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Essay 1: Please write a well-crafted statement about your desire to become a nurse-midwife or a nurse practitioner.

Include information about yourself and your professional goals as a nurse-midwife or nurse practitioner. Please type separately and limit yourself to 300-500 words. As a young teen, I learned the value and reward of helping others while completing the service project to earn my Eagle Scout award through the Bot Scouts of America. The project that I undertook involved sponsoring an individual participant in the Michigan winter Special Olympics. I was required to fund-raise and then be the personal cheer leader for my Special Olympian, Terri. The look on Terris face after every event when I was there to offer congratulations and encouragement was all I needed to know that helping people was what I wanted to do! As a young man growing up in a small rural area I never thought of Nursing as an avenue to pursue my desire to help others. For this goal I chose becoming a Military Policeman, where I served for nearly 5 years. During my service I was deployed around the world multiple times, protecting our troops and their families from harm. After ending my service in the military, a knee injury prevented me from following the law enforcement career that I had dreamed of. My interest in Nursing was developed through conversations with a male friend who was in Nursing. He spoke of the ways that Nursing would allow me to continue with my desire to help others. Seeing a male as a nurse opened my eyes to a whole other career available to me. Through my time in Nursing school and my subsequent time as a Registered Nurse I have leaned that I do not want to stop giving to others. I would like to become a Family Nurse Practioner so that I may continue my drive to help others have better outcomes in life. Essay 2: Graduate education is rigorous and from the experiences of Frontier students it is clear that full time study requires a commitment of 40 hours a week while part time study requires 30 hours per week. This will require adjustments to your current work and family life. It is important that you take time to consider how you will integrate graduate school into your current situation. Please write a well crafted statement about how you plan to fit the rigors and time commitment of graduate education into your life situation of work and family. Having attended Nursing school at the same time as my wife, while still having to support our 3 children by working 40+ hours per week, I fully understand the time commitment it takes to complete a rigorous program. At this time in my life, I am very fortunate to have a spouse that can support our family on her own, as the Director of Nursing of a local long term care facility. This will allow me to commit the 40+ per week that my children are in school strictly to my studies. This blessing that I have is the perfect situation for me to attend the Family Nurse Practitioner program at Frontier School.

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