The Point Instructions.v1.3

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Beijing Jiahere Co.,Ltd.

Chapter one Using Condition .................................................................................................... 4 Chapter two Before Competition .............................................................................................. 4 2.1. Login ............................................................................................................................... 4 2.2. General Data Setting ...................................................................................................... 6 2.2.1 Prepare for the Game ............................................................................................... 7 2.2.2 Manage the Events ................................................................................................... 7 2.2.3 Edit the Pictures of the Game .................................................................................. 9 2.3. Registration .................................................................................................................. 10 2.3.1 Importing Files ........................................................................................................ 10 2.3.2 Modify the inscription and choose the referees for this Game ............................. 12 2.4. Game Arrange............................................................................................................... 15 2.4.1 Set Event Formula and Matches............................................................................. 16 2.4.2 Remove Event Formula and Matches..................................................................... 17 2.4.3 Modify the Pool Member ....................................................................................... 18 2.4.4 Modify the order of bouts ...................................................................................... 18 2.4.5 Indicate Teams/Exempted fencers ......................................................................... 19 2.4.6 Initialize Elimination ............................................................................................... 20 Chapter three In Competition ................................................................................................. 20 3.1. Set Match Start Time, Pistes and Referees .................................................................. 20 3.2. Result Data Entry .......................................................................................................... 25 3.2.1 Individual Pools....................................................................................................... 26 3.2.2 Individual Elimination ............................................................................................. 27 3.2.3 Team Elimination .................................................................................................... 28 3.3. Phase Promotion .......................................................................................................... 29 3.3.1 Promotion to Elimination after pools end .............................................................. 29 3.3.2 Progress Byes in Elimination Phase ........................................................................ 29 3.3.3 Progress in Elimination Phase ................................................................................ 30 Chapter four After Competition .............................................................................................. 30

4.1. Calculate the Final Ranking .......................................................................................... 30 4.2. Export the Results file................................................................................................... 31 Chapter five Report Print & Database Backup ........................................................................ 31 5.1. Report Manage ............................................................................................................. 31 5.1.1 Report Export ......................................................................................................... 32 5.1.2 Report Second Modification................................................................................... 33 5.1.3 Report Edit directly ................................................................................................. 34 5.2. Database Backup and Clear .......................................................................................... 35

Chapter one Using Condition

OS: Microsoft Windows; Runtime Environment: .Net Framework 4.0; Database: SQL 2008.

Chapter two Before Competition

2.1. Login

Double click the POINT System

, the login form shows. It can

make language selection and connect the database. If the database connected success, please select the user. Different user has different permission. Then put the password (default: 11) and get in the system.

Figure 2.1 Login Form

Figure 2.2 Database Setting

[Server] is MS SQL Server database Server s name. If it installed in the local machine, default is ".". [User] is login user name for the database server, default is "sa". [Password] is the login password of the database login user. [Database] is the name of the Database which we used.

Figure 2.3 the Main Form

2.2. General Data Setting

After the login success, click

to get in the General Data

form, set something about the Game. It contains the name of the Game, the venue, the domain, the delegate of the fencers (country, state, region or club), managing the events of the Game. It must add the correct evens of this Game first, and then the Game can go on. Tips: Several commonly used functions. : Add;
: Delete; : Edit;

: Refresh;

: Import Data;

: Export Data.

2.2.1 Prepare for the Game

Click basic Information. to set the name of this Game and some

Figure 2.4 Game Setting

Tips: Ranking Team means the initial Rank of the team come from the loading file (FIE files etc.). Individual Points means the initial Rank of the team calculated by the final ranking in individual events.

2.2.2 Manage the Events

Click to add the event in this Game.

Figure 2.5 Event Setting


to edit the event in this Game.

Figure 2.6 Event Edit


to modify the formula parameters in the selected event.

Figure 2.7 Event formula parameters modify

2.2.3 Edit the Pictures of the Game

Click Game.

to edit the Symbol, Mascot and Sponsor of this

Figure 2.8 Picture Edit

2.3. Registration
Importing the athletes and referees information from the XML files, confirms the registration and choose the referees for this Game.

2.3.1 Importing Files

First, click Choose

to get in the Registration Form. , click to import data from files, select

(the format of the file likes download file from FIE), then click to confirm.

Figure 2.9 Import file 1

Second, click

to select the file location, and then click to load the data

to import the athletes or teams data. Click of the referees.

Figure 2.10 Import file 2

Note: The events which the FIE XML file contains must be established before import FIE download XML files; otherwise the absence of

corresponding events cannot be successfully import data.

2.3.2 Modify the inscription and choose the referees for this Game
After import data, it needs to confirm the list of athletes and referees. Then modify the inscription and choose the referees for this Game if the changes occur. Step one, click click to go to the registers manage form, to add, edit and delete registers.

Figure 2.11 the registers Add/Edit/Delete

Step two, click form, click to add inscription.

to go to the inscription manage

Figure 2.12 the inscriptions add/delete/edit

Figure 2.13 the Inscription form

Figure 2.14 the team Inscription show form

Note: If you select "Individual Points" in the General Data form, the button [the Calculate team Points] is available, otherwise failure. Step three, click form, click to go to the referees manage

to select the referee for this Game. It also can add,

delete and edit referee when the referee not exist.

Figure 2.15 referees add/delete/edit

Figure 2.16 choose referees

2.4. Game Arrange

Set event formula, create phase and match, choose Exempted

Fencers to compete, and set progress.

2.4.1 Set Event Formula and Matches

First, click

to go to the [Formula Progress] Form.

Figure 2.17 Draw Arrange Form

Please select [set formula] or [remove formula] at Figure 2.15 location 0. Second, select different formula according to the competition regulation.

Figure 2.18 Set Formula

2.4.2 Remove Event Formula and Matches

Select the event item, right click to select [remove formula] item, then remove event formula and matches.

Figure 2.19 Remove Formula

2.4.3 Modify the Pool Member

Please select [Edit Pool Member] at Figure 2.15 location 1 when the pool member need to change.

Figure 2.20 Modify the Pool Member

2.4.4 Modify the order of bouts

Please select [Modify Order of Bouts] at Figure 2.15 location 2 if it needs

to modify the order of bouts.

Figure 2.21 modify the order of bouts

2.4.5 Indicate Teams/Exempted fencers

Please select [Indicate Teams/Exempted fencers] at Figure 2.15 location 3.

Figure 2.22 Indicate teams/exempted fencers

It includes drawing all, direct all, direct two by two, cross direct two by two.

2.4.6 Initialize Elimination

If you want to restart the elimination, specially, when the results in Round of Pools are wrong mady by referees, please select [Initialize Elimination] at Figure 2.15 location 0.

Figure 2.23 the confirm of the initialize elimination

Chapter three In Competition

3.1. Set Match Start Time, Pistes and Referees


to go to Schedule form, select phase at left, click to go to the Start Time and Pistes setting form.

Figure 3.1 Set start time and pistes


to draw referee.

Draw pools referee:

: It means the candidate referees are from all weapon. If it checked, they are only from one weapon.

Figure 3.2 Draw Pools Referee

Draw elimination referee:

[Add All]: add all available referees to candidate referees. [Draw One]: draw one different delegation referee from available referees to candidate referees. [Add One]: add one referee from available referees to candidate referees. [Delete]: delete referees from candidate referees to available referees.

: Draw referees can by quadrants.

Figure 3.3 Draw Elimination Referee

Note: If you check the "All weapon referee", the available referees will contain all weapon referees. If the result is not ok, it will inform the user. [Delete Referees] delete the result of the referees drawing, the referee change reason form will be forced to record the reason.

Figure 3.4 Referee change reason form


to set referee.

Figure 3.5 Set referees

Click who will compete.

to set the draw result for the team member

Figure 3.6 set the order of team members


selected, you can re-set.

3.2. Result Data Entry


to go to the competition results form, select Date,

Event, Phase, the select match or pool in left grid.

Figure 3.7 Result data form

Results data entry separate by Individual Pools, Individual Elimination and Team Elimination.

3.2.1 Individual Pools

Select pool, double click competition, when the status change to , Input the result data. When saving the data, select the status .

Figure 3.8 Individual Pool Results Entry

3.2.2 Individual Elimination

Select Individual Elimination, Double click then running match, when the status is to , input the results. Change the status when it finished.

Figure 3.9 Individual Elimination Results Entry

3.2.3 Team Elimination

Select team events, double click the running match, when the status is , input the results. Change the status to

when it finished. It also can change the substitutes of the team.

Figure 3.10 Team Elimination Results Entry

3.3. Phase Promotion 3.3.1 Promotion to Elimination after pools end


to go to the Draw Arrange Form. Chose Round of

Pools of individual events in left panel.

Figure 3.11 Pools Promotion

When the round of pools end and all pools results submitted already, the POINT can automatic generate the ranking after the pools. Click , the fencers who qualified will be promoted.

3.3.2 Progress Byes in Elimination Phase

When bye appear in some elimination phase, it need click [Progress Byes]. Such as:

Figure 3.12 Progress Byes

3.3.3 Progress in Elimination Phase

After input the elimination match results, the system can automatically progress. When both winners generated successfully, the status of the match in next phase changed to scheduled.

Chapter four After Competition

4.1. Calculate the Final Ranking


to go to the ranking medal form, click the left to calculate the final ranking.

even tree, and then click

Figure 4.1 calculate the final ranking form

4.2. Export the Results file

Click to export the final results data.

Figure 4.2 Export results data

Chapter five Report Print & Database Backup

5.1. Report Manage

Step one, click

to open the report manage form. Then to preview the report,

select the report template, click

print the report when no error exist. All report print at here.

Step two, select the report, and click PDF file.

to export the

Figure 5.1 Report manage form

5.1.1 Report Export

Click to preview the report.

Figure 5.2 Preview the report


to export the report for many forms, support for

PDF, Word, HTML, EXCEL, and other common file format.

Figure 5.3 Export the report

5.1.2 Report Second Modification

If necessary, it supports for a temporary adjustment of the competition scene reports required by the second modification. Click

to edit the report.

Figure 5.4 Report second modifications

5.1.3 Report Edit directly

If necessary, click can edit the current report directly.

Figure 5.5 Report Edit

5.2. Database Backup and Clear

Click to open the form of database backup and clear, click to backup database.

Figure 5.6 the form of Database backup and clear

Data Clear has 5 selections. The password is the red words.

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