Oracle - Web Services and PeopleTools

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Web Services And PeopleTools

Southern New England User Group Meeting, October 17th, 2008
Stephen Wills Applied Technology Sales Consultant

The following is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for information purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described for Oracles products remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.

Introduction To PeopleSoft Application Integration Consuming A Web Service
The Web Service Wizard Demo: calling a Web Service and processing the results

Exposing A Web Service

Components Component Interfaces Demo Preparing Services Publishing WSDL Adding fields and re-publishing

Introduction To PeopleSoft Application Integration Consuming A Web Service
The Web Service Wizard Demo: calling a Web Service and processing the results

Exposing A Web Service

Components Component Interfaces Demo Preparing Services Publishing WSDL Adding fields and re-publishing

PeopleSoft Application Integration

Whats The Goal?

Our goal with PeopleSoft Application Integration is to:

Enable application developers and customers to natively create and consume standard web services so that PeopleSoft applications can integrate into SOA environments Improve interoperability and automation by leveraging Web Service standards and a common interface Provide the option of interoperating with robust, optimized business integration services through Oracle Business Integration Technology (BPEL/ESB)

PeopleSoft Integration
How Do We Achieve This Goal?

Integration technology built into the PeopleSoft Internet Architecture the PeopleSoft Integration Broker Embedded in tool set and delivered with all PeopleSoft Enterprise applications Providing support for:
Web Services Inbound/outbound synchronous/asynchronous XML messaging, including SOAP support COM, C, C++, Java, XML access to PeopleSoft application logic via API Flat File processing, inbound and outbound

What is an Integration Broker?

Messaging Transformation Routing Connectors Development Monitoring

Focus on Added Web Services Support in PeopleTools 8.48

Service Operations
Focus on Added Web Services Support in PeopleTools 8.48

Focus on Added Web Services Support in PeopleTools 8.48

Focus on Added Web Services Support in PeopleTools 8.48

Focus on Added Web Services Support in PeopleTools 8.48

Introduction To PeopleSoft Application Integration Consuming A Web Service
The Web Service Wizard Demo: calling a Web Service and processing the results

Exposing A Web Service

Components Component Interfaces Demo Preparing Services Publishing WSDL Calling Service

Consume and Call a Web Service

Illustrate Web Service call using public Web Service:

Demonstrate calling a web service Review Contact Component Review code used to invoke the Web Service Review code used to process the results

Web Services Home Page

Web Services options accessed from Web Services Home Page

Consume Web Service Wizard

Wizard imports Web Service definitions from a variety of sources

Consume Web Service Wizard

Wizard inspects the WSDL and determines the service operations that it finds only one in this case

Consume Web Service Wizard

NJM WSDL loaded from a file

Consume Web Service Wizard

Additional parameters automatically derived and set

Consume Web Service Wizard

Request/Response messages created and named automatically Message names can be over-ridden if required for ease-of-use

Consume Web Service Wizard

Message names can be over-ridden if required for ease-of-use

Consume Web Service Wizard

Service name and default node automatically added

Consume Web Service Wizard

Confirmation of created Web Services objects Complete view of objects available via View Consumed Service

View Consumed Service

View of complete Service including all associated objects

Consume Web Service Demonstration

Calling A Web Service

Web Service invoked programmatically by PeopleCode For a synchronous message this would typically be code on a FieldChange or PageSave event

Calling A Web Service

Contact Record has FieldChange PeopleCode for FieldChange

Calling A Web Service

1. Construct Request string 2. Make Synchronous Request Message call and receive results in the Response Message 3. Unravel Response Message and display appropriate fields

Call Web Service Demonstration

Call Web Service

Example User updates the value of the data in the Zip Code field Field Change PeopleCode triggers to call the Web Service to return the Weather information for that Zip code

Call Web Service

Example Web Service returns Weather including:
A graphic showing the weather High and low forecast temperatures

Extracts info from the Web Service response message Formats and displays it on the page

Introduction To PeopleSoft Application Integration Consuming A Web Service
The Web Service Wizard Demo: calling a Web Service and processing the results

Exposing A Web Service

Components Component Interfaces Demo Preparing Services Publishing WSDL Calling Service

Publish And Process a Web Service

Review the PeopleTools object hierarchy Review the Vendor Component Expose the Vendor Component as a Web Service Call the Web Service using the SoapUI utility

PeopleTools Building Blocks

Create fields Create records from fields Create pages from records Create components from pages Define Menu navigation to component Set Security for component Deploy via browser
Security (Controls Access) Menu (Controls Navigation) Component (Business Transaction Object) Page (Defines UI) Record
Field Field Field

Page (Defines UI) Record

Field Field Field

Field Field Field

PeopleTools Building Blocks

SOAP/ Web Services PeopleSoft Batch App Java C/C++ COM

Component Interface API

Component Interface Security (Controls Access) Menu (Controls Navigation) Component (Business Transaction Object) Page (Defines UI) File Layout Record
Field Field Field

Page (Defines UI) Record

Field Field Field

Field Field Field

Publish and process a Web Service

Review the PeopleTools object hierarchy Review the Vendor Component Expose the Vendor Component as a Web Service Call the Web Service using the SoapUI utility

Review the Vendor Component

Vendor Component in browser

Review the Vendor Component

Vendor Component in browser

Review the Vendor Component

Vendor Component Definition

Review the Vendor Component

Vendor Component Structure

Vendor Component Interface

This is the basis for the published Web Service Fields become Properties Default Methods are provided; others can be added with PeopleCode

Enable Required Service Operations

Select the Component Interface to be exposed as a Web Service

Enable Required Service Operations

Review the CI Status to determine available CI Methods Selected CI Methods will become Service Operations

Enable Required Service Operations

Defaults are created Aliases and message versions may be specified if required

Enable Required Service Operations

Web Service and Service Operations now created The Web Service can now be published and WSDL generated

Provide Web Service Wizard

Provide Web Service Wizard steps through process Step 1: Select Service to be provided (defined in previous step)

Provide Web Service Wizard

Provide Web Service Wizard steps through process Step 2: Select required Service Operations

Provide Web Service Wizard

Provide Web Service Wizard steps through process Step 3: View Generated WSDL for Service

Provide Web Service Wizard

Provide Web Service Wizard steps through process Step 4: Publish WSDL to UDDI Server if required

Provide Web Service Wizard

Provide Web Service Wizard steps through process Finish: Review WSDL Generation Log: note the WSDL URL

Test The Web Service

Test the Web Service with standard test tools e.g. SOAPUI Add Web Service definition to testing tool using .WSDL

Test The Web Service

Test the Web Service with standard test tools e.g. SOAPUI Web Service Operation definitions retrieved and created

Test The Web Service

Test the Web Service with standard test tools e.g. SOAPUI Example of Find Service Operation (Vendors starting with C)

Test The Web Service

Test the Web Service with standard test tools e.g. SOAPUI Example of Get Service Operation (for a Vendor returned by Find)


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