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~DARK WOLF: CHAPTER ONE~ The tin building was rusted and l !

ed as i" it #ight "all a$art at an% # #ent& A #an 'a#e " rward t #eet her( l !ing s le#n as the 'as!et was wheeled ahead " her int the shade " the building&) F rtunatel% the sun was setting and shad ws "ell ar und her( hel$ing t #a!e it # re di""i'ult t see her 'learl%& *+ ur $a$ers,- He said& His . i'e was !ind& The na#e n his badge identi"ied hi# as Ern /arga& 0he glan'ed ba'! t ward the s#all $lane she1d "l wn t the air$ rt and then handed her $a$ers t the ""i'ial( #a!ing 'ertain her e%es were d wn'ast and she l !ed wee$%& 0he had ta!en 'are t use dr $s t #a!e her e%es red and water%( 2ust in 'ase she ' uldn1t $ull "" a'ting n her wn& /arga l !ed .er her $a$ers and then u$ at her se.eral ti#es with shar$( e%es& *+ u1re % ung t be bringing h #e % ur br ther1s b d% al ne& N ne else is tra.eling with % u,0he sh ! her head( tr%ing t l ! # re tragi' than *3% "ather is dead and n w #% br ther&- 0he 'h !ed ba'! a s b w rth%( she was 'ertain( " an Os'ar $er" r#an'e& *There is n ne else t bring hi# h #e t ur # ther&The ""i'ial l !ed at her again and studied her $a$ers 'l ser& *He died " a br !en heart,- There was s!e$ti'is# in his . i'e& 0!%ler nearl% 'h !ed& When I get my hands on you, Josef, youre going to die of more than a broken heart. 0he used her tele$athi' ' nne'ti n with 4 se" t let hi# !n w he was in huge tr uble& A terrible tragedy. 4 se" was unre$entant as alwa%s& There was a#use#ent in his t ne& N #atter h w seri us a situati n( he didn1t #ind in the least being #is'hie. us& 0he #anaged t !ee$ a straight "a'e and ga.e /arga a s le#n n d& *He 2ust wasted awa% when his girl le"t hi#& He re"used t eat&- 0he had n 'h i'e but t g with it( e.en i" it #eant twisting her "ingers t gether hard in rder t $re.ent the ""i'ial "r # seeing she was sha!ing& *5t1s a terrible traged%& N thing ' uld sa.e hi#&O!a%( e.en t her ears( that s unded t tall% la#e& 6ut a br !en heart, Onl% 4 se" w uld ' #e u$ with s #ething s dra#ati' and H w else ' uld she e7$lain he1d died " a br !en heart, There was definitely g ing t be an ther 'ause " death a"ter the% $ened the 'as!et&

0he ' uld "eel 4 se"1s laughter& Of course youre laughing. Youre safe in the coffin, the tragically dead brother while Im lying my ass off to this man who could put me in prison for the rest of my life. 0he !new 4 se" w uld let that ha$$en& 5" ne'essar% he1d gi.e the ""i'ial a 8$ush1 t belie.e her& Right n w( he was t #u'h "un listening t her s9uir#:and she su$$ sed she deser.ed it& 0he was #a!ing hi# d s #ething highl% danger us and he w uld be bla#ed # re than she w uld be i" an%thing went wr ng& Her "ather w uld $r babl% 2ust !ill hi# n sight& e will too, 4 se" said& ell rip me from limb to limb. You should be worrying about me ripping you from limb to limb, she threatened& *H w ld are % u,- The ""i'ial stared at her $ass$ rt and $a$ers and then ba'! u$ t her "a'e& *Did % u $il t that $lane,0he li"ted her 'hin( tr%ing " r lder and #u'h sterner& 0he !new she l !ed % ung( but n t her e%es&) 5" he l !ed her dire'tl% in the e%e( he w uld belie.e what th se " rged $a$ers said& And the% were great " rgeries& 4 se" had #an% talents( alth ugh #a!ing u$ st ries was 'learl% n t ne " the#& *51# #u'h lder than 5 l !(- 0!%ler re$lied& 5t was $artiall% the truth& 0he "elt lder and that sh uld ' unt " r s #ething& 0he1d been thr ugh # re than # st w #en: !a%( teens& *Twent%;"i.e,- He said s!e$ti'all%& 4 se" had insisted she be twent%;"i.e i" she was g ing t $il t the $lane& Pil ting $lanes had ' #e eas% t her and it was s #ething she es$e'iall% l .ed( s her ad $ted "ather( <abriel had all wed her t learn& *5 ha.e t $en the ' ""in(- The ""i'ial added( wat'hing her 'l sel%&

0!%ler #anaged a little s b and ' .ered her # uth( n dding slightl%& *51# s rr%& +es( " ' urse& The% said % u w uld& 5 was e7$e'ting % u t &- 0he straightened her sh ulders and s$ine ' urage usl%& He l !ed at her #u'h # re !indl%& *+ u d n1t need t wat'h& 0tand .er there&- He n dded t a ' rner " the building 2ust a "ew "eet awa%& 0he "elt a little s rr% " r hi#& 5" she !new an%thing at all ab ut 4 se"( she !new he w uld $ut n s #e !ind " sh w& !ont you dare blow this by scaring him, she warned& I mean it, Josef.

Youre no fun. I can always remo"e his memories. Wouldnt it be so delicious to do an impression of #ount !racula$ I"e watched the mo"ie a million times. I"e got the look and accent down perfectly. He s unded "ar t eager& 5t t ! a l t " dis'i$line t !ee$ a#use#ent "r # her #ind where he ' uld read it& 0he didn1t d ubt " r a # #ent that 4 se" ' uld d a $er"e't Dra'ula i#$ressi n& %esist the urge. We arent out of the woods and we cant afford to take any chances. Were in #arpathian territory. Or at least close enough that someone might be near us to sense the use of energy. %estrain yourself, Josef. He hea.ed a sigh& &o matter what the outcome, your father is going to kill me, a slow and painful death too. I should be able to ha"e a little fun. That was hitting .er% 'l se t the truth& <abriel was g ing t #urder all " the#( but i" their $lanned w r!ed( it w uld be well w rth it& 0he ga.e /arga a s#all( grate"ul s#ile and # .ed awa% "r # the ' ""in& 0tanding in the $en d r( her ar#s wra$$ed ar und her #iddle " r ' #" rt( she stared utside int the gathering dar!ness( h lding hersel" .er% still& Their $lan had t w r!& 'eha"e Josef, or else. (abriels in )ondon and Im here. 0he had been n the re' end " <abriel1s wrath( but he and her =n'le Lu'ian were legendar% .a#$ire hunters& The Car$athian $e $le( # st e7tre#el% $ wer"ul( whis$ered their na#es in awe& You"e got a point. Laughter bubbled .er in 4 se"1s . i'e& What a sorry waste of a good coffin. N w there was disgust in his t ne& 0!%ler ' uldn1t tell i" he was g ing t beha.e r n t& 5t was i#$ ssible with 4 se"& He #ar'hed t his wn dru#& 0he sent u$ a silent $ra%er( h $ing " r the best& Right n w( Fran'es'a and <abriel were $r babl% awa!e and w uld s n be $re$aring t "l% t the Car$athian 3 untains& The% th ught she was a ' ntinent awa%( sa"e with her hu#an ' llege "riend 3aria( using her .a'ati n t hel$ build h #es and run irrigati n t "ar#ers in 0 uth A#eri'a& 0he had lied t the# be" re& N t n'e& And it hurt her t d it n w( but there was n ther wa%& 0he !new her $arents had been su## ned t the huge #eeting between L%'an and Car$athian t dis'uss an allian'e between the tw s$e'ies& 3 st " the Car$athians had been 'alled h #e& <abriel and Fran'es'a had been # re than ha$$% t re'ei.e a 'all "r # her "r # s'h l as!ing t g with 3aria& The% didn1t want her an%where near the Car$athian 3 untains& 0he w uld thin! " re$a%ing their e7tra rdinar% !indness( the l .e the% had gi.en

her "r # the # #ent she1d been ta!en int their h #e:b% lies and betra%al:n t " r an%thing r an% ne a''e$t Di#itri& Di#itri Tirunul was her une7$e'ted #ira'le& A #an be% nd an% she1d drea#t "& 0he was hu#an& He was Car$athian:nearl% i## rtal& 0he was nineteen %ears ld& He was an an'ient( 'enturies ld& 0he held the ther hal" " his s ul( the light t his dar!ness& With ut her( he w uld n t sur.i.e& 0he was his li"e#ate:his sa.i r& +et she !new 2ust the $$ site was true:Di#itri was the ne her& He !new she was his li"e#ate when she was 2ust a 'hild and he had gi.en her ti#e& 0$a'e& =n' nditi nal l .e& He de#anded an%thing " her& He t ld her h w di""i'ult it was " r hi#:that she was his sal.ati n:2ust ut " his rea'h& He had alwa%s been there " r her( in the #iddle " the night( when her .i lent $ast was t 'l se and she ' uldn1t slee$( when night#ares haunted her t the $ int she ' uldn1t breathe& He was there( in her #ind( h lding all th se terri"%ing #e# ries at ba%& Di#itri& Her Di#itri& Di#itri was 'aught in the #iddle between the tw s$e'ies& The L%'ans had ta!en hi# and $lanned t !ill hi#& N ne had g ne a"ter hi# t sa.e hi#& He had s$ent 'enturies hunting the undead t !ee$ his $e $le as well as hu#ans sa"e& He had sur.i.ed h n rabl% when thers had 'h sen t gi.e u$ their s uls& +et there was n res'ue $art%& N hunters were rushing t sa.e hi#& He was badl% in2ured& 0he "elt that #u'h be" re he 'ut hi#sel" "" "r # her t $r te't her "r # his $ain: r his death& Di#itri was st i' ab ut li"e r death& He was a Car$athian hunter and he1d been ar und " r 'enturies( $r te'ting inn 'ents "r # .a#$ires& Her lineage was ' #$li'ated( but " r all intents and $ur$ ses( she was hu#an& The L%'ans w uld e7$e't a teenage( hu#an girl t # unt a res'ue $erati n " r a Car$athian& 0he had the ele#ent " sur$rise n her side& That( as well as g d trustw rth% "riends and her .er% $ wer"ul but untested abilities& 0!%ler had "aith in hersel"& 0he !new her strength and wea!ness& Li!e 4 se"( she was e7tre#el% intelligent and # st " ti#e underesti#ated& 0he belie.ed the L%'ans w uld underesti#ate her:she was ' unting n it& N ne w uld start a war .er a Car$athian hunter it see#ed( but she !new her "ather w uld ' #e a"ter her and i" an% ne har#ed ne hair n her head( the L%'an w rld w uld be in " r a night#are it ' uldn1t $ ssibl% ' n'ei.e& N t nl% w uld <abriel ' #e a"ter her( but s w uld her un'le Lu'ian& 0he was "airl% 'ertain her bi l gi'al "ather( Ra>.an and his li"e#ate 5. r% w uld 2 in the hunt " r her& The% were e7tre#el% lethal as well& There was satis"a'ti n in !n wing i" she was in2ured r !illed( she w uld be a.enged& N ne( n t e.en 3i!hail Dubrins!%( the $rin'e " the Car$athian $e $le( w uld be able t st $ a war i" the L%'ans har#ed her& 0he li"ted her 'hin& Di#itri w uld lea.e her in danger& He w uld rush t her side the # #ent he !new there was tr uble:he had:# re than n'e:2ust t s the bad drea#s when she had t #an% in a r w& 0he ' uldn1t d less " r hi#&

H lding her breath( she turned ba'! t wat'h the ""i'ial gingerl% $en the ' ""in& 5t 'rea!ed #in usl%& Hide usl%& 4ust li!e in the # .ies& The s und sent a 'hill d wn her s$ine& The lid raised sl wl% and darn 4 se" an%wa%( it l !ed as i" it was li"ting all b% itsel"& /arga ste$$ed ba'!( ne hand g ing u$ de"ensi.el%& There was silen'e as the lid 'a#e t a st $& N thing # .ed& 0he ' uld hear the s und " a 'l '! ti'!ing l udl%& /arga ' ughed ner. usl%& He glan'ed at her& 0!%ler $ut her hand .er her # uth and l wered her e%es& Josef* 'eha"e yourself. 0!%ler was s #ewhere between laughing and 'r%ing with ner. us tensi n& /arga ste$$ed ba'! t the ' ""in and $eered in( beads " sweat .isible n his " rehead& He 'leared his thr at& *He 'ertainl% l !s r bust " r a #an wh star.ed hi#sel" t death&+he least you could ha"e done was make yourself look emaciated, if you wanted him to belie"e your preposterous story. 0he s' lded& 0!%ler $ressed a hand!er'hie" t her # uth& *The% did su'h a g d 2 b at the "uneral h #e& 5 $arti'ularl% as!ed the# t #a!e 'ertain he l !ed g d " r ur # ther&/arga $ressed his li$s t gether and studied the b d%& He was sus$i'i us( but she wasn1t 'ertain " what& Clearl% there was a dead b d% in the ' ""in& Did he sus$e't her " running drugs, <uns, 5" s ( that didn1t b de well " r what she had $lanned& 0he needed t l ! li!e a na?@.e( a % ung teenager wh #ight be slightl% dit>%& 0he held her breath as he rea'hed " r the d r " the ' ""in and sl wl% 'l sed it& r and glan'ed at

*5s s #e ne ' #ing " r % u,- /arga as!ed as he l '!ed the ' ""in d his wat'h& *5 'an1t sta%& + u were the last $lane ' #ing in&-

*3% br ther1s "riend arranged " r a tru'! t $i'! us u$& He1ll be here an% #inute(- 0!%ler assured hi# s le#nl%& *Than! % u s #u'h " r all % ur hel$&*+ u 'an wait in here(- /arga said in a !ind . i'e& *51ll ' #e ba'! in a ' u$le " h urs and l '! u$&- He l !ed ar und the dila$idated building& 5t was n thing # re than " ur #etal walls( # stl% rusted( s #e s badl% there were h les& *N t that there1s #u'h t l '! u$&- He glan'ed again at his wat'h& *5 w uld wait with % u( but 5 ha.e an ther 2 b t g t &0he sent hi# a wan s#ile& *5t1s all right& Reall%& He1ll be here an% #inute&/arga ga.e her ne last l ! and e7ited the ri'!et% building( her there al ne with the l '!ed ' ""in& 0!%ler waited until she saw his 'ar dri.e "" and the lights disa$$ear ' #$letel% d wn the r ad& 0he t ! a 'are"ul l ! ar und& 0he a$$eared t be al ne&

*4 se"( % u 'an 9uit $la%ing dead(- 0!%ler said( her . i'e dri$$ing with sar'as#& 0he banged n the ' ""in lid with her "ist& *Died " a br !en heart, Reall%, + u ' uldn1t thin! " an%thing else( an%thing( sa%( # re realisti',The lid " the ' ""in $ened with the sa#e series " #in us( h rr r "il# 'rea!s he1d used when /arga had $ened the lid& There was silen'e& 0!%ler1s heart beat steadil%& 0he leaned .er the ' ""in and glared at the % ung #an wh la% as i" dead( his ar#s 'r ssed .er his 'hest( and his e%es 'l sed& His s!in was $ale $ r'elain and his bla'! s$i!% hair with the d%ed blue ti$s st d ut star!l% against the white ba'! dr $& *+ u l ! a#a>ingl% r bust " r a #an wh star.ed hi#sel" t death(- she said sar'asti'all%( #i#i'!ing the ""i'ial& *+ u ' uld ha.e bl wn with % ur absurd st r%&4 se"1s e%es sna$$ed $en dra#ati'all%& He "a!ed an a''ent as he sl wl% sat u$& *5 ' uld use a dr $ " bl d r tw ( #% dear&0he s#a'!ed hi# .er the head with her $a$ers& *The 'ust #s ""i'ial didn1t belie.e 5 was twent%;"i.e&4 se" "lashed a ' '!% grin& *+ u1re n t& + u1re barel% nineteen and when <abriel and Lu'ian "ind ut what we1.e d ne( we1re b th g ing t be in # re tr uble than either " us has !n wn&- He $aused( the s#ile "ading "r # his # uth& *And 51.e been in a l t " tr uble&*We ha.e n 'h i'e(- 0!%ler said& *D n1t !id % ursel"( 0!%( there1s alwa%s a 'h i'e& And % u aren1t the ne the%1re g ing t !ill& 51# g ing t be their $ri#e target& When <abriel and Lu'ian ' #e l !ing " r % u :and the% will(- 4 se" said& *The%1ll "ind % u& The% ha.e a re$utati n " r a reas n& 5" we reall% d this( Car$athian hunter will be ut l !ing&Her "ather( <abriel was e7tre#el% $ wer"ul( a legendar% Car$athian hunter& Her =n'le Lu'ian( <abriel1s twin( had hel$ed t 'reate that legend a# ng the Car$athian $e $le and when the% dis' .ered her g ne( of course the% w uld ' #e a"ter her& *5sn1t that the $ int,- 0!%ler re$lied with a s#all shrug& *6% the ti#e the% wa!e and reali>e we1re g ne( we1ll ha.e a g d head start& We sh uld be able t "ind Di#itri&*+ u d reali>e(- 4 se" said( "l ating ut " the ' ""in& *This ' uld .er% well 'ause an internati nal in'ident& Or w rse( war& All ut war&*+ u agreed t hel$ #e(- 0!%ler said& *Ha.e % u 'hanged % ur #ind,*N & + u1re #% best "riend( 0!%& Di#itri $r babl% des$ises #e and wishes 5 was dead( but he1s % ur li"e#ate and he1s been literall% thr wn t the w 4 se" sent her a little

grin( $leased with his $un& *O" ' urse 51# g ing t hel$ % u& 5 hel$ed % u ' #e u$ with this $lan( didn1t 5, And it will w r!&*Di#itri d esn1t des$ise % u( in "a't he1s glad % u1re #% "riend& We1.e tal!ed ab ut it& He isn1t li!e that&- 0!%ler #ade a "a'e at hi#& *+ u !n w .er% well he !n ws 5 thin! " % u li!e a br ther& He1d de"end % u with his li"e&4 se" grinned at her& *F rgi.e me " r des$ising him 2ust a little bit& He1s g d;l !ing( intelligent( an an'ient hunter and % ur li"e#ate& He destr %ed all #% drea#s and "antasies ab ut % u& 5 d n1t dare e.en thin! al ng th se lines r he1d !n w&0!%ler r lled her e%es& *As i"& E.en 5 !n w % u d n1t thin! " #e that wa%( 4 se"& + u 'an hide a l t " things( but n t that& There1s n "antas% and n destr %ed drea#s& + ur li"e#ate is either n t b rn r(- she s#ir!ed at hi# #is'he.i usl%( *0he1s $r babl% ne " <reg ri1s daughters&He gr aned and sla$$ed his " rehead with his $al#& *A 'urse n % u " " r uttering th se w rds( " r $utting that th ught ut int the uni.erse& D n1t e.en thin! that( let al ne sa% it al ud& Can % u i#agine <reg r% Daratra>an "" as a "ather;in;law, 0heesh( 0!%ler( % u reall% d want #e dead&0he laughed& *5t w uld ser.e % u right( 4 se"& Es$e'iall% a"ter $utting % u died " a br !en heart n th se $a$ersA*5t ' uld ha$$en& 51# a r #anti' % u !n w& Di#itri thin!s 51# a little !id( 2ust li!e the% all d ( whi'h is $r babl% 2ust as well( be'ause therwise he1d see #e as a*+ u ta!e great $ains t !ee$ the# all thin!ing % u1re a !id(- 0!%ler $ inted ut with a s#all s#ile& *+ u li!e the# t underesti#ate % u& + u1re a genius( 4 se"( and % u d n1t let an% " the# see the real % u& + u deliberatel% $r . !e the#&His grin widened until he l !ed $ siti.el% #is'hie. us& He blew n his "ingerti$s& *That is .er% true& 5 d n1t den% it&- His s#ile "aded& *6ut this is .er% di""erent than the $ran!s 5 $ull n the#& This is big( 0!%ler& 5 2ust want % u t understand what1s at sta!e&*O" ' urse 5 !n w what1s at sta!e&*+ ur "a#il% is ne " the # st $ wer"ul "a#ilies " ur $e $le&- He "r wned& *Whi'h re#inds #e( wh% d n1t % u re"er t <reg ri as % ur =n'le, He1s a br ther t Lu'ian and <abriel( s te'hni'all%( he is % ur =n'le&*5 guess 5 th ught ab ut it& 5 d n1t !n w hi#& We1re in L nd n and he1s here in the Car$athian 3 untains and he1s sh wn a tre#end us a# unt " interest in #e&*He1s a Daratra>an ""( belie.e #e( 0!%( he1s interested in % u& 5" % u disa$$ear( % ur

"a#il% is g ing t ' #e l !ing and the%1ll be n the war$ath& All " % ur "a#il%( es$e'iall% <abriel&*Are % u a"raid " #% "ather,- 0!%ler as!ed& *51.e g t news " r % u( h ne%( e"eryone is a"raid " % ur "ather( and i" the% aren1t the% sh uld be( es$e'iall% when it ' #es t % u& Ha.en1t % u n ti'ed h w $r te'ti.e he is " % u, + ur un'le Lu'ian is 2ust as bad i" n t w rse and i" an% ne #esses with ne " th se #en r an% ne the% l .e( the% answer t b th " the#&0!%ler bit her li$& *51# s rr%( 4 se"( " r $utting % u in this $ siti n& 5 'an1t turn ba'!& 5 ha.e t "ind Di#itri& 5 !n w 5 'an d this& This $lan is "lawless& And we b th !new:and ' unted n <abriel and Lu'ian ' #ing a"ter #e& 5 'an g "r # here b% #%sel"( 5 reall% 'an&4 se" burst ut laughing& *N w % u reall% ha.e l st % ur #ind& 5" 5 let % u d this al ne( the%1d really !ill #e& N ( we1re here and we ha.e t see it thr ugh& 5 thin! % u1re the nl% ne wh ' uld reall% $ull this ""& 6ut 0!%ler( i" % u get int tr uble( this reall% will start a war& Lu'ian and <abriel are n t g ing t ba'! "" i" s #e ne hurts % u( r i" % u1re 'a$tured& The% w n1t 'are what the Prin'e sa%s& The%1ll g a"ter % u and n ne will stand in their wa%& + u1d better g int this !n wing that& + u ha.e t !n w the ' nse9uen'es and be willing t "a'e the#&0!%ler $ressed her li$s t gether& 0he1d th ught ab ut little else sin'e she and 4 se" had ' #e u$ with the $lan& *Di#itri is a g d #an& He ' uld ha.e 'lai#ed #e( ta!en #e awa% "r # #% h #e and the nl% stabilit% 51d !n wn& 5 w uldn1t ha.e been able t resist hi#( the $ull " li"e#ates is 2ust t str ng& 6ut he didn1t( 4 se"( n #atter the terrible ' st t hi#& He didn1t insist n 'lai#ing #e r binding us t gether& He wasn1t a"raid " <abriel& He was a"raid " <abriel&4 se" wa.ed his hand at the ' ""in and the lid 'rea!ed 'l sed& *5 !n w(- he ad#itted s "tl%& *He !new 5 wasn1t read%( that 5 needed ti#e t "ind #%sel" and .er' in #% $ast&- 0!%ler du'!ed her head( s that her wealth " sil!% hair ' .ered her e7$ressi n& *D n1t( 0!%(- 4 se" said& *We1re best "riends& What ha$$ened t % u wasn1t % ur "ault and % u sh uld "eel asha#ed&*51# n t asha#ed( well( n t li!e % u thin!& 5 belie.e Di#itri is a great #an and he a li"e#ate wh 'an #at'h hi# in 51# n t that w #an %et& 5 want t be with hi#( 5 "eel that need nearl% as str ngl% as he d es& 5t gr ws in #e single da%&*D % u thin! he w uld h ld % ur $ast against % u,- 4 se" as!ed&

0!%ler sh ! her head& *N ( he "ten is 'l se en ugh t tal! t #e at night when 5 'an1t slee$& We tal! a l t at night& 5 l .e his . i'e& He1s .er% gentle with #e( de#anding& 5 !n w it1s di""i'ult " r hi#& 5 'an "eel his struggle( alth ugh he hid it "r # #e at "irst& + u 'an1t be in s #e ne else1s head with ut e.entuall% seeing Dar!ness threatened t swall w hi# all the ti#e( %et he said an%thing t #e( he tried t hurr% #e& He 'ertainl% didn1t ' nde#n #e be'ause 5 was t % ungEand a"raid& Di#itri d esn1t 2udge #e&*N ne d es( h n(- 4 se" $ inted ut& *+ u1re the ne s hard n % ursel"& 5 es$e'iall% l .ed the stage when % u d%ed % ur hair ' nstantl%& 5t t ! a little while t "ind % ursel" and be ' #" rtable with wh # % u reall% are&0!%ler1s e%ebr w sh t u$& 0he stared $ intedl% at 4 se"1s bla'! s$i!ed hair ti$$ed with blue& His grin was ' ntagi us( re.ealing twin dents near his # uth& *This is wh 5 a#& 5 " und that ut a l ng ti#e ag & 5 li!e #% hair with blue ti$s&*6e'ause n ne will guess 2ust h w s#art % u are& The%1re t bus% l !ing at % ur hair and the $ier'ings % u ''asi nall% $ut in 2ust t bug the# all(- she a''used( laughing s "tl%& *5 l .e % u( 4 se"( % u !n w that( d n1t % u,*+e$& That1s wh% 51# here( 0!%& 5 d n1t ha.e all that #an% $e $le wh 'are ab ut #e& 5" % u sa% % u need #e( 51ll ' #e&- He l !ed awa% "r # her& 0!%ler $ut her hand n his ar#& *There are #an% $e $le wh 'are ab ut % u( 4 se"( % u 2ust d n1t let the# get 'l se& 5" % u ga.e Di#itri a 'han'e( he w uld be a g d "riend t % u& 5 !n w he w uld& 51.e tal!ed t hi# #an% ti#es ab ut % u&*5 th ught % u hadn1t seen hi# sin'e % u1d been t the Car$athian 3 untains&*He th ught it best i" we sta%ed awa% "r # ne an ther& 5 !new it w uld be t di""i'ult " r hi# with #e being $h%si'all% 'l se t hi#( but he 'a#e t L nd n n and "" when he needed t hear #% . i'e&*Did <abriel !n w,- 4 se" as!ed& *Pr babl%& He didn1t as! #e( but 5 n ti'ed when Di#itri was 'l se( <abriel sta%ed 'l ser and when he wasn1t with #e( Fran'es'a was 'l se b%& There were ti#es when =n'le Lu'ian and Auntie 4a7 n hung ar und& The%1re bus% s 5 !new it was be'ause the% were a"raid Di#itri w uld ' #e and 'lai# #e&*6ut he didn1t&*O" ' urse n t& He1s a #an " h n r& 51# n t ld en ugh in the Car$athian 'ulture( whi'h is "unn% be'ause in the hu#an 'ulture 5 ' uld #arr% easil%& N ne w uld thin! twi'e

ab ut it&*Did % u want hi# t 'lai# % u,- 4 se" as!ed 'uri usl%& 0!%ler shrugged& *0 #eti#es& 5 drea# ab ut hi#& 5 d n1t thin! ab ut ther #en( r e.en l ! at the#& 5t1s alwa%s Di#itri& He 'alls t #e and isn1t e.en aware " it& When we1re tal!ing( #ind t #ind( 5 see things& H w al ne he is& H w dar! his w rld is& H w hard it is t struggle against the ' nstant $ull " the dar!ness& He endures s #u'h " r #e& 0 #u'h " r all " us& When he hunts( it has be' #e harder " r hi#& ti#e he has t !ill& 5 see all that( and the terrible sa'ri"i'es he #a!es " r #e&*He w uldn1t want % u t see th se things( 0!%(- 4 se" said gentl%& *+ u !n w that( d n1t % u, Car$athian #ales( es$e'iall% the hunters( the%1re li!e st ne( t tal warri rs and i" he th ught he wasn1t $r te'ting % u "r # that 'ree$ing shad w( he1d be .er% u$set&0!%ler s#iled at 4 se"& *5 'an1t hel$ what 5 see( 4 se"& 51# n t e7a'tl% li!e ne else& What !ind " a ' n' 'ti n a# 5, Ps%'hi'& 3age& Partl% Car$athian& Daughter " the Earth& Drag nsee!er& 5 see things 51# n t #eant t see& 5 "eel things 5 sh uldn1t& 5 !n w he was nearl% was ta!en "r # #e& 5 "elt hi#& 5 'alled t hi#& 0ang the healing 'hants 51.e heard Fran'es'a sing& 5 lit 'andles and 5 'ried " r da%s when he was s "ar awa% 5 ' uldn1t rea'h hi#&0he l !ed int his e%es( letting hi# see her grie"& 4 se" was de"initel% underesti#ated b% # st $e $le( but she saw his genius( and she .alued their 'l se "riendshi$& 0he ' uld tal! t hi#( tell hi# an%thing and he betra%ed her ' n"iden'e& ) *5 need hi#(- she ad#itted si#$l%& *And 5 ha.e t "ind hi#&4 se" slung his ar# ar und her sh ulders& *Well( little sister( that1s e7a'tl% what we1re g ing t d & Paul sh uld be here in an% #inute& He te7ted #e and said he had read%&*Did he ' .er his tra'!s, Didn1t he tell % u n'e that Ni' las t ! his bl d, 5" he did( he 'an tra'! Paul&*6ab%( an% " the# 'an tra'! us and the%1ll be h t n ur trail the # #ent the% reali>e % u1re #issing&*5 !n w that& 51# 2ust sa%ing it 'an1t ha$$en until we1re read%&- 0!%ler glan'ed again at her wat'h& *He1s late&*His ' .er is $er"e't(- 4 se" assured& *He "lew .er with the De La Cru> "a#ilies and he t ld the# we were g ing t g e7$l ring the # untains n the =!raine side& We1re 'a#$ing " r a ' u$le " wee!s& O" ' urse the% were ha$$% t get rid " us and n ne is g ing t 9uesti n that we1d want t d s #ething t gether& We tal!ed ab ut it endlessl% " r the last ' u$le " %ears& This w uld be the $er"e't $$ rtunit% " r us t get t gether s

the% b ught ur st r% easil%&0!%ler ga.e a little sni""& *O" ' urse the% d n1t #ind i" % u tw g "" 'a#$ing in the wilds t gether& Re#e#ber when 5 wanted t g n ne " % ur 'a#$ing tri$s, The w rld al# st 'a#e t an end&4 se" laughed and leaned ne hi$ la>il% against the ' ""in& *<abriel turned int the big bad w l" and nearl% ate Paul and #e " r dinner 2ust at the suggesti n& 5 was sur$rised he all wed % u t g "" t ' llege& + u were s "ar ahead " % ur age gr u$ in s'h l&0!%ler shrugged& *5 went h #e at night the "irst %ear& 5 needed t & That had n thing t d with <abriel and Fran'es'a& 5 d n1t !n w what 5 w uld ha.e d ne with ut the#& 5 needed the# s #u'h in the earl% da%s& And the% reall% 'a#e thr ugh " r #e&- Tears shi##ered in her e%es& *5 hate t re$a% their l .e and !indness with lies( but the% le"t #e n 'h i'e&*+ u tried tal!ing t the# ab ut Di#itri,- 4 se" as!ed& 0!%ler n dded& *5 !new s #ething was wr ng( that Di#itri was tr ubled the last ti#e we tal!ed& He le"t abru$tl% " r the Car$athian 3 untains a "ew wee!s ag and then he was in a terrible battle& 5 "elt hi# sli$$ing awa% "r # #e& He was s "ar awa% and 5 al# st ' uldn1t rea'h hi#& 6% the ti#e 5 did( he was nearl% g ne& 5 ' uld "eel his li"e " r'e "ading&- 0he l !ed u$ at hi#& *+ u re#e#ber that night, 5 'alled % u t ' #e and hel$ #e&*+ u were in the ' llege librar% and " rtunatel% 51d ' #e t .isit % u( s 5 wasn1t "ar awa%(- 4 se" said( *but % u didn1t tell #e what ha$$ened& Onl% that Di#itri needed % u& + u were wi$ed ut&The #e# r% " that night sh ! her& Di#itri had been badl% w unded& 3 rtall% w unded& 0he was "ar "r # hi#( stud%ing in the ' llege librar%:s #undane:the distan'e di##ing their ' nne'ti n& 0he1d rea'hed " r hi#( !n wing he was in tr uble and it was his br ther she " und& When she t u'hed Di#itri( he had gr wn s ' ld( i'e ' ld& 0he shi.ered( the ' ldness still in her b nes& 0 #eti#es she didn1t thin! she1d get it ut& *His br ther was there( "ighting " r hi#( " ll wing a"ter his "ading light and tr%ing t bring hi# ba'!& 5 'alled t Di#itri and begged hi# n t t lea.e #e& 5 did #% best( e.en a'r ss su'h a great distan'e( t hel$ his br ther bring hi# ba'! t the land " the 5 2ust ' uldn1t let hi# g &0he 'aught her l wer li$ between her teeth( biting d wn hard& E.en n w her heart a'hed& 0he $ressed her $al# tightl% .er the $ain& *5 'an1t l se hi#( 4 se"& He has alwa%s been there " r #e( as l ng as 51.e needed hi#( an% wa% that 51.e needed hi#& 5t1s #% turn n w& 5 w n1t let hi# d wn& 51# g ing t "ind hi# and 51# g ing t hel$ hi# es'a$e&*6e" re( when he was d%ing( % u ' uld rea'h hi#(- 4 se" .entured 'are"ull%( !n wing

"ull well he was wal!ing thr ugh a #ine"ield& *Wh% d % u thin! % u 'an1t n w,*5 !n w what % u1re getting at( 4 se"(- she sna$$ed( *and it isn1t true& Di#itri is ali.e& 5 !n w he1s ali.e&4 se" n dded& *5 hear % u( 0!%( but that d esn1t answer #% 9uesti n& 3a%be we1d better "igure ut wh% % u 'an1t rea'h hi# when the tw " % u ha.e alwa%s been able t ' ##uni'ate tele$athi'all%& + u1re e7tra rdinaril% $ wer"ul& 3 re s than s #e Car$athians& 3an% " us 'an1t ' .er the !inds " distan'es % u1.e been able t & 0 what1s di""erent n w,0he "r wned at hi#& 4 se" was in'redibl% brilliant and e.en i" she didn1t want t hear it( she needed t listen t hi#& He had a $ int& 0he1d been able t 'r ss great distan'es t ' nne't with Di#itri: and hi# with her& 0he had !n wn when he was in tr uble( when he had " ught in a battle with a r gue $a'! and t ! the brunt " the atta'! in rder t gi.e his br ther the $$ rtunit% t destr % a .er% danger us .a#$ireFw l" 'r ss& 0he had "elt Di#itri1s $ain( s terrible she ' uld barel% breathe& Right there( in the ' llege librar% she had nearl% "allen t the "l r( with that "lash " $ain that wasn1t hers& 0he had " ll wed that trail ba'! t hi# unerringl% des$ite his "ading light& the %ears " tal!ing tele$athi'all%( the ' nne'ti n between the# had gr wn str ng and she " und hi# e.en as his li"e " r'e was "ading awa%( tra.eling t an ther real#& 5" she ' uld d that( 4 se" was right( wh% ' uldn1t she "ind hi# n w, 5t didn1t #a!e sense:and she sh uld ha.e "igured that ut n her wn& *+ u1re t 'l se t the $r ble#(- 4 se" said( $r .ing he was s tuned t her he ' uld $ra'ti'all% read her th ughts&) *5 d n1t li!e it when 51# n t thin!ing straight(- 0!%ler said& *He needs #e t be ne hundred $er'ent n this&*5 thin! it1s 'alled l .e( 0!%( as #u'h as 5 d n1t want t ad#it % u ' uld l .e an% ne but #e&- 4 se" win!ed at her& *0 #ething1s reall% wr ng( 4 se"& 5 !n w it is& H w ' uld 5 "ind hi# when he was alread% te'hni'all% dead( but 5 'an1t d it n w,*Perha$s he1s un' ns'i us(- he .entured& 0he sh ! her head& *5 th ught " that& 5 ' uld still "ind hi#& 5 !n w 5 ' uld& There1s s #ething ab ut ur ' nne'ti n& 5t1s s str ng( 5 'an " ll w hi# an%where& 5 ' uld t u'h hi# when he was undergr und( re2u.enating in the s il&4 se"1s e%es widened& *N wa%( 0!%& N ne 'an d that& We st $ ur hearts and lungs and we 'an1t # .e& That1s ur # st .ulnerable ti#e& H w ' uld he be aware,-

*5 d n1t !n w( but 5 rea'h " r hi#( da% r night( he1s alwa%s been there " r #e& Alwa%s& 5 'an1t re#e#ber a single ti#e that 5 ' uldn1t "ind hi#& 3 ther Earth alwa%s sang t #e( a .ibrati n 5 ' uld "eel and 5 w uld !n w where he was&*Did % u tell <abriel and Fran'es'a % u ' uld d that, C uld % u d it with the#, With #e,0!%ler $a'ed a'r ss the "l r( l !ing n'e # re at her wat'h a little i#$atientl%& *5 th ught t tell an% ne( n t e.en Di#itri the how " it& 6ut n ( 5 tried t wa!e an% ne else& Fran'es'a and <abriel get .er% little ti#e al ne t gether these da%s( s 5 ' nsidered wa!ing the#& 5t see#ed natural t turn t Di#itri& 5 !new that he needed #e as #u'h as 5 needed hi#&*All this ti#e 5 th ught % u were a"raid " a relati nshi$ with hi#(- 4 se" said& 0!%ler1s s#ile held little hu# r& *5 was a"raid " a relati nshi$ with hi#& H w ' uld 5 be, We ha.e a w nder"ul relati nshi$& He treats #e li!e 51# the greatest( # st desirable w #an in the w rld& He1s intelligent( we 'an tal! ab ut an%thing t gether " r h urs& He1s !ind and gentle& He1s a w #an ' uld want in a $artner&*51# hearing a 8but1 in there&*5 a# n t 'ertain 5 'an be the li"e#ate he trul% 51# great at the e# ti nal relati nshi$ and the intelle'tual relati nshi$( but 5 ha.e n idea i" 5 'an be what he needs $h%si'all%& That1s an entirel% di""erent #atter&4 se" sh ! his head& *0!%ler( d n1t get all $s%'h ab ut that& 5t will ha$$en when it1s su$$ sed t & Di#itri will want an ther w #an& N t He1ll gi.e % u all the ti#e % u need&*5 !n w& 5 d & Di#itri w uld $ush #e and he has& 5t isn1t hi# that1s w rried& 5 2ust get an7i us thin!ing ab ut it& 5 want t be the best li"e#ate $ ssible t hi# and #% #ind 2ust 'an1t g t a $h%si'al relati nshi$ %et&0he glan'ed again at her wat'h& *Paul had better get here s n& Are % u 'ertain he g t awa% with ut an% ne being sus$i'i us,*+eah( he1s n his wa%& Onl% a "ew #inutes ut& + u said Di#itri was ali.e& 5" he is( we1ll "ind hi#&0!%ler let her breath ut sl wl%& *5 d n1t li!e an% " this& 5 detest the "a't that the $rin'e( al ng with ne else has aband ned hi#&4 se" slung his ar# ar und her and hugged her tight& The s#ile "aded& *We1ll "ind hi#& We will&0!%ler 'lung t hi# " r a # #ent and then n dded( straightening her sh ulders and

ste$$ing awa% "r # hi#& *5 d n1t li!e the nl% e7$lanati n 5 'an thin! " " r n t being able t ' nne't with hi#&*What is it,- 4 se" as!ed& *He1s bl '!ing #e&- There was hurt in her . i'e& *He has t be& There1s n e7$lanati n that #a!es sense&ther

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