Support Planning

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CAF Lessons Learnt 7.

Support Planning
Introduction The CAF Programme aimed to test approaches to sharing information across different agencies to support the implementation of personalisation; this presented many challenges to the established way of doing things. A self-directed support system enables people to take the maximum possible control o er the support which they recei e. Currently such a system is a de eloping feature of most social care pro ision! and used within the Personal "ealth #udget pilot programme and the $ight to Control Trailbla%ers. &upport Planning is the name gi en within a self-directed support system for the creation by the indi idual 'with the support(in ol ement of anyone else they wish to ha e in ol ed) of the ways in which they will use the resources allocated to them in order to meet the needs for which those resources were made a ailable! in a way which fits into their life. *n the self-directed support system! &upport Planning follows a &upported self-assessment and the conse+uent allocation of an ,indicati e budget,. Person-centred planning principles underpin the support offered to people to familiarise themsel es with &upport Planning and complete a &upport Plan. These principles support the effecti e personalisation of any support process! and it is perfectly possible to use them outside of the current self-directed support system. Their use in $eablement ser ices has recently been described #y -enny Pitts et al './00) A new reablement journey. Ambrey Associates("elen &anderson Associates. http1((www. *deally! the formula for a &upport Plan is a list of things that the support plan must contain! rather than a prescribed template for completion. This enables people to de elop their plan as a personal document! which can take a ariety of forms including written! typed! scrapbook! audio! 232. "owe er! some people prefer to use a template and most agencies can supply one. The re+uired contents of a support plan are fre+uently deri ed or de eloped from those proposed by in Control1 4hat is important to you5 4hat do you want to change5 "ow will you arrange your support5 "ow will you spend your money5 "ow will you manage your support5 "ow will you stay in control5 4hat will you do next5

The completed support plan is presented to the statutory agency for agreement. 6ssentially! the agency has a duty to check that the resources allocated are being used to
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meet the needs identified at the initial assessment. The means by which needs are met should! as far as possible! be determined by the person recei ing the support! and can be +uite different than would ha e been traditionally pro ided. Key principles and learning *n general! CAF sites ha e encountered challenges in accommodating the necessary personal formats and contents of support plans within the de elopment of systems which can share information between agencies. There is an ine itable conflict between standardised administrati e practice and the de elopment of a support system which seeks to enable indi iduals to shape both the means by which they are supported and the way in which that is determined and recorded. &ome sites ha e adopted a template created by their social care software pro ider which features the key support plan +uestions as a part of a ,self-directed support system, *T package. 8link to FAC6 website9 "owe er! this represents a system-led rather than citi%enled approach. *ntegrated Care and &upport Plan '*C&P) document as a learning point ( for interest ' e en though it didn:t go further because of the &ummary Care $ecord changes) 8;ot sure how to word this9 Examples from CAF Demonstrator Site Programme The e idence documents shown below in bold italics can be found in the &upporting Planning folder on the Common Assessment Framework for Adults <earning ;etwork A number of councils ha e de eloped their own &upport Plan template. &hropshire ha e created an 6mergency Action Plan! which addresses one particular aspect of &upport Planning which is often o erlooked as part of ,"ow will you stay in control5,! crisis planning Former CAF participants ha e de eloped a system instigated by 4estminster C-*-< which enables the indi idual to hold their own information and create their own plan! which they can then share with the rele ant agencies as they wish. This particular de elopment can potentially o ercome many of the obstacles encountered elsewhere! whilst also best reflecting the goal of citi%ens controlling their own information. *t is still ery much ,ahead of its time,! but clearly indicates the direction of tra el beyond the CAF programme. http1(( $ochdale de eloped a diagramatic representation of their CAF 3ision which! unlike organisationally-based systems! sees the indi idual as the constant whilst the ariety of agencies which may be in ol ed in funding or pro iding them with support will come and go. *t pro ides for information-sharing between those organisations in ol ed at any one time in a person,s support! but recognises that the main information route is from the person to the arious organisations(indi iduals! not between the organisations. The Citi%en Portal enables the &er ice =ser to start
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their &upport Plan pro iding details about what they ultimately want to achie e and what they would like to happen in an emergency or crisis. '&ee 2ocument1 Rochdale-CAF vision - Aug 2011) &tockport used >uickheart in con?unction with @<A to gather electronic referrals and two-way communication with indi iduals enabling them to do a self-assessment and de elop their own support plan. The portal supports the whole process for all people including ,self-funders,. Cheshire 6ast used the 6sprit &hareCare 2irect portal 'Choice) to gather information from a self-assessment that could be used to support the completion of the community care assessment in &hareCare. Choice supported the sharing of information to de elop the support plan. The support plan template was de eloped in co-production with social care employees and community and oluntary sector organisations as part of the CAF programme and the documents could be held in Choice. The website was closed at the end of the CAF programme! but screen-shots are a ailable. '&ee 2ocument1 Choice in Cheshire East) For furt er information see CAF Lessons Learnt Assessments Citi%en Portals! =sers and Carers Co-production !seful lin"s and ot er sources of information 2epartment of "ealth './/B) Good Practice in Support Planning and Brokerage http1(( anning(5parentC.DEFGchildCF.H/ 2epartment of "ealth './0/) Personalisation through person-centred planning http1((www.dh.go .uk(en(Publicationsandstatistics(Publications(PublicationsPolicyAn dIuidance(2"J00H0EH @ffice for 2isability *ssues './00) Your Li e! Your "hoice# $ualitati%e research carried out as part o the &Support Planning and Brokerage' (nitiati%e http1((odi.dwp.go .uk(docs(ils(support-planning-and-brokerage-research-findings.pdf Think <ocal Act Personal './00) )ethinking Support Planning# (deas or an alternati%e approach http1(($esources(Personalisation(T<AP(P aper.$e-thinking&upportPlanning.pdf A number of useful websites exist1 www.inclusi https1((www.sheffield.go .uk(caresupport(adults(asc(supportplanning.html
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