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Design S7383 Ladies Jacket with Short Sleeves

Size: to fit bust 32/34 [82/86 cm], 36/38[92/97 cm] and 40/42 [102/107 cm]. Figures for the smaller size are on the lefthand side, with larger sizes on the righthand size, each separated by a hyphen. Where there is only one figure, this applies to all sizes. Materials: Schachenmayr/SMC Micro Grande, 400-500-500g #00198 slate gray. US 5-6 [3.75 4.5mm] needles, or size to obtain gauge, and 3 buttons about 1 [2.5cm] across. Garter stitch: in rows K all sts. Lace pattern: odd no of sts. Row 1: P all stitches. Row 2: P all stitches. Row 3: K selvage st, *yo, skp (= sl1k, K1, psso), rep from *. Across back and right front work last skp across selvage st and preceding st. Row 4 and all foll WS rows: P all sts and yo. Row 5: P all stitches. Row 7: K selvage st tog with foll st, yo, *K2tog, yo, rep from *, end with K selvage st. Rep rows 1-8 throughout for patt. Note! When inc or dec, work 1 yo only if 2 sts can be worked tog, or work 2 tog if you can work a yo as well! If this is not possible, work K1 instead. Gauge: Lace pattern 18 sts and 36 rows, each to 4 [10cm].

METHOD Back: cast on 99-111-119 sts and for Welt work 1 [3.5cm] (= 15 rows) garter stitch, start with 1 WS row. On last WS row K2tog evenly across 12-14-16 times = 87-97-103 sts. Cont with Lace Patt. When work measures 9 [23cm] (= 84 rows) from Welt cast on for sleeves at each end 1 st once, then on every 2nd row 1 st 5 times and 2 sts 2 times = 107-117-123 sts. When work measures 17-1718 [43-44-45.5cm] (= 154-158-164 rows) from Welt bind off 9 sts at center for neck and finish each side sep. At neck edge bind off on every 2nd row 3 sts once, 2 sts 5 times and 1 st 2 times. At the same time, when work measures 18-18-19 [46.5-47.549cm] (= 168-172-176 rows) bind off for shoulders at each end 6-7-10 sts once, then 7-8-8 sts on every 2nd row 4 times. Total height of work = 20-21-21 [52.5-53.5-55cm].

Copyright 2012 Coats PLC -


Left front: cast on 55-59-65 sts and for welt work 1 [3.5cm] (= 15 rows) garter stitch, start with 1 WS row. On last WS row work 8 in patt, across rem 4751-57 sts K2tog evenly across 6-6-8 times = 49-53- 57 sts. Across the first 41-45-59 sts work in Lace Patt, across rem 8 sts work garter stitch for button band. When work measures 9 [23cm] (= 84 rows) from Welt cast on for sleeve 10 sts at right edge as for back = 59-63-67 sts. When work measures 14-14-15 [36-3738.5cm] (= 130-134-140 rows) from Welt work the 8 sts at left side edge in patt for band and leave on a holder, then bind off 2. Then bind off on every 2nd row 2 sts 5 times and 1 st 5-4-5 times. At the same time, after 18-18-19 [46.5-47.5-49cm] (168172-176 rows) bind off at right side edge 34-39-42 sts for shoulder as for back. Total height of work = 20-21-21 [52.5-53.555cm]. Right front: work in reverse, with 3 buttonholes as foll: on 22-26-32nd (RS) row and after another 66 rows work selvage st and 2 in patt, then bind off 2, on next row cast on 2 over those bound off. Make 3rd buttonhole in neck band. Finishing: block pieces to measurements, cover with a damp cloth and allow to dry. Join shoulder and upper sleeve seams. For each armhole band pick up 72-76-82 sts around each outer armhole edge and work 1 [4cm] garter stitch, then bind off all sts. Close lower sleeve and side seams. For neck band pick up and K the 8 band ts of right front, the 31 sts across front neck edge, 43 sts across back neck edge, 31 sts across front neck edge and the 8 band sts. Work garter stitch across 121 sts, on 8th foll (RS) row make 3rd buttonhole as before. When band measures 1 [4cm] (= 16 rows) bind off all sts. Sew on buttons.

Copyright 2012 Coats PLC -

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