English Essay

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Task 2 (Writing )

School Sport Day

Every school celebrates its Sports Day and, to this all, the children very longingly look forward to. My school the Sekolah Kebangsaan Sungai Ular also has its Sports Day every year sometime in the month of June. Many student eagerly this day. The month of June is earmarked for the occasion. When this day is about to come, there appears to be a lot of activity in the entire school premises as take lime. Avocado so there is a lot of overtime beyond the scheduled hours of routine work. One month before the Sports Day, children start giving their names for different events, and then, after the school hours, practices start. Teachers will train the student who took part .Among the event held were racing ,high jump, long jump and shot put. The children, who do not participate in any events, get other duties of the like decorate the field, making lists of games and participants . It is obvious that something is on for, at least for a fortnight before the event, studies are put as if on the hold, except the student who not interested in sport. The rest of the school is seen bustling with enjoyment and merriment for all enjoy such events. All the children, all the teachers and even all the other non-teaching staff seems to busy with some work or the other. This is because everyone is assigned a duty to see that the Day passes off well. After a fortnight of being over busy with the preparations for the Sports Day, at last the day arrives. The lawns are so very meticulously done up, white chalk powder lines are installed for different events. Victory stands are beautifully done up to make the victors feel proud of being there after the events. All the children are so well groomed in their different colour uniforms that, it is a sight to watch and admire. To cap it all, the staff members are also very smartly dressed specially those involved with the different events - they blend so well with the smart children that, the total effect is just smashing.

The day starts with the usual assembly and then, all of us are instructed to go to our allotted places on the lawn, class wise. There are volunteers from the parents who guide the students to their respective places and soon all is set as per the plan. As soon as all is settled, the Chief Guest arrives, and the Principal goes out to receive him. The Chief Guest is taken to the dais and as soon as he are settled, the Principal says a few words to introduce the guest to all, and requests him to say a few words and declare the Sports open. Now, the guest speaks usually on the importance of Sports and Sports Day, and declares the opening of the function. As soon as these two important speeches are over, the Chief Guest declares the Sports Day open, land there and then the events start. One by one the events take place in a very well disciplined manner and the winners listed and made to stand on the Victory Stand and cheered by one and all. The games and Sports last for about three hours and then comes the most interesting moment of the function - the moment of appreciating the winners by awarding them gifts and prizes, cups and shields. This is the ultimate moment of pleasure for winners when, amidst loud clapping and shouting of cheers, they get their rewards for their good work - from the Chief Guest. Even though I am not a very great enthusiast of games or sports, I just love this day and look forward to it through the year. I also make it a point to attend school on this day every year though I never participate. The thrill, the excitement, and then, the pleasure of winning are all moments worth seeing and enjoying. I love to see my friends and others participating with their hearts and souls with a complete involvement in the games. Their victory boosts up even my morale. The sports day end at 5.00 pm. All student and parents so enjoyed to see this event. I hope this event will held next year with more excitement. For sports lover this the moment they had waiting.

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