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Installation instructions for JDeveloper and SOA 11g (including OSB11g) on Windows

These instructions are for SOA 11g installation using version 11gR1 PS2 and OSB installation using version 11gR1. These instructions are Windows based. Adjust for Linux accordingly.

Pre-requisites before you begin installation

A. Memory Requirements
This install requires 3 GB or more available memory. If you have less, try separating the installation of the database, the servers, and JDeveloper onto different machines.

B. Download files
1. Create c:\stageSOA and save there all files downloaded in next steps. This document assumes that path. If you save them somewhere else then make sure there are no spaces in your path and adjust accordingly when c:\stageSOA is referenced in this document. 2. Go to:,

and download the following to c:\stageSOA o wls1033_oepe111150_win32.exe Oracle WebLogic Server 11gR1 (10.3.3) + Coherence + OEPE - Package Installer 3. Go to: download.html, and download the following to c:\stageSOA:

o o o Repository Creation Utility ( SOA Suite ( SOA Suite (

4. Go to:, and download the following to c:\stageSOA o Oracle Service Bus (

5. Go to:,

and download the following to c:\stageSOA o jdevstudio11113install.exe Oracle JDeveloper 11g ( Studio Edition 6. 7. 8. 9. Unzip to c:\stageSOA\PS1. Unzip to c:\stageSOA\PS2. Unzip to c:\stageSOA\RCU. Unzip o to c:\stageSOA\OSB

C. Check your database

1. You need XE Universal database version or 10g database version or 11g database version You cannot use any other database version. Specifically, you cannot use XE Standard, it must be Universal. 2. We have seen problems with installing XE when you already have 10g installed. The Windows registry sometimes gets the database files confused. 3. If you need to uninstall XE, be sure to follow these instructions Oracle Database Express Edition Installation Guide 10g Release 2 (10.2) for Microsoft Windows Part Number B25143-03, Section 7 Deinstalling Oracle Database XE DDHJD

4. If you need to uninstall 10.2, be sure to follow these instructions Oracle Database Installation Guide 10g Release 2 (10.2) for Microsoft Windows (32-Bit) Part Number B14316-04, Section 6 Removing Oracle Database Software IHDGGJJ

5. If needed, install OracleXEUniv.exe Recommended for small footprint database. We have seen problems with installing XE when you already have 10g installed. You can get XE from here When you are using XE, you will see a warning when you run the RCU to install the schema that this database version is too old. You can safely ignore this warning as it applies only to production environments. 6. If needed, configure Oracle XE Universal When you are using Oracle XE, you must update database parameters if you have never done this for your database installation. You only have to do this once after installing. Set the processes parameter to >=200 as follows. The shutdown command can take a few minutes. Sometimes the shutdown/startup command fails. In that case, simply restart the XE service in the Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Services dialog after setting your parameters.
sqlplus sys/welcome1@XE as sysdba


show parameter session show parameter processes alter system reset sessions scope=spfile sid='*'; alter system set processes=200 scope=spfile; shutdown immediate startup show parameter session show parameter processes

D. Check your browser

1. Enterprise Manager requires Firefox 3 or IE 7. o Firefox 3 - get it from if you want it to co-exist peacefully with your Firefox 2 installation (Keep Firefox 2 if you use Rules Author in 10gR3.) o Firefox 2 and IE 6 do not work in 11g. 2. BAM requires IE 7 o IE 7 without special plug-ins (some plug-ins may cause problems). o IE 8 does not work. IE 6 has a few UI issues. Firefox does not work.

E. Check your JDK

1. If you are going to install WebLogic server and JDeveloper on the same machine you will use the JDK from WebLogic for JDeveloper too. However if you are going to install on two machines, you need Java 1.6 update 18 JDK for JDeveloper. o JDK 1.6 update 18 from the Sun downloads page:

You must use Java 1.6 update 18.

Install Admin Server and Managed Servers

F. Install WebLogic server
1. Open a command window and enter
cd c:\stageSOA wls1033_oepe111150_win32.exe

2. When the install wizard comes up, click Next 3. Select Create a new Middleware Home and enter C:\Oracle\Middleware\home_11gPS2

This document assumes that path. If you use a different middleware home then adjust accordingly when C:\Oracle\Middleware\home_11gPS2 is referenced throughout this document. 4. Click Next 5. Enter email to register for security alerts or deselect the checkbox and decline whichever you prefer, click Next 6. Select Typical, click Next 7. Review installation directories

8. Click Next 9. Select All Users Start Menu folder, click Next 10. Review Summary

11. Click Next to start the installation process. Install can take several minutes. 12. When the install is complete, deselect Run Quickstart checkbox and click Done.

G. Drop existing schema

1. If this is the first time you are installing, jump ahead to the Configure Schema step. Otherwise, if you are reinstalling, you must drop your existing schema first. Copy the following into a command window.
cd c:\stageSOA\RCU\rcuHome\bin rcu.bat

The bat command returns to the prompt immediately and after a few seconds, the Repository Creation Utility opens. 2. Click Next 3. Select Drop

4. Click Next 5. Complete the database information

6. Click Next 7. The pre-requisites are reviewed. When completed, click OK. The utility moves to the next page with a slight delay, just wait for it.

8. The utility finds the existing schema and offers the dropdown list of all Prefixes. Check that the prefix is correct and review the schema.

9. In this example, we are dropping the schema with the SOAPS1 prefix. Click Next. 10. On the drop schema warning, click OK. 11. The pre-requisites for this step are reviewed. When completed, click OK to move to the next page with a slight delay, just wait for it.

12. Click Drop to drop the schema. This takes a few minutes. 13. When it is finished, Click Close.

H. Configure Schema
1. Now create the new schema. Open a command window and enter the following.
cd c:\stageSOA\RCU\rcuHome\bin rcu.bat

The bat command returns to the prompt immediately and after a few seconds, the Repository Creation Utility opens (if you just ran the utility to drop the schema, it opens the second time much more quickly). 2. On the welcome screen, click Next

3. Select Create and click Next 4. Enter the database information

5. Click Next If you are using XE, you will see a warning when you install the schema that this version is too old. You can safely ignore this warning as it applies only to production environments. If you are warned about using a non-AL32UTF8 character set then you may ignore it if you are only using ASCII character sets.

If however you need to support international characters sets then it is vital that you change your database to an AL32UTF8 character set.

6. The pre-requisites are reviewed. When complete, click OK. The utility moves to the next page with a slight delay, just wait for it. 7. On the Select Components screen, enter DEV in the field for creating a new prefix. 8. Select the component SOA and BPM Infrastruture. Dependent schemas are selected automatically. If you choose to select other components, these install instructions may not match your experience. Also, you may have to increase processes in XE (you will get a message telling you what is required).

9. Click Next 10. The pre-requisites for this step are checked. When completed, click OK. 11. Select the radio button to Use the same password for all schemas. Enter a schema password. The password, welcome1, is assumed in this document but you should choose your own secure password or a different one for each schema and be sure to record your passwords as you will need them later.

12. Click Next 13. Review the tablespaces and schema owners for the components

14. Accepting the defaults, click Next and then click OK to create the tablespaces. 15. When the pre-requisites for this step are completed, click OK

16. Click Create to create the tablespaces. This takes a minute or two. 17. When completed, click Close.

I. Install SOA

SOA Suite (PS2) is provided as a patch set to, hence we need to install SOA Suite before we can apply the patch to get to version 1. In a command window enter
cd c:\stageSOA\PS1\Disk1 setup -jreLoc C:\Oracle\Middleware\home_11gPS2\jdk160_18

2. When the install wizard welcome screen comes up, click Next 3. Wait for the pre-requisite check to complete (its quick!)

4. Click Next 5. On the Specify Installation Location screen, select the Middleware home: C:\Oracle\Middleware\home_11gPS2 6. Enter Oracle home: Oracle_SOA1 If you use a different Oracle home then adjust accordingly when Oracle_SOA1 is referenced throughout this document.

7. Click Next 8. Review summary

9. Click Install 10. Wait for the install to complete takes a few minutes. 11. When install reaches 100%, click Next and then click Finish

J. Upgrade to SOA

SOA Suite (PS2) is provided as a patch set to, hence we need to apply the patch on top of a previously installed SOA Suite to get to version in addition to upgrading SOA Suite to this patch also installs BPM Suite. 1. In a command window enter
cd c:\stageSOA\PS2\Disk1 setup -jreLoc C:\Oracle\Middleware\home_11gPS2\jdk160_18

2. When the install wizard welcome screen comes up, click Next 3. On the Specify Installation Location screen, select the Middleware home: C:\Oracle\Middleware\home_11gPS2 4. Enter Oracle home previously created: Oracle_SOA1 If you use a different Oracle home then adjust accordingly when Oracle_SOA1 is referenced throughout this document.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Click Next Review summary Click Install Wait for the install to complete takes a few minutes. When install reaches 100%, click Next and then click Finish

K. Install Oracle Service Bus

OSB is not currently installed with the rest of SOA Suite and must be added to the Middleware Home separately. 1. In a command window enter
cd c:\stageSOA\OSB\osb\Disk1 setup -jreLoc C:\Oracle\Middleware\home_11gPS2\jdk160_18

2. When the install wizard welcome screen comes up, click Next 3. Select Typical, click Next 4. Wait for the pre-requisite check to complete (its quick!)

5. Click Next 6. On the Specify Installation Location screen, select the Middleware home: C:\Oracle\Middleware\home_11gPS2 7. Enter Oracle home for service bus: Oracle_OSB1 8. Check WebLogic Server Location and OEPE Location (Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse) matches locations specified in step F.7. If you use a different Oracle home then adjust accordingly when Oracle_OSB1 is referenced throughout this document.

9. Click Next 10. Review summary

11. Click Install 12. Wait for the install to complete takes a few minutes. 13. When install reaches 100%, click Next and then click Finish

L. Create Domain
1. In a command window enter

2. When the configuration wizard welcome screen comes up, select Create a new WebLogic domain, click Next 3. Select Generate a domain and select SOA Suite, Enterprise Manager, Service Bus - All Domain Topologies and Business Activity Monitoring. Dependent products are selected automatically

4. Click Next 5. Enter the domain name: domain1

6. Click Next 7. Enter user name weblogic and a password. The password, welcome1, is assumed in this document but you should choose your own secure password and remember it for later in the document when the password is referenced.

8. Click Next 9. Select the Sun SDK 1.6_14 and leave Development Mode checked

10. Click Next 11. On the Configure JDBC Component Schema screen, you select the components that you want to change, and then enter the property value for those components. First, select all of the components and enter welcome1 for the password in the Schema Password field. 12. With all of the checkboxes selected, enter the Service, Host, and Port values. Select database Vendor to be Oracle and Driver to be Oracle Thin for Service Connections.

13. Now, look at the table. Review the Schema Owner column and confirm that the values are the same as what you configured in the Configure Schema section when you ran the RCU. Go back and review the screen shots in that section of this document for the schema owners if you do not remember them. 14. Complete the following if the schema owners need to be updated: a. Deselect all the component checkboxes b. Select BAM Schema only. c. Enter the Schema Owner, DEV_ORABAM d. Next, deselect BAM Schema and select the next one. e. Enter the schema owners one-by-one by pre-pending DEV_ to the defaulted value. DEV is the prefix specified in the RCU step. f. Continue until all schema owners are entered. 15. Click Next. 16. The data source connections are all tested.

17. If all are successful, click Next, otherwise click Previous and correct any errors. 18. Click Next once more, accepting defaults (no optional configurations), and you reach the Configuration Summary screen. On the Select Optional Configuration screen, you can select the Managed Servers to have the SOA Server and OSB Server all run in a single JVM. Select the relevant check boxes and click Next. To configure a single Managed Server for Oracle Service Bus and Oracle SOA Suite, do the following: On the Configure Managed Servers screen, delete the default osb_server1 and bam_server1by selecting osb_server1 and clicking Delete. Then modify the name of soa_server1 as osb_server1 by manually editing the name in the Name column. Alternatively, you may delete soa_server1 and rename osb_server1 to soa_server1. Note: This optional step is required only if you want to have Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Service Bus running in the same virtual machine. If you skip this step, you will configure a Managed Server each for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Service Bus.

19. Click Create. 20. Wait for the create to finish takes just a minute 21. Click Done.

Install JDeveloper
M. Install and start JDeveloper
1. Open command window and enter (if you copy/paste, make sure there is no space after the = sign and eliminate trailing spaces).
set JAVA_HOME=C:\Oracle\Middleware\home_11gPS2\jdk160_18 cd c:\stageSOA jdevstudio11113install.exe

The installation wizard will open. This takes a few minutes. If you are installing JDeveloper on a machine that is not the same as your WebLogic server installation, you must have installed the JDK 6 update 14 first. See Pre-requisites section for download location. 2. Complete the installation wizard as follows. Note that this does install an embedded WebLogic Server that you can use for testing java applications. You may not ever use it if you are creating only SOA applications. Although you can deselect the WebLogic Server using the custom install option, most of the subcomponents are still required by JDeveloper anyway. Its your choice. a. Welcome Screen Click Next b. Choose Middleware Home Directory: select Create a new Middleware Home and enter C:\Oracle\Middleware\jdev_11gPS2. This document assumes that path. If you enter something else then adjust accordingly when c:\Oracle\Middleware\jdev_11gPS2 is referenced.

c. Click Next d. Choose Install Type: Complete, click Next e. Confirm Product Installation Directories. You should see: Middleware Home Directory: C:\Oracle\Middleware\jdev_11gPS2 JDeveloper and ADF: C:\Oracle\Middleware\jdev_11gPS2\jdeveloper WebLogic Server: C:\Oracle\Middleware\jdev_11gPS2\wlserver_10.3

f. Click Next g. Choose Shortcut location: "All Users" and click Next h. Review Installation Summary

i. Click Next and the installation starts. j. Wait for the installation to complete a few minutes. k. When installation completes, deselect Run Quickstart and click Done. 3. Start JDeveloper Studio from the Windows Programs menu: Oracle Fusion Middleware or run C:\Oracle\Middleware\jdev_11gPS2\jdeveloper\jdeveloper.exe. During startup, select the following when prompted: a. Select Default Role, de-select Show this dialog every time, and click OK b. If you see the "Confirm Import Preferences" dialog Click Yes or No as desired If you are prompted to select file extensions to associate with JDeveloper, deselect everything or select whichever ones you would like for your machine and continue.

N. Update JDev with latest SOA

SOA design time in JDeveloper requires a JDeveloper extension called SOA Composite Editor. This is normally updated over the network although you can perform the update manually if you have the extension file. 1. Start JDeveloper as described in the previous step 2. Select Help/Check For Updates, Click Next 3. Select Fusion Middleware Products and Official Extensions.

If there is a problem connecting to the repositories it may be caused by a proxy server. If so go to JDeveloper Tools -> Properties -> Web Browser and Proxy and set the proxy server and proxy exclusions to appropriate values for your environment. Then restart JDeveloper. 4. Click Next 5. In Updates list scroll down to SOA Composite Editor or type SOA in the Available Updates search box and check the check box for the SOA Composite Editor.

6. Click Next 7. Check that the update has finished downloading successfully.

8. Click Finish 9. Restart JDeveloper when prompted. You will say Yes or No again to the import preferences question.

Additional actions
O. Setting memory limits
1. Edit the SOA domain environment file found here (make sure you have the SOA Domain environment file): C:\Oracle\Middleware\home_11gPS2\user_projects\domains\ domain1\bin\setSOADomainEnv.cmd 2. Set memory values set DEFAULT_MEM_ARGS=-Xms512m -Xmx512m This value is dependent on your machine resources and may need to be adjusted for your machine. Allocating less memory will give you better performance on a machine with less memory available. This value is appropriate for a 3GB memory machine or less.

P. Starting and stopping

Start 1. Open 4 command windows, one for the WebLogic admin server, one for the SOA managed server, one for OSB managed server and one for the BAM managed server (only start BAM and OSB when you need them). 2. Start the Admin Server first
cd C:\Oracle\Middleware\home_ 11gPS2\user_projects\domains\domain1 startWebLogic.cmd

3. Wait for the Admin Server to finish starting up. It takes a few minutes watch for status RUNNING in log console window 4. Start the SOA Managed Server in the second command window. This start script is in the bin directory. You can choose to cd to the bin directory instead.

cd C:\Oracle\Middleware\home_11gPS2\user_projects\domains\domain1 bin\startManagedWebLogic.cmd soa_server1

5. When prompted, enter the user name weblogic and password welcome1. If you did step (a) and set the, you will not be prompted. The server is started when you see the message, INFO: FabricProviderServlet.stateChanged SOA Platform is running and accepting requests 6. Start the OSB Managed Server in the third command window. This start script is in the bin directory. You can choose to cd to the bin directory instead.
cd C:\Oracle\Middleware\home_11gPS1\user_projects\domains\domain1 bin\startManagedWebLogic.cmd osb_server1

7. When prompted, enter the user name weblogic and password welcome1. If you did step (a) and set the, you will not be prompted. The server is started when you see the status, RUNNING 8. Start the BAM Managed Server in the fourth command window do this only when needed for the BAM labs
cd C:\Oracle\Middleware\home_11gPS1\user_projects\domains\domain1 bin\startManagedWebLogic.cmd bam_server1

9. When prompted, enter the user name weblogic and password welcome1. If you did step (a) and set the, you will not be prompted. Watch for the RUNNING status. Console URLS - Login with weblogic/welcome1 for all consoles: The link for the Weblogic console http://localhost:7001/console The link for the Enterprise Manager console http://localhost:7001/em The link for the OSB console http://localhost:7001/sbconsole The link for the SOA worklist app (used with Human Task) http://localhost:8001/integration/worklistapp The link for B2B http://localhost:8001/b2b The link for BAM (must use IE browser) http://localhost:9001/OracleBAM Stopping Servers Whenever you need to stop the server complete the following: a) b) O Stop the managed servers first by entering CTRL-C in the command window. Wait until stopped. Stop the admin server by entering CTRL-C in the command window. WebLogic Server console settings

1. You will be viewing the application deployments often using the WebLogic server console. This is a lot more convenient if you change the settings not to show libraries as this makes the list a lot shorter. a) Start the WebLogic Admin Server (WLS) if it is not already running.

b) c) d) e) f)

Login to the WLS console http://localhost:7001/console Click Deployments in the left navigation bar Click Customize this table at the top of the Deployments table. Change the number of rows per page to 100 (there are only about 30) Select the checkbox to exclude libraries and click Apply

2. When the server is started, internal applications like the WLS console are not deployed completely and you see a slight delay when you first access the console. You can change this to deploy internal applications at startup instead. This is convenient for demos (if you want to show the console) and also if you tend to use the console each time you startup the server. a) b) c) d) P Click on domain1 in the left navigation bar in the WLS console. Click Configuration -> General tab. De-select Enable on-demand deployment of internal applications check box. Click the Save button EM settings for development

The Enterprise Manager can provide different levels of information about composite runtime instances based on a property setting. During development it is helpful to have a higher setting. These settings are not used on production machines except when specifically needed for debugging purposes as there is a performance cost. 1. 2. Start your servers if they are not already running. Login to the EM console: http://localhost:7001/em

3. Right-click on the soa-infra (soa_server1) in the left navigation bar to open the SOA menu and select SOA Administration > Common Properties 4. 5. Q Select Audit Level: Development and select the checkbox for Capture Composite Instance State. Click Apply and click Yes If you need to uninstall JDeveloper and Servers

If you need to uninstall everything, complete the following. 1. First save anything you want to keep from here C:\Oracle\Middleware\jdev_11gPS1\jdeveloper\mywork 2. Run Uninstall from program menu to completion for both JDev and WLS. 3. Delete C:\Oracle\Middleware\jdev_11gPS1 and C:\Oracle\Middleware\home_11gPS1. If you get an error about not being able to delete because of a name/path too long, change the names of composite directories within home_ 11gPS1\user_projects\domains\domain1\deployed-composites to a\b\c\d and try delete again. 4. a) Delete program groups from C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\ Oracle Fusion Middleware

b) c) 5.

Oracle SOA 11g Oracle WebLogic Complete the Drop existing schema section to clean up the database.

Q. Adding App Server Connection to JDeveloper

To deploy SOA composites from JDev to our new SOA Suite domain we must create a connection in JDev to the SOA Suite domain. 1. 2. 3. 4. Start Admin Server Start JDeveloper Select File -> New to bring up the New Gallery In the General Section choose Connections and select Application Server Connection.

5. Click OK 6. Create connection with name SOAdomain and make sure connection type is Weblogic 10.3.

7. Click Next 8. Provide the SOA domain admin user and password

9. 10. Click Next 11. Provide correct domain name

12. Click Next 13. Click Test Connection to verify settings 14. Click Finish This connection can be used to deploy SOA composites to the SOA Suite servers.

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