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Capul, Ryan jay S.

BSN 2 – G
Journal - MMDST

Reaction :

Base on my understanding it is all about the development of a child below 5

years old. And it refers to the things that the child can do in their level through observing
and asking the child if he can do or refuse what is in the MMDST. And it is not
measuring the intelligence of a child it is just a survey to all child in that area if they are
normally developing and healthy. And it is too helpful because it may help to identify for
any abnormalities does the child has. And it can also help the family to realize what kind
of a child they have.

Summary :

A test of the status of a newborn, an infant or young child as regards their

developmental progress. The purposes of developmental assessment depend on the age of
the child. For an infant, testing often serves to reassure parents or to identify the nature of
problems early enough hopefully to treat them. Later in childhood, testing can help
delineate academic and social problems, again, hopefully in time to remedy them.
Screening of children involves examination of all aspects of development, including
social/emotional behavior, motor skills and coordination, cognitive abilities, and
language and speech.

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