Nadia - I Am David Chapter 9 - Marked

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Nadia Eliora 8.1 English Literature Ms.

. Terri 5 December 2013 EPILOGUE After the initial shock, Edith brought David into her home and guided him to the living room. Edith signaled for David to sit on one of the sofas. As David sat down he tried his hardest to look at everything in the living room; he wanted to see beauty while it lasted. The living room itself was beautiful. It wasnt fancy or grand, like Marias home, but had beautifully tinted floral walls and elaborately carved wooden furniture. At one corner of the room stood a great shelf that held various porcelain figurines of many different shapes and colors. On another wall was a painting of a large lake that seemed all too familiar to David. Madame, who painted the painting on your wall? A friend of mine who lives in Switzerland. Oh, she would be all too happy to find out that youre still alive. You see, we all thought you had died. This is the most terrific news. Now David was looking away from the room and at his mother. Tears were streaming down her face, but she was smiling. David thought this was what true happiness looked like, and he wondered if he would ever look that way. Now it was Ediths turn to ask the questions. Tell me how you came here, David. David told his story. He told her of the man, about living with Maria, and everything there was to tell. Throughout his story, Edith listened attentively, reacting differently to the different parts of the story. When David reached the part about meeting Signora Hartmann, Edith smiled. I see you have met the artist behind the painting.

Eliora 2 Yes, Madame, she painted me by that very lake. She was the one who told me about you, and then I started piecing all the information together: why the man had let me escape, why he gave me milk and vitamins, and why he made Johannes watch over me. It all makes sense. This man, Edith paused and stared into nothingness, then looked back at David. Do you know his name? David did not want his thoughts to dwell on the man. However, he did not hate the man anymore. Perhaps the man wasnt truly evil, just stupid like Carlo. David decided that he would say the mans name once, and only for Ediths ears. After saying his name, Edith smiled a little. The man who loved me against all odds. Madame, if I may ask, how did I end up in the concentration camp? Oh David, my son, what happened was a tragic tale. You see, your father was a good man, and he didnt like the idea of concentration camps. He thought it was ridiculous to consider humans lower than another, so he shared his opinions on the matter. It wasnt a revolution, I suppose, but he made small communities of people realize that concentration camps werent right. Of course, the leaders of those concentrations camps heard the news, and hunted him down. Your father and I ran, although it was difficult for me. I was already pregnant with you, David. They finally caught us hours after I gave birth to you in a small inn. Oh David, you were a beautiful boy born into a tragic situation. The leaders of concentration camps sent a small company of soldiers. They overwhelmed a tired man, a weary woman, and a baby not one day old. Your father fought so hard to protect us, and in the midst of that you cried and cried. They shot his leg and dragged him into a truck. Then he first glanced at me, with so much pity in his eyes. He volunteered to lift me into the truck, but I refused. I thrashed, but

Eliora 3 he was a strong man, no match for a woman like myself. He lifted me into the truck, and then I fainted. When I woke up, your father was asleep and he was shaking me furiously. He was yelling Go! Run away, run to Denmark! Its safe there; the leaders cant capture you there. Its outside their power. I was startled. The thought of leaving you and your father behind was frightening. He told me his name, and that he would keep you safe; I believed him. His eyes convinced me, as ones eyes can never lie. He threatened to kill your father if I didnt run. He gave me a large sum of money, and I jumped out of the truck and ran. It was a long, tiresome journey to go to Denmark, but I reached it eventually. I settled down, and for 12 years I have lived thinking I was a widow with a deceased son, and that the man broke his promise. But I am grateful that I was wrong. David stared into nothingness for a few moments, then asked, Then I am really your son, David? Yes, youre my son, and I am your mother.

Denmark was a fantastic place to live in. This was the conclusion that David had come to, after living there for a year. He remembered from the globe that Maria had shone him that it was a small country, not nearly as large as Italy, and it was surrounded by water. The oceans were beautiful, and the meadows he felt he could stare at forever. In these meadows he would write about the day that he had, the things that he thought of, and so many other pleasing things. He felt grateful to his God, and couldnt be more pleased with Him. God of the green pastures and still waters, David started his prayer. Thank you for blessing me with endless beauty. Even though a year has passed, I am still thankful for Your guidance and help! Thank you for letting me meet Maria, so I can repay you for what Youve

Eliora 4 done for me. I still think of Maria a lot, every beautiful thing reminds me of her. Thank You for letting me meet King, and I hope that throughout the year I have been able to repay You for his life. But I thank You most, God, for giving me Johannes all those years in the concentration camp. Without him, I wouldnt have known You. I thank you, God, for blessing me with eyes that let me see beautiful things, a nose, to smell all those wonderful scents, and a mind, so that I can think and make decisions for myself. And thank You, God, for giving me a heart to feel. Before escaping, I didnt know what feeling was, because I was taught to hide my emotions. But after meeting Mother, I have learned how to feel affection. I felt happy and sad, and now I smile almost naturally! I thank You God, for being who You are and making me who I am. Thank you for that wonderful chapter of life, and I pray that the next chapter brings new joys. David paused. He took a deep breath and smiled once more. I am David, Amen. Criteria D: Writing Level Descriptor The student: 1-2

The new chapter shows little understanding of the novel; ideas are not relevant, repetitive, and are not illustrated. Reaches 850 or fewer words. Narrative does not flow. Transition words and paragraphs are not used properly. Frequent errors in vocabulary, spelling, sentence structure, paragraph structure, and other mechanical details interfere with communication. The chapter does not fit with chapter 1 or 8. The writing style does not fit with the rest of the novel.


has difficulty writing texts to express ideas and opinions supported by examples and illustrations in a wide range of social and academic contexts. Shows little depth in understanding of the topic; ideas are irrelevant and repetitive; opinions have little or no relevant support has difficulty organizing information and ideas clearly and effectively into a logical and wellstructured text; uses a limited range of cohesive devices has difficulty using a range of vocabulary, complex grammatical structures and conventions; frequent errors interfere with communication writes with little effect or creativity; there is little sense of register, purpose or style. The student: writes texts to express some ideas and opinions in a wide range of social and academic contexts. Shows some depth in understanding of the topic, though some of the message remains superficial; ideas are not always relevant and opinions insufficiently supported organizes some information and ideas clearly and effectively into a logical and well-structured

The new chapter shows some understanding of the novel and adds to the story; ideas sometimes match with story details and are sometimes illustrated. Reaches 850-1000 words. Narrative sometimes flows from one event to the next. Transition words and paragraphs sometimes help develop the story.

Eliora 5
text; uses a range of cohesive devices effectively uses a range of vocabulary, complex grammatical structures and conventions; some errors and inappropriate word choice occasionally affect comprehensibility writes with some effect and creativity and some sense of register, purpose & style. The student: writes complex texts to express clearly a range of focused ideas and opinions in a wide range of social and academic contexts. Shows satisfactory depth in understanding of the topic; ideas and opinions are relevant and generally supported usually organizes information and ideas clearly and effectively into a logical and well-structured text; uses a wide range of cohesive devices effectively makes good use of a range of vocabulary, complex grammatical structures and conventions; errors do not affect comprehensibility writes with considerable effect and creativity and a clear sense of register, purpose and style. The student: writes sophisticated, complex texts effectively to express a wide range of focused ideas and opinions in a wide range of social and academic contexts. Shows a sophisticated, in-depth understanding of the topic; ideas and opinions are relevant, focused and supported by examples and illustrations organizes information and ideas clearly and effectively into a logical and well-structured text; uses a wide range of cohesive devices effectively makes excellent use of a wide range of vocabulary, complex grammatical structures and conventions to write effectively and accurately writes with a high degree of effect and creativity and a clear sense of register, purpose and style.



A range of vocabulary, spelling, sentence structure, paragraph structure, and other mechanical details are used, but some errors interfere with communication. The chapter somewhat fits with chapter 1 or 8. The writing style somewhat fits with the rest of the novel. The new chapter shows satisfactory understanding of the novel and adds clearly to the story; ideas match with story details and are generally illustrated. Reaches 1000-1200 words. Narrative usually flows clearly from one event to the next. Transition words and paragraphs usually help develop the story. A good range of vocabulary, spelling, sentence structure, paragraph structure, and other mechanical details are usually accurate. Errors do not interfere. The chapter fits with chapter 1 or 8 and shows considerable detail and creativity. The writing style fits with the rest of the novel and is mostly clear and effective. The new chapter shows in depth understanding of the novel and adds effectively to the story; ideas match well with story details and are well illustrated. Reaches 1000-1200 words. Narrative flows clearly and effectively from one event to the next. Transition words and paragraphs help develop the story. An effective and accurate range of vocabulary, spelling, sentence structure, paragraph structure, and other mechanical details. The chapter fits well with chapter 1 or 8 and shows a high degree of detail and creativity. The writing style fits with the rest of the novel and is clear and effective.

Nadia You did a wonderful job of fixing grammatical errors in your rough draft, though it does at times get confusing as to which he or him you are referring. A good rule of thumb to avoid that type of confusion is to make sure if you are talking about one character and then switch to another, that you use a name or more distinct noun the first time you refer to someone. As for your events, you did a great job of closing things out. I do not thing that a soldier or guard would have had a lot of money to give to someone escaping from a truck though.

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