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The investigation of inhibition efficiency of Piper nigrum L on mild steel immersed in seawater is relevant as the selected inhibitor shows good inhibitory characteristics. Plant extractions have been widely used as corrosion inhibitors. Several studies were done by using plant extracts. According to El-elte et al ( !!"#$ addition of inhibitor molecules or increasing the concentration of the extraction reduces the metal corrosion. %nhibitor molecules shield the mild steel from corrosion by forming a protective film covering the metallic surfaces of the steel plate. The goals for present study had been achieved through corrosion measurement. %nhibitor molecules adsorb themselves on the metallic surface of mild steel and reduce the number of active sites for corrosion attac& by 'l -. (eight loss ()# decreased as the concentration of inhibitor increased. %n the absence of inhibitor the weight loss is high. Poor weight loss ()# is noticed for mild steel inhibited with *!! ppm of Piper nigrum L. extraction. The %E ()# values obtained indicate that the Piper nigrum L provides a better inhibition at its high concentration. At +!! ppm$ the value of %E obtained is +,.-.) meanwhile at *!! ppm the %E indicated .+.".). Thus$ this evidence confirms the validity of this approach. As the concentration of Piper nigrum / increases$ the inhibitive efficiency increases0 forms stronger protective film and shields the mild steel from corrosion.


Problem n! Recommen! "ion

This research study faced few problems. Autolab instrument is used for Electrochemical %mpedance Spectroscopy (E%S# study in order to measure the corrosion rate. This e1uipment is sensitive towards fre1uency and other disturbances which can affect the value of parameters. 2esides that$ the (E was clawed to rheostat stand. The unexpected movement of rheostat stand affects the result obtained. The distance in-between (E$ 'E and 3E need to be &ept constant for each measurement. The immersion test of mild steel lasted for *! days. The solution was &ept unstirred and this affected the result obtained. The extraction of Piper nigrum L. precipitated at the bottom of a1uarium. 2esides that$ some of the inhibitor molecules ta&e time to dissolve completely in seawater. This situation might affect the distribution of inhibitor molecules among the specimen. There are some recommendations which can be considered for the future wor& regarding to this study4 %. (ave motor should be used to &eep the seawater in circular motion. This prevents the precipitation of inhibitor at the bottom of a1uarium. %%. This research study should be carried out at different temperatures to study the inhibitive characteristics of Piper nigrum L. at manipulated temperatures. %%%. The next step of investigation could be application of Piper nigrum L. on steel by anti-fouling coating method. This techni1ue is more practical and currently used in industries.

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