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NPTEL- Advanced Geotechnical Engineering

Chapter 2 Lecture 6 Permeability and Seepage -2 Topics

1.1.4 Effective Coefficient of Permeability for Stratified Soils 1.1.5 Determination of Coefficient in the Laboratory
Constant-head test Falling-head test Indirect determination form consolidation test. Indirect determination by horizontal capillary test.

1.1.4 Effective Coefficient of Permeability for Stratified Soils

In general, natural soil deposits are stratified. If the stratification is continuous, the effective coefficients of permeability for flow in the horizontal and vertical directions can be readily calculated. Flow in the horizontal direction. Figure 1.5 shows several layers of soil with horizontal stratification. Due to fabric anisotropy, the coefficient of permeability of each soil layer may vary depending on the direction of flow. So, let us assume that 1 , 2 , 3 , are the coefficients of permeability of layers 1, 2, 3, ., respectively, for flow in the horizontal direction. Similarly, let 1 , 2 , 3 , be the coefficients of permeability for flow in the vertical direction.

Figure 1.5 Flows in horizontal direction is stratified soil deposit

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NPTEL- Advanced Geotechnical Engineering

Considering unit width of the soil layers as shown in figure 1.5, the rate of seepage in the horizontal direction can be given by = 1 + 2 + 3 + + (1.13)

Where q is the flow rate through the stratified soil layers combined, and 1 , 2 , 3 is the rate of flow through soil layers 1, 2, 3,., Respectively. Note that for flow in the horizontal directi on (which is the direction of stratification of the soil layers).the hydraulic gradient is the same for all layers. So, 1 = 1 , 1 2 = 2 , 2 3 = 3 , 3
. .


And = ( ) Where = ( ) = = 1 + 2 + 3 Substitution of equation (1.14) and (1.15) into equation (1.13) yields ( ) = 1 1 + 2 2 + 3 3 Hence, ( ) = ( 1 1 + 2 2 + 3 3 )



Flow in the vertical direction. For flow in the vertical direction for the soil layers shown in figure 1.6. = 1 = 2 + 2 = = Where 1 , 2 , 2 , .. are the discharge velocities in layers 1, 2, 3, .,, respectively; or = ( ) = (1) 1 = (2) 2 = (3) 3 = (1.18) (1.17)

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NPTEL- Advanced Geotechnical Engineering

Figure 1.6 Flow in vertical direction in stratified soil deposit

Where ( ) = (1) (2) (3) . . = 1, 2, 3, 1 , 2 , 3 . = 1, 2, 3, . . , For flow at right angles to the direction of stratification, Total head = (head loss in layer 1 + (head loss in layer 2) +..or = 1 1 + 2 2 + 3 3 + Combining equation (1.18) and (1.19) (1.19)

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1 +

2 +

3 + (1.20)

( ) =

1 / 1 +2 / 2 +3 / 3 +

1.1.5 Determination of Coefficient in the Laboratory

The four most common laboratory methods for determining the coefficient of permeability of soils are the following: Constant-head test. Falling-head test. Indirect determination form consolidation test. Indirect determination by horizontal capillary test. The general principles of these methods are given below.

Constant-head test : The constant-head test is suitable for more permeable granular materials.

The basic laboratory test arrangement is shown in figure 1.7. The soil specimen is placed inside a cylindrical mold, and the constant head loss, h, of water flowing through the soil is maintained by adjusting the supply. The outflow water is collected in a measuring cylinder, and the duration of the collection period is noted. From Darcys law, the total quantity of flow Q in time t can be given by

Figure 1.7 Constant-head laboratory permeability test = = Where A is the area of cross section of the specimen. But = /, where L is the length of the specimen, and so = (/). Rearranging this gives
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Once all the quantities in the right-hand side of equation (1.21) have been determined from the test, the coefficient of permeability of the soil can be calculated.

Falling-head test : The falling-head permeability test is more suitable for fine-grained soils.

Figure 1.8 shows the general laboratory arrangement for the test. The soil specimen is placed inside a tube, and a standpipe is attached to the top of the specimen. Water from the standpipe flows through the specimen. The initial head difference 1 = 0 is recorded, and water is allowed to flow through the soil such that the final head difference at time = 2 .

Figure 1.8 Falling-head laboratory permeability test

= = = Where


= = = = From equation (1.22)

2 1

Or = 2.303 1


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NPTEL- Advanced Geotechnical Engineering

The values of , , , , 1 , 2 can be determined from the test, and then the coefficient of the permeability k for a soil can be calculated from equation (1.23).

Permeability form consolidation test : The coefficient of permeability of clay soils is often

determined by the consolidation test.

Where = = = = The coefficient of consolidation is = Where = = Also, = (1+ ) Where = = = Combining these three equations, we have
= (1+ )


For 50% consolidation, = 0.198; and the corresponding 50 can be estimated according to the procedure presented in section. 5.1.6. Hence, =
0.198 2 50 (1+ )


Horizontal capillary test : The fundamental principle behind the horizontal capillary test can be

explained with the aid of figure 1.9, which shows an initially dry soil inside a horizontal tube. If the valve A is opened, water from the reservoir will enter the tube and, through capillary action, the line of the wetted
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surface in the soil will gradually advance-in order words, the distance x from the point 1 is a function of time t. At point 1, the total head is zero (based on the datum shown in figure 1.9). At point 2 (immediately to the left of the wetted surface), the total head is ( + ). Using Darcys law,

Figure 1.9 Development of equation (1.19) for horizontal capillary test

= = Where = = = But = And = Or =

1 ( 2)



0[ + ]


Substituting equation (1.27) and (1.28) into (1.26), we get

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2 1

1 +


+ (1.29)

2 2 2 1

= ( + )

Equation (1.29) is the basic relation used for determination of the coefficient, of permeability. The degree of saturation of the soil during the movement of the water front is sometimes assumed to be 100%. In fact, varies from about 75 to 95% for tests in most soils. Figure 1.10 shows the general laboratory arrangement for a horizontal capillary test. A brief outline of the steps for conducting the test is given below.

Figure 1.10 horizontal capillary permeability test

Open the value A. As the water front gradually travels forward, note the elapsed times t and the corresponding distances x traveled by the water front. When the water front has traveled about half the length of the sample (i.e., when x is about L/2), close valve A and open valve B. Continue to note the advance of water front with time, until x is equal to L. Close valve B. removes the soil specimen and determine the moisture content and the degree of saturation. Plot the values of 2 against the corresponding time t. figure 1.11 shows the nature of the plot, which consists of two straight lines. The portion is for the readings taken in step 2, and the portion is for the readings taken in step 4.

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Figure 1.11 Plot 2 against time t in horizontal capillary permeability test

From equation (1.29) we can write

( 2 )

( + )


The left-hand side of equation (1.30) represents the slope of the straight-line plot of 2 , . Determine the slopes of lines and . Let these be 1 2 , respectively. So, 1 = (1 + )

(1.31) (1.32)

2 =

(2 + )

since , , 1 , 2 , 1 2 are determined from the test, the above two equation contain only two unknowns ( ) and thus can be solved.

Dept. of Civil Engg. Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

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