Signal and System

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KL KL 3163 3163 Digital Digital Communication Communication

Course teacher: Dr. M. A Matin

Jan 3, 2008

Course Course Learning Learning Outcomes Outcomes

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ability to identify modulations and access techniques in communication applications. Ability to explain transmission of baseband pulse and pass band. Ability to identify and analyze the effect of noise in digital communication systems. Ability to solve problem in digital modulation and demodulation. Ability to work in a team to design and develop programming language for digital communication simulation.

Course Course Syllabus Syllabus Digital communications basics Baseband pulse and digital signaling Baseband pulse and passband digital transmission Detecting signals in noise using digital communications systems Spread-spectrum modulation Multiuser radio communications Basics of Coding and Information Theory

References References

Haykin S. 2000. Communication Systems, 4th Edition, New York:John Wiley. Couch, Leon W. 2007. Digital and Analog Communication Systems, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.

Grading Grading

Assignment Quizzes Project Final exam

Policies Policies

Assignment is due at the beginning of class (IN CLASS). Otherwise they are late. Projects Presentation on Powerpoint slides and paper.

Last Last Comment: Comment: 10 10 things things not not to to do do in in class class Read the paper Do Assignment/homework for another class Eat something smelly Come to class unprepared Talk out loud to friends Have your cell phone ring Walk in late Sleep Walk out early

Lecture 1

Concept Concept and and Model Model of of Communications Communications

General Communications: face-to-face conversation, write a letter, etc. Electronic Communications: telephone, wireless phone, TV, radar, etc.

General Communication Model

Source S(t) T(t) Transmission Tr(t) Sd(t) Transmitter Receiver Destination System
Transformer Encoder Compress Modulator Line/Cable Fiber/Air Satellite Network Transformer Decoder Uncompress Demodulator Speaker Earphone Computer Printer

Microphone Telephone Computer Scanner

Basic Communication Criteria: Performance, Reliability, Security

Lecture 1

Analogy Analogy Signal Signal and and Digital Digital Signal Signal
Information must be converted into electrical energy, called signal, before transmission.
Text, voice Video, etc Digital Text, voice Video, etc Analog Analogy Signal
s(t) voltage

Converter Encoder

Digital Signal
s(t) voltage

t General Communication Component H()

Digital-to-Digital Analogy-to-Digital Digital-to-Analogy Analogy-to-Analogy

Input Signal s(t) Signal Power: s (t) Signal Energy:


Output Signal o(t) =H[s(t)]

s 2 (t)dt

Lecture 1

Signal Signal Frequency, Frequency, Spectrum Spectrum and and Bandwidth Bandwidth
Signal in time domain

Transformation T=1/f1 f: frequency



Signal in frequency domain Spectrum


T period



s(t)=Acos2f1t + Bcos2f2t T=LCM(1/f1, 1/f2)





s(t) Analogy Signal

Fourier Transform S(f)=s(t)e





Digital Signal


Lecture 1

Time-Frequency Time-Frequency Relation Relation and and Signal Signal Bandwidth Bandwidth
General Relations:
Time Domain Change Slow Change Fast Frequency Domain Low Frequency High Frequency Signal Bandwidth small large

Frequency Unit: Hertz (Hz), Kilohertz (KHz), Megahertz (MHz), Gigahertz (GHz), Terahertz (THz)

Earthquake wave: 0.01 ~ 10 Hz Nuclear explosion signal: 0.01 ~ 10 Hz Electrocardiogram (ECG): 0 ~ 100 Hz Wind noise: 100 ~ 1000 Hz Speech: 100 ~ 4000 Hz (4 KHz) Audio: 20 ~ 20000 Hz (20 KHz) NTSC TV: 6 MHz HDTV: > 10 MHz

Lecture 1

System System Frequency Frequency Response Response & & Bandwidth Bandwidth
Input Signal x(t) Input Spectrum: X(f) System: H() Output Signal y(t) =H[x(t)] Output Spectrum: Y(f)

System Frequency Response: H(f) = Y(f)/X(f)


System Bandwidth f

Signal can pass Signal cant pass

Lecture 1

Transmission Transmission Media Media

A transmission medium: - a connection between a sender and a receiver - a signal can pass but with attenuation/distortion - a special system with a transmission bandwidth

Guided (Wired) Media

(lines) - Twisted pair (0~10MHz) - Coaxial cable (100K~500MHz) - Optical fiber (180~370THz)

Unguided (Wireless) Media

(air, vacuum, water, etc.) - LF (30~300KHz, Navigation) - MF/HF (300~3000KHz, AM/SW radio) - VHF (30~300MHz, TV & FM radio) - UHF (0.3~3GHz, TV, mobile phone, microwave) - SHF (3~30GHz, satellite, microwave) - EHF (30~300GHz, experimental com. - Infrared (no frequency allocation)

Lecture 1

Parallel Parallel Transmission Transmission and and Serial Serial Transmission Transmission
Segment the 0/1 stream into N bits groups N N N



0100 0110 1110 1011

Parallel Transmission
0 1 1 0 0 0 1

Serial Transmission
0 1 1 Sender 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 Receiver 0 0 1




P/S converter

S/P converter

7 (N) bits are sent together 7 (N) lines are needed

7 (N) bits are sent one after another Only 1 line is needed

Lecture 1

Asynchronous Asynchronous and and Synchronous Synchronous Transmission Transmission

Asynchronous transmission:
1) 2) 3) 4) A bit stream is segmented into small groups characters (5~8 bits) Add a start bit (0) and a stop bit (1) at the beginning and end of each character Frame= start_bit+character+stop_bit (7~10 bits), but 2/9~2/10 no real data Arbitrary long gap between two characters or frames Sender
1 0110001 0 1 1001100 0 1 0011101 0 1 1011100 0

Timing or synchronization between a sender and a receiver is very important for data transmission


Synchronous transmission:
1) 2) 3) 4) A bit stream is segmented into relative large groups/blocks many characters or bytes Add control bits at the beginning and end of each block Frame=H_control_bits+character+T_control_bits No gap between two characters in a data block Sender
Con_bits 0110001


0110001 1001100 0011101 1011100 Con_bits


Lecture 1

Simplex Simplex Transmission Transmission and and Duplex Duplex Transmission Transmission
Simplex Transmission
Direction of data Device A One can send and the other can receive Device B

Half Duplex Transmission

Direction of data at time 1 Device A Device B Direction of data at time 2 Both can send and receive but in different time

Direction of data all the time

Full Duplex Transmission

Device A Both can send and receive simultaneously

Device B

Lecture 2 Block Block Diagram Diagram of of Digital Digital Communication Communication Systems Systems
Channel symbols Encrypt Channel encode ui (t ) mi (t ) From other sources X M T
C A Channel impulse N response N E L

information source Format

Message symbols Source encode


Pulse modulate

Bandpass modulate

Frequency spread

Multiple access

1,0, Digital

Digital baseband waveform

si (t )

hc (t )

Bit stream

Digital bandpass waveform

Digital m i (t ) output Source decode Channel decode

i u decrypt Demultiplex

z (T )

r (t )
DemodUlate &sample Frequency spread Multiple access R C V


information Message symbols sink

To other destinations

Channel symbols

optional Essential

Lecture 2

Some Some basic basic things things

Information source: can be either analog or digital binary sequence: sequence of {1, 0} to describe information source Bit symbol: a symbol represents k bits (M=2k) Symbol alphabet: s0,s1,,sM-1 (alphabet size M) symbol stream: sequence of symbols selected from the alphabet Data rate
Bit rate Rb in bits/sec (bps). Symbol rate Rs in symbols/sec (sps) Bit interval Tb: duration of a bit (sec/bit) Symbol interval Ts: duration of a symbol (sec/symbol)

Lecture 2

Some Some basic basic things things (contd) (contd)

Symbol stream

digital waveform

Baseband waveform (PCM waveform)

PCM waveform: rectangular wave without pulse shaping Baseband waveform: smooth wave with limited bandwidth after pulse shaping

Passband waveform: with carrier

Probability of error (Pe):

error rate, the probability that a data bit may be received in error BER (bit error rate)

Signal to noise ratio (SNR)

Power ratio of signal to noise, measured in dB

Power(s ) |s| 10 log10 = 20log10 Power(n) |n|

Lecture 2

Baseband Baseband Pulse Pulse and and Digital Digital Signaling Signaling

The following are the main goals of this lecture:

To study how analog waveform can be converted to digital waveforms. To learn how to compute the spectrum for digital signal

Lecture 2

Baseband Baseband Systems Systems

Information sources may be

Digital sources: convert to binary sequence of {1, 0} Analog sources: convert to binary sequence by ADC

The converting procedure is formatting Typical baseband modulation procedure involves Analog DigitalAnalog conversion
Analog source PAM PCM digits PCM waveform

Lecture 2

Pulse Pulse amplitude amplitude modulation modulation

PAM (Pulse amplitude modulation): a procedure whose output is a sequence of discrete pulses.
PAM signal happens during A/D (after sampling), or during D/A (before low-pass filter) PAM appears in Formatting procedure, and in Baseband Modulate procedure

Pulse amplitude modulation

Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) is used to describe the conversion of the analog signal to a pulse-type signal in which the amplitude of the pulse denotes the analog information. The purpose of PAM signaling is to provide another waveform that looks like pulses, yet contains the information that was present in the analog waveform. There are two classes of PAM signals: PAM that uses Natural Sampling (gating); PAM that uses Instantaneous Sampling to produce a flat-top pulse.

Natural Sampling (Gating)

DEFINTION: If w(t) is an analog waveform bandlimited to B hertz, the PAM signal that uses natural sampling (gating) is ws(t)

=w(t)s(t) Where

S(t) is a rectangular wave switching waveform and fs = 1/Ts 2B. THEORM: The spectrum for a naturally sampled PAM signal is:

sin( nd ) Ws ( f ) = F[ws (t )] = cnW ( f nf s ) = d W ( f nf s ) nd n = n =

Where fs= 1/Ts, s = 2 fs, the Duty Cycle of s(t) is d = /Ts , W(f)= F[w(t)] is the spectrum of the original unsampled waveform, cn represents the Fourier series coefficients of the switching waveform.

Natural Sampling (Gating)



ws(t) =w(t)s(t)

Generating Natural Sampling

The PAM wave form with natural sampling can be generated using a CMOS circuit consisting of a clock and analog switch as shown.

Spectrum of Natural Sampling

sin( nd ) Ws ( f ) = F[ws (t )] = cnW ( f nf s ) = d W ( f nf s ) nd n = n =

The duty cycle of the switching waveform is d = /Ts = 1/3. The sampling rate is fs = 4B.

Ws ( f ) = d

n =

sin( nd ) W ( f nf s ) nd

sin( nd ) nd

Recovering Naturally Sampled PAM

At the receiver, the original analog waveform, w(t), can be recovered from the PAM signal, ws(t), by passing the PAM signal through a lowpass filter where the cutoff frequency is: B <fcutoff < fs -B If the analog signal is under sampled fs < 2B, the effect of spectral overlapping is called Aliasing. This results in a recovered analog signal that is distorted compared to the original waveform.

LPF Filter B <fcutoff < fs -B

Demodulation of PAM Signal

The analog waveform may be recovered from the PAM signal
by using product detection,

Instantaneous Sampling (Flat-Top PAM)

This type of PAM signal consists of instantaneous samples. w(t) is sampled at t = kTs . The sample values w(kTs ) determine the amplitude of the flat-top rectangular pulses.

Instantaneous Sampling (Flat-Top PAM)

DEFINITION: If w(t) is an analog waveform bandlimited to B Hertz, the instantaneous sampled PAM signal is given by
ws (t ) = w(kTs )h(t kTs ) = h(t ) w(kTs ) (t kTs ) = h(t ) w(t ) (t kTs ) k = k = k =

Where h(t) denotes the sampling-pulse shape and, for flat-top sampling, the pulse shape is,

THEOREM: The spectrum for a flat-top PAM signal is:

1 Ws ( f ) = H ( f ) W ( f nf s ) Ts k =

sin f H ( f ) = [ h(t ) ] = f

Analog signal maybe recovered from the flat-top PAM signal by the use of a LPF. LPF Response Note that the recovered signal has some distortions due to the curvature of the H(f). Distortions can be removed by using a LPF having a response 1/H(f).

The spectrum of the flat-top PAM

Some notes on PAM

The flat-top PAM signal could be generated by using a sampleand-hold type electronic circuit. There is some high frequency loss in the recovered analog waveform due to filtering effect H(f) caused by the flat top pulse shape. This can be compensated (Equalized) at the receiver by making the transfer function of the LPF to 1/H(f) This is a very common practice called EQUALIZATION The pulse width is called the APERTURE since /Ts determines the gain of the recovered analog signal Disadvantages of PAM
PAM requires a very larger bandwidth than that of the original signal; The noise performance of the PAM system is not satisfying.

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