________________

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