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FY08 WRAPS Funding Application

FY08 WRAPS Funding Application

Description of Watershed Issues

Enter a narrative description of the problem you wish to address. Example: Muddy lake is receiving too
much sediment from the receiving watershed. Failing streambanks, row crops, and construction sites
are all contributing to excess sediment loading. The lake sedimentation problem has led to diminished
water storage capacity and excess phosphorus loading. Word Limit: 400 words
1. *

Description of Project Goals to address issues

Example: The goal of this project is to restore Muddy Lake by reducing the sediment load by 50% over
the next five years. Word Limit: 400 Words
1. *

Methodology used to achieve the project goals

In describing the methods to achieve the watershed goals, applicants are asked to report activities in
the following categories: (Please note: Two methodologies are mandatory to WRAPS projects. Such
categories are marked with an asterisk)

Project Management and Oversight: Please describe the project management duties required to insure
the project meets its goals. Example: Preparing grant reports, organizing Stakeholder Leadership Team
meetings, taking project minutes, etc.
1. *

Information & Education: Please describe the information & education activities associated with the
project goals. Example: One on one meetings with landowners to discuss sediment control basins,
preparing informational project brochure, managing project website, hosting demonstration site tour.
2. *

Technology Transfer: Please describe the technology being developed. Example: Educating landowners
on water quality monitoring techniques. Word Limit: 200 Words

Demonstration Project: A demonstration project is defined as a project intended to show how a specific
water resource management problem is solved. Demonstration projects are typically used to introduce
new measures and practices to a locality, provide a reference site to show individuals the physical
features and operational characteristics of a measure or practice, and test and evaluate unproven
measures and practices. Example: Use of wetlands to treat runoff from livestock areas, use of wetlands
to treat runoff containing atrazine pesticide, use of grass strips rather than constructed terraces, etc.
Please describe any and all demonstration projects associated with this application. Word Limit: 400

Implementation Activity: An implementation activity is defined as a project with the objective of

widespread application of effective physical measures and behavioral changes resulting in the
elimination or reduction of water resource management problems. Such projects are key to overall
strategies or actions identified in a WRAPS plan (or similar document) to achieve a specific watershed
goal or objective. Examples of such projects include but are not limited to plugging abandoned water
wells, installing livestock pollution control systems, nutrient management for cropland, establishing
permanent vegetation in riparian areas. Please describe any and all implementation activities associated
with this application, along with the activity costs. (*All Implementation Projects must meet NRCS
specifications): Word Limit: 400 Words

Please answer the below sub-questions associated with Implementation Activities

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FY08 WRAPS Funding Application

*Has a WRAPS document or similar plan been developed for the watershed (provide plan title and date
approved)? Word Limit: 300 words

*What specific plan goal or objective will be addressed through this implementation activity? Word
Limit: 200 words

*How will the effectiveness or success of the project in achieving the applicable goal or objective be
determined? Word Limit: 300 words

*Conservation District Support: Applicants requesting funding for Implementation Activities must
demonstrate a working relationship with their local Conservation District. Please describe this
relationship and how they were involved in identifying the implementation projects in the application.
Word Limit: 300 Words

*Technical Assistance: Many Implementation activities require technical assistance to help with project
design etc. Please describe who agreed to provide the technical assistance for the implementation
activities in this application, along with their associated costs. Word Limit: 300 Words

*Other Funding Sources: Implementation activity funding is considered “supplemental” funding to

address project needs that cannot be met with other existing programs. Please describe the
implementation funding need, as it pertains to other sources of funding awarded (examples: Equip,
CRP, 319, SCC, EPA, etc.), been pursued but not awarded, or how this project does not qualify for
existing programs. Word Limit: 300 Words

Watershed Action Plan

SFY 2008 WRAPS Phase: Please enter the phase or combination of phases of the WRAPS process
associated with the SFY 2008 application.
*Can select more than one option

SFY 2009 - 2011 WRAPS Phase: Please enter the phase or combination of phases of the WRAPS process
associated with the SFY 2009 - 2011 applications, along with the potential funding need.

SFY 2009
* Funding Needed

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FY08 WRAPS Funding Application

SFY 2010
* Funding Needed:

SFY 2011
* Funding Needed:

For Development, Assessment, or Planning Phase Applications, please complete the information below.
For Implementation Phase Applications, please scroll to the bottom of the screen and complete the
associated section.

Service Provider Information

Please list the service providers associated with this WRAPS project, along with a narrative of the
services being provided.
5. Service Provider #1:
6. Description of services being provided:
7. Service Provider #2:
8. Description of services being provided:
9. Service Provider #3:
10. Description of services being provided:
11. Service Provider #4:
12. Description of services being provided:

Please list the total costs for the services, along with the amount of non-WRAPS funds being utilized to
provide the services.
13. Service Provider #1 Total Costs:
14. Amount of non-WRAPS funds:
15. Service Provider #2 Total Costs:
16. Amount of non-WRAPS funds:
17. Service Provider #3 Total Costs:
18. Amount of non-WRAPS funds:
19. Service Provider #4 Total Costs:
20. Amount of non-WRAPS funds:

For Implementation Phase Applications, please download and complete the information in the Microsoft
Excel spreadsheet linked below:

» Click here to download the SFY 08 Implementation Phase Supplement (Microsoft Excel spreadsheet)

Once complete, please save and upload the file using the upload utility below:
Application Budget

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FY08 WRAPS Funding Application

Please enter the grant budget. The project match may be entered in the following section.
1. Personnel: $

Describe the number of employees, if they are full time or part time, and their scope of work. Include
Fringe Benefits if necessary. Word Limit: 200 Words
3. Travel: $

Describe the travel expenses, and the reason for the travel.
5. Equipment: $

Only for equipment purchases of $2,000. Describe the equipment, it’s purpose and use, and how it will
be used upon completion of the grant.
7. Supplies: $

Describe supplies needed to accomplish project goals.

9. Statewide Service Provider Budget: $

Describe in detail, who the statewide service providers are, the work and goals of the
contract/contracts, how the activities fit in with the project and watershed goals, the contract budget
summary, and when the timeline for the contract and contract activities.
11. Other: $

Describe in detail other project expenses, that do not include contractual or statewide service provider
13. Indirect Costs: $

Describe indirect costs associated with the project. Indirect costs are not to exceed 10% of the grant
total. Any indirect charges exceeding 10% may be counted as match.

Project Contributions

Grant Contributions (‘match’) must equal or exceed a 40% of the project total. This can be calculated
by multiplying the grant application amount by 2/3. Example: Amount of requested grant funds =
$50,000 x (2/3) = $33,333. Required project contributions equals a minimum of $33,333, and the
project total is $83,333.
1. Personnel: $

Describe the number of employees, if they are full time or part time, and their scope of work. Include
Fringe Benefits if necessary. Word Limit: 200 Words
3. Travel: $

Describe the travel expenses, and the reason for the travel.

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5. Equipment: $

Only for equipment purchases of $2,000. Describe the equipment, it’s purpose and use, and how it will
be used upon completion of the grant.
7. Supplies: $

Describe supplies needed to accomplish project goals.

9. Statewide Service Provider Budget: $

Describe in detail, who the statewide service providers are, the work and goals of the
contract/contracts, how the activities fit in with the project and watershed goals, the contract budget
summary, and when the timeline for the contract and contract activities.
11. Other: $

Describe in detail other project expenses, that do not include contractual or statewide service provider
13. Indirect Costs: $

Describe indirect costs associated with the project. Indirect costs are not to exceed 10% of the grant
total. Any indirect charges exceeding 10% may be counted as match.

Project Scope
Select the river basin(s) that is within your project's scope.
KS Lower Republican
Lower Arkansas
Marais des Cygnes
Smoky Hill-Saline
Upper Arkansas
Upper Republican

Watershed: Please select if the scope of this project is by Huc 8, Huc 11, or Other:
Huc 8
Huc 11
14. *If 'other' watershed selected, please provide the number of acres

If Huc 8 or Huc 11 was selected as the scope of your project, please select all applicable codes from the
appropriate (Huc 8 or Huc 11) list below by double clicking them or pressing the right-arrow button
15. Select Huc 8 codes from the left:
16. Select Huc 11 codes from the left:

Stakeholder Leadership Team

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FY08 WRAPS Funding Application

(Do not complete this section if applying for Development Phase of WRAPS process).

Upon completion of the Development phase of the WRAPS process, watersheds should have a project
decision making body, often referred to as the Stakeholder Leadership Team (SLT). The SLT helps the
project sponsoring organization define the goals and objectives for the watershed and directs the
activities associated with each WRAPS project designed to achieve the watersheds goals. Please identify
the core (most dedicated, involved) SLT members associated with this project.
1. Name:
2. Phone Number:
3. Fax Number:
4. Address:
5. City:
6. State:
7. Zip:
8. Email:
9. Role on SLT:
10. Name:
11. Phone Number:
12. Fax Number:
13. Address:
14. City:
15. State:
16. Zip:
17. Email:
18. Role on SLT:
19. Name:
20. Phone Number:
21. Fax Number:
22. Address:
23. City:
24. State:
25. Zip:
26. Email:
27. Role on SLT:
28. Name:
29. Phone Number:
30. Fax Number:
31. Address:
32. City:
33. State:
34. Zip:
35. Email:
36. Role on SLT:

*If you have additional SLT members, please email them to Jaime Gaggero, KDHE, at

Has the SLT reviewed and approved this project proposal? If so, please provide the meeting date and
location along with any other pertinent details. Word Limit: 200 words

Describe the role and operations of the Watershed Stakeholder Leadership Team: Provide the number
of SLT team members, what water resource interests are represented, how were the members selected
or recruited, how often do they meet, how are decisions made, and how the SLT decisions are reported
to the larger watershed community. Word Limit: 400 words

How does the Watershed Leadership Team evaluate its effectiveness and performance? Effective highly
performing watershed leadership teams will periodically examine their performance and continued

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relevance. This could be done through a self audit, focus group, etc. Please describe what your team
does. Word Limit: 400 words

What steps does the SLT take to assure that all watershed stakeholders see the relevance of the WRAPS
project and how the project and SLT serves the interests of all stakeholders? The watershed leadership
team is expected to be an advocate for comprehensive water resource management within the
watershed. Individual stakeholder issues and concerns to time should be presented to the leadership
team and considered. Word Limit: 400 words

The Kansas WRAPS Work Group will use the responses to the following questions to determine a
watershed local interest project score. While project applicants are free to choose any method they wish
to respond to these questions, the WRAPS Work Group recommends the responses for Development
Projects be based on the knowledge and expertise of the individuals initiating the project.

Question 1. Does rural and / or urban flooding occur in the watershed? If yes, briefly describe the type
of problem (rural or urban), the location, and if known, extent of damages and frequency of occurrence.
Word Limit: 200 words

Question 2: Have actions been taken by local, state or federal agencies or private sector organizations
to address rural and urban flooding problems? If yes, provide a brief description of the action, the lead
organization for the action and contact information (name, phone number, e-mail), and current status
of the action (completion date, waiting for funding, study underway, implementation underway and
when completion is expected, financial commitments (amount and by whom), etc). Explain how this
work will be integrated into the WRAPS project. Word Limit: 300 words

Question 3: Are any land resource management problems occurring in the proposed project area? Land
resource management problems include areas of excessive cropland erosion, areas damaged by oil field
brine discharges, brown fields from abandoned industrial activities, overgrazed or poorly managed grass
and range land, loss of farmland to commercial, industrial or urban uses, loss of wetlands to cropland,
commercial, industrial or urban uses; loss of wildlife habitat to agricultural, commercial, industrial or
urban uses; and degraded riparian areas. If yes, please identify the resource management issues that
are currently known. For the items identified provide a general location and extent and severity of
impact if known. Word Limit: 300 words

Question 4: Have actions been taken by local, state or federal agencies or private sector organizations
to address land resource management problems? If yes, briefly describe the action, the lead
organization for the action and contact information (name, phone number, e-mail), and current status
of the action (completed when?, waiting for funding, study underway, implementation underway and
when completion is expected, financial commitments (amount and by whom), etc). Explain how this
work will be integrated into the WRAPS project. Word Limit: 200 words

Question 5: Are water recreation activities (boating, fishing, hunting, swimming, etc.) impaired, or
limited by water pollution, sedimentation, urbanization, industrial activities, agricultural activities, etc?
If yes, identify the general location of the impacted resource and describe the nature and extent of the
threat or impact. Word Limit: 200 words

Question 6: Have actions have been taken by local, state or federal agencies or private sector
organizations to address recreational impairments and threats? If yes, provide a brief description of the
action, the lead organization for the action and contact information (name, phone number, e-mail), and
current status of the action (completion date, waiting for funding, study underway, implementation
underway and when completion is expected, financial commitments (amount and by whom), etc).
Explain how this work will be integrated into the WRAPS project. Word Limit: 200 words

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Question 7: Are any public water supplies threatened by pollution and / or shortages? If yes, identify
the water supplies experiencing the threat and the nature of the threat. For example Abilene – On
occasion, nitrates exceed the MCL and the average concentration has been increasing for several years.
Solomon - has had water shortages every August for the past 4 years. Word Limit: 200 words

Question 8. Have actions have been taken by local, state or federal agencies or private sector
organizations to address public water supply problems? If yes, briefly describe the action (such as
wholesale water district organization, source water protection, etc.); the lead organization for the action
and contact information (name, phone number, e-mail), and current status of the action (completion
date, waiting for funding, study underway, implementation underway and when completion is expected,
financial commitments (amount and by whom), etc). Explain how this work will be integrated into the
WRAPS project. Word Limit: 200 words

Question 9. Are there unique or special areas that stakeholders are motivated to protect or are being
threatened by development activities, industrial activities, agricultural activities or water pollution?
Unique or special areas include threatened and endangered species habitat, historical or cultural sites,
scenic vistas, etc. If yes, describe the unique or special area, its general location and if known the
nature, extent and severity of threats. Example: Pillsbury Crossing on Deep Creek is threatened by
sedimentation due to upstream bank erosion occurring after removal of mature riparian trees by land
development activity. Word Limit: 300 words

Question 10. Have actions have been taken by local, state or federal agencies or private sector
organizations to address threats to special or unique areas. If yes, briefly describe the action, the lead
organization for the action and contact information (name, phone number, e-mail), and current status
of the action (completion date, waiting for funding, study underway, implementation underway and
when completion is expected, financial commitments (amount and by whom), etc). Explain how this
work will be integrated into the WRAPS project. Word Limit: 200 words

Question 11. Are any cities within the project area subject to NPDES Urban Stormwater Runoff Permits?
If yes, identify the cities and describe how this issue will be integrated into the WRAPS project. Lists of
impacted cities may be found at the following websites: and

Question 12. Are municipal, industrial or feedlot point source pollution problems occurring in the
watershed? If yes, briefly describe the problem and identify the location or source of the problem. A
point source is any activity required to have a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
permit. Word Limit: 300 words

Question 13. Have actions been taken by local, state or federal agencies or private sector organizations
to address the identified point source problems. If yes, briefly describe the action, the lead organization
for the action and contact information (name, phone number, e-mail), and current status of the action
(completed when?, waiting for funding, study underway, implementation underway and when
completion is expected, financial commitments (amount and by whom), etc). Explain how this work will
be integrated into the WRAPS project. Word Limit: 300 words

Question 14. What TMDLs will this project address? List the TMDL waterbodies this project will address.
If a stakeholder team has determined a priority order or grouping for TMDLs, indicate the priority. Word
Limit: 300 words

Question 15. Considering the responses to the previous questions, describe any additional not

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previously identified actions or initiatives, or watershed issues or opportunities taken by watershed

stakeholders that may impact water resources of the watershed. Word Limit: 400 words

Additional Information

If you have supplemental documents, such as additional SLT members, letters of support or NRCS form
KS401-10, please e-mail or mail these to:

Jaime Gaggero
1000 SW Jackson, Suite 420
Topeka, KS 66610
Fax: 785-296-5509.

To submit your grant application, please click the button below JUST ONCE. Once your grant application
is submitted, you will be allowed to download a PDF version of your application, but no longer be able to
edit the application information. Double check your application before submitting.

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