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We have always believed that in each CSSP student lie the unlimited
potentials to be leaders—students who possess both the willingness and ability to
take on the challenge of the difficult times. This belief has become the strong
driving force to make the council’s vision a reality. This belief has become our
impetus to deliver no less than what a community of budding leaders deserves—a
balanced combination of campaigns, activities and services.
Allow this first issue of Sanggunian 2009-2010, the official publication of
your CSSP Student Council to walk you through these campaigns, activities and
services. First, we have been successful in welcoming the new batch of Iskos and
Iskas through our freshmen activities. Second, we have begun offering relevant
services that you may continue availing at this point in time. Third, we have also
taken the challenge to engage you in the various campaigns that we have so far
instituted this year—campaigns regarding the 2009 Student Code of Conduct, our
very own efforts for the protection of the environment, JEEP ng KAPP, and our
invaluable participation in the campaign against the Con-Ass. These humble
beginnings of course are just few among the many things. But they remain at the
same time to be inspiring reminders to all of us to act much faster, to strive even
harder, and always do better, as leaders, as one.
Through your active involvement in our events since summer, we have
taken these promising leaps to make this happen. It has established so far that
the value of our partnership cannot be understated; that through our
collaborative share, we can bring this meaningful relationship as a community of
leaders to new heights, to greater destination.
From your CSSP Student Council, we sincerely thank you for the support.
And we hope that for the following months to come, you continue journeying with
us up until the end.
Sama sama at sabay sabay nating ipagpatuloy ang pagARANGKADA ng

by Sasa De Vega

The CSSP Student Council (CSSPSC), spearheaded by the Students’ Rights and Welfare
Committee (STRAW), has organized different activities to welcome and integrate the CSSP
freshmen and transferees in the college.

The Fresh and the Furious

Because we see the CSSP Freshmen as fresh individuals overflowing with potentials and
furious thirst for learning and wanting to excel in their own little ways, The College Freshmen
Welcome Assembly was dubbed ―The Fresh and the Furious‖. This was held last June 23, 2009 at
the NISMED Auditorium and marked the beginning of the different freshie activities prepared for
the freshmen.
An estimate of 350 freshmen and transferees filled the NISMED Auditorium, carrying with
them the survival kits provided by the CSSPSC. Accompanying them all throughout the program
were their respective block handlers. The program started at 1 o’clock p.m. with the singing of the
National Anthem led by UP KRATOS, The Political Science Choir, followed by the welcoming
remarks and speeches from CSSPSC Chairperson Jay Bagcal and Dean Zosimo Lee. This was
followed by College Secretary Josefina Andrea Cantiller, who oriented the freshmen on the rules
and regulations of the college, and Prof Cherrie Joy Billedo, Office for Student Affairs (OSA)
coordinator, who also informed the freshmen on the kinds of services they can avail from the office.
For the freshmen to be also familiarized with the university, representatives from different
university-wide offices such as Office of Scholarships and Student Services (OSSS), Office of Anti-
Sexual Harassment (OASH), Diliman Gender Office (DGO), Office of Counseling and Guidance
(OCG), and UP Health Service (UPHS) gave brief presentations about the nature, objectives and
the kinds of services they offer.
UP Samahan ng mga Mag-aaral ng Komunikasyon (SAMASKOM), UP Kontra Gapi and
UP Sirkulo ng mga Kabataang Artista (SIKAT), the performing organization of CSSP, provided
entertainment to the audience in between presentations of the offices.
The performances from the departments were the highlights of the program, making them
the most awaited portion of the assembly. With the spirit of dedication, competitiveness and joy,
the departments, led by their respective department representatives, gave everyone a very
amusing production numbers. Each block relentlessly cheered for their respective departments as
they gave their best during the performances.
These performances were part of CSSP Representative to the University Student Council
(USC) Tin Borja’s project, ―SAB8‖. This is to help the departments become more active and
participative in the college’s projects, activities and campaigns through earning points from these
activities. The points will then be accumulated at the end of the year.
Random freshmen from different departments were chosen to rate the performances
according to how well the performances answered the question, ―Are your freshies fresh or

Sanggunian 2009 Volume 1 | 2

We also set a criteria on how the random judges shall rate the performances -- 40% for
Audio Visual Presentation, 40% for Stage Presentation, 10% for Props, Costume, Over-all
preparation and 10% for Audience Impact.
The results of the competition had Political Science in first place with 95.75%, followed by
Sociology in second place with 94% and Linguistics in third place with 93.25%. In fourth place was
History with 91.25%, fifth place was Philosophy with 89.75%, sixth was Psychology with 89.25%,
leaving Anthropology with 87.75% and Geography with 86.88% in seventh and eighth place,

The Bibo Amazing Race

The Bibo Amazing Race was organized to familiarize the freshmen and the transferees with
the culture, tradition and life in the college. This was held last June 27, 2009, from 8 in the
morning til 12 noon.
This activity was also part of CSSP Representative to the University Student Council Tin
Borja’s project, SAB8. Each department is to be represented by at least one team with two (2) to
three (3) members.
The race was composed of eight (8) teams, one (1) team from the departments of Geography,
History, Linguistics, Philosophy, Psychology and Sociology, and two (2) teams from the department
of Political Science.
Fourteen stations were scattered around and near Palma Hall (AS) and Palma Hall Annex
(PHAn) – Third World Studies Library, Archaeology Studies Program (ASP), Antas, Anthropology
Museum, SINAG Office, CSSPSC Office, Women’s CR, AS 101, Main Library, AS Steps, CASAA,
OSA and the store along AS WALK (Mang Mon’s / Coop).
Before the actual race, a short program was held in the AS Lobby wherein the departments
cheered for their representatives. Valuables and other stuff not needed in the race were also
confiscated during the program.
The winners of the race were based on the points they got from all stations (20 points for
stations completed in three minutes, 15 points for 5 minutes, and 10 points for 7 minutes). The
ones who finished the race early got extra points.
Points earned by the representatives for this race will be added to the points earned by the
departments in ―The Fresh and the Furious‖ for SAB8.
The winners of the race were Psychology, in first place, with 299 points. In second place
was Sociology with 293 points and in third place was Political Science Block 2 with 286 points.
Linguistics went down one place (from previous competition) with 282 points. Still in fifth place
was Philosophy with 280 points followed by Geography, in sixth place, with 279 points. Political
Science Block 1 and History garnered 278 points and 272 points correspondingly, having them in
seventh and eighth place.

Race to the Future, KAPPistahan 2009

To top off the series of activities prepared for the welcoming of the newbies in the college,
the annual freshie concert was organized. The theme for this year’s KAPPistahan is visualizing
CSSP in the next 100 years. This event was held last July 24, 2009 at the AS Steps, 5 o’clock in the
Sanggunian 2009 Volume 1 | 3
For this event, it is the freshies’ turn to show their talents and resourcefulness through
interpreting the theme either in a dance, a song or a skit or a combination of any.
Performances from outside bands such as ABS Combo, Plagpul and Tonight We Sleep were
witnessed in this freshie concert. Picoy Cruz of Beatbox Philippines and from the Department of
Psychology also performed. And CSSP’s only performing organization, UP SIKAT entertained the
audience with an interpretative dance turned comical before the program ended.
In the spirit of healthy competition, the performances of the freshie blocks, were judged
accordingly. The criteria are as follows: 40% for creativity and resourcefulness 40% for compliance
with the theme and 20% for audience impact.
The winners for the event were Political Science Block 2 with 92% and Political Science
Block 1 with 85.67% and Psychology Block 4 with 84.67% in first, second and third place,
respectively. Up by one place was Philosophy (from previous competition) with 84.33% having
Linguistics in fifth place with 84%. In sixth place was Psychology Block 3 who earned 82.33%
followed by Psychology Block 1 with 78.33% and Psychology Block 2 with 75.33% in seventh and
eighth place. In ninth, tenth and eleventh place were Sociology with 71.67%, Anthropology with
71.33% and Geography with 69%, correspondingly.

Sanggunian 2009 Volume 1 | 4

by Tin Borja

The following scenes are based on true-to life experiences…

Scene 1: Introduced to a friend’s friend
A: She’s the CSSP Representative to the USC
B: Really? What kind of position is that?

Scene 2: Overheard while walking down the halls of Palma

A: Yun, tanong mo, CSSP Rep yun.
B: Huh? May ganung member ba yung council? Ano yun?

Scene 3: During an org to org 1

A: Basically, I forward the concerns of the students to the University Student Council
B: <cuts> Ooooh, may USC pala. Akalain mo.
A: uh..well..(*major dead air*)

Scene 4: During an org to org 2

A: Rank the job of the CSSP Rep from `1-5…blah blah blah..
B: Frankly, I just can’t see the relevance of the position. I don’t even know what you do (laughs)
A: Ouch.

Scene 5: In one of the offices

A: Hi, I’m the current CSSP Rep to the USC
B: kruu kruu..(no reaction, just stared)
Indeed, given the scenes above we can establish that very few people actually know that a
position as the CSSP Representative to the USC exists. Fewer people know what the position
demands and fewest could name the exact job description of this position. No surprises there. I
mean, really, before I became the CSSP Representative the USC, I was character B in Scene 4
(hehe). I find it rather ironic that I now hear the same things about the position branded across my
big pink and green, very gay council ID.
So…what is it that I do?
Its quite interesting really, see, if I were to sum up a typical week’s job, I’d say this is what
I do:
Sanggunian 2009 Volume 1 | 5
1. I exercise a lot…given that I need to walk around a lot to distribute letters and
invitations to the organizations or post announcements around bulletin boards or travel
from the CSSP Student Council Office to Vinzons (cause that’s where the USC office is). It’s
a really very healthy job. I mean, I lost 0.5 lb over the last 4 months! Ang sexy ko na nga e.
Woot woot!
2. I eat a lot too. See, meetings are usually done with the presence of food to help keep the
focus, stimulate the brain, and well…in a way, prevent ―kruu kruu’s‖ especially when ideas
are in demand. (Though, the food can sometimes be a distraction cause in a way you become
more focused on why you’re pancit canton is crunchy instead of the issue on the student
code draft or something like that.)
3. I have split identity. Wag ka maingay, secret lang ha? Ako talaga si Darna. Hahaha!
Kidding, it’s just that working in two offices with two different sets of people can sometimes
create this. Cool no?
4. I text a lot. For the past month, my message log shows that I’ve sent out 38, 302 messages
and received 18, 858. Globe, smart, sun- we’re suuuupeeeer close. They love me. They really
5. I smile and laugh a lot. It’s hard not to smile or laugh when you’re talking to others. Ano
ko, zombie? No reaction? Roar.
6. I get late nights out. Fun right? USC meetings are quite addicting…so we usually finish
around 11-12AM max. We feel like if we finish earlier, the party’s just begun and so we
7. I plan and plan and plan… given that I am a strong believer of the quote ―if you fail to
plan, you plan to fail‖ (So drop by the office and get your free CSSP planner now!!! Let’s
plan together and make it happen! Yey!)
8. I learn a lot. Really. Many to mention nga kaya di ko na lalagay e, parang slambook lang.
9. I have fun and…believe it or not… (given that from someone else’s point of view, it might
seem like a masochistic job)
10. …I get the time of my life every single day that I’m CSSP Representative to the USC.
11. (I mean c’mon you’re trying to multiply smiles, how is that not fun?)

This is my routinary job. This is what I sort-of do. I probably have not really defined what it
is that I do in the technical and constitutional definition of the job cause its really very self-
explanatory- I attempt to bridge the gap between the USC and CSSP (CSSP Representative…to
the USC?..get it?). If in any way, you feel like this is not happening, then well, I’ve still got about
eight months to make you feel otherwise.
Right now, I’ve got some walking and texting to do sooo I’ll place my period here ―.‖
…with super love,
Your CSSP Representative to the USC
(yes, there is such a position)

Sanggunian 2009 Volume 1 | 6

ni Gil Turingan

Sa tulong ng Education, Training and Popular Struggles Committee (EDUC) ng CSSP

Student Council, tuluy-tuloy ang pag-arangkada ng mga kampanya at aktibidad ng konseho para
sa mga mag-aaral ng kolehiyo. Nagsimula ang akademikong taon sa pamamagitan ng paglalabas
ng praymer tungkol sa Vision-Mission ng konseho na Fuel, Start, Drive: Leaders on Track noong
tag-init. Kasabay rin nito ang paglulunsad ng multiply site ng EDUC na Naglalaman ito ng mga kampanya, aktibidad at mga isyung may
kinalaman sa mga mag-aaral at lipunan.
Nitong nakaraang Abril 29, pinulong ng konseho ang lahat ng mga taga-pangulo ng mga
organisasyon sa CSSP. Naging paksa ng KAPPulungan ang 2009 Draft Code of Student Conduct,
Tambayan, CSSP Freshies, Council Services at ang pormal na paggulong ng CSSP Academic
Circle—alyansa ng mga akademikong organisasyon sa CSSP. Noong Mayo, nahalal na Chair
Organization ng nasabing alyansa ang UP Kalipunan para sa Agham Panlipunan at Pilosopiyang
Pilipino (UP KAPPP). Sa kasalukuyan, ang CSSP Academic Circle ay binubuo ng 11 miyembrong
organisasyon. Ang tumatayong convenor ng Acad Circle para sa taong ito ay si CSSP
Representative to the USC Tin Borja. Katuwang ng EDUC ang CSSP Academic Circle sa
pagsusulong ng mga isyung panlipunan at usaping mag-aaral.
Nagsilbing panimula ng kampanyang Decoding the Student Code ang naganap na
KAPPulungan sa pamamagitan ng paglalabas ng praymer tungkol sa 2009 Draft Code of Student
Conduct. Upang mas mabigyan ng impormasyon ang mga mag-aaral ng kolehiyo, sinimulan noong
tag-init ang pag-iikot ng konseho sa mga organisasyon at mag-aaral upang pag-usapan ang
nasabing student code. Kaalinsabay nito, upang maisulong ang mga hinaing ng mga estudyante,
nagkaroon ng mga serye ng pag-uusap sa pagitan ng konseho at ng administrasyon. Malugod na
pinaunlakan ni Dekano Zosimo Lee ang mga katanungan tungkol sa student code noong tag-init.
Ganito rin ang nangyari noong Mayo, pinaunlakan din ni Prop. Aurora Odette Mendoza ang mga
katanungan at suhestiyon ng konseho. Bilang bahagi ng League of College Councils (LCC) ng
University Student Council (USC), kasama ang konseho sa naganap na dialogue sa pagitan ng
mga sangguniang mag-aaral sa UP Diliman at Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Dr. Elizabeth
Enriquez. Natapos na ang konsultasyon na isinagawa ng administrasyon sa kolehiyo noong Agosto
24, 2009. Inilatag ng CSSPSC ang posisyon nito kasama ang posisyon ng mga organisasyon sa
kolehiyo. Ngunit, hindi pa rin tapos ang laban. Bagamat nagkaroon ng ilang mga pagbabago sa
student code, naninindigan pa rin ang konseho sa mga paniniwala at adhikain nito. Kung kaya’t
sa huling araw ng konsultasyon na gaganapin sa Setyembre 7, buong pwersa pa rin ang pagtindig
ng CSSPSC sa karapatan at kapangyarihan ng mga mag-aaral.
Isa sa mga kampanya na masugid na isinusulong ng konseho ngayong taon ay ang JEEP
ng KAPP: Joint Efforts for Environmental Protection ng Kolehiyo ng Agham Panlipunan at
Pilosopiya. Nagsimula ang pag-arangkada ng JEEP ng KAPP noong Abril 22 kung saan sama-
samang ipanagdiwang ng CSSP ang Earth Day sa pamamagitan ng pagsusuot ng luntiang damit
at pagtatali ng mga luntiang laso. Nitong Hulyo, inilunsad ng EDUC ang JEEP ng KAPP Week
kung saan naging bahagi nito ang Arangkada para sa Kalikasan: The CSSP Organization Fair
2009 noong Hulyo 27-30, 2009 sa AS Lobby. Naiuwi ng UP Association of Political Science Majors
(UP APSM) ang unang gantimpala, UP Samahan sa Agham Pampulitka (UP SAPUL) ang
ikalawang gantimpala at parehong nakuha ng UP Kabataang Pilosopo Tasyo (UP KaPiTas) at UP
Buklod CSSP ang ikatlong gantimpala. Nasungkit din ng UP Buklod CSSP ang Voters’ Choice
Award. Nagtapos ang JEEP ng KAPP Week sa isang kultural na presentasyon na pinamagatang
Sanggunian 2009 Volume 1 | 7
Luntiang Tanghalan sa Tanghalian na ginanap noong Hulyo 31, 2009 sa AS Lobby. Nagpakitang-
gilas sa araw na iyon ang UP Sirkulo ng mga Kabataang Artista (UP SIKAT) at Baihanna. Sa
ikalawang semestre naman, ilulunsad ng konseho ang mga konkretong proyekto tulad ng Anti-
Styro Campaign sa CASAA, paglalagay ng mga dagdag na trash bins at pagtitipid ng kuryente sa
Bilang mga mag-aaral ng agham panlipunan at pilosopiya, nararapat lang na maging
aktibo sa mga usapin pagdating sa ating lipunan tulad ng Con-Ass. Bukod sa pahayag ng CSSPSC
tungkol sa Con-Ass na pinamagatang Kick Con-Ass, aktibo rin ang konseho sa mga iba’t ibang
porma ng pagkilos tulad ng pakikiisa sa TindigNation—alyansa ng mga sektor ng lipunan na
tumitindig laban sa Con-Ass at pagmamalabis ni Pangulong Arroyo. Kasama rin ang konseho sa
naganap na pagkilos noong SONA at upang mas mapalalim ito, nagkaroon ng pagtatasa ang
konseho noong Hulyo 28 na pinamagatang Huling SONA ni Gloria, Huli na nga ba? Naging
tagapagsalita ng nasabing talakayan sina Rep. Walden Bello ng Akbayan Party-list at Prop.
Clarita Carlos ng UP Political Science Department. Naging student reactors din ng talakayan sina
JV La Chica ng Law Student Government ng UP College of Law at Via Monina Valdepeñas ng UP
APSM. Naglabas din ng pahayag ang CSSPSC tungkol sa nasabing SONA na may titulong 9 na
punto sa ika-9 na SONA ng pangulo. Ngunit hindi pa rin dito natatapos ang laban ng mga iskolar
para sa bayan. Hindi rito natatapos ang pagmamatyag natin sa mga kaganapan sa ating lipunan.
Ilan lang ang mga ito sa mga kampanya at aktibidad na naisagawa at isinasagawa ng
konseho para sa panuruang taon. Patuloy pa rin ang pagbibigay serbisyo ng konseho para sa mga
mag-aaral, sa unibersidad at sa sambayanan. Tuluy-tuloy pa rin ang ating pag-arangkada.
Marami pang kampanya at aktibidad ang nakapila. Kaya naman, halina’t sumakay at sumabay sa
pag-arangkada ng ating kolehiyo!

Sanggunian 2009 Volume 1 | 8

by Anjo David

The College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, led by the CSSP Student Council (CSSPSC),
held a college assembly August 24 to discuss the 2009 Draft Code of Student Conduct (Draft). Vice
Chancellor for Student Affairs Elizabeth Enriquez, CSSP Dean Zosimo Lee, and Psychology
Department Chairperson Dr. Aurora Odette Mendoza, who are also concurrent members of the
Draft’s Review Committee, attended the said assembly to present updates as regards the Draft.
The Draft contains proposed rules and regulations replacing the existing ones pertaining to
the use of tambayans, organizations, the Student Disciplinary Tribunal (SDT), and student
discipline in general.
“Please study the draft and let us know what you think,” says Vice Chancellor for Student
Affairs Elizabeth L. Enriquez soliciting comments and suggestions from the students as regards
the Draft. To this statement, students and student organizations seemed to have responded well,
as they expressed dissent over the proposal. The Draft was posted at the UP Diliman website
March 24. To date, the CSSP has taken several steps in response to the Draft.
Finding it critical for CSSP organizations to become aware of the Draft, the CSSP Student
Council conducted a meeting with the 30 CSSP-based organizations on April 29. The meeting
sought to inform the organizations of the pertinent provisions of the Draft. The CSSPSC also
asked for the position of the organizations – 14 of which were submitted to the CSSPSC and have
been collated as a proposal to the Review Committee during the college assembly.
The CSSPSC also held a dialogue together with Dr. Mendoza on May 25. Asked when the
Draft would be implemented, Dr. Mendoza said that the Draft will not be passed unless mass
consultations with the students have been conducted. The BOR and the University Council shall
approve the proposal.
“[S]ome provisions of the 2009 Draft Code of Student Conduct deny us of [our] rights [as
students],” reads the position paper of the CSSPSC released April 22. The CSSPSC calls for the
modification of some of the provisions of the Draft and were included in the proposal.

Sanggunian 2009 Volume 1 | 9

by Oyie Javelosa

After 6 years, the Philippines is once again gearing up for the selection of a new set of
servants in political leadership. Intense media hype becomes more and more pervasive, politicians
scramble to strengthen their support bases, and a veritable plethora of aspirants plaster their
faces over yonder. Indeed, the Philippine election festival has begun.
Beneath all the excitement and farce lies a deeper issue that pervades the affairs of even
the most apathetic. In the midst of our contemporary experiences as a nation, a question lingers:
―What lies ahead?‖ Nothing is certain but our collective will to set things straight for a brighter
Elections in principle provide a tangible method to bring reform in a constitutional, legal,
peaceful and effective manner. During its season, the keys for potential reform and reaffirmation
of democratic accountability are once again placed in the hands of the people, as democracy would
have it.
As our generation comes of age, we begin to play an ever-increasing role in national affairs.
We are now equipped with the minds, hearts, and tools to sink our feet deep into the struggle to
bring our motherland back on its feet - a challenge for so long left unanswered. Estimates have
shown that approximately 34 million Filipinos shall be part of the 18-34 age bracket come 2010,
roughly 50 percent of the voting population. Hence, ours is a position that may prove pivotal to the
national destiny.
But then again, it is not so much a question of potential. In past elections, the power of the
mythical ―youth vote‖ remained to be seen. According to COMELEC Spokesperson Jason Jimenez,
―Election after election, we’ve seen that the youth have not really stepped up in terms of living up
to their potential powers as voters‖. While it is desirable for candidates to garner the support of
the youth, manifestations of its inherent strength as significant electoral sector have yet to
For this purpose, your CSSP Student Council has actively been involved in the First Time
Voter’s (FTV) Network and projects of the League of College Councils aiming to synergize the
potential of the youth vote. In the coming weeks, we shall also launch our home-grown election
initiative thrusting voter’s registration and education – Ready, Set, Vote: Gusto Kong Bumoto sa
This coming election, let us all demonstrate the power of the ballot in bringing about
change and renewed vigour in national discourse and the conduct of governmental affairs. United,
ours is the key to change we’ve all desperately sought.
We urge each and everyone to register for the polls and vote with a political and social
consciousness unparalleled, and with the national interest held paramount. Let the collective will
of not just only we iskolars para sa bayan, but also that of our generation, resound.
Youth, together, let us rise to the challenge.

Sanggunian 2009 Volume 1 | 10

ni Robert Badrina
Noong hatinggabi ng Hunyo 2 taong kasalukuyan ay nagimbal ang buong bansa sa
pagkakapasa ng House Bill 1109 na naglalayong ipatawag ang kongreso (mababa at mataas na
kapulungan) upang bumuo ng isang Constituent Assembly. Matapos ng nangyaring botohan,
bumaha ng mga alingawngaw ng pagtutol mula sa iba’t ibang sektor ng lipunan. Ngunit ano nga
bang banta ang hatid nito sa ating bansa?
Nagsimula ang pagsusulong sa pagbabago ng saligang batas noong SONA 2005 sa loob ng
termino ng Pangulong Arroyo. Hindi na rin mabilang ang ilang pagtatangka gaya ng People’s
Initiative na ibinasura rin ng Korte Suprema. Ayon sa Kongreso, napapanahon na ang pagbabago
dahil na rin sa maligoy na pagkakasulat ng konstitusyon at ibang pang-ekonomiyang dahilan.
Article XVII Section I states that: “Any amendment to, or revision of, this
constitution may be proposed by: (1) The Congress, upon a vote of three-fourths of all
its member…”
Ayon na rin sa Saligang Batas, ang pagbabago ng ating konstitusyon ay maaari sa
pamamagitan ng isang Constituent Assembly na binubuo ng lahat ng miyembro ng kongreso. Ito
ngayon ang pangunahing debate sa kung paano boboto ang dalawang kapulungan, hiwalay ba o
pangkabuuan sapagkat sa karaniwang batas hiwalay ang pagboto ng senado at kamara de
Halos sampung buwan na lamang at matatapos na ang termino ng kasalukuyang
administrasyon. Bagama’t ang mababang kapulungan ay naghain ng ilang rasyonal sa
pagkakapasa ng 1109, mahalaga na maging mapagmatyag ang publiko sa tunay na layunin nito.
Maaring may hatid itong pagbabago para sa ikabubuti ng bansa subalit ito nga ba ay
Sa kabila ng paniniyak ng maraming mambabatas na tuloy ang eleksyon, hindi pa rin
maiiwasan ang pangamba ng publiko na ―term extension‖ ang motibasyon para sa HR 1109. Sana
sa anumang pagbabago, taong bayan at hinaharap ng bansa ang isaalang-alang at hindi ang
ikabubuti ng iilang tao lamang.

Sanggunian 2009 Volume 1 | 11

by Ian Cortez

The College of Social Sciences and Philosophy Student Council (CSSPSC) is to welcome its
new CSSPSC Councilor with the resignation of Councilor Alodyah Janine Zarate from her office
last August 17.
Celliza Marrie Rances, 4th year BA Psychology ranked 9th in the CSSPSC Elections held
last February 25, shall now be inducted into office. Because Zarate’s resignation has caused a
permanent vacancy in the Office of the Councilor, Rances is to assume the duties and
responsibilities of the position starting her date of induction on September 8, 2009.
According to Article XIV, Sec. 1 C of the CSSPSC Constitution, “if a permanent
vacancy occurs in the Office of the Councilors at any point of the term of office of the
CSSPSC, the candidate who obtained the next highest number of votes after the
lowest ranked, in terms of votes, elected Councilor shall take the office.”
Zarate’s resignation letter was passed within her 15-day suspension period last August 12-
27. According to the minutes of the council general assembly dated August 12, she was suspended
based on the following grounds: three (3) consecutive unexcused absences from General Assemblies
(GAs) and dereliction of duty.
According to CSSPSC Chairperson Jay Bagcal, such grounds are indicative of
irresponsibility and disservice to the student body, from which she has acquired her mandate.
The council did numerous attempts to reach Zarate when she was not yet showing herself
to the council members and even not attending class. Such attempts were the following: contacting
her cell phone number (as stated in her council profile sheet); going to the address that she
indicated to be her city address in the council profile sheet; contacting her mother’s cell phone
number; inquiring at the AS 101/Office of the College Secretary whether she has already filed a
Leave of Absence or not; and asking for her details from the University Registrar, especially that
of the person to be contacted in cases of emergency.
All of the said attempts to reach Zarate earned a negative result. Thus, Bagcal initiated her
suspension, as approved by the Executive Coordinating Council (ECC). The ECC is a body
composed of the heads of all the CSSPSC standing committees.
But the suspension period no longer reached its end, as Zarate turned in her resignation
letter to clarify the issue. Zarate said that she has to deal with personal problems and enormous
family issues which rendered her incapable of fulfilling her responsibility expected of her as a
CSSPSC member.
Zarate has already filed her Leave of Absence for the first semester and stated in her letter
that she would be back on the second semester.
The headship of the Finance and Special Projects Committee of the council has now been
officially turned over to Zarate’s assistant, Councilor Marian Salanguit. Rances upon her induction
into the office shall not necessarily relieve Zarate’s post in the said committee.
Meanwhile, the Office of the Dean, Office of the College Secretary, Office of the Coordinator
for Student Affairs and the SINAG CSSP have all been informed of the issue via a letter released
by the Secretariat and Logistics Committee (SEC) of the council headed by Ian Richard Cortez as
the Secretary-General.

Sanggunian 2009 Volume 1 | 12

CSSP Student Council 2009-2010
University of the Philippines, Diliman

The CSSP Student Council started the summer semester with their planning. The council
was able to collect from its members 9, 643 pesos in lieu of the said planning. The council spent 8,
494.50 pesos thus having 1, 148.50 pesos left. However, the council had to reimburse 2, 200 pesos
to the Secretariat and Logistics Committee which was borrowed to finance temporarily some of the
activities that were not covered by the fund initially collected for the summer planning held last
April 3 to 4, 2009.
At the beginning of the summer semester, the council was able to collect 14, 424.50 pesos
from the student fund and what was left from the summer semester planning collectibles.
The council started off by spending on committee logbooks and the printing of registration
necessities which amounts to 8, 288. The council then used 2, 588.75 pesos for the graduation
tarpaulin, anteroom bulletin board, council calendar, council IDs and website. A lot was also
spent for the KAPPamunuan event amounting to 1, 236.25. Add to that the total cost of the
KAPPulungan, AssesSTFAP AsisSTFAP, the KAPPalihan, Decoding the Student Code and other
additional primers which would be 2, 503 pesos.
Adding all these expenses would amount to 14, 516 pesos but having only disbursed 14, 369
pesos. This would leave 55.50 pesos as the council’s collectibles but also having to reimburse 2, 447

Sanggunian 2009 Volume 1 | 13

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