How To Make Splines

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How to Make Splines

Creo Parametric 2.0

S.F Dunker July 18, 2013

The existing component was modified to have a root diameter of 1.418

Figure 1 Create a csys where x and y are used to create the involute curve and z is the axis of the shaft. The sketching plane will be on the end of the shaft.

Figure 2

Create four circles for the outside, pitch, basic, and root diameters. Previous features were suppressed for clarity.

OD = 1.550 RD = 1.418 min BD = 1.446 PD = 1.500

Figure 3 Create the involute curve by equation by entering the following equations where r is the radius of the base diameter. Select the csys created in Figure 2. r = 1.446/2 ang = t * 90 s = (PI * r * t)/2 xc = r * cos(ang) yc = r * sin(ang) x = xc + (s * sin(ang)) y = yc - (s * cos(ang)) z=0

Figure 4

The involute curve is shown in Figure 5. It starts from the intersection of the base diameter and top datum plane.

Figure 5 Create a set of datum points, one at the intersection of the involute curve and the pitch diameter, the other one at the csys. Connect the two points with a datum curve.

Figure 6

Measure the angle between the curve created in Figure 6 and the top datum plane. The angle is 0.433783

Figure 7 Sketch two datum points on the spline_sketch_dtm and pitch diameter to represent the thickness of a single gear tooth. The average tooth thickness, (0.0768 + 0.0755)/2 = 0.07615, was used.

Figure 8

Sketch one curve between PNT3 (tooth pitch point) and the csys, then sketch another curve 0.433783 off the first curve, intersecting the pitch diameter and the csys.

Figure 9

Figure 10

Measure the angle between the top datum plane and the second curve created in Figure 9. The angle is 86.6563. This is the involute angle of rotation.

Figure 11 Copy the involute curve, then paste special. Apply move/rotate transformation to copies. Pick the z axis and enter 86.6563. Figure 16 is the result.

Figure 12: Copy

Figure 13: Paste Special

Figure 14: Apply Move/Rotate

Figure 15: Rotate/Z Axis Selection

Figure 16: Rotated Involute

Zoom in and confirm that the rotated involute passes through PNT3 and starts from the base diameter

Figure 17 Mirror the rotated involute about the front plane.

Figure 18

The involute curves are symmetrical about the front plane. This is required according to the drawing.

Figure 19 Sketch the tooth using pick edge and use tangent constraints.

Figure 20

Extrude the tooth.

Figure 21 Add chamfers and radii, and then group all features for the tooth.

Figure 22

Pattern the group according to Figure 23. Divide 360 by the number of teeth: 360/30 = 12. This is the angle between teeth centers.

Figure 23 Splines should look like Figure 24.

Figure 24

Create cut for other chamfer and radius.

Figure 25 Finished product.

Figure 26

Top and bottom teeth are symmetrical about the front plane, according to drawing section a-a.

Figure 27

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