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IN THE COURT OF THE HONBLE DISTRICT JUDGE: ANANTAPUR I.A. Bet ee! 1. K.Srinivasulu Setty & Others ..

Petitioners /2013 IN I.A. 156/2006 IN A.S. NIL/2006

AND 1. Kovur Sudhakar & Others .Respondents


I, K. .Ra!ana, S"o. #ate. K. .Ratna!, a$ed %& 'ears, Pensioner, R"o. 1(")"1*&, R.+. Na$ar, Anantapur do here,y sole!nly a--ir! and state as -ollo.s/

1. I a! the petitioner herein and the ) nd petitioner in I.A. 1&%")00% as su1h I a! a12uainted .ith the -a1ts o- the 1ase and I a! the in 1har$e o- the liti$ation on ,ehal- o- the other petitioners. ). I su,!it that !ysel- and other petitioners -iled this I.A. a$ainst the respondents 3"Se1. & o- the #i!itation A1t to 1ondone the delay o- &4% days in -ilin$ the appeal a$ainst the 5ud$!ent in O.P. *%"1664 dated 1("0*")007 on the -ile o- the 8on9,le Prl. Senior +ivil :ud$e, Anantapur. (. ;he a-oresaid OP has arisen out o- re-eren1e 3"Se1. (0 o- #and A12uisition A1t. I su,!it that due noti1es are re1eivin$ the noti1e Respondent * to R10 have not appeared ,e-ore the 8on9,le +ourt and the 1ourt is pleased to set the! e<parte. 7. I su,!it that this 8on9,le +ourt dis!issed I.A. No. 1&%")00% on 07"0*")01). I su,!it that the * th respondent K. enkata Narayana died on . &. I su,!it that in the interests o- Respondent * K. enkata Narayana is e--e1tively represented ,y Respondent 1 to Respondent (. %. I su,!it that on the death o- the Respondent * K. enkata Narayana the ri$ht to sue and the ri$ht to ,e sued survived on his le$al representatives

*. I su,!it that .hen the I.A. 1&%")00% .as reserved -or the orders the * th respondent K. enkata Narayana died, under these 1ir1u!stan1es there .as a,solutely no possi,ility -or !e and the other petitioners to !eet !y advo1ate and to in-or! hi! a,out the death o- Respondent * K. enkata Narayana or to o,tain ne1essary instru1tions -or pro1eedin$ -urther as the appeal is not a,ated.

4. I su,!it that !ysel- and the other petitioners are not 1onversant .ith le$al pro1eedin$s and a,solutely there is no ne$li$en1e on !y part or on the other petitioners to su,stitute the le$al representatives oRespondent *. 6. I su,!it as the appli1ation is only to 1ondone the delay in -ilin$ the appeal as the appli1ation is e--e1tively de-ended ,y other de-endants no pre5udi1e has ,een 1aused to the de-en1e o- Respondent * inspite o- his death ,e-ore pronoun1e!ent o- orders. 10. I su,!it at the ti!e o- -ilin$ revision a$ainst the order 07"0*")01) I in-or!ed advo1ate a,out the death o- Respondent * and !y advo1ate -iled the revision petition i!pleadin$ the le$al representatives oRespondent * as Respondent 11 to Respondent 1(. ;he 8on9,le 8i$h +ourt took an o,5e1tion statin$ that 1ause title is to ,e noted 1orre1tly as per the 1ause title !entioned in I.A. 1&%")00% .ithout -ilin$ the le$al representatives petition and the petitioners are i!pleaded in the a,ove S.R. I su,!it in order to !eet su1h 1ontin$en1ies the 1ourt is e!po.ered .ith a to e<e!pt !e and the other petitioners -ro! the ne1essity o- su,stitutin$ the le$al representatives o- any respondent .ho has -ailed to appear and 1ontest the pro1eedin$s and the 8on9,le +ourt is e!po.ered .ith the o- pronoun1e!ent o- 5ud$!ent not.ithstandin$ the death o- su1h respondent and su1h pronoun1e!ent have the sa!e -or1e and e--e1t as i- it has ,een pronoun1ed ,e-ore death took pla1e. I su,!it that the -a1ts o- the present 1ase in the lar$er interests o5usti1e and to ena,le !e and other petitioners to seek su,stantial 5usti1e in the event o- the delay ,ein$ 1ondoned ,y -ilin$ the appeal and in the event o- the appli1ation is allo.ed the le$al representatives o- the de1eased respondent * .ill $et another opportunity to de-end their 1ase on !erits. ;he 1on-ir!ed on this 1ourt 3"O. )) R 7 +.P.+. needs to ,e e<er1ised to do su,stantial 5usti1e to !e and other petitioners. Su1h a 1an ,e e<er1ised at any ti!e ,y the 8on9,le +ourt. I su,!it that i- !ysel- and other petitioners .ill ,e put to irrepara,le loss and hardship i- the appli1ation is not allo.ed. I -urther su,!it that !ysel- and other petitioners 1annot ,e deprived o- their ri$ht -or su,stantial 5usti1e ,ased on the te1hni1alities and pro1edural la.s. It is there-ore 5ust and essential -or the 8on9,le +ourt !ay ,e pleased to pass an order e<e!ptin$ !e and other petitioners -ro! the event osu,stitutin$ the le$al representatives o- the de1eased Respondent * holdin$ that the pronoun1e!ent o- the order dated 07"0*")01) in I.A. 1&%")00% in A.S. NI#")00% is dee!ed too has the so!e -or1e and e--e1t as i- the order is pronoun1ed ,e-ore the death o- respondent * took pla1e in the interests o- 5usti1e.




17. 1&.



Sole!nly a--ir!ed and si$ned ,e-ore !e Anantapur.

A#$%&'te( A!'!t')*+.

IN THE COURT OF THE HONBLE DISTRICT JUDGE: ANANTAPUR I.A. Bet ee! ). K.Srinivasulu Setty & Others ..Petitioners /2013 IN I.A. 156/2006 IN A.S. NIL/2006

AND ). Kovur Sudhakar & Others .Respondents


=or the reasons stated in the a11o!panyin$ a--idavit it is there-ore prayed that the 8on9,le +ourt !ay ,e pleased to pass an order e<e!ptin$ the petitioners -ro! the event o- su,stitutin$ the le$al representatives o- the de1eased Respondent * holdin$ that the pronoun1e!ent o- the order dated 07"0*")01) in I.A. 1&%")00% in A.S. NI#")00% is dee!ed too has the so!e -or1e and e--e1t as i- the order is pronoun1ed ,e-ore the death o- respondent * took pla1e in the interests o- 5usti1e.

A#$%&'te -%+ t.e Pet/t/%!e+0

IN ;8> 8ON?@#> +O3R; O= DIS;RI+; :3DA>/ ANAN;AP3R I.A. NO. ")01( in I.A. NO.

1&%")00% IN A.S. NO. NI#")00%P

P>;I;ION =I#>D ON @>8A#= O= ;8> P>;I;ION>RS 3ND>R O.)) R. 7 +.P.+.

Sri. P.Auru Prasad Advo1ate Anantapur

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